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Tarantola A. — Inverse problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation |
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-field 6
-norm 81 82
-norm, criterion 89
-norm, criterion (and the method of steepest descent) 93
-norm, linear programming 228
-norm, misfit function 89
-norm 236
-norm 82
-norm, criterion 88
-norm, misfit function 290
-norm, properties 246
-norm 82
-norm, criterion 96
-norm, criterion (and linear programming) 99
-norm, criterion (and the method of steepest descent) 98
-norm, minimization (using linear programming) 229
A posteriori, covariance operator 69
A posteriori, probabilities 37
A posteriori, probability density 34
A posteriori, state of information 32
a priori information 27
Absolutely continuous 11
Acoustic waveforms inversion 144 297
action 189
Additive noise 26
Adjoint 187
Adjoint, formal 187
Adjoint, of a differential operator 184
Adjoint, operator 62 242
Adjoint, relation with transpose 62
Afifi 177
Aki 72 145 146
Alterman 300
Analysis of uncertainties 38
Anders sen 42
Application 230
Armstrong 229
Aster 80
Atlas 232
Azen 177
Back-projection 142
Backus 72 108 133 135 190 191
Backus and Gilbert method 191
Backus and Gilbert method, coefficients 308
Backus and Gilbert method, example 304
Bakhvalov 180
Balakrishnan 104
Banach space 236
Barnes 156
Barrodale 229 230
Bartels 225
Basis of a linear space 237
Bayer 229
Bayes 9
Bayes theorem 18 20
Bayesian 9
Bijective 230
Bilinear form 240
Bit 12
Bjork 77
Boothby 2
Bordley 14
Borel xi
Born approximation 128
Boscovich 82
Boucher 45 46
box 11 37
Bradley 95
Brownian motion 44 52
Broyden 220
Buffon 41
bulk modulus 11
C6a 203 217 219
Canonical problem (of linear programming) 225
Cartesian parameter 163
Cascaded Metropolis algorithm 51 182
Cauchy sequence 233
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 183
Censor 225
Center 171
Central estimator 170
Change of coordinates 8
Characterization of a random function 102
Charara 156
Chart 232
Chebyshev norm 98
Chi-squared, function 64 178
Chi-squared, probability density 177
Christofferson 72
Ciarlet 80 203 217 219 225
Cimino 225
Circle in the -norm sense 83
Circular covariance 113
Claerbout 81 82 96
Clayton 113 117
Closed, interval 231
Closed, subset 231
Combination of states of information 13 32
complete 233
Compliance 2 165
Components of a model 4
Computing probabilities 47
Condition number 215 279
Conditional, probability 16
Conditional, probability density 19
Conjugate directions 216
Conjunction of probabilities, airplane navigator 14
Conjunction of probabilities, impact on a screen 15
Conjunction, of probability densities 195 285
Conjunction, of states of information 13 14
Conn 229
Continuous, function 232
Continuous, linear operator 237 241
Continuous, operator 234
Contravariant metric 61
Convergence of quasi-Newton 69
Convolution of two Gaussians 202
coordinates 4
Coordinates, Cartesian 3
Coordinates, over the model manifold 3
Correlation 71
Correlation, coefficient 173
Correlation, length 118
Cost function 64
Cottle 225
Courant 190
Covariance 172
Covariance function 106
Covariance function, circular 113
Covariance function, exponential 111
Covariance function, Gaussian 113
Covariance function, random walk 114
Covariance function, white noise 114
Covariance operator 60 110
Covariance operator, adjoint 288
Covariance, neglected 31
Covariance, posterior 66 70
Covariant metric 61
Cuer 225 229
Curvature 210
Cylinder measure 191
Dahlquist 77
Dantzig 95 225 226
Data, components 5
Data, manifold 5
Data, space 5
Data, space (linear) 5
Data, vector 5
Dautray 190
Davidon 220
| De Ghellinck 225
Delta function 9
Deltaness criterion 192
Densities of rocks 29
density 8
Density of volume 10
Derivative operator 119
Derivative operator, discrete 247
Deutsch 30
Differential operator 184
digit 12
Dimension of a linear space 237
Discretization of a function 29
Disjunction of states of information 13 14
dispersion 171
Distance 183 232
Djikpesse 93 95
Domain of definition 230
Draper 74
Dual, bases 59
Dual, boundary conditions 186
Dual, of a linear space 109
Dual, of an -normed space 83
Dual, problems 225
Dual, space 58 239
Duality, product 58
Duality, theorem 226
Dubes 173
Dumped least-squares 80
Ecker 225
Efficiency of Metropolis algorithm 53
Eigenvector analysis 73
Elastic waveforms, inversion 144
Elasticity 2—4
Elfving 225
Emptiness of large-dimensional spaces 42
Energy function 54
Epicentral estimation 253 289
Equivalent parameterizations 2
Estimation of uncertainties 70
Estimator of dispersion 170
Event 6
Existence of the solution of an inverse problem 34
Exponential, 3D covariance (norm) 313
Exponential, covariance (norm) 308 311
Exponential, covariance function 111
Exponential, covariance function and associated norm 118
Exponential, norm 308
Exponential, norm (3D) 313
Fenton 112 117
Feshbach 145 190
Fields smooth 3
FIFO method 96
Finite-dimensional linear space 237
Fisher probability density 39
Fletcher 203 216 217 219 220
FORM 239
Forward, modeling 2
Forward, operator 20
Forward, problem 20
Frankel 113 117
Franklin 108 133
Frechet derivative 120 299
Frechet derivative, acoustic waveforms 148
Frechet derivative, elastic waveforms 148
Frechet derivative, inversion of waveforms 125
Frechet derivative, travel-time tomography 123
Frechet derivative, X-ray tomography 121
Function 230
Functional least squares 108
Functional linear problem 134
Functions smooth 3
Fuzzy sets 14
Fuzzy sets, intersection 14
Fuzzy sets, union 14
Gacs 225
Gass 95 226
Gauss xii 64 81
Gauss — Markoff theorem 68
Gaussian model for inverse problems 36
Gaussian, covariance function 113
Gaussian, generalized 174
Gaussian, linear model for inverse problems 36
Gaussian, model for inverse problems 36
Gaussian, random field 45
Gaussian, random function 106
Gaussian, sequential simulation 135
Gaussian, uncertainties 26 35
Geman 49 54
Generalized, Gaussian 174
Genest 14
Genetic algorithms 51
Geodetic adjustment (with outlier) 296
Geostatistics 30
Gibbs sampler 49
Gilbert 72 135 191
Gill 203
Global optimization (software) 80
Global optimum 69
Goldberg 51
Goldfarb 220
Golfrey 229
Goodness of fit 179
Goovaerts 30
Gradient 204
Gradient, least squares 75
Gradient, norm 209
Gradient, versus steepest vector 205
Gradient-based optimization algorithms 203
Gravity's acceleration (measure of) 256
Green, function 145
Green, theorem 184 187 189
Guyaguler 38
Hacijan 225
Half-life of a nucleus 28
Half-range 171
Hammersley 180
Handscomb 180
Hastings 50
Hax 95
Herman 121 142
hessian 204
Hessian, least squares 75
Hessian, matrix 76
Hessian, of the least-squares misfit function 205
Hestenes 217
hilbert 190
Hilbert space 117 190 241
Histograms the making of 14
Hofstadter 8
Homogeneous, probability (for seismic velocities) 168
Homogeneous, probability density 7 10
Homogeneous, probability density (for second rank tensors) 170
Homogeneous, probability density (invariance) 11
Homogeneous, probability distributions 160
Hooke'slaw 164
Huijbregts 30
Husebye 72
Hypocentral estimation 253 289
Image 230
Implicit sum convention 59
Incompressibility modulus 11 165
Independent, events 18
Independent, samples 7 52
Independent, variables 19
Infinite-dimensional linear space 237
Information content 12
Information perfect 9
Injective 230
Instrument, perfect 26
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