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van der Giesen E. (Editor), Wu T.Y. (Editor) — Solid Mechanics, Volume 36 |
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Groves, J. F. 200 245 249
Growth of triple-point voids 107
Grundland, A. M 10 78
Gucer, D. E. 218 220 249
Guiberteau, F. 247 251
Gulino, R. 173 249
Gumbsch. P. 28 29 76
Gundel, D. B. 237—239 249
Guo, T. 28 29 79
Gurland. J. 218 220 249
H lzer, A. 29 76
Haasen. P. 12 23 74 75
Halicioglu 9 75
Hammond, C. 5 75
Hardy. J. R. 29 39 74 75
Harlow. D. G. 218 219 247 250
Harmonic approximation 39 40 45
Harmonic approximation, energy of crystal in quadratic form 32
Hayashi. R. 203 252
He. M. Y. 169 170 172 250
Hedgepeth, J. 213—215 250
Heinisch, Jr., H. L. 29 75
Hemker, K. J. 21 75
Hennion, B. 40 75
Henstenburg, R. B. 172 173 179 180 218 250—252
Heredia, F. E. 204 216 250
Hernandez. E. 10 75
Herzig, C. 40 75 78
Heywang. W. 82 161
Hikami. F. 214 250
Hillert's grain growth law 129
Hillert, M. 129 133 161
Hirsch, P. B. 23 75
Hirth, J. P. 28 71 75 78 79
Hoagland. R. G. 8 28 71 74 75 78
Hogeweg, B. 182 183 252
Homstra, J. 44 46 76
Honeycornbe, R. W. K. 82 161
Howes, M.J. 82 161
Hsia, K. J. 23 74 76
Hsieh, C. 223 227 250
Hsueh, C. H. 137 140 162
Huang, H. 62 79
Huang, K. 29 74
Hughes, T. J. R. 53 56 59 76
Hui. C. — Y. 174 176 178 180 181 192 193 195—198 201 210 220 233 235 250 251
Hutchinson, J. W. 169 170 172 250
Ibnabdeljalil 176 178 180 181 192 193 195—199 201 210 219 220 233 235 237 243 245 249—251
Interactions, -body 6
Interactions, short-range 6 71
Interactions, three-body 9
Interactions, two-body 6
Interface migration, dual potential 90
Interface migration, energy dissipation rate 90
Interface migration, equation 90
Interface migration, mobility 89
Interface migration, velocity 89
Interface reaction 111
Interface reaction, index 89
Interfacial deformation 65
Interfacial sliding resistance 173
Interlayer potential 24
Interlayer tractions 15
Interplanar shear displacement 24
Inverse Fourier transform 43
Iron-aluminum alloys 40
Iyengar, N. 199 210 250
Jagota. A. 247 250
James, R. D. 52—54 73 74
Jansson. S. 195 204 251
Jarmon, D. C. 203 251
Johnson, H. H. 103 162
Johnson, R. 73
Johnson, R. A. 37 77
Jonsdottir. F. 146 161
Joos, B. 9 75
Kagawa, K. I. 106 137 160
Kampe, S. L. 204 206 252
Kanninen, M. F. 28 75
Kanzaki. H. 29 76
Karpur, P. 251
Kawabe, H. 209—211 251
Kaxiras, E. 9 20 75 76
Kear, B. H. 12 76
Kedward, K. 195 251
Kelly, A. 172 251
Kemmochi, K. 203 252
Kerans, R. J. 167 251
Khan, B. 9 76
Khantha 51 76
Kinderlehrer, D. 54 74
Knap, J. 67 76
Kogan, L. 174 250
Kohlhoff, S. 28 29 76
Kohn, R. V. 55 76
Kolmogorov — Johnson — Avrami — Mehl equation 129
Kroupa, F. 29 33 73
Kucherenko, S. 100 108 110 135 136 161 162
Kuhn, L. T. 159 161
Lagrange multipliers 98
Lagrangian tangent stiffness tensor 53
Land, B. D. L. 6 73
Landman. U. 9 76
Lattice, basis 35
Lattice, Green's function method 223
Lattice, model face-centered cubic (FCC) 35
Lattice, symmetry 31
Lawn, B. R. 247 251
Leath. P. L. 219 251
Leckie. F. A. 204 240 241 251 252
Lee, T. C. 66 74 76
Lilleodden, E. 62 75
Lobatto quadrature 59
Local deformation gradient 52 53
Local load sharing (LLS) theory 172
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, Batdorf model 219 238
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, comparison to experiment 237—243
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, dimensionless composite size characteristic strength 236
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, Hedgepeth — Van Dyke (HVD) model 214—217
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, statistical models 217—220
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, strength distribution 234 235
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, stress on fibers due to multiple breaks 213
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, stress on fibers due to single break 213
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, tensile strength distribution 236
Local load sharing (LLS) theory, Zhou and Curtin (ZC) model 220
Lomer dislocation 44
Lomer dislocation, eigenforces 45
Lomer dislocation, in silicon 44
Lomer — Cottrell locks 46 71
Loopon activation energy 48
Loopon eigendistortion 49
Loopon FCC crystals 48
Loopon hexagonal 48 49
Loopon nucleation 49
Loopon potential energy 48
Loopon shear stress 48
Lubensky, T. C. 55 74
Lubliner, J. 41 76
Luedtke. W. D. 9 76
Luo, K. K. 138 161
M ller, S. 55 76
MacKay, R. 237 251
Macroscopic model of abnormal grain growth 133
Macroscopic strain rate 155
Madhukar, M. S. 241 242 251
Majumdar, B. S. 173 202 245 251
Maradudin, A. A. 29 76
Marsden, J. E. 53 76
Marshall, D. B. 204 248
Martin, J. W. 28 76
| Martinez, A. 9 76
Mason, D. D. 210 251
Masri, P. 9 28 78
Masuda — Jindo, K. 223 227 252
Matan, N. 82 161
Matikas, T. 25
Matrix, applied forces 98
Matrix, constraint 98 109
Matrix, dimensionless stiffness 147
Matrix, driving force 147
Matrix, elastic displacements 147
Matrix, force 106
Matrix, grain velocities and fluxes 98
Matrix, normalized transformation strain 147
Matrix, velocity 147
Matrix, viscosity 158
Matrix, viscosity, for grain boundary diffusion 98
Matrix, viscosity, for singular surface diffusion 107
Matrix, viscosity, of surface diffusion 109
McGlockton, M. A. 243 253
McMeeking, R. M. 116 120 152 153 157 159 161 162 208—210 216 217 240 244 249
McNulty, J. 213 251
Michel, D. J. 9 75
Michot, G. 23 26 28 75
Miller indices 5
Miller, R. 12 22 23 60 65 67—70 76-78
Mills, M. J. 3 21 76
Milstein, F. 52 54 55 74 76
Miracle, D. B. 173 245 251
Misfit energy 15
Misfit stress 138
Miyake 209—211 251
Miyazawa 182 184 249
Models, Barenblatt — Dugdale 11
Models, Cohesive-zone 11
Models, Hull — Rimmer void growth 102 136
Models, Mixed continuum/atomistic 28
Models, Peierls — Nabarro 11
Morgan, D. V. 82 161
Moriarty, J. A. 9 10 79
Mosher, P. 204 216 250
Movchan, A. B. 20 76
Mullins, W. W. 135 162
Multifiber composites, average pullout length 187
Multifiber composites, distribution of pullout lengths 187
Multifiber composites, failure strain 194
Multifiber composites, fiber pullout 187
Multifiber composites, stress on fibers 186
Multifiber composites, work of fracture 188
Mura's theory 40 44
Mura's theory, displacement field 40
Mura's theory, eigendistortion field 41
Mura's theory, eigenforce field 41
Mura's theory, energy of defective crystal 41
Mura's theory, screw dislocation dipole 42
Mura's theory, screw dislocation dipole, displacement field 43
Mura's theory, screw dislocation dipole, dynamical matrix 42
Mura's theory, screw dislocation dipole, eigendistortion field 43
Mura's theory, screw dislocation dipole, eigenforces 43
Mura's theory, screw dislocation dipole, energy per unit length of dislocation 43
Mura's theory, screw dislocation dipole, force constants 42
Mura, T. 40 76
Musgrave, M. J. P. 35 36 39 76
Nabarro, F. R. N. 14 77
Nagel, L. J. 55 77
Nam, F. N. 82 160
Nandedkar, A. S. 9 44 77
Nanoindentation 62
Nanoindentation, simulations 69
Narayan, J. 9 44 77
Nascent dislocation loops 47
Nedele, M. R. 216 244 251
Needleman, A. 8 12 15 24 74 77
Nelson, J. 8 62 74 75
Netravali, A. N. 173 251
Neumeister, J. 178 192—195 197 25
Newton — Raphson method 113
Nickel crystal 67 71
Niobium crystal 40
Nix, W. D. 137 162
Normal grain growth 116
Norton law 89
Ochiai, S. 251
Oh, D. J. 37 77
Ohno, N. 209—211 25
Opening displacement at crack tip 140
Orowan mechanism 72
Ortiz. M. 9 12 20 22—28 34 38 0 44—47 53 55 56 58 60 62 65 67—70 75-79
Ourmazd, A. 12 77
Padture, N. P. 247 251
Paidar, V. 12 77
Pamuk, H. O. 9 75
Pan, J. 96 97 99 100 106—108 110—114 136 161 162
Pandolfi, A. 12 77
Parabolic grain growth equation 122
Parhami, F. 152 153 162
Parhami, Z. 154 162
Parseval’s identity 19 33 42
Parthasarathy, T. A. 167 25
Peach — Koehler force 65
Peierls interplanar potential approximation 12
Peierls potential 28
Peierls solution 17 21
Peierls — Nabarro theory 12
Peierls, R. E. 14 77
Peijs 182 183 252
Peloschek, H. P. 162
Perdew, J. P. 10 75
Perduijn, D. J. 162
Peters, P. W. 251
Petry, W. 40 75
Pettifor, D. G. 8 77
Petty, W. 40 78
Pharr, G. 137 162
Phillips, R. 12 22 23 28 53 55 56 58 60 62 65 67—70 76—78
Phoenix, S. L. 172—174 176 178—181 192 193 195—199 201 210 214—216 218—221 233 235 243 245 247 248-252
Phonon dispersion 38 40
Piischl, W. 23 24 77
Piola — Kirchhoff stress tensor 53
Pitt, R. E. 218 252
Poisson’s ratio 14 18 138
Pope, D. 16 24 79
Pope, D. P. 12 51 76 77
Potential energy of crystal 16
Potential Frenkel form 17 20
Potential Frenkel interplanar 21
Potential interface reaction 88
Potential interlayer 15
Potential interplanar 17 20
Potential Lennard — Jones 6
Potential piecewise quadratic interplanar 18
Potential sintering 158
Prewo 202 203 252
Prewo, K. 203 251
Principle of virtual work 93
Quasicontinuum (QC) theory 4 55 57 65 71
Quasicontinuum (QC) theory, applications 61
Quasicontinuum (QC) theory, discretization error 60
Quasicontinuum (QC) theory, displacement field 56
Quasicontinuum (QC) theory, mesh adaption 60
Quasicontinuum (QC) theory, piecewise linear interpolation 56
Quasicontinuum (QC) theory, summation rules 58
Quasicontinuum (QC) theory, triangulation 56 58
Raj, R. 102 103 162 197 216 220 245 248 251
Ramamurty, U. 240 241 252
Ramesh, S. 9 76
Rao, V. 173 252
Rasky, D. J. 55 76
Rate of plating of material onto interfaces 95
Rathore, R. P. S. 40 77
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