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Kleinert H. — Gauge fields in condensed matter (part 4) |
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Spontaneous symmetry breakdown 1443
Stability wedge 942
Stability, elastic 747 749
Stacking fault 782 783
Stiffness constants 751 1198 1202
Stiffness, rotational 1453
Stokes' theorem 1370 1371 1377 1445
Straightest path 1363
Strain field, compatibility 810
Strain field, incompatibility 808 810
Strain tensor 745 1025 1436
Strain, elastic 1025
Strain, plastic 1025
Strain, total 1025
Stress conservation 1436 1438 1440 1453 1455 1451
Stress energy 757 842 854
Stress gauge 1047
Stress gauge, field 828 854 1220 1327 1444 1451 1453
Stress gauge, invariance 980 1221 1327
Stress gauge, transformations 1273 1444 1451 1453
Stress metric 1437
Stress partition function 1268
Stress representation 1262
Stress space 1448
Stress tensor 754 979 1240 1449
Stress, maximal 780
Stresses and defects, double gauge theory 982
Structure factor, liquid 1156
Substantial variation 1343 1349
Superflow 1449
Superflow, gauge transformation of 1450
Superfluid 1443 1444 1449 1450
Superfluid, helium 969 1451
Superfluid, phase transition 1034 1451
Symmetric energy-momentum tensor 1394 1395 1412
Symmetric energy-momentum tensor and defect density 1396
Symmetric space 1350
Symmetry classes 772
Symmetry elements of 32
Symmetry elements of point groups 754
Tangential approximation 1235 1334
Teleparallellism 1367
Tensor field 835
Tensor, elastic strain 747
Tensor, plastic strain 1025
Tensor, strain 745
Tensor, stress 754
Tensor, total strain 1025
Tensors and vectors 1340
Tetragonal, crystal system 749
Thermal expansion 902 906
Thermal softening 921
Thermodynamics of melting model. Villain type 1034
Topological invariant 786
Torque balance 1264
Torque stress 1240 1288 1440
Torque stress and fundamental identity 1440
| Torsion 1363 1370 1372 1375 1378 1438
Torsion and dislocations 1356 1378
Torsion tensor 1349 1377
Torsion, field 1431
Torsion, spin 1 2
Total distortion 824
trace logs 991
Transformation 1342
Translational invariance 762
Translational order 787 961
Transverse gauge 980
Triangular lattice 1173
Triclinic, crystal system 749
Tricritical point 958 1117
Trigonal, crystal system 749
Trivial 805 1023 1025 1030 1235 1266
Trivial Volterra operation 805 1266
True Burgers vector 785
Two-dimensional crystals 924
Two-step melting 1189
Uncertainty relation 1449
Universal melting mechanism 876
Universality 876 1165 1166 1204 1335
Universality of gravitational forces 1335
Vacancy 777 778
Variation, substantial 1343 1349
Variational methods 1114
Vector field 830 1343
Vector field, parallel 1364
Vector, contravariant 1341
Vector, covariant 134
Vectors and tensors 1340
Vierbein fields 1399
Vierbein, reciprocal field 1399
Villian type melting model 974 976 1076
Volterra operation 1023 1233 1236
Volterra process 788 1266 1365 1366 1369
Volterra sheet 969 1449
Volterra surface 788 799 804 1445
Volterra surface, closed 804
Volterra surface, irrelevance 1023 1333
Volume jump 881
Vortex conservation law 1450
Vortex density 1450
Vortex gauge 1445 1447
Vortex gauge, field 1449
Vortex lines 969 1449 1450
Wedge disclination 1365 1375
Weingarten’s theorem 794 797 798
Wigner crystal 1317
Wigner electron lattice 1202 1305
Wigner lattice 1202 1203 1313
World crystal 1362 1364
World invariance 1346
World lines 1336
World tensors 1345
World vector 1345
XY type melting model 999 1113 1132
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