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Becker A.A. — The Boundary Element Method in Engineering. A complete course |
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Abdul-Mihsein, M.J. 122 162 170 223 226
Abramowitz, M. 37
Albers, L.U. 206
Allan-Persson, B.G. 162
Andersson, T. 162
Arbitrary boundary conditions 230—234
Banerjee, P.K. 23 206 207 214 223
Barsoum, R.S. 182 189
Bathe, K.J. 162
Bauschinger effect 201
BEACON: examples 256—271
BEACON: full listing 294—323
BEACON: integration schemes 249—252
BEACON: list of variables 288—293
BEACON: main feature 246—248
BEACON: structure 248—249 250
BEACON: subroutines 252—256
BEACON: users' manual 281—287
Becker, A.A. 125 136 150 153 162 182 188 189
Beer, G. 217 235
Benham, P.P. 87 176 193
Bergkvist, H. 189
Bessel function 240
Betti's theorem 4 29 31 70 103 208
BIE: axisymmetric elastostatic 131 132
BIE: axisymmetric potential 126 127
BIE: axisymmetric with arbitrary b.c. 232
BIE: three-dimensional elastostatic 32 103 144 145
BIE: three-dimensional potential 96
BIE: two-dimensional elastostatic 70
BIE: two-dimensional potential 44
Biharmonic equations 28 68 101
Blazynski, T.Z. 202
Body force 27 64 98 144 207 223 224 230
Bolteus, S. 222
Boundary conditions: three-dimensional 112
Boundary conditions: two-dimensional 52 79
Boundary stresses: axisymmetric 137
Boundary stresses: three-dimensional 114
Boundary stresses: two-dimensional 82
Boundary value problems 21
Brebbia, C.A. 206 207 217 221 238
Broberg, B. 189
Bui, H.D. 206
Butterfield, R. 23 238
Byrd, P.F. 38
Byskov, E. 182 189
Carslaw, H.S. 57 58 60 242
Cartwright, D.J. 186 193
Cathie, D.N. 206 207
Centrifugal kernels: axisymmetric 225
Centrifugal kernels: three-dimensional 223
Centrifugal kernels: two-dimensional 224
Chan, S.K. 182 187 189
Chang, Y.P. 238
Chaudhary, A. 162
Cody, W.J. 38
Combescure, A. 240 241
Common block 247 294
Complementary function 227
Conductivity 57 58 60 163 239
Conry, T.F. 162
Contact: angle 165
Contact: interference 165 176
Contact: receding 178
Contact: slip 164
Contact: stick 163
Contact: thermal 162
Contact: variables 165
Convective heat transfer 58
Coulomb friction 162 164 168
Coupling BE and FE 216—223
Crack tip expressions 183
Cracks: axisymmetric 185 189 194
Cracks:Cramer's rule 34 35
Cracks:edge 193
Cracks:flat toroidal 194
Cracks:semi-elliptic 195
Cross product 16 75 107
Cruse, T.A. 7 8 23 29 31 63 182 205 223 224
Cylindrical coordinates 19 128 131 226
Danson, D.J. 223 224 225
Davies, T.G. 207 214
Day, B.V. 123
density 239
Deviatoric stress 202
Diagonal terms: axisymmetric 135—137 255
Diagonal terms: potential 52
Diagonal terms: three-dimensional 112
Diagonal terms: two-dimensional 78 255
Direct formulation 7 14 23 63
Direction cosines 26 27 84
Displacement kernels: axisymmetric 132—134
Displacement kernels: three-dimensional 102
Displacement kernels: two-dimensional 68 252
Divergence of a vector 18
Divergence theorem 24 146 224 225 230
Dot product 114
Drichlet condition 22
Dummy index 20
Edges and corners 85
Elastoplasticity 199—215
Elliptic integrals 38 129 130 152 226 233 255 276
Energy methods 188
Erdelyi, A. 38
Erdogan, F. 194
Erdol, R. 194
Examples: axisymmetric elastostatic 137
Examples: contact 171
Examples: fracture 192
Examples: thermoelastic 154
Examples: three-dimensional elastostatic 118
Examples: two-dimensional elastostatic 87
Examples: two-dimensional potential 57
Extrapolation methods 186—187 193 195 197
Extruder screw 120
Falby, W. 217
Faria, L.M.O. 206
Fenner, R.T. 8 26 37 122 136 153 182 189 206
Field point: axisymmetric 126
Field point: three-dimensional 95 101
Field point: two-dimensional 42 67
Finite difference in time 241
Finite difference method 2 216
FORTRAN 12 246 247 281
Fourier series 231
Fracture modes 183 185
Fracture toughness 181 185
Francavilla, A. 162
Friedman, M.D. 38
Full pivoting 37
Fundamental solution: axisymmetric potential 128 129
Fundamental solution: three-dimensional elastostic 27—29 101
Fundamental solution: three-dimensional potential 95 128
Fundamental solution: time-dependent 242
Fundamental solution: two-dimensional elastostatic 67
Fundamental solution: two-dimensional potential 42
Galerkin vector 28 67 101 224
Gauss theorem 24
Gauss — Seidel 4 35
Gaussian elimination 4 6 34—37 53 56 82 113 249 255
Gaussian quadrature: logarithmic 34 51 77 248 249 254 274
Gaussian quadrature: standard 5 33 50 77 109 248 249 254 273
Georgiou, P. 217 221
Goodier, J.N. 88 90 139 141 155 157
Goree, J.G. 179
Gradient of a scalar 17
Green's second identity 24 43 147 149 230
Green's theorem 23—24 95
Grestle, W.H. 182
| Griffith, A.A. 181 182
Gupta, A.F. 231
Hardening: isotropic 201
Hardening: kinematic 201
Hardening: mixed 201 204
Hardening: strain 201 209
Hardening: work 199
Harrington, R.F. 7
Hastings, C. 38
Hayes, D.J. 189
Heat transfer coefficient 60
Heise, U. 52 78
Hellen, T.K. 157 159
Henry, D.P. 207 223 228
Henshell, R.D. 182 189
Hertz solution 173
Hess, J.J. 7
Hooke's law 27 64 83 99
Hydrostatic stress 202
Ill-conditioning 37 56
Incompressible materials 9 70 203
Indirect formulation 6 14 23 63
Infinite boundary elements 234—238
Inglis, C.E. 181 182
Ingraffea, A.R. 182
Initial strain approach 209
Initial stress approach 208
Integral equation of the first kind 21
Integral equation of the second kind 21
Internal variables: three-dimensional 117
Internal variables: two-dimensional 56 84
Intrinsic coordinate 46 73 105 189 210 236
Ioakimidis, N.I. 52 78
Irwin, G.R. 181 182 183
Isoparametric quadratic elements: fracture 189
Isoparametric quadratic elements: three-dimensional 105
Isoparametric quadratic elements: two-dimensional 46 72
Iterations: contact 167—171
Iterations: elastoplasticity 213—214
J-integral 188
Jacobian of transformation 18 48 74 83 108 111 211 219 237 238 253
Jaeger, J.C. 57 58 60 242
Jaswon, M.A. 6 7 14 23
Johnson, K.L. 162
Juvinall, R.C 173
Karami, G. 162 170
Keer, L.M. 178
Kellogg, O.D. 6
Kelly, D.W. 217
Kelvin 28 29 31 67 101
Kobayashi, S. 206
Kronecker delta 21 66 100 145
Kumar, V. 206
Kupradze, O.D. 6
Lachat, J.C 8 23 113 235 240 241
Lame solution 89 119 122 138 176
Laplace transform 238 239
Laplace's equation 6 41 94 126 145 244
Laplacian operation 18 67 94
Lee, K.H. 204 206 208 212 214
Legendre functions 37
Levy — von Mises flow rule 203
Li, H.B. 222
Linear elastic fracture mechanics 182—186
Lipson, C 173
Load incrementation: contact 168 170
Load incrementation: elastoplasticity 213
Load point: axisymmetric 126
Load point: three-dimensional 95 101
Load point: two-dimensional 42 67
Lowengrub, M. 181
Margulies, M. 217
Mayr, M. 231
Meek, J.L. 217
Mendleson, A. 205 206
Mikhlin, S.G. 6
Mindlin, R.D. 162
Morjaria, M. 206
Mukherjee, S. 206 207
Muskhelishvili, N.I. 6
Mustoe, G.G. 86 206
Nadiri, F. 182
Nakazawa, M. 162
Navid, H. 197
Navier 4 27 28
Navier, axisymmetric 131
Navier, elastoplastic 205
Navier, three-dimensional 98—101 227
Navier, two-dimensional 63—67
Neumann condition 22
Newton's law 60
Nigam, R.K. 231 232 233
Nishimura, N. 206
Okamoto, N. 162
Oliviera, E.R.A. 23
Osias, J.R. 217
Outward normal 24 49 75 102
Parker, A.P. 186 188
Parson, B. 162
Partial pivoting 37 249 255
Particular integral approach 227—229
Perucchio, R. 182
Plane strain 63 65 84 136 185 205
Plane stress 63 65 84 136 205
Plant, R.C.A. 119 162 197
Poisson's equation 21 41
Poisson's ratio 9 28 64 69 99 203
Ponter, A.R. 7
Potential kernels: axisymmetric 128—130
Potential kernels: three-dimensional 96 97
Potential kernels: time-dependent 240
Potential kernels: two-dimensional 44
Prandtl — Reuss relations 203
Principal plane 202
Principal stress 202
Quadrilateral cells 210 243
Quadrilateral elements 105
Rangogni, R. 217
Reali, M. 217
Reciprocal work theorem 4 29—30
Remzi, E.M. 189
Riccardella, P. 205
Rice, J.R. 181 188
Rigid body motion 78 112 135 225 284
Rizzo, F.J. 7 14 223 231 238 240
Rooke, D.P. 186 193
Sarihan, V. 207
Scalar differential approach 229
Scalar product 16
Scalar, definition 15
Scaling factor 81 82 143 167
Secrest, A.H. 34
Seireg, A. 162
Semi-definite problems 234
Semi-direct formulation 7 14 23 63 206
Shape function: differentials, linear rectangular 111 278
Shape function: differentials, three-dimensional 107 277
Shape function: differentials, two-dimensional 49 75
Shape function: infinite 236 237
Shape function: linear rectangular 110
Shape function: quadratic, three-dimensional 106
Shape function: quadratic, triangular 211
Shape function: quadratic, two-dimensional 46 72
Shaw, K.G. 182 189
Shaw, R.P. 217 238
shear modulus 28 64 99
Shippy, D.J. 7 223 231 238 240
Shrink-fit 176
Sih, G.C 186
Simpson's rule 7 32
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