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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 3, Fluid dynamics) |
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model (turbulence) 164 209
model (turbulence) 163 209
a posteriori error indicators 244
A, split sec Split A
Abbott, M.B. 218 239
Absolute temperature 7 92 154
Absorption of acoustic waves 242
Acceleration: convective 1 65
Accelerations, Coriolis 221
Accuracy of infinite elements 264
Acoustics 3 11 219 242 243 245 250 262 264
Acoustics, exterior 261
Adaptive development 180
Adaptive mesh 205
Adaptive mesh, generation 113
Adaptive mesh, refinement 102
Adaptive procedure 206 275
Adaptive refinement 132 180 200 206
Adaptive remeshing 126 195
Adaptivity 189
Adey, R.A. 36 38 61
Advancing boundary normals 206
Advancing front technique 148
Advective term 25
Aerofoil 95 202 302
Aerofoil, NACA0012 84 148 202—207
Aerofoil, two-component 206
Aeronautics 170
Ainsworth, M. 102 103 137
Aircraft 189 192 209 212 246
Akin, J.E. 67 77 88 155 166
ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) method 128
Alexander, J.M. 120 139 140
Algorithm See also methods procedures process
Algorithm, CBS (Characteristic Based Split) 84 85 92 93 98 113 132 147 156 159 162 173 188 198 202 224 237 274 278 284
Algorithm, characteristic Galerkin 43
Algorithm, DtN 253
Algorithm, explicit 100
Algorithm, semi-explicit 227
Algorithm, single-step 84
Alloys, solidification of 157
Altan, A.T. 120 140
Aluminium 120
Angular frequency 242 243
Anisotropic diffusion 28
Anisotropic mesh generation 109
Anisotropic shock capturing 176 186 280
Anisotropic viscosity 174
Argyris, J.H. 94 134
Artificial compressibility 67 99
Artificial diffusion 22 50 175 224
Artificial diffusion, Lapidus-type 179
Artificial dissipation 174
Artificial island problem 259
Artificial offshore harbour 258
Artificial viscosities 174 280
Ashida, H. 266 267 273
Astley, R.J. 243 246 259 260 262 264 265 270 271 272 273
Aswathanarayana, P.A. 67 88 161 167
Atkinson, B. 120 139
Atkinson, J.D. 23 60
Atmospheric pressure 220
Austin, D.I. 223 235 240
Automatic generation of meshes 182
Auxiliary variable 69
Average fluxes 294
Average particle size 159
Average pressure 175
Averaged flow equations 162
Averaged heat capacity 159
Avonmouth 229
Axisymmetric jet 96
Ayers, R. 169 191 192 193 214
B split see Split B
Baaijens, F.P.T. 120 140
Babau, A.V.R. 102 109 110 137
Babuska — Brezzi (BB) restrictions 66 78 80 117
Babuska, I. 26 60 244 247 265 270 271 272
Backward facing step 100 105 113 164
Bai, K.J. 146 165
Baker, A.J. 161 167
Baker, T.J. 189 216
Balaji, P.A. 120 140
Balance of energy 8
Balance of momentum 6 242
Balancing diffusion 20 22 27
Balancing diffusion, streamline 28
Baldwin, B.S. 174 175 215
Banded solution 276 286
Bando, K. 253 260 262 271 272
Baron, J.R. 102 135
Barrett, K.E. 17 59
Basin 243
Batchelor, C.K. 4 12
Bathygraphy 227
Baum, J.D. 102 136
Baumann, C.E. 26 34 60 61
Bay, F. 120 140
Bayliss, A. 250 253 271
Baync, L.B. 169 193 214
Beach, shelving 224
Beck, R.F. 146 165
Bed friction 226 235 245
Beer cans 130
Behr, M. 223 241
Bejan, A. 155 157 166
Bellet, M. 130 141
Belytschko, T. 24 60 128 141
Benque, J.P. 38 62
Benson, D.J. 132 142
Bercovicr, M. 38 62
Bercovier, H. 118 139
Berger, M.J. 102 135
Berkhoff wave theory 265 266
Berkhoff, J.C.W. 243 255 270 271
Bermhorst, K. 161 163 164 167
Bermudez, A. 38 62
Bernoulli's equation 94 147 265 266
Bettess, J.A. 96 134 252 253 260 261 271
Bettess, P. 96 134; 223 235 240; 245 246 247 248 249 252 253 255 260 261 262 263 264 266 269 270 271 272 273
Bhandari, D.R. 120 124 139
Bhargava. P. 120 130 140 141
Bilger, R.W. 120 139
Billey, V. 102 135 189 216
Bingham fluid 118 119
Bishop, A.R. 174 214
Biswas, G. 34 61 67 88
Blasco, J. 67 88
Blunt body 184
Blurring of the shock 181
Boat: sailing 150 153
Body diffracting 251
Body forces 8 65 73 92 94 96
Boeing 747 189
Bonet, J. 120 130 133 140 141 142
Bore 224 227
Bore, Severn 232 233
Bore, tidal 229
Boris, J.P. 50 63
Borouchaki, H. 102 109 110 137 138; 216
Bottom drag stresses 222
Bottom shear 221
Bottom-heating cavities 156
Bottura, L. 54 63
Boundaries: changing 124
Boundaries: exterior 173
Boundaries: external 172
Boundaries: fictitious 81
Boundaries: infinite 173
Boundaries: side 235
| Boundaries: supersonic outflow 173
Boundary at infinity 251
Boundary condition 94
Boundary condition, free 233
Boundary condition, natural 243 252
boundary conditions 81 82 279 284
Boundary conditions, Dirichlet 293 294
Boundary conditions, Euler 305
Boundary conditions, inlet 45
Boundary conditions, local non-reflecting 253
Boundary conditions, non-reflecting 253
Boundary conditions, prescribed traction 83
Boundary conditions, radiation 44
Boundary dampers 253
Boundary forces 91
Boundary integrals 252 256 262
Boundary integrals, exterior 255
Boundary integrals, linking to 255
Boundary layer 3 10 16 108 110 171 180 192 197 198 200 202 206 209 210 222
Boundary layer, -inviscid flow coupling 302
Boundary layer, interaction 201
Boundary layer, separation 211
Boundary layer, solution 305
Boundary layer, theory 212
Boundary layer, thickness 207 304
Boundary node 276 280 299
Boundary normals, advancing 206
Boundary operators 250
Boundary solution 146
Boundary tractions 83
Boundary velocities, prescribed 120
Boundary-exit conditions 100
Boundary: external 227
Boundary: fictitious 172
Boundary: infinite 261
Boundary: outer 251
Boundary: slip 123 235
Boundary: solid wall 172 173
Boundary: supersonic inflow 172
Bourgault, Y. 102 137
Boussinesq model 162
Bova, S. 223 241
Bow shock wave 187
Bradshaw, P. 211 217
Brakalmans, W.A.M. 128 141
Breakwater: floating 265—267
Breakwaters 250
Breakwaters, permeable 245
Brebbia, C.A. 35 36 61; 239
Brezzi, F. 81 90
Briard, P. 164 168
Bristol Channel 226—231 236
Brook, D.L. 50 63
Brookes, P.J. 57 63; 189 214; 247 271
Brooks, A.N. 16 20 27 28 59 60 61
Brooman, J.W.F. 210 216
Budiansky, B. 130 141
bulk modulus 5 11 64 91 92 242
Buoyancy 143
Buoyancy driven convection 161
Buoyancy driven flows 153 156
Buoyancy force 91
Burger's equation 50 52
Burnett elements 261 262
Burnett, D.S. 261 262 263 265 272 273
Burton, A.J. 133. 142
Butler, M.J. 265 273
Cao, Y. 146 165
Car bodies 130
Car: motor 192
Car: supersonic 191
Card, C.C.M. 120 139
Cardie, J.A. 34 61
Carew, E.O.A. 132 142
Carey, G.F. 23 34 60 61; 135; 241
Carter, J.E. 198 216
Cartesian coordinates 275
Casciaro, R. 189 216
Castro-Diaz, M.J. 102 109 110 137; 216
Caswell, B. 120 139
Cauchy — Poisson free surface condition 265 266
Cavendish, J.C. 109 138
Cavities, bottom-heating 156
Cavity 99
Cavity problem, driven 115
Cavity, closed square 97 156
Cavity, lid-driven 100 101 103 104 111
Cavity, resonant 243
CBS (Characteristic Based Split) algorithm 14 64 67 83—85 92 93 98 113 132 147 156 159 162 173 188 198 200 202 224 237 274 274 275 276 278 279 284 289
CBS algorithm incompressible flows 97
CBS algorithm, computer implementation 274
Central finite difference form 18
Cervera, M. 26 60
Chadwick, E. 247 271
Chan, A.H.C. 159 166
Chan, S.T. 67 87 88
Changing boundaries 124
Channel: Bristol 226—236
Channel: rectangular 228 235
Channel: symmetric 236
Characteristic directions 33
Characteristic Galerkin algorithm 34 43
Characteristic variable 175
Characteristic-based methods 35
Characteristic-based procedures, upwinding 59
Characteristic-based split 59
Characteristic-based split algorithm see CBS
Characteristic-Galerkin 36 38 48 67—69 74 146 176 237 246
Characteristics 34 35 73
Charge density 243
Charpin, F. 209 211 216
Chartier, M. 223 239
Chastel, Y. 120 140
Chaudhuri, A.R. 67 88
Chemical concentrations 75
Chemical reaction 8
Chen, A.J. 198 216
Chen, C.K. 155 166
Chen, H.S. 146 165; 258 259 271
Cheng, C.Y. 155 166
Chenot, J.L. 120 130 140 141
Chezy 221 245
Chiam, T.C. 260 272 272
Chippada, S. 223 241
Chorin split 67
Chorin, A.J. 67 87
Chow, R.R. 211 217
Christie, I. 18 19 60; 241
Christon, M.A. 67 88
Chung, T.J. 120 124 139
Cipolla, J.L. 265 273
Circular cylinder 269
Civil aircraft 189
Clark, P.J. 260 269 272 273
Closed cavity 97 156
Closed domains, waves in 243
Closure models, first-order 162
Cnoidal waves 268
Coastal engineering 223
Coastal estuaries 218
Coastlines 250
Codina, R. 26 28 34 40 41 60 61 62; 75 77 81 88 89 90; 98 99 134 135; 161 162 165 167; 176 185 186 187 198 199 200 215 216; 290
Coefficient of pressure 304
Coefficient of thermal expansion 154
Coefficient: artificial diffusion 175
Coefficient: Chezy 221
Coefficient: diffusion 14 237
Coefficient: diffusion conduction 293
Coefficient: entrainment 304
Coefficient: Manning friction 229
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