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Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics |
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Mikura, Z. (1941), Proc. Phys. Math Soc. Japan 23 309 40
Miller, A. R. see Roberts J.
Minima and maxima in electrical resistivity 80 87
Minima and maxima in electrical resistivity, connexion with thermopower anomalies 89 272 276
Minima and maxima in electrical resistivity, corresponding effect in thermal conductivity 146
Minima and maxima in electrical resistivity, possible explanations 90
Minimum in thermal conductivity in intermediate state 133
Minority carriers 221 238 239
Misener, A. D. see Appleyard
Mixed dislocation 359
Mobility of carriers in divalent metals 108
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors 214 215 222 229 230 232 233 234 235 243 259 201
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, combination of mobilities 226 236
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, determination from cyclotron resonance width 243
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, different for electrons and holes 230 232
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, drift mobility 228
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, Hall mobility 226 236
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, in impact ionization region 259
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, in ‘hot’ carrier system 260 261
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, influence of, effective mass 224
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, influence of, ionized impurities 224 233 235 244
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, influence of, measurements 235 243
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, influence of, neutral impurities 225 235 244
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, influence of, optical modes 236
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, influence of, thermal vibrations 223 235 244
Mobility of carriers in semiconductors, influence of, very impure specimens 233
Mobility, Ge, -type 235
Mobility, Ge, -type during impact ionization 259
Mobility, Ge, -type, ‘hot’ carriers 260
Mobility, Ge, Ge, Si, and InSb, table 236
Modulator, superconducting 209
Molineux, J. H. see Broom
Molybdenum alloys, superconductivity 182
Momentum, de Broglie relation 72
Monel, thermal conductivity 124 126 127
Monovalent metals see also Alkali Noble metals
Monovalent metals, Hall effect 216
Montgomery, H., and Pells, G. P. (1959), Proc. Xth Intern. Congress of Refrig., Copenhagen, vol. 1 p.139
Montgomery, H., and Pells, G. P. (Pergamon Press, Oxford) 20 21
Mookherji, A. see Krishnan
Moore, J. R. see Mendelssohn
Morin, F. J. (1954), Phys. Rev. 93 62 236
Morin, F. J., and Maita, J. P. (1954), Phys. Rev. 94 1525 236
Morin, F. J., and Maita, J. P. (1954a), Phys. Rev. 96 28 236
Morrison, J. A. see Barron
Motion of carriers in a magnetic field 349
Mott, N. F. (1934), Proc. Phys. Soc. 46 680 79
Mott, N. F. (1936), Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 32 281:
Mott, N. F. (1936a), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 153 699 97
Mott, N. F. (1956), Can. J. Phys. 34 1356 240
Mott, N. F. (1956a), Phil. Mag. 1 568 377
Mott, N. F., and Jones, H. (1936), The Theory of the Properties of Metals and Alloys (Clarendon Press, Oxford, reprint, 1958, by Dover Publications, New York, and Oxford University Press) 48 266 349
Multiple levels in semiconductors 213
Multiple levels in semiconductors, optical absorption 251
Multiply-connected Fermi surface 109
Myers, J. see Long
N el table 312
N el temperature 310 ff.
N el temperatures, table 312
Nabarro, F. R. N. see Hunter
Nagorniy a, T., Yosida, K., and Kubo, R., Adv. in Phys. 4 1
Nakhutin, I. E. see Shubnikov
Negative resistance of superconducting sandwich 203
Nemst effect in semiconductors 261
Nesbitt, L. B. see Reynolds
Nettley, P. T. see Berman
Neutral impurities, effect on mobility in semiconductors 225
Neutron irradiation, compensation in semiconductors 240
Neutron irradiation, effect on internal friction 385
Neutron irradiation, effect on thermal conductivity, of non-metals 64
Neutron irradiation, of superconductors 141
Neutron irradiation, paramagnetic resonance 337
Neutron irradiation, recovery of electrical resistivity 85
Newman, R., and Tyler, W. W. (1959), Solid State Physics 8 47 254 255 256
Niblett, D. H., and Wilks, J. (1957), Phil. Mag. 2 1427 382 383 385
Niblett, D. H., and Wilks, J.(1960), Adv. in Phys. 9 1.
Nickel, yield strength 364
Niobium (columbium), high critical field 151
Niobium (columbium), high superconducting transition temperature 147 373
Niobium (columbium), in intermediate state 133
Niobium (columbium), powder patterns to show intermediate state 178 179
Niobium (columbium), thermal conductivity 119
Niobium, irradiated, thermal conductivity 142
Niobium, superconducting, specific heat 159
Niobium-tin superconducting solenoids 205
Niobium-tin, current field data, Nb Sn 206
Niobium-zirconium superconducting solenoids 205
Nitric oxide, NO, paramagnetism 318
Noble metals see also Copper Gold Silver
Noble metals, characteristic temperature, 95 (see also Copper Silver Gold)
Noble metals, de Haas — van Alphen effect 354 366 357
Noble metals, not superconductors 147 191
Noble metals, tensile strength 369 370
Noble metals, thermo-electricity 267
Noble metals, values of 95
Noggle, T. S. see Blewitt
Non-degenerate electron band, scattering of phonons by 144
Non-metals, thermal conductivity 43 ff.
Nordheim, L. (1931), Ann. Phys. (5) 9 607 641 78
Nordheim’s rule 78 79
Normal process 50 51
Normal process, use in establishing thermal equilibrium 52 54
Nuclear hyperfine structure see Hyperfine structure
Nuclear interactions in magnetic materials 31 308 309
Nuclear magnetic moment 308
Nuclear quadrupole interaction 32 308 319
Nuclear resonance, correlation with resistance minimum 90
Nuclear specific heat 30
Nuclear specific heat, diamagnetic materials 32
Nuclear specific heat, ferromagnetic metals 31 32
Nuclear specific heat, rare earth metals 31 32
Nuclear spin 337 338
Nucleation of superconducting regions 179
Nylon, thermal conductivity 67 126
Ochsenfeld, R. see Meissner
Ohm’s law, deviations from 258
Olsen, J. L. see Mendelssohn
Olsen, J. L., and Renton, C. A. (1952), Phil. Mag. 43 946 131
Olsen-B r, M. (1956), D.Phil. thesis, Oxford University 98 99
Onnes, H. K. (1911), Leiden Comm. 1996 1206 1226 147
Onnes, H. K., and Holst, G. (1914), Leiden Comm. 142c 126
Open orbits 109 110
Optical absorption in semiconductors see Absorption
Optical branch of phonon spectrum 52
Optical branch of phonon spectrum, in semiconductors 236 252
Optical excitation in semiconductors 243
Orbach, R. see Finn
Orbital and spin moments, combination 286 289
Orbital angular momentum 288
Orbital interaction 286
Orbital magnetic moment 286 288
Orbital magnetic moment, quenching 294
Orbital motion of electron 285 286
Orbital quantum number, 288
Orbits in -space 108 349 350
Order-disorder phenomena 32
Ordering see also Anti-ferromagnetism Ferrimagnetism Ferromagnetism.
Ordering, effect on electrical conductivity 80
Ordering, rotational 33
Orton, J, W. (1959), Repts. on Progr. in Phys. 22 204 329
Oscillatory magnetic effects 146 357
Over-ageing produced by fatigue 381 382
Overlap of electronic wave functions 238 307
Overlapping energy bands: divalent metals 17 18 73 216
Overlapping energy bands: semiconductors 233 235 250 251 260
Overton, W. C. (1960), (University of Toronto Press) 13
Overton, W. C. (1960), Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Low Temp. Phys. p. 677
Overton, W. C., and Gaffney, J. (1955), Phys. Rev. 98 969 361 362
Owen, J. see Bagguley Bowers
Owen, J., Browne, M. E., Knight, W. D., and Kittel, C. (1956), Phys, Rev. 102 1501 90
| Oxygen ions in paramagnetic salt 292 335
Oxygen, in clathrate, susceptibility 319
Oxygen, paramagnetism 318
O’Brien, M. C. M. see Meyer
Pairs see Electron pairs
Palladium, electrical resistivity 99
Palladium, group 289
Palladium, thermopower 269
Parabolic law for superconducting critical field 149
Parabolic law for superconducting critical field, deviations 150 160 197
Paramagnetic relaxation 320 ff. 329 330
Paramagnetic relaxation, adiabatic susceptibility 323
Paramagnetic relaxation, cerium magnesium nitrate 325
Paramagnetic relaxation, complex susceptibility 320
Paramagnetic relaxation, direct 324 325 329 330
Paramagnetic relaxation, Raman 324 325
Paramagnetic relaxation, relaxation processes 321
Paramagnetic relaxation, relaxation times, spin-lattice 323 331
Paramagnetic relaxation, specific heat determination from 326
Paramagnetic relaxation, spin temperature 323
Paramagnetic relaxation, spin-spin 322
Paramagnetic relaxation, thermodynamics 326
Paramagnetic resonance 329 ff.
Paramagnetic resonance, anisotropy 335
Paramagnetic resonance, complementation by specific heat and susceptibility data 342
Paramagnetic resonance, conduction electrons 337
Paramagnetic resonance, correlation with resistance minimum 90
Paramagnetic resonance, defects produced by irradiation, etc 336 337
Paramagnetic resonance, determination of levels and splittings 2 331
Paramagnetic resonance, detonnination of ions per unit cell 335
Paramagnetic resonance, double resonance (ENDOR) 339
Paramagnetic resonance, equalization of populations 329 339 340 341
Paramagnetic resonance, experimental principles 330
Paramagnetic resonance, field orientation dependence 334 335
Paramagnetic resonance, hyperfine structure 337 ff.
Paramagnetic resonance, hyperfine structure, copper potassium sulphate 338
Paramagnetic resonance, isotopes 338
Paramagnetic resonance, level broadening 330 331 338
Paramagnetic resonance, low temperature experiments 331
Paramagnetic resonance, maser 340
Paramagnetic resonance, nuclear spin 337 338
Paramagnetic resonance, quadrupole coupling 338
Paramagnetic resonance, saturation 339
Paramagnetic resonance, selection rules 332 337 338 339
Paramagnetic resonance, Si 337
Paramagnetic resonance, spin-lattice relaxation time 323 331 339
Paramagnetic resonance, temperature dependence 333 334
Paramagnetic resonance, transition probability 329 330 339
Paramagnetic resonance, zero field splitting 331
Paramagnetic susceptibility 24 285 286 320
Paramagnetic susceptibility, adiabatic demagnetization salts 306 344
Paramagnetic susceptibility, anisotropy 306 343
Paramagnetic susceptibility, anti-ferromagnetics 311 ff.
Paramagnetic susceptibility, Brillouin function 291
Paramagnetic susceptibility, clathrates 318
Paramagnetic susceptibility, comparison with specific heat data 342
Paramagnetic susceptibility, conduction electrons 348
Paramagnetic susceptibility, covalent ions 304 308
Paramagnetic susceptibility, crystal symmetry 298 304 335
Paramagnetic susceptibility, Curie — Weiss law 310 311 318 347
Paramagnetic susceptibility, Curie’s law 292 295 297 298 306 309 318 343 347
Paramagnetic susceptibility, dilution 292 304 807 316 347
Paramagnetic susceptibility, dipole in field 200
Paramagnetic susceptibility, dipole-dipole interaction 304 307 319
Paramagnetic susceptibility, Eu and Sm 297 299
Paramagnetic susceptibility, exchange interaction 288 304 307 319
Paramagnetic susceptibility, ferrimagnetics 316
Paramagnetic susceptibility, ferromagnetics 309
Paramagnetic susceptibility, free atoms 288
Paramagnetic susceptibility, garnets 316
Paramagnetic susceptibility, gases, NO, O 318
Paramagnetic susceptibility, Hund’s rules 289
Paramagnetic susceptibility, hyperfine structure 31 304 308 319 337 347
Paramagnetic susceptibility, incomplete shell 288 289
Paramagnetic susceptibility, interactions at very low temperatures 307 319
Paramagnetic susceptibility, internal field 292
Paramagnetic susceptibility, iron group salts 289 294 295 299 300 304 305 310
Paramagnetic susceptibility, Jahn — Teller effect 298 300 301
Paramagnetic susceptibility, Kramers theorem 298 301 302
Paramagnetic susceptibility, level splittings 30 31 292 298 304 308 309 329 331
Paramagnetic susceptibility, quadrupole interaction 308 319
Paramagnetic susceptibility, quenching of orbital moment 294 295
Paramagnetic susceptibility, rare earth salts 289 296 298 301 304 305 318 319
Paramagnetic susceptibility, Russell — Saunders coupling 289
Paramagnetic susceptibility, salts commonly used 304
Paramagnetic susceptibility, saturation 291 301 320
Paramagnetic susceptibility, specific heat anomaly 23 ff.
Paramagnetic susceptibility, spin-orbit coupling 289 294 295 306
Paramagnetic susceptibility, summary 318
Paramagnetic susceptibility, temperature independent 301 309 318 319 343
Parkinson, D. H, (1958), Repts. on Progr. in Phys. 21 226 11
Pauli exclusion principle 288
Pauli paramagnetism 348
Pauthenet, R. (1958), Ann. de Phys. (13) 3 424 317
pd 99
Pearson, W. B. see Christian Gold MacDonald
Pearson, W. B. (1955), Phil. Mag. 46 911 920 89
Pearson, W. B., and Templeton, I. M. (1961), Can. J. Phys. 39 1084 276
Peierls — Habarro force 385
Peierls, R. (1929), Ann, Phys. (5) 3 1055:
Peierls, R. (1933) Z. Phys. 81 186 349
Peierls, R. (1955). Repts. on Progr. in Phys. 18 424 190i
Pells, G. P. see Montgomery
Peltier coefficient, definition 262 263;
Penetration depth 164 166 168 169 171 172 187
Penetration depth, Hg 166
Penetration depth, Sn 170
Penetration effects in superconductors 163 ff. 168
Penetration effects in superconductors small specimens 177
Perfect conductor, properties of 152
Perfect diamagnetism of superconductor 154 156
Periodic potential in lattice 69
Periodic potential in lattice, effect of impurity atom 76 78
Periodic potential in lattice, perturbation by phonons 92
Periodicity of oscillations, de Haas-von Alphen effect 353
Perlick, A. see Clusius
Permanent magnet 285
Persistent current 148 149
Perspex, thermal conductivity 126
Petersen, R. G. see Arp
Phase transformation, effect on electrical conductivity 80
Phelan, R. see Arp
Phonon conduction see also Thermal conductivity of non-metals
Phonon conduction in metals 111 110 120
Phonon conduction in semiconductors 111 143
Phonon conduction in superconductors 130 137
Phonon drag, metals 269
Phonon drag, semiconductors 280 ff.
Phonon scattering of electrons, in metals 91 ff. 113
Phonon scattering of electrons, in semiconductors 223
Phonon-phonon interaction 49
Phonons 43 49
Phonons, of different polarizations 51
Phonons, specular reflexion of 61
Phonons, velocity of 48 93
Photo-conduction, Ge 253
Photo-conductive decay times, Ge 255 256
Photo-conductivity 245 252
Photo-conductivity, comparison with optical absorption 250
Photo-conductivity, dependence on trapping 253 254
Photo-conductivity, infra-red detection 252
Photo-conductivity, sensitivity at low temperatures 254
Photo-conductivity, trapping and recombination investigations 254
Phys. 9 205 257
Picus, G. S. see Burstein
Picus, G. S., Burstein, E., and Henvis, B., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 1 75 250 251
Pippard, A. B. see Faber Laredo
Pippard, A. B. (1947), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 191 385 102
Pippard, A. B. (19476), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 191 399 169 170
Pippard, A. B. (1947a), froc. Roy. Soc. A 191 370 171
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