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Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics |
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Uzhik, G. V. (1955), Izvest. Akad. Nauk SSSR [Tekhn.] (1) 57 372
Vacancy scattering see Point defect scattering
Valence band 210 228 230 236 241 250
Valence electrons, dependence of superconductivity on 182
Valency rule, in residual Resistivity 76
Valency rule, in thermal conductivity 124
Van Alphen, P. M. see de Haas
van Bueren, H. G. (1960), Imperfecfions in Crystals (North Holland) 85
van den Berg, G. J. see de Haas
van den Handel, J. (1956), Hand, d. Phys. 15 1.
van Laer, P. H. see Keesom W.
van Laer, P. H. (1937), Phys. Z. Sowjet 11 129 177
van Vleck paramagnetism see Temperature independent paramagnetism
Van Yleck, J. H. (1932), The Theory of Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities (Clarendon Press, Oxford) 294 299
Vanadium, superconducting, specific heat 161
Vanadium: high critical field 149
Vanadium: specific heat in superconducting state 160 161
Vanadium: thermal conductivity 119
Varley, J, H. O. (1956), Proc. Roy. Soc,. A 237 413:40
Velocity of electrons 71 112
Velocity of electrons, in and bands 97
Velocity of phonons 48 93 121
Velocity, sound, ultrasonic measurements 361 362
Vertical transitions, in metals 115
Vertical transitions, in Vertical transitions, semiconductors 247
Vibrating segments of dislocation 384
Vibrational spectrum, Debye type 94 116
Vibrational spectrum, discrete lattice 9 11 47
Vibrational spectrum, dominant wavelength 10
Vibrational spectrum, elastic continuum 5
Vibrational spectrum, group velocity 48
Vibrational spectrum, influence of impurities 123
Vibrational spectrum, influence on electrical conductivity 76
Vibrational spectrum, optical branch 52 236
Vibrational spectrum, semiconductor 236
Virtual interactions and phonons 189 191
Voigt, B. see Meissner
von K rm n, T. see Born
Wallis, R. see Burstein
Wavelength of lattice vibrations at low temperatures 9
Weak coupling in superconductors 197
Weak paramagnetism 348
Webb, F. J., and Wilks, J. (1953), Phil. Mag. 44 664 62
Webb, F. J., Wilkinson, K. R., and Wilks, J. (1952), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 214 546 63
Weiss constant 310
Weisskopf, Y. F. see Conwell
Wernick, J. H. see Kunzler
Wessel, E. T. (1956), Amer. Soc. Test. Mat. Bull. (211) 40 372
Wessel, E. T. (1957), Trans. Amer. $oc. Metals 49 149 364 372
Wexler, A. see Corak
Whelan, M. J. see Eftrsch
White, G. K. see Harper MacDonald
White, G. K. (1955), Can. J, Phys. 33 119 89
White, G. K. (1959), Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature Physics (Clarendon Press, Oxford) 42 127 276
White, G. K. (1960), Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Low Temp. Phys. (University of Toronto Press) p. 685 40
White, G. K. (1961) 41
White, G. K. (1961), Cryogenics 1, no. 3 1 39
White, G. K. (1962), Phil Mag. 6 1425
White, G. K., and Woods, S. B. (1956), Phil Mag. 1 846 101 102
White, G. K., and Woods, S. B. (1959), Phil. Trans. A 251 273: 118 119
Whiting, J. S. S. see Bagguley
Whitley, S. see Bogle
Whittaker, V. N. see Broom
Width of energy levels and lines see Broadening
Width of superconducting-normal boundary 176 179 186
Wiedemann — Franz law 112 115 120 122 142
Wiedemann — Franz law, deviation from 115 119
Wiedemann — Franz law, region of validity 115 120
Wiersma, E. C. see Fereday
Wilkinson, K. R. see Webb
| Wilks, J. see Niblett Webb
Williams, E. J. see Bragg
Wilson, A. H. see Sondheimer
Wilson, A. H. (1953), The Theory of Metals, 2nd ed. (Cambridge University Press) 116 221 278
Wilson, B. L. H. see Roberts D.
Wilson, X H. see Arp
Wittels, M. C. see Sherrill
Wolcott, N. M. see Smith P.
Wolcott, N. M. (1955), Conf. de Phys. des Basses Temp., Suppl. to Bulletin of the Intern. Inst, of Refrigeration (Paris) p. 286 20
Wolf, W. P. see Cooke Finn
Wolf, W. P. (1961), Repts. on Progr. in Phys. 24 212 318
Woods, S. B. see MacDonald White. D. Brit.
Wright, W. H. see Reynolds
Wyatt, O. H. (1953), Proc. Phys. Soc. B 459 374
X-irradiation, paramagnetic resonance investigations 336
Yaqub, M. (1960), Cryogenics 1 101 157
Yates, B. see Hoare
Yield point 370
Yield strength, Ni, Zr, -brass 364
Yield stress 359 360 363 370 371
Yield, drop 370
Yisvanathan, S. (1951), Phys. Rev. 81 626:40
Yoogd, J. see de Haas
Yosida, K. see Nagamiya
Young, D. R. (1959), Prog. in Cryogenics 1 208 209
Ytterbium sulphate, susceptibility 302
Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) 316
Zavoisky, E. (1945), J. Phys. USSR 9 211 328
Zefiger, H. J. see Gordon
Zemansky, M. W. see Brown
Zemansky, M. W. (1957), Heat and, Thermodynamics, 4th ed. (McGraw Hill, New York) 2 3 148 344
Zero field splitting 331
Zero resistance of a superconductor 147 154
Zero resistance of a superconductor, destruction, by current 151
Zero resistance of a superconductor, destruction, by magnetic field 149 154
Zero resistance of a superconductor, experimental verification 148
Zero resistance of a superconductor, explanation on BCS theory 195
Ziman, J. M. see Berman Carruthers
Ziman, J. M. (1954), Proc. Boy. Soc. A 436 117
Ziman, J. M. (1956), Phil. Mag. 1 191 144
Ziman, J. M. (1959), Phil. Mag. 4 371 271 272
Ziman, J. M. (1960, Electrons and Phonons (Clarendon Press, Oxford) 47 54 55 69 71 74 77 84 88 91 93 96 102 108 111 114 116 120 223 227 263 266 270
Zinc, brittle fracture 371
Zinc, de Haas — van Alphen effect 354 355
Zinc, Debye 12
Zinc, electronic specific heat 18
Zinc, fatigue 381
Zinc, Hall coefficient 216
Zinc, thermal conductivity in high magnetic field 145
Zirconium, resistivity ratio 81
Zirconium, thermal conductivity 119 122
Zirconium, yield strength 364
Zirconium-rhodium alloys, superconductivity 182 183
Zone boundary 48 (see also Briliouin zone)
Zone boundary, contact with 71 104 109 266 267 357
Zone boundary, effect in electrical conductivity 73
Zone boundary, reflection of electrons 73
Zwerdling, S. see Keyes
‘Cryosar’ 260
‘Hot’ carriers -type Ge, mobility 260
‘Hot’ carriers in semiconductors 257 ff.
‘Hot’ carriers in semiconductors, effect of magnetic field 261
‘Hot’ carriers in semiconductors, equilibrium with the lattice 257 258
‘Hot’ carriers in semiconductors, Ohm’s law deviations 258
‘Ideal’ electrical resistivity 75
‘Ideal’ thermal resistivity 113
‘Pump’ frequency 341
‘Read out’ cryotron 208
‘Sponge’ structure in superconductor 181
‘Supercooling’ in superconductors 179
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