Авторизация |
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Schwarzenbach D. — Crystallography |
Предметный указатель |
filter 134
Absence(s), integral 143
Absence(s), serial 143
Absence(s), systematic 143
Absence(s), zonal 143
Absorption edge 132 133
Absorption of X-rays 133
Affine transformation 24
Amplitude structure 138 150
Anisotropy 1 157
Anomalous dispersion 102 142
Aperiodic structure 18
Atomic scattering factor 106
Axis, optical 209
Axis, rotation 30
Axis, screw 35
Bernhardi principle 7
Biaxial crystal 210
Binormal 209
Biradial 209
Birefringence 200
Bragg’s law 114
Bravais lattice 62 80
Bravais’ law 16 29
Calcite 86 200 211 226 232 234
Camera, Debye — Scherrer 128
Canonical base 56
Cell(s), centered 14
Cell(s), multiple 14
Cell(s), primitive 14
Cell(s), simple 14
Cell(s), unit 12
Cell(s), Wigner — Seitz 15
Center of inversion 301 185 194
Center of symmetry 30 142 147 185 193
Characteristic Spectrum 130
Chemical disorder 20
Chirality 27 44
Class(es) 42
Class(es), Bravais 62
Class(es), crystal 42 46 75 76 80
Class(es), equivalence 42
Class(es), Laue 50 80 124 142
Classical electron 102
Composite structure 19
Compositional disorder 20
Compressibility 187
Condenser 177
Conductivity, electrical 180
Conductivity, thermal 180
Conoscopy 211
Constant dihedral angles, law of 7
Constant(s), dielectric 177
Constant(s), elastic 182 198
Construction, Ewald 116 121
Continuous spectrum 130
contravariance 6
Convolution 108 151
Convolution product 108
Coordinate system, non-unitary 2 8 12
Coordinate system, reciprocal 2
Coordinate system, rhombohedral 58
Coordinate system, unitary 2 6 26
Covariance 6
Crystal 1 18
Crystal family 67
Crystal monochromator 134
Crystal optics 200
Crystal, biaxial 210
Crystal, incommensurate 18
Crystal, liquid 21
Crystal, one-dimensional 118
Crystal, two-dimensional 118
Crystal, uniaxial 210
Debye — Scherrer camera 128
Debye — Waller factor 109
Defect, structural 20
dielectric constant 177
Diffraction 91 95
Disorder 20
Disorder, chemical 20
Disorder, compositional 20
Displacement factor 109
Dual polyhedra 49
Effect, electrocaloric 198
Effect, longitudinal 165
Effect, piezocaloric 198
Effect, transverse 165
Elastic constants 182 198
Elastic moduli 182
Elastic wave 187
Electric displacement 176
Electric susceptibility 177 198
Electrocaloric effect 198
Electron density 102
Ellipsoid, rate 207
Enantiomorph 44
Equations, Laue 111 112
Ewald construction 116 121
Ewald sphere 116
Expansion, thermal 180 191 198
Extinction 104
Face 15
Factor(s), atomic scattering 106
Factor(s), Debye — Waller 109
Factor(s), displacement 109
Factor(s), form 106
Factor(s), Lorentz 141
Factor(s), multiplicity 129
Factor(s), polarization 101
Factor(s), structure 111 138
Factor(s), temperature 109
Family, crystal 80
Fixed point 29
Fletcher indicatrix 206
Form factor 106
Fourier series 149
Fourier transform 103
Friedel’s law 141
Function, interference 94
Function, Patterson 151
Generator 42
Glide plane 35
Group(s) 25 31
Group(s), Abelian 26
Group(s), abstract 61
Group(s), cyclic 26
Group(s), factor 41
Group(s), icosahedral 49
Group(s), non-crystallographic 49
Group(s), octahedral 49
Group(s), plane 40 68
Group(s), point 28 40
Group(s), space 40 73 76
Group(s), tetrahedral 49
Habit 7
Hemihedry 68
Hermann — Mauguin system 28 46 58
Holohedry 68
Hooke’s 180
Hooke’s law 180
Hydrostatic pressure 172 186
Improper rotation 27
Incommensurate crystal 18
Index (of refraction) 206
Indicatrix, Fletcher 206
Indices, Miller 9
Indices, Miller — Bravais 86
Indices, rational 8
| Integrated intensity 137 139 141
Interference function 94
International System 28 46 58
Inverse piezoelectricity 198
inversion 28
Inversion center 185 194
Isotropy 1 157
Lame moduli 190
Lattice base 12 56
Lattice line 15
Lattice plane 15
Lattice points 12
Lattice, Bravais 62 80
Lattice, reciprocal 17 112
Lattice, translational 11 12
Laue class 50 124 142
Laue equations 111 112
Laue method 120
Law of constant dihedral angles 7
Law, Bragg’s 114
Law, Bravais’ 16 29
Law, Friedel’s 141
Light ray 202
Line, lattice 15
Liquid crystal 21
Lorentz factor 141
magnetic susceptibility 180
Matrix, idempotent 32
Matrix, orthogonal 26
Merohedry 67
Method, Laue 120
Method, powder 127
Method, rotating crystal 125
Metric 39 57
Metric tensor 5
Miller indices 9
Mirror 28
Mirror plane 30
Moduli, elastic 182
Moduli, Lame 190
Modulus, shear 180
Modulus, Young’s 180
Monochromatization 133
Monochromator 134
Motif 1 11 12
Multiplicity 71 129
Net, Wulff 10
Neumann principle 162
Neutrons 89
Non-unitary coordinate system 2 8 12
Normal (to a plane wave) 203
Number, Poisson’s 181 190
Ogdohedry 68
Operation, symmetry 12
Optical axis 210
Optical grating 93
Optical sign 209
Orbit 71
Order 20 24
Orthoscopy 212
Patterson function 151
periodicity 1 12
Phase problem 91 99 104 150
Piezocaloric effect 198
Piezoelectricity 191 198
Piezoelectricity, inverse 198
Plane, glide 35
Plane, lattice 15
Platonic solids 46 48
Point group 28 40
Points, lattice 12
Poisson’s number 181 190
Polarization factor 101
Position, general 71
Position, special 71
Powder method 127
Pressure, hydrostatic 172 186
Principle, Bernhardi 7
Principle, Neumann 162
Product, scalar 6
Product, vector 6
Projection, stereographic 10
Pyroelectricity 190 198
Quartz 180 187 196 210
Quasi-crystal 18
Quasi-periodic structure 18
Radiation, white 130
Rank (of a tensor) 159
Rate ellipsoid 207
Reciprocal coordinate system 2
Reciprocal lattice 17 112
Reciprocal metric tensor 6
Reference ellipsoid 166
Reference hyperboloid 167
Reflection 28
Representation of a group 26
Representation of an operation 24 27
Rotating crystal method 125
Rotation 27
Rotoinversion 27 28
Rotoreflection 27
Rutile 180
Scattering 99 102
Scattering factor(s), atomic 106
Scattering length 100
Schoenflies system 28 46 60
Screw axis 35
Series, Fourier 149
shear modulus 180
Sign, optical 209
Space group 76
Specific heat 197 198
Spectrum, characteristic 130
Spectrum, continuous 130
Sphere, Ewald 116
Squared structure 150
Stereographic projection 10
Strain tensor 174
Stress 170
Stress tensor 170
Stress, uniaxial 172
Structural defect 20
Structure 11
Structure amplitude 138 150
Structure, aperiodic 18
Structure, composite 19
Structure, factor 111 138
Structure, quasi-periodic 18
Structure, squared 150
Susceptibility, electric 177 198
Susceptibility, magnetic 180
Symmetry 24
Symmetry element 30 31
Symmetry operation 12
Symmetry operation, geometrical 24
Symmetry, center of 30 142 147 185 193
Symmetry, site 71
Synchrotron 124 136
System, Bravais 67 80
System, crystal 56 67 80
System, Hermann — Mauguin 28 46 58
System, international 28 46 58
System, Schoenflies 28 46 60
Systematic absences 143
Temperature factor 109
Tensor 159 161
Tensor (of even rank) 185
Tensor (of odd rank) 194
Tensor, metric 5
Tensor, reciprocal metric 6
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