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Kleinert H. — Gauge fields in condensed matter (part 4) |
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Gauge transformation, defect 975 1000 1272 1436 1451 1453
Gauge transformation, stress 845 854 978 1273 1451 1453
Gauge, axial 980
Gauge, quasi-symmetric 975 1014
Gauge, transverse 846 857 980 1026
General coordinate transformation 1344 1351 1413 1426
General defect distributions 854
Geodesic coordinates 1382
Geometry and gravity 1335
Ginzburg — Landau theory 958
Glide 865 866 868
Grain boundary 782 783 969 1210 1213
Grain boundary in coordinate systems 1374
Grain boundary on lattice 2D 1238
Grain boundary, interstitial 777 778
Grain boundary, line-like 111
Grain boundary, mnemonic construction rules 804
Grain boundary, moment neutrality 1050
Grain boundary, point 777 778
Grain boundary, screw disclination 786
Grain boundary, stacking fault 782 783
Grain boundary, topological invariant 786
Grain boundary, torsion 1356 1371
Grain boundary, vacancy 777 778
graphite 925
Gravitational action 1385 1386
Gravitational constant 1386
Gravitational field equations 1387
Gravitational forces 1335
Gravitational forces, universality 1335
Gravitational mass 1335
Gravity and geometry 1335
Gravity as a gauge theory 1427
Gravity with spinning matter 1408
Green function 1059
Green function, anisotropic 765
Green function, Coulomb 764
Green function, cubic 765
Green function, elastic 762 765
Green function, second-gradient elasticity 1255
Green function, square lattice 1059 1065
Green function, triangular lattice 1069 1073
Griineisen constants 905 910
Halperin — Lubensky — Ma mechanism 969
Helicity amplitudes 840
Helicity basis 830 832
Helicity basis, tensors 836
Helicity basis, vectors 832
Helicity components 833
Helicity decomposition, magnetic energy 840 842
Helicity decomposition, stress energy 845 856
Helicity decomposition, tensor field 830
Helicity decomposition, vector field 830
Helicity matrix 834 835
Helicity rotation group 836
Helium 924
Hexagonal, crystal system 749
Hexatic phase 1189 1190
high-temperature expansion 1034 1036 1037 1078 1086 1089 1132 1135 1137
Higher gradient Lagrangian 1250
Higher gradient theories 1245
Hilbert — Einstein action 1387
Hooke’s law 759 780
Ideal crystal 745
Ideal reference crystal 1372
Identity, Bianchi 1377 1378 1440
Identity, first 1377
Identity, fundamental 1377
Incompatibility of strain field 808 810
Incompressibility 1203 1317
Incompressibility, electron lattice 1203 1317
Inertial frame 1335 1339
Inertial mass 1335
Inside observer 1365
Integer valued gauge fields 1014 1020
Integer valued gauge fixing 1014
Integrability condition 798 1339 1353 1356 1357 1359 1363 1379 1380
Integrability condition, connection 1378
Integrability condition, metric 1363
Integrability of connection and Bianchi identity 1377
Integrability of metric and fundamental identity 1377
Interaction energy, second-gradient theory 1283
Interdependence of dislocations and disclinations 790 1210 1228
Internal energy, Lennard — Jones system 1198
Intersecting defect lines 871
Interstitial 777 778
Invariance, Einstein 1432
Invariance, gauge 1432
Invariance, local Lorentz 1432
Invariance, local translations 762
Invariant length 1336
Jacobi identity 911
Jogs 871
jumps 881
Kinematics 865
Kinks 866 867 871
Kirchhoff’s law 872 1445
Kosterlitz — Thouless — Halperin — Nelson — Young (KNTHY) theory 1162
Lame constant 752 1163
Laplacian roughening model 1103 1105
Lattice defect model 974 976 980 983 999
Lattice defect model, cosine type 1113
Lattice defect model, second-gradient 1269
Lattice defect model, Villain type 976 1076
Lattice defects 1233
Lattice defects, general analysis 1225
Lattice Green function 1059
Lattice of electrons 1202 1305
Lattice superconductor, frozen 1221
Lattice, simple cubic 745
Lattice, thermal expansion 902
Lattice, triangular 1173
Legendre transform 1247
Lennard — Jones potential 1196 1305 1315
Lennard-Jones system, atomic positions 1199
Lennard-Jones system, enthalpy 1200
Lennard-Jones system, internal energy 1198
Lennard-Jones system, phase diagram 1197 1200
Lennard-Jones system, stiffness constant 1200
Levi — Civita tensor 1360
Light rays 1337
Lindemann criterion 878 900 938
Lindemann parameter 881 892 893 1077 1141 1142
Line-like defects 777
Little group 836
local 1405 1414 1427
Local basis tetrads 1339
Local basis vectors 1339
Local Burgers vector 784
Local coordinate transformation 1337
Local coupling 829
Local field 827 828
Local gauge interaction, dislocation line 827 828
local gauge invariance 953
Local Lorentz transformation 1334 1413 1414
Local Lorentz transformation, connection 1405
Local Lorentz transformation, gauge field 1428
Local Lorentz transformation, spinor 1405
Local Lorentz transformation, tensor 1405
Local Lorentz transformation, vector 1427
Local parallelism 1364
Local rotation 1334
Local rotation, field 791
Local spin-spin interaction 1433
Local time displacements 1334
Local translations 1334 1430
Local, spinor 1405
Local, tensor 1405
Local, vector 1427
Lorentz covariance 1336
| Lorentz group 1428
Lorentz invariance, local 1397 1415
Lorentz transformation, connection 1405
Lorentz transformation, gauge field 1428
low-temperature expansion 1048 1049 1086 1089 1131
Low-temperature expansion, helicity decomposition 842
Low-temperature expansion, macrocosmos 1335
Low-temperature expansion, magnetic energy 840
Mass, gravitational 1335
Mass, inertial 1335
Matsubara frequencies 885 893
Maximal stress 780
Maxwell relations 911
Maxwell — Lorentz theory 1328
Mean-field approximation 1114
Mean-field solution, cosine melting model 1121
Meissner effect 961
Melting model 976 1013 1089 1099 1113 1118 1120 1132 1144
Melting model, Villain type 976 1034 1076
Melting model, Villain type 2D 983 1078 1099
Melting model, Villain type 2D, expansion 1049 1087
Melting model, Villain type 2D, high 7
Melting model, Villain type 2D, low 7
Melting, hexatic phase 1189 1190
Melting, two-step 1189 1271 1287 1289 1294 1303
Metric tensor 1333
Metric, covariant derivative 1348
Metric-affine space 1335 1347 1360 1363 1370 1438
Microcrystallites 1140
Minkowski metric 1337 1339
Minkowski space 1336 1337 1339 1362 1369
Misra functions 1311 1315
Mnemonic construction rules for defects 804
Modified Lindemann number 891
Modulus of compression 754
Modulus of shear 752
Modulus, Young’s 760
Molecular dynamics, computer simulations 1195
Momentum conservation 1240
Monoclinic, crystal system 749
Monte Carlo simulation 1038 1084 1091 1099 1144 1145 1148 1149
Nambu — goldstone bosons 956 1443
Nambu — Goldstone theorem 948
Newton — Euler axioms 1240
Newton’s gravitational constant 1386
Noether’s theorem 1413
Non-holonomic coordinates 1374 1397
Nye contortion 1226 1396
One-loop correction, cosine melting model 1127
Order, rotational 787 961
Order, translational 787 961
Orientable media 1241
Orientational field 790
Orthorhombic, crystal system 749
Outside observer 1365
Overall Griineisen constants 909 913
Pair correlations 1152
Pair distribution function, liquid 1154
Palatini equation 1390
Palatini tensor 1392 1395 1432 1441
Parallel transport 1367
Parallel vector fields 1364
Parallelism 1333 1364
Particles with spin 1397
Partition function, canonical 976
Partition function, elastic 1336
Partition function, higher gradient 1251 1438
Passive coordinate transformations 1336
path integral 1449
Peierls — Jensen inequality 1115
Penetration depth 955
Permanent confinement 861 862
Phase diagram, Lennard — Jones system 1197 1200
Phase space identities, fundamental 1448 1451 1453
Phonon gauge field 1327
Piezoelectricity 1242
Planar slip 865
Planck constant 1362
Planck length 1362 1386
Plastic bend-twist 806
Plastic deformation 1362 1439 1449
Plastic distortion 805 824
Plastic gauge fields 1439 1445
Plastic rotation 806 1236
Plastic shear 781
Plastic strain 805
Plastic strain, tensor 824
Point defects 777 778
Point groups 32 754
Poisson ratio 755 759 984
Poisson summation formula 1310
Pressure 760
Principle of shortest path 1362 1337
Projection matrices 753
Projection operators 839
Quantum corrections 893
Quantum defect dynamics 1325
Quasi-canonical representation 1252
Quasi-symmetric gauge 975 1014
Reciprocal basis vectors 1340
Reciprocal lattice vectors 918 923
Renormalization group equation 1167 1170 1 173
Renormalization group flow 1180
Ricci identity 1424
Ricci tensor 1353 1380 1390 1424
Ricci tensor, variation 1390
Riemann curvature tensor 1354 1432
Riemann space 1350 1387
Riemann — Cartan space 1335 1347 1350 1360 1363 1370
Rotation dislocations 791
Rotational order 787 961
Rotational stiffness 1294 1303 1307 1453
Roughening temperature I 107
Roughening transition 1107
Scalar curvature 1353
Schonflies notation 749
Schwarz lemma 1339 1366
Scparatrix 1180
Screw disclination 786
Screw dislocation 1374
Second-gradient elasticity 1262
Second-gradient elasticity, canonical momenta 1262
Second-gradient elasticity, linear 1263
Second-gradient elasticity, plastic distortions 1262
Second-gradient, lattice defect model 1269
self-consistency equation 913
Self-consistent approximation 916 922
Self-diffusion 793
shear modulus 752
Singular coordinate transformations 1362
SLIP 866
Slip, plane 865 871
Smoothness properties of displacement field 794
Solids 1443 1444 1449
Space group 1334
Space, metric-affine 1335 1347 1360 1363 1370
Space, Riemann 1350
Space, Riemann — Cartan 1335 1347 1350 1360 1363 1370
Space, symmetric 1350
Specific heat 890
Spherical components 832
Spin connection 1400
Spin current density 1388 1414
Spin current, canonical 1387 1408
Spin density 1387 1414
Spin density, dislocation density 1395
Spin density, fundamental identity 1425
Spin projection matrices 762
Spin-spin interaction 1433
Spinning particles 1397
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