Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Tarantola A. — Inverse problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation |
Предметный указатель |
Simulated annealing 54
Sinclair 229
Sklar 14
Slack variables 226 227
slope 209
smith 74
Smooth functions 61
Smoothing operator 61
Smoothing the solution 67
Snay 4
Sobolev Norm 236
Sobolev space 243 244
Sofer 225
Solution, of an inverse problem 34
Solution, of linear least-squares 66
Solution, of the general inverse problem 34
Space, 242
Space, 242
Space, Sobolev 243
Spectral radius 238
Sphere in the -norm sense 83
Standard deviation 171 174
State of information 9
State of information, a posteriori 32
States of information, conjunction 14
States of information, disjunction 14
Stationary random function 106
Steepest, ascent (in -norm problems) 88
Steepest, ascent vector 75 205
Steepest, descent (in least-squares) 78
Steepest, descent (preconditioned) 214
Steepest, descent algorithm 70 76 77 212
Steepest, descent in -norm inverse problems 213
Stiefel 217
Stiffness 2 165
Strong, convergence 240
Strong, nonlinearities 70
Strongly nonlinear problem 64
Subjective knowledge 9
Surjective 230
Symmetric, bilinear form 240
Symmetric, operator 60 186
Symmetric, wave equation operator 190
System physical 1
Tangent linear application 120
Tarantola 14 19 22 24 32 35 50 51 53 93 95 145 146 216 256 289
Tatarski 113
Taylor 109
Tends to 233
The transpose of 185 188
Theoretical probability density 32
Thomas 225
Tiao 11 37
Tomography 259 289
Topological space 231 235
Transformation 230
Transpose, formal 184
Transpose, of a differential operator 184
Transpose, of the elastodynamics operator 188
Transpose, of the gradient 185
Transpose, operator 59 119 240
Transpose, operator (in functional spaces) 128
Transpose, operator (in waveform inversion) 132
Transpose, operator (in X-ray tomography) 131
Transpose, relation with adjoint 62
Travel times measurement 25
Travel-time tomography 143
Triangular, conorm 14
Triangular, inequality 183
Triangular, norm 14
Tukey 1 57
Ulam 50
Uncertainties analysis 38
Uncorrected variables 173
Uniform norm 98
Uniformly convergent sequence of linear operators 238
union 6
Union of fuzzy sets 14
Uniqueness of the solution of an inverse problem 34
Valette 14 32 216 256
Variable, metric 219
Variable, metric (for least squares) 221
Variable, metric method 77
Variance 172
Vector 234
Vector space 234
Vial 225
Volcanic eruption 23
Volume density 10 159
Volumetric probability 8 12 159
Voronoi cells 102
Walsh 203 217 219
Watson 82 84 86 229 230
Weak, convergence 239
Weak, nonlinearity 68
Weakly nonlinear problem 64
Weighting, function 118
Weighting, operator 60 117 188
White noise covariance function 114
Whitlock 42
Wiggins 74
Winkler 37
Wolff 41
Wright 203
X-ray tomography 140
Yanovskaya 42
Yeganeh — Haeri 167
Young 229
Young modulus 163 166
Zadeh 13 14
Zidek 14
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