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Kleinert H. — Gauge fields in condensed matter (part 4) |
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Action, electromagnetic 1431
Action, gravitational action 1385 1386
Action, matter 1387 1388 1397 1407
Action, quantum defect dynamic (QDD) 1325 1328
Action, spin 1 2 1397 1407
Active coordinate transformation 1336
Adsorbed atoms 1191
Adsorbed helium 927
Adsorption 925
Affine connection 1347
Affine geometry 1347
Anchored branch points 874
Angular stiffness 1294 1303 1307 1453
Anholonomic mapping 1372
Anholonomity 1371
Anisotropic crystal, elastic Green function 766
Atomic positions, Lennard — Jones system 1199
Axial gauge 980
Balance of torques 1264
Basic defect lines 874
Basis tetrads, local 1339
Basis tetrads, reciprocal 1340
Belinfante symmetric energy-momentum tensor 1394 1395 1412
Bianchi identity and canonical energy-momentum tensor 1426
Bianchi identity and conservation of stress 1440
Bianchi identity and integrability of connection 1377
Biot — Savart law 785 964 1278
Biot — Savart like interaction, dislocation lines 827 850 952 964
Blackbody radiation 887
Blin’s law 827 850 952 964
Body force 758 1240
Bragg scattering 900
Branching defect lines 807
Brillouin zone 880
Burgers circuit integral 785 798 1370 1371 1372 1374
Burgers vector 782 784 786 790 818 865 940 950 1369 1372 1374
Burgers vector and Bianchi identity 1426
Burgers vector, canonical energy-momentum tensor 1410 1422
Burgers vector, canonical formalism, higher gradient theories 1245
Burgers vector, canonical partition function 976
Burgers vector, higher gradient theory 1251 1438
Burgers vector, local 784
Burgers vector, true 785
Cartan transport 1372
Cauchy relations 774 897
Christoffel symbol 1338 1348 1350 1363
Circuit integral, Burgers 785 798 1370 1371 1372 1374
Classical melting 896 900
Clebsch — Gordan coefficient 837 839
Climb 867
Closed Volterra surface 804
Closure failure 1369
Coherence length 1183 1192
Coleman — Weinberg mechanism 958 960
Commutator 1424 1430
Commutator, modified 1393
Commutator, spinor 1407
Compatibility of strain field 810
Completeness relation 832 840 856
Compressibility sum rule 1155
Computer simulation, molecular dynamics 1195 (see also Monte Carlo simulation)
Configurational entropy 1443
Connection 1333 1338 1347 1348 1363
Connection, transformation law 1349
Conservation laws and fundamental identities 1425
Conservation laws, covariant derivation 1420
Conservation of stress and Bianchi identity 1440
Conservation, angular momentum 1380
Conservation, covariant law 1413
Conservation, defects 1379 1426 1438
Conservation, energy 1380
Conservation, storque stress 1436 1440 1453
Conservation, stress 1436 1440 1453
Conservation, superflow 1449
Conservative climb 868
Conservative motion 867
Construction rules for defect densities 804
continuum limit 1384
Contortion 809 1432
Contortion, tensor 1350 1361 1396
Contortion, vector 815
Contravariant vectors 1341
Cooperative phenomena 782 893
Coordinate transformation, general 1344
Coordinate transformation, singular 1356 1362
Coordinates with defects 1374
Coordinates, geodesic 1382
Core energy 1213
Cosine integral 1063
Cosine melting model 999 1113 1132
Cosine melting model, 2D, high-r expansion 1132 1137
Cosine melting model, 2D, loop expansion 1131
Cosine melting model, 2D, low 7
Cosine melting model, 2D, mean field 1116
Cosine melting model, 2D, Monte Carlo data 1145 1148 1149
Cosine melting model, 3D, higher expansion 1132 1135
Cosine melting model, 3D, loop expansion 1131
Cosine melting model, 3D, low 7
Cosine melting model, 3D, mean field 1116
Cosine melting model, 3D, Monte Carlo data 1144
Cosine melting model, fluctuation modes 1126
Cosine melting model, fluctutations 1121
Cosine melting model, mean-field solution 1121
Cosine melting model, one-loop correction 1127
Cosmological term 1886
Cosserat continuum 1241
Cosserat equation 1264
Coulomb Green function 764
Covariant conservation law 1413 1414 1417
Covariant curl 1350
Covariant derivative 1347 1393
Covariant vectors 1341
Critical index 930
Critical temperature 2D defect melting 1179
Cross slip 866 868 869
Crystal plane 1365
Crystal systems, point groups 754
Crystal systems, seven 749
Crystal, ideal 745
Cubic crystal 748 757 996
Cubic crystal, defect interaction energy 996
Cubic crystal, elastic constants 757
Cubic crystal, elastic Green function 767
Cubic crystal, system 749
Curvature 1356 1363 1370 1372 1375 1376 1377 1378 1438
Curvature and disclinations 1370 1378
Curvature from embedding 1380
Curvature tensor 1350 1352 1367
Curved space 1367
Debye approximation 909
Debye frequencies 887 924
Debye temperature 888 890 896 909 925 927
Debye theory 924
Debye — Waller factor 900
Defect conservation 1380 1426 1436 1445 1452 1454
Defect degeneracy 1231
Defect densities 804 808 938 1361 1395 1396 1436 1452
Defect densities on lattice 1225 1233
Defect densities on lattice 2D 123
Defect densities, mnemonic rules 804
Defect density and symmetric energy momentum tensor 1396
Defect ensemble 1237
Defect gauge field 979 1013 1282 1445 1451
Defect gauge invariance 975 979 1020 1023 1025 1326 1454 1456
Defect gauge invariance, physical content 1020
Defect gauge transformation 975 1000 1273 1447 1451 1453
Defect interaction energy, continuum 1228
Defect interaction energy, cubic lattice 996
Defect interaction energy, second-gradient theory 1283
Defect lines 1447 1449
| Defect melting 983 1084 1218
Defect neutrality 861 863 988 997 998 999 1064
Defect representation 1013
Defect space 1448
Defect tensor 979
Defects and curvature 1356 1370
Defects, 3D 814 862
Defects,general analysis 1225
Degeneracy of defect configurations 1231
Delta-function on line 805 1445
Delta-function on surface 805 1445
Delta-function on volume 804 1445
Delta-functional 846
Densities of states 887
Density correlation function 1152 1153
Derivative, covariant 1347 1393
Destabilizing point 1116
Differential geometry 1334
Differentia] geometry 1334
Dipole neutrality 863
Dirac field 1408
Dirac matrices 1405
Dirac particle 1407
Disclination 782 787 854 1237 1362
Disclination, current 1327
Disclination, density 801 1290 1454
Disclination, Frank vector 787 788 790
Disclination, lines 865
Disclination, splay 788
Disclination, twist 788
Disclination, wedge 1365 1375
Disclinations and curvature 1367 1370
Disclinations, disorder fields 1322
Discrete Gaussian Model 801 1237 1303 1362 1375
Dislocation current 953 1327
Dislocation density 1290 1361
Dislocation density and spin density 1395
Dislocation line 779 781 782 794 939
Dislocation line, energy 817 818
Dislocation line, local gauge interaction 827 828
Dislocation neutrality 852
Dislocation pair, dissociation 1162
Dislocation sources 869
Dislocation, Burgers vector 782 784 786 790 801 818 865 940 950 1237 1362 1369 1372 1374 1375
Dislocation, disorder fields 1322
Dislocations and disclinations, disorder field theory 1322
Dislocations and disclinations, interdependence 790 1210 1228
Dislocations and torsion 1369 1371
Disorder field theory 875 938 939 1218 1222 1322 1443 1447
Disorder field theory, edge dislocation 779 786 1369
Disorder fields 1322 1443
Disorder quantum field theory 1328
Displacement field 745
Displacement field, integrability considerations 798 1356
Displacement field, smoothness properties 794
Distinguishability of atoms 793
Distortion graph 1114
Double curl 810 854 857
Double gauge theory of stresses and defects 982 1441 1450 1451 1453
Double geometry 1437 1456
Dual double gauge theory 1447
Dulong — Petit law 901
Edge dislocation 779 786 1369
Effective action 915
Effective energy 903
Einstein action 1386
Einstein equation 1388
Einstein invariance 1346 1416
Einstein tensor 1345 1351 1360 1362 1390 1410 1441
Einstein tensor, stress space 1437
Einstein theory of gravity 1335 1362 1369
Einstein transformation 1337 1343 1345 1418 1420
Einstein vector 1345 1351
Einstein — Cartan action 1428 1431
Einstein — Cartan theory 1448
Elastic constants 752 757 761 921
Elastic constants, cubic crystals 757
Elastic constants, relations between 761
Elastic distortions 805 1439
Elastic energy 746 901 1242
Elastic gauge field 1444
Elastic Green function 762 765
Elastic interaction, dislocation lines 825
Elastic partition function 828
Elastic stability of crystal 747
Elastic strain 805 1025 1436
Elastic tensor 747 752
Elasticity 2D 768
Elasticity, canonical momenta 1262
Elasticity, extended 1240
Elasticity, Hooke’s Law 759 780
Elasticity, second-gradient 1240 1263 1432
Electron lattice 1202 1305
Electron lattice, incompressibility 1203 1317
Embedding 1380
Energy, dislocation line 817
Energy-momentum conservation 1380
Energy-momentum density 1416
Energy-momentum tensor 1387 1388 1395 1409 1410 1412
Energy-momentum tensor, canonical 1410 1422
Energy-momentum tensor, symmetric, Belinfante 1388 1394 1395 1409
Enthalpy, Lennard — Jones system 1200
Entropy jump 881
Epsilon-tensor 1360
Equipartition theorem 894
Euler — Lagrange equation, elasticity 759 762
Expansion, high-temperature 1037 1087 1132 1135 1137
Expansion, low-temperature 1048 1049 1086 1087 1089 1131
External force 758 1240
Extremal principle 1337
Feynman graphs 1447
Field energy 848
Field equations 1388 1408
Field equations, gravitational 1385 1387 1394
Field transformation, vector 1342
Field, displacement 745
First identity 1377
First order transition 940 1017 1117
First order transition, Coleman — Weinberg mechanism 958 960
Fluctuation determinant 991 1127
Fluctuation modes, cosine melting model 1126
Fluctutations, cosine melting model 1121
Frank vector 787 788 790
Frank — Read mechanism 870
Frank — Read source 871 874
Free energy 877
Freely falling frame 1336
Frozen lattice superconductor 1221
Fundamental defect lines 874
Fundamental identity and integrability of metric 1377
Fundamental identity and spin density 1425
Fundamental identity and torque stress 1440
Fundamental phase space identities 1448 1451 1453
Gauge degeneracy 975
Gauge field, defect 1013 1272 1282 1451
Gauge field, integer valued 1014 1020
Gauge field, local 1428
Gauge field, local translations 1430
Gauge field, non — Aabelian 1351
Gauge field, phonon 1327
Gauge field, stress 828 854 1220 1274 1327 1444 1451 1453
Gauge field, superflow 1450
Gauge fixing 828 846 989 1014 1272
Gauge interaction, local, dislocation line 827 828
Gauge invariance 841 847
Gauge invariance, defect 975 979 1023 1025 1326 1454
Gauge invariance, local 953
Gauge invariance, stress 980 1221 1327
Gauge theory of gravitation 1427
Gauge transformation 975 1014
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