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Rosenberg H.M. — Low temperature solid state physics. Some selected topics |
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Geballe, T. H., and Hull, G. W. (1955), Phys. Rev. 98 940 280 282
Geballe, T. H., and Hull, G. W. (1958), Phys. Rev. 110 773 62 64 143
Gebbie, H. A. see Burstein
Geiritsen, A. n., and Linde, J. O. (1952), Physica 18 877 90
Geller, S. see Matthias.
German silver, thermal conductivity 118 127
Germanium see also Semiconductors
Germanium, band structure 228 229
Germanium, effective masses of carriers 242
Germanium, electron-phonon interaction constant 224
Germanium, energy gap 211
Germanium, energy surface, conduction band 229
Germanium, Hall coefficient, -type 231
Germanium, Hall mobility, -type 235
Germanium, impact ionization 259
Germanium, impact ionization data 258 259
Germanium, impurity conduction, effect of compensation, -type 239
Germanium, impurity conduction, resistivity and Hall coefficient, -type 238
Germanium, infra-red absorption 246 251 253
Germanium, intrinsic absorption 245 246
Germanium, ionization energy of shallow states 251
Germanium, isotope scattering in thermal conductivity 63 64 65 143
Germanium, mobility data 236
Germanium, mobility of holes and electrons 236
Germanium, photo-conduction 253
Germanium, photo-conductive decay times 255 256
Germanium, photoconductivity and absorption coefficient 252 253
Germanium, photocurrent decay time data 254 255 256
Germanium, resistivity, -type 234
Germanium, thermal conductivity, -type 144
Germanium, thermal conductivity, isotope effect 64
Germanium, thermal conductivity, pure and -type 144
Germanium, thermo-electric power, -type 279
Germanium, thermopower 279 280
Germanium, ‘hot’ carriers 260 261
Germanium, ‘hot’ carriers, mobility 260
Giauque, W. F., Stout, J. W., Egan, C. J., and Clark, C. W. (1941), J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 63 405 292
Giaver, I. (1960), Phys. Rev. Letters 5 147 200
Giaver, I. (19606), Phys. Rev. Letters 5 464 202 204
Giaver, I. (1960a), Proc. 1th Int. Conf. Low Temp. Phys. (University of Toronto Press) p. 327 202
Gibson, J. W. see Hein
Glass, thermal conductivity 67 126
Glasses, thermal conductivity 44 67
Glen, J. W, (1956), Phil. Mag. 1 400 377
Glover, R. E., and Tinkham, M. (1957), Phys. Rev. 108 243 198
Gmsberg, D. M., and Tinkham, M. (1960), Phys. Rev. 118 990 198
Gold see also Noble metals
Gold alloys, Au Co:Ag Au, thermoelectric force 276
Gold cobalt, silver gold thermocouple 276
Gold iron thermocouple 276
Gold, A. V., MacDonald, D. K. C., Pearson, W. B., and Templeton, I. M. (1960), Phil. Mag. 5 765 267 272
Gold, anomalous skin effect 104 105
Gold, Au and AuMn alloys, resistivity, minima and maxima 90
Gold, de Haas — van Alphen effect, periods 356
Gold, expansion coefficient 39
Gold, Fermi surface 356
Gold, ratio tensile/fatigue strengths 380
Gold, resistance minimum 87 276
Gold, tensile strength 370
Goodman, B. B. see Corak
Goodman, B. B. (1953), Proc. Phys. Soc. A 66 217 131
Gordon, J. P., Zeiger, H. J., and Townes, H. (1954), Phys. Rev. 95 282 340
Gorter, C. J. see de Haas
Gorter, C. J. (1936), Physica 3 503 320
Gorter, C. J. (1947), Paramagnetic Relaxation (Elsevier, Amsterdam) 299 320
Gorter, C. J., and Casimir, H. B. G. (1934), Phys. Z. 35 963
Gorter, C. J., and Casimir, H. B. G. (1934), Z. tech. Phys. 15 539 128 158 160
Gorter, C. J., and de Haas, W. J. (1931), Leiden Comm. 218b 303
Gr neisen , Cu 40
Gr neisen , KCl 41
Gr neisen , metals, table 41
Gr neisen function for electrical resistivity 94
Graham, G. M. (1958), Proc. Roy, Soc. A 522 131 132
Graphite, microcrystalline, thermal conductivity 67 126
Ground state of a superconductor 193
Ground state of paramagnetic ions, tables 297
Group III and V impurities in semiconductors 211 212 213
Group velocity, de Broglie waves 71
Group velocity, phonons 48
Gruneisen constant or 38 39 46
Gruneisen constant or , free electrons 40
Gruneisen constant or , KCl 41
Gruneisen constant or , table 41
Gruneisen — Bloch function for electrical resistivity 93 97
Gu nault, A. M., and MacDonald, D. K. C., Proc. Roy. Soc. A 264 41 272 273
Gunn, J. B. (1957), Prdgr. in Semiconductors 2 213 258
Gunther-Mohr, G. R. see Koenig
Gurevich, L. (1945), J. Phys. USSR. 9 477 269
Gurevich, L. (1946), J. Phys. USSR 10 67 269
Hafnium, thermal conductivity 119
Hake, R. R. see Berlincourt
Hall coefficient, Ge, -type 231
Hall coefficient, Ge, -type, during impact ionization 259
Hall coefficient, Ge, -type, impurity conduction range 238
Hall effect 108
Hall effect and coefficient, change of sign in -type material 232
Hall effect and coefficient, during impact ionization 258
Hall effect and coefficient, experimental results 230 247
Hall effect and coefficient, for two types of carrier 230
Hall effect and coefficient, semiconductors 204 220 221 226 229 230 233 237 247 258
Hall effect and coefficient, temperature dependence 221
Hall effect, divalent metals 108 216
Hall effect, monovalent metals 216
Hall mobility 226 236
Hall mobility, during impact ionization 259
Hall mobility, Ge, -type 235
Ham, R. K. see Broom
Hard superconductors 151
Harmonic oscillation of atoms 36 39 197
Harmonic oscillator, energy levels 4
Harmonic wave motion 45
Harper, A. P. A., Kemp, W. R. G., Klemens, P. G., Tainsh, R. J., and White, G. K. (1957), Phil. Mag. 2 577 119
Harrison, W. A, (1958), J. Phys. Chem. Solids 5 44 82
Hatton, J. see Croft Darby
Heat flow down rods of technical materials 127
Heat flow down rods of various materials 127
Heer, C. V. see Erickson
Heer, C. V., and Daunt, J. G. (1949), Phys. Rev 76 854 131
Hein, R. A., Gibson, J. W., Matthias, T., Geballe, T. H., and Corenzwit, (1962), Phys. Rev. Letters 8 408:
Heitler, W. (1945), Elementary Wave Mechanics (Clarendon Press, Oxford) 318
Helium, solid, thermal conductivity 63
Henvis, B see Burstein Picus
Herman, F, (1954), Phys. Rev. 93 1214:
Herpin, A. (1952), Annates de Physique (12) 7 91:51
Herring, C. (1954), Phys. Rev. 96 1163 283 284
Herring, C. (1958), Halbleiter und Phosphor, ed. Sehon and Welker (Vieweg, Braunschweig) p.184 281 282 283 284
Herring, C. (1958), Halbleiter und Phosphor, Phys. Rev. 111 36 261
Herring, C., Geballe, T. H., and Kunzler, J. E. (1959), J. Phys. Chem. Solids 8 347 261
Herring, C., Geballe, T. H., and Kunzler, J. E. (1959a), Bell Syst. Tech, J. 38 657 261
Herzberg, G. (1944), Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structuret 2nd ed, (Dover, New York) 287
Hexagonal lattice, overlapping energy bands 17
Hexagonal lattice, zone structure for divalent metals 73
HFS see Hyperfine structure
High-frequency effects in superconductivity 167 ff. 198
High-frequency effects in superconductivity, infra-red 169 171 198
High-frequency effects in superconductivity, penetration depth 168
High-frequency effects in superconductivity, resistivity 169 188 198
High-frequency effects in superconductivity, surface reactance 168
High-frequency resistance, Sn 170
Hill, R. W. see Cottrell
Hill, R. W. (1952), D.Phil. thesis, Oxford University 26
Hill, R. W., and Ricketson, B. W. A. (1954), Phil. Mag. 45 277 33 34
Hill, R. W., and Rosenberg, H. M. (1959), Phil. Mag. 4 303 371 372
Hill, R. W., and Smith, P. L. (1953), Phil. Mag. 44 636 18
Hilsch, R. see Buckel
Hindered rotation 33
Hirsch, P. B., Home, R. W., and Whelan, M. J. (1956), Phil Mag. 1 677 84 139
Hoare, F. E., and Yates, B. (1957), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 240 42 20
Holes 210 213 216
Holes, effective mass and mobility in divalent metals 108
| Holes, light and heavy 229 241
Hollis Hallett, A. C. see Fraser
Holmes, D. K. see Blewitt
Holst, G. see Onnes
Home, R. W. see Hirsch
Honig, A., and Levitt, R. (1960), Phys. Rev. Letters 5 93 260
Horizontal transitions 114 115
Howie, A. (1960), Phil. Mag. 5 251 84
Hsu, F. S. L see Kunzler
Hulbert, J. A., and Jones, G. O. (1955), Proc. Phys. Soc. B 68 801 209
Hull, D. (1958), Phil. Mag. 3 1468 371
Hull, G. W. see Geballe
Hull, J. R., and Hull, R. A. (1941), J Chem. Phys. 9 465 291
Hull, R. A see Hull J.
Hulm, J. K. see Chandrasekhar
Hulm, J. K. (1950), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 98 116 129 130
Hume-Rothery, W. (1946), Atomic Theory for Students of Metallurgy (1nstitute of Metals, London) 18
Hund’s rules 289
Hung, C. S. (1950), Phys, Rev. 79 727:
Hunter, S. C., and Nabarro, F. R. N. (1953), Proc. Roy. Soc. A 220 542:
Hvperfme structure, copper potassium sulphate 338
Hydrogen, solid, specific heat 34
Hyperfine structure 31 304 306 319 337 347
Hyperfine structure, double resonance technique 339
Hyperfine structure, in copper potassium sulphate 338
Hyperfine structure, isotopes 338
Hysteresis in superconducting transition 154 178 179 180 181
Impact ionization in semiconductors 257
Impact ionization in semiconductors, cryosar 260
Impact ionization in semiconductors, effect of magnetic field 261
Impact ionization in semiconductors, Hall effect 258
Impact ionization in semiconductors, mobility 259
Impact ionization in semiconductors, Ohm’s law deviations 258
Impact ionization in semiconductors, rise time 260
Impact ionization, Ge 259
Imperfections, study by thermal conductivity 136 ff.
Impurity absorption in semiconductors see Localized states
Impurity atoms, determination of purity 80
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity 72 75 76 80
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, alloys containing transition elements 77 79
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, dependence on concentration 77
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, distortion of lattice 76
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, experiments on Cu alloys 77
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, metals with similar atomic volumes and electronic configurations 79
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, Nordheim’s rule 78
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, of 1% solute 77
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, on valency 76
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, ordering and phase transition 80
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, potential around impurity 76 78
Impurity atoms, effect on electrical conductivity, resistivity ratio, high purity metals 80 81
Impurity atoms, effect on electronic thermal resistivity 111 112 113 117
Impurity atoms, effect on electronic thermal resistivity, Lorenz number 120
Impurity atoms, effect on internal friction 385
Impurity atoms, effect on superconducting transition 148 178 182
Impurity atoms, effect on thermopower 272
Impurity atoms, ionized, in semiconductors see Ionized impurities
Impurity atoms, randomness of distribution in semiconductors 240
Impurity band 238 240
Impurity conduction In Ge 238 239
Impurity conduction in semiconductors 237 283
Impurity control in semiconductors 222
Impurity levels in semiconductors 211 ff
Incomplete shell 288 289
Inconel, thermal conductivity 124 126 127
Indirect exchange see Super-exchange
Indirect transitions in semiconductors 247 248
Indium alloys, transition temperatures 184
Indium antimonide, cyclotron resonance using infra-red 243
Indium antimonide, data 236
Indium antimonide, effective masses of carriers 242
Indium antimonide, energy gap 211
Indium antimonide, high mobility of 224 236
Indium antimonide, mobility of electrons and holes 236
Indium, alloys, superconductivity 182 184
Indium, thermal conductivity 129
Indium, thermal conductivity in intermediate state 133
Infra-red absorption in semiconductors 244 ff.
Infra-red detectors 209 245 252 257
Infra-red detectors, dark current 257
Infra-red detectors, practical examples 257
Infra-red detectors, sensitivity 257
Infra-red reflection and transmission in superconductors 169 171 188 198 203
Infra-red, absorption and photo -conduction, -type Ge 253
Infra-red, cylotron resonance 241 243
Infra-red, intrinsic absorption in Ge 246
Infra-red, localized state absorption in B-doped Si 249 250
Infra-red, reflectivity of superconductors 199 200
Infra-red, shallow state absorption -type Ge 251
Ingrain, D. J. E. see Bleaney B
Ingrain, D. J. E. (1955), Spectroscopy at Radio and Microwave Frequencies (Butterworths, London) 328
Insulators, electron configuration 73 210
Insulators, thermal conductivity 43 ff
Interaction between e.m. radiation and lattice in semiconductors 245 252
Interaction between orbital states 286
Interaction constant between electrons and phonons 116 121
Interaction of electrons, phonons see Scattering of electrons phonons Phonon
Intermediate state of superconductors 174 ff.
Intermediate state of superconductors, experimental observation 177
Intermediate state of superconductors, free energy 176
Intermediate state of superconductors, laminae 174 176
Intermediate state of superconductors, measurements of 179
Intermediate state of superconductors, nucleation of superconducting regions 179
Intermediate state of superconductors, surface energy 176
Intermediate state of superconductors, thermal conductivity 131
Intermediate state of superconductors, thickness of laminae 177
Intermediate state of superconductors, width of superconducting-normal boundary, 176
Internal electric field 292
Internal electric field, symmetry 335
Internal friction 382 ff.
Internal friction, annealing experiments 384
Internal friction, Cu 383
Internal friction, effect of defects and structural changes 382
Internal friction, frequency dependence 383
Internal friction, of deformation 382
Internal friction, of impurity and irradiation 385
Internal friction, peaks 382
Internal friction, relaxation processes 383
Internal friction, vibrating dislocations 384 385
Internal stress in a crystal 360
Interstitial scattering see Point defects scattering
Intrinsic absorption in semiconductors 245
Intrinsic properties of semiconductors 213 217 232 233
Ionization energy of shallow states 251
Ionization energy of shallow states, optical and Hall data compared 250 251
Ionized impurities 214
Ionized impurities, effect on mobility in semiconductors 224
Ions per unit cell, determination by paramagnetic resonance 335
Iridium, superconducting transition temperature 148
Iron formation of micro-cracks 371
Iron group ions, data 295
Iron group ions, level splittings 299 300
Iron group, energy level splittings 299
Iron group, salts commonly used in experiments 305
Iron group, table with spectroscopic ground state and Curie constant 295
Iron impurity, effect on thernaopower 272
Iron oxide, Fe O , ferrite 315
Iron salts 305
Iron salts, spin-lattice relaxation time 325
Iron salts, susceptibility 289 294 304 319
Iron thermopower 269
Iron, fatigue 380
Irradiation damage 136
Irradiation damage, by electrical conductivity 85 91 226
Irradiation damage, detection by heat conductivity 141
Irradiation damage, dislocation loops 141
Irradiation damage, effect on internal friction 385
Irradiation damage, paramagnetic resonance 336 337
Irradiation damage, scattering of phonons 64
Irradiation of semiconductors, compensation 240
Irradiation of semiconductors, optical absorption 252
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