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Stratton J.A. — Electromagnetic Theory |
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Abraham 422 439 475
Absorption coefficient 324
Adams 150
Addition theorem for elliptic waves 387
Addition theorem for Legendre polynomials 408
Addition theorem for spherical Bessel functions 413—414
Addition theorem, for circularly cylindrical waves 372—374
Admittance of coaxial line 550 553
Angle of incidence, complex 516
Anisotropic media 11 73 341
Antenna, horizontal, over earth 583
Antenna, vertical 573—587
antennas, directional 448—454
Antennas, linear 438—448 454—457 477
Attenuation along coaxial line 554
Attenuation factor 276
Attenuation in hollow pipe 543—544
Attenuation, approximate calculation 533—534
Axial vectors 67 72
Baker 463 464
Barnes 513
Barrow 537 545
Bateman 32 388 389
Baz 511 514
Bechmann 455 459
Bergmann 443 500
Bessel equation 199
Bessel functions 356—360
Bessel functions, modified 390—391
Biot — Savart law 232 254
Bipolar coordinates 55
Blumer 566
Bocher 201
Bochner 312
Bontsch-Bruewitsch 448
Born 322 463
boundary conditions 34—38 163—165 243 247 483—485
Boundary conditions, homogeneous 485
Boussinesq 389
Bremmer 587 591
Brewster angle 497 508 516 520
Brillouin 334 338—339 455 545
Burrows 585
Campbell 289 299
Carslaw 287 298 399
Carson 537
Carter 449
Cartwright 513
Cauchy theorem 315
Cavendish 170
Cavity definitions of E and D 213—215
Cavity, ellipsoidal 213—215
Cavity, spherical 206
Cavity, spherical, oscillations in 560—563
Characteristic values 376
Characteristic values for sphere 556 558—562
Charge density surface 35 467
Charge density, electric, definition of 2
Charge, conservation of 4
Charge, magnetic 228—229 241 464
Chu 464 470 545
circular polarization 500
Clausius — Mossotti law 140 148 151
Coaxial lines 545—554
Cohn 584
Complementary waves 531
Complementary waves in coaxial line 548
Complex field vectors 32—34
Complex quantities, algebra of 135—136
Compressibility 96
Conductivity, complex 326
Conductivity, definition of 14
Conductors, properties of 109 164 325
Conformal transformations 217 224
Connected spaces 227 238
Conservative field, definition of 105
Continuity in four dimensions 72
Continuity, equation of 5
Contraction, tensor 68
Contravariant components 41 48 60
Convection current 79
Convergence of potential integrals 170—172 186 187
Copson 463 464
Coulomb law 169—170 174 179 239 241
Courant — Hilbert 403
Covariant components 41 48 60
Cross section, scattering 569
Cross talk 545 594—595
Curl in curvilinear coordinates 47 49
Curl of a four—vector 69
Curl, an antisymmetric tensor 68
Curl, definition of 7
Current density, definition of 3
Current density, surface 37 243 246—247 467 484
Current distribution, relation to electrostatic potential 222—223
Current, convection 79
Current, definition of 3
Curtis, measurement of c 16
Curvilinear coordinates 38
Cylinder functions, circular 356—360
Cylindrical coordinates 198—199
Cylindrical coordinates, circular 51
Cylindrical coordinates, elliptic 52
Cylindrical coordinates, parabolic 54
Cylindrical wave functions, circular 360—361
Cylindrical wave functions, elliptic 380
Czerny 513
Debye 369 415 537 558 570
Decibel 344 554
Depolarizing factor 206 213
Diamagnetic media 13
Diffraction of plane wave by ellipsoid 572
Diffraction of plane wave by ellipsoid by sphere 563—573
Diffraction, Kirchhoff — Huygens theory 460—470
Diffraction, of dipole field by sphere 587
Diffusion 279 347
Dilatation 92 95
Dimensional analysis 489
Dipole, electric 174 175—176 179 181
Dipole, electric, oscillating 433 434—437 477
Dipole, magnetic 235 583
Dipole, magnetic oscillating 433 437—438
Dirichlet problem 461
Discontinuities of B 246 250
Discontinuities of E 188 191 193
Discontinuities of potential 189 192
Discontinuities of surface distributions 468—470
Discontinuities, of A 247
Dispersion in dielectrics 321—325
Dispersion in metals 325—327
Dispersion, anomolous 324
Dispersion, normal 324
Displacement current 9
Divergence, definition of 4
Divergence, in curvilinear coordinates 45 49
Divergence, invariance 63 64
Divergence, tensor 68 69
Dorsey 16
Double-layer distributions 188—192 193 238
Drude 513
E waves 341 555
E waves in coaxial line 546
E waves in hollow pipe 538—545
Earnshaw's theorem 116
Eichenwald 499
Eikonal 343
Einstein 75
Eisenhart 349
Electric type, field of 30 350 526 555 566
Electrostatic problem, formulation 194—195
| Electrostriction 149—151
Ellipsoid in a magnetostatic field 258
Ellipsoid, in an electrostatic field 207—217
Ellipsoid, magnetized 257
Ellipsoidal coordinates 58
Ellipsoidal harmonics 207
Elliptic coordinates 52 200
Elliptic polarization 280 500 506 509 566
Energy density, electrostatic 110 131
Energy density, magnetic 124 131
Energy flow 131—137
Energy flow in plane wave 281
Energy, elastic 93
Energy, electrostatic 104—118
Energy, electrostatic, of anisotropic medium 141
Energy, magnetic, in spherical cavity 562
Energy, magnetostatic 118—130
Energy, magnetostatic, of anisotropic medium 153
Energy, velocity of propagation 342
Epstein 344
Equipotentials 161
Equipotentials, condition for 218
Error function 290 586
Ether 102
Ewald 347
Faltung theorem 312—313 320
Farad 21
Faraday law of induction 8 348
Fermat 344
Ferromagnetic media 13 125 155
Foersterling 322
Force an distribution of current 96 103
Force between current elements 266
Force on cylinder in magnetic field 261
Force on dipole 176
Force on distribution of charge 96 103
Force on element of fluid 139 145
Force on element of solid 144—145 153—155
Force on element of surface 148—149 155
Force, on body immersed in fluid 151—152 155 158
Foster 289 299
Four-current 70 78 81 471
Four-potential 72 78 81 471—473
Four-tensor 69
Four-vector 64
Fourier integrals 288—292
Fourier series 285—287
Fourier transforms 289 294 298 299 302
Fourier — Bessel integral 369—371 575
Fourier — Bessel integral for spherical functions 412
Fourier — Bessel series 541
Frenkel 475
Fresnel's equations 492—494 495 501 516—517 588
Galilean transformation 77
GANs 572 573
Geometrical optics 343
Giorgi 17
Glathart 508
Glazebrook 17
Goldstein 376
Gradient, in curvilinear coordinates 44 49
Grazing incidence 509
Green's theorem 165 192—193 424 460
Green's theorem in four dimensions 471
Green's theorem, vector form 250 464
Gross 499
Group velocity 330—333 339
Group velocity in hollow cylinder 540
Guillemin 283
H waves 341 555
H waves in hollow pipe 538—545
hadamard 284 461
Hagen 327 508
Hague 266
Hall effect 14
Hankel functions 359
Hansell 449
Hansen 393 562
Happel 572
Harmonic functions 182
Heaviside 132 310 346 599
Helmholtz 145
Helmholtz, coils 263
Helmholtz, resonators 560
Henry, definition 22
Hertz 28
Hertz vectors 28—32 185
Hertz vectors for arbitrary source 431
Hertz vectors for cylindrical field 349—351
Hertz vectors for spherical field 415
Hertz vectors, relation to vector wave functions 394
Herzfeld 573
Hobson 201 404
Hollmann 449
Hollow pipes 537—545
Hollow pipes, rectangular cross section 596
Hondros 537
Hund 449
Huygen's principle 428 460—470 570 582
Hysteresis 122 125 126 133
Ignatowsky 464
Images 193—194
Images, of antenna 583
Impedance matching, relation to boundary conditions 512 514 532 547
Impedance of coaxial line 546—547 549
Impedance of cylindrical conductor 532—537
Impedance of cylindrical field 354
Impedance of plane wave 282—284 512
Impedance, characteristic 283 549
Impedance, characteristic, of coaxial line 552—553
Impedance, intrinsic, of medium 283
Impedance, surface 532
Impulse function 291 425
Ince 210 309 375
Index of refraction 275 321—324 329 495
Inductance of long, straight wire 537
Inductance, mutual 263
Inductance, of coaxial line 550 553
Induction field 586
Inductive capacities 10—11
Inductive capacities, complex 34 323
Inertia, of electromagnetic field 104
Infinity, regularity at 167—169 485
Integral representations of elliptic wave functions 380—389
Integral representations of Hankel functions 367 389
Integral representations of spherical Bessel functions 410
Integral representations of wave functions 361—364
Integral representations, of Bessel functions 367 369 389
International Electrotechnical Commission 18
Invariance of Maxwell's equations 80
Invariants in space-time 81—82
Ionosphere 327
Jeans 194 201
Jobst 570
Jordans' lemma 315 335 474
Kellogg 172 188
Kelvin 214 221 594
Kemble 150 224
Kennelly — Heaviside layers 329
Kennelly, on m.k.s. units 17
Kirchhoff diffraction theory 462—464
Kirchhoff solution of wave equation 427
Koenig 503 506 510
Korteweg 145
Kottler 464 468
Labus 444
Lamb 388
Laplace transformation 309—318
Laplace's equation 162 167
Laplace's equation, solution by definite integrals 218
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