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van der Giesen E. (Editor), Wu T.Y. (Editor) — Solid Mechanics, Volume 36 |
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Abnormal grain growth 124
Abraham. F. F. 6 9 73
Acioli. P. H. 10 73
Ackland. G. J. 65 73
Adams, i. B. 62 75
Agrawal. R. M. 40 77
Ahn, B. K. 169 192 193 196 204 207 248 249
Ahn, C. C. 55 75
Akg n 1 37 40 73
Alexander, H. 44 73
Alp, E. E. 55 75
Aluminum crystal 62 66
Amerasekera, E. A. 82 160
Ancker. F. H. 173 249
Anderson. P. 62 75
Andersson, C. A. 204 250
Angelo. J.E. 8 74
Anisotropic linear elasticity 39
Argon. A. S. 9 10 20 23—28 73 74 76 78 218 232 252
Arnold, E. 9 76
Ashby, M. F. 82 88 89 100 102 103 119 160 162
Atkinson, H. V. 122 160
Atomic coordinates 4
Atomic flow rate 92
Atv.t, E. 89 160
Axial stress on fiber 168
Axial stress on matrix 168
Axisymmetric imperfections 148
Bab ska, I. 29 33 73
Bacon, D. J. 14 73
Ball. J. 54 73
Balluffi. R. W. 65 78
Bank — Sills, L. 106 137 160
Barnelt. D. 14 73
Barnett. R. N. 9 76
Baskes, M. I. 8 71 73 74
Batdorf, S. B. 219 232 248
Baumgart, H. 9 76
Bell. J. P. 184 185 253
Beltz, G. E. 16 20 22—24 74 76— 78
Belytschko 60 74
Ben — Zion, Y. 247 248
Bennison, S.J. 241 250 251
Bessel functions 148
Beyerle. D. S. 204 207 248
Beyerlein, I. J. 214—216 220 243 245 248
Bhadeshia. H. K. D. H. 82 161
Birnbaum, H. K. 66 74 76
Bisson. C. L. 8 74
Body-force field of lattice 34
Bogdanoff, P. D. 82 161
Bom, M. 29 74
Bourret, A. 44 46 74
Bowler, D. R. 10 75
Boyer, L. L. 29 39 74
Bravais lattice 29 31 55 65
Bravais lattice, basis 30 52
Bravais lattice, dual basis vectors 30
Bravais lattice, harmonic approximation 31
Bravais lattice, reciprocal basis 30
Brede. M. 23 74
Brennan, i. J. 204 248
Brillouin zone 227
Brittle-to-ductile (B — D) transition 23 28
Brittle-to-ductile (B — D) transition, temperatures 27
Brittle-to-ductile (B — D) transition, transition theory 51
Broughton, J. Q. 9 73
Bulatov. V. V. 9 10 74
Bullough, R. 20 29 46 74 76
Burgers vector 15 16 18 24 25 43 47 66 138
Burke, K. 10 75
Burke. J. E. 122 160
Burton. B. 89 160
Cai, H. 247 251
Caliskan, A. G. 216 244 248
Canova, G. 71 75
Cao, H. C. 204 248
Capillarity stress 155
Carlsson, A. E. 8 29 74 78
Carter, W. C. 243 248 253
Cauchy integral 139
Cauchy — Born theory 51 54 55 60
Celli, V. 29 74
Chaikin, P. 55 74
Chan, H. 247 251
Chantasiriwan, S. 54 74
Characteristic relaxation time for shear creep in composite 210
Characteristic strain rate 96
chemical potential 86 87 92 93
Chen, I. W. 89 160
Chiao, Y. — H. 26 74
Chipot 54 74
Chou, M. Y. 38 78
Chou, T. — W. 214 250
Chromium crystal 40
Chu, C. 52 53 74
Chuang, T. — J. 106 137 138 141 143 160
Clark, W. A. T. 66 74
Clarke, D. R. 26 74
Cleveland, C. L. 9 76
Coble creep 100 113
Coble, R. L. 153 160
Cocks, A. C. F. 82 88 96 97 99 100 102 106—108 110—116 118 120—122 124 129 133 135 136 141 143 146 147 150 152—156 160-162
Cohesive potential 12
Cohesive surface 11
Cohesive zone 11 12
Cohesive zone, models 11 23
Compaction of ceramic components 156
Compaction of ceramic components, boundary diffusion 157
Compaction of ceramic components, contact radius 157
Compaction of ceramic components, number of contacts per unit area 157
Compaction of ceramic components, velocity field 157
Composite properties, fiber pullout 172
Composite properties, tensile strength 172
Composite properties, work of fracture 172
Composite strain 189
Composite strength variations 232
Continuity condition 153
Continuity equation 93 107
Continuum deformation gradient 53
Convolution theorem 19 33 42
Cottrell, A. H. 17 74
Coupled grain boundary, diffusion and self-diffusion 114
Coupled grain boundary, migration and surface diffusion 135
Cox, B. N. 243 248 253
Crack evolution 141
Crack growth 107
Craig, K. R. 122 162
Critical clusters of fiber damage 231
Crystal, cubic 52
Crystal, orthorhombic 52
Cumulative failure probability distribution 232
Curtin, W. A. 163 169 172 174—176 180—182 184 185 187—189 191—194 196—199 201 202 204 206 207 209—211 216 219 220 229 233—235 237 239 242 243 245 247-250 252 253
Dacorogna, B. 18 54 74
Daniels, H. E. 249
Daw, M. S. 3 8 21 28 75 76
Delaunay triangulation 61
Desseaux, J. 44 46 74
Deve, H.E. 240 241 252
Diamond structure 39
DiBenedetto, A. 173 249
Diffusion, coupled grain boundary and surface 101
Diffusion, grain boundary 96 102 115
Diffusion, interface 87 88
Diffusion, surface 102 107
Diffusive growth of intergranular crack 136
Diffusivity, effective 86 87
Diffusivity, grain boundary 102
Diffusivity, interface 87
Diffusivity, lattice 86
| Diffusivity, surface 102
Dirac delta function 20
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 33 41
Discretization of crack surface profile 139
Dislocation, Burgers vector 13
Dislocation, core 9 12 22
Dislocation, core, cutoff radius 44
Dislocation, core, width 18
Dislocation, dipole 23
Dislocation, edge 19 46 71 72 138
Dislocation, energy 20
Dislocation, glissile 72
Dislocation, junctions 71
Dislocation, kinking 20
Dislocation, line 12
Dislocation, Lomer 71 72
Dislocation, loop nucleation 24
Dislocation, motion 20
Dislocation, nucleation 24—26 28 62 63 70 138
Dislocation, screw 40
Dislocation, Shockley partial pair 65 66 72
Dislocation, straight 13
Displacement field 11 33
Displacement hypothesis of Rice 16 24
Divergence theorem 93
Dixon, J. 10 78
Dodson, B. W. 9 75
Doherty, R. D. 28 76 122 161
Draper, S. L. 237 251
Drzal, L. T. 173 241 242 251 252
Du, Z. — Z. 82 116 120 161 209 210 216 217 239 240 244 249 252
Duesbery, M. S. 9 20 75 76
Dutta, S. K. 82 162
Duva, J. M. 201 202 249
Duxbury, P. 219 251
Dynamical matrix 14 36
Dynamical matrix, lattice 34
Effective shear modulus 48
Eigendistortions 18
Eigenslips 18
Eitan, A. 173 252
Elastic deformation of film 146
Elastic mismatch strain 146
Elastic moduli 13 32 36 37 39 51
Elastic shear modulus 17 18
Elastic stiffness tensor 147
Elastic stored energy 146
Elastic strain energy 146 147
Elastically strained epitaxial thin film 146
Elbirli, B. 173 249
Elzey, D. 200 202 245 249
Embedded-atom method (EAM) 8 37 53 54
Embedded-atom method (EAM), modified 8
Emzerhof 10 75
Energy constrained potential 16
Energy dissipation rate 94 111 115 155
Energy dissipation rate, per unit area 88 89
Energy dissipation rate, per unit volume 86
Ercolessi, F. 62 75
Ericksen, J. L. 30 75
Erkoc, S. 9 75
Euler — Lagrange equation 21
Evans, A. G. 137 140 162 169 170 172 189 197 204 207—209 216 248—250 252
Evolution, microstructure 118 125
Evolution, small surface perturbations 148
Experimental identification of interplanar potential 20
Fabeny, B. 209—211 249
Fang, H. E. 55 76
Fatigue model for composites 208
Ferrante, J. 20 24 77
Fiber, average spacing of breaks 176
Fiber, characteristic strength 170
Fiber, critical length 172 173 178
Fiber, critical strength 172
Fiber, critical stress 173 178
Fiber, damage localization 199
Fiber, damage parameter 201
Fiber, failure probability 169
Fiber, failure strain 192
Fiber, flaw distribution 169
Fiber, fracture mirrors 197
Fiber, in situ 197
Fiber, initial damage 200 201
Fiber, maximum stress 191
Fiber, number of breaks 190
Fiber, number of flaws 169 200
Fiber, pullout stress 193
Fiber, strength 169
Fiber, strength/length relationship 170
Fiber, stress 189
Fiber, stress distribution 190
Fiber, stress-strain equation 196
Fiber, tensile strength 201
Fiber, tensile strength equation 196
Fiber, tests 170
Fiber/matrix interface 170 171
Fiber/matrix interface, interfacial sliding stress 170
Fick’s law 86
Finnis, M. W. 65 73
Fischmeister, H. F. 28 29 76
Fivel 71 75
Fleck, N. A. 157 161 243 248
Floe ken, J. W. 29 75
Flora, J. A. 125 161
Flux in grain 92
Flux through interface layer 92
Flux-based variational principle 94 109 111 113
Flux-based variational principle, dimensionless form 111
Foiles, S. 3 21 76
Fonseca, I. 54 75
Force constanls 32 35 36 39
Force constanls, malrix 37
Force constanls, models 39
Force constanls, of silicon 38
Foreman, A. J. 24 75
Foster, G. C. 219 237 239 246 249
Fourier methods 22 23 29 31 33
Fourier series 148
Fourier transform 19 20 30
Fraser, W. A. 173 249
Freund, L. B. 146 148 161
Fukuda, H. 182 184 249
Fultz, B. 55 75 77
Gallego, R. 9 34 38 0 44—47 75
Gao, H. 141 143 146 161
Gaussian distribution 233 234
Gaussian quadrature 61
Gehlen, P. C. 28 75 78
Gemer, J. 6 73
George, A. 23 26 28 75
Gerberich, W. W. 62 75 79
Ghaffarian, R. 219 248
Gibbs free energy 91 93 95 100 102 124 146 154
Giithoff, F. 40 75
Gill, S. P. A. 116 118 120—122 124 129 133 135 141 143 146 147 150 160 161
Glazier, J. A. 161
Global load sharing (GLS) theory 172 185 191 198
Global load sharing (GLS) theory, comparison to experiment 202—207
Global load sharing (GLS) theory, numerical simulation methods 199
Gold crystal 65
Gong, X. Y. 55 76
Goringe 10 75
Grain boundary energy 90
Grain boundary migration 116
Grain structure of alumina 99
Green's function 29 46 223 224
Green's function, dimensionless dipole 225—228
Green's function, method 46
Greenfield, M. R. 218 252
Griffith theory 141
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