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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 3, Fluid dynamics) |
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Refinement, r 113
Refinement, second 205
Refinements, hp 103
Reflecting wall, perfectly 243
Reflection: shock wave 182
Reflections, undesired 227
Refraction 250
Region: exterior 256
Region: mushy 289
Region: shock 197
Region: turbulent 303
Reimann variables 173
Reinhart, L. 38 62
Relation: dispersion 243 269 271
Relation: Ergun's 159
Relation: Sutherland's 284
Relationship, state 10
Remeshing: adaptive 126 195
Ren, G. 67 88
Residual based methods 176
Residual statement, weighted 14 251 264
Residuals 287
Residuals, interpolation of 301
Resistance, frictional 226
Resonant cavity 243
Response: periodic 226
Response: wave 250
Restoration of connectivity 181
Restriction: Babuska — Brezzi (BB) 66 78 80
Retardation 245
Reverser, hemispheric thrust 96
Reynen, J. 34 61
Reynolds averaged Navier — Stokes equations 162
Reynolds averaging 10
Reynolds number 66 97 98 115 149 156 163 164 276
Reynolds Number, high 207
Reynolds Number, very high 208
Reynolds shear stress 143 162
Reynolds viscosity 10
Rheology, numerical 132
RHS (Right Hand Side) vector 284 253 298
Rice, J.G. 67 88
Richez, M.C. 223 239
Richtmyer, R.D. 174 214
Riemann analysis 172 233
Riemann invariants 58
Riemann shock tube 177
Rigid-plastic 120
Rip currents 235
Rivara, M.C. 189 216
River Severn 229
Rivers 218
RMS departure error 106
Roach P.J. 4 12
Rocket 196 197
Rogallo, R. 161 167 168
Rojek, J. 67 89; 132 140 142
Rubbers, synthetic 132
Rubio, C. 108 138
Rudder 150 153
Runchall, A.K. 17 59
Runge — Kutta scheme 55 56
Russell. T.F. 38 62
Sacco, C. 147 165; 290
Saffman, P. 161 167
Sai. B.V.K.S. 28 34 61; 75 81 88 89; 135; 161 162 166 167; 185 186 187 215; 290
Said. R. 169 189
Sailing boat 150 153
Sailing speed 150
Sakhib, F. 28 24 60 61; 215
Salinity 238 239
Saltel, E. 102 109 110 137
Sani, R.L. 118 139
Sarpkaya, T. 96 134
Sastri, V. 38 62
Scalar convection-diffusion equation 92
Scalar equations, transient 34
Scalar, steady-state 26
Scattering problem 246 250
Scavounos, Pd. 146 165
Schafer, U. 148 165
Scheme: CBS 14
Scheme: explicit 43
Scheme: MUSCL 188
Scheme: Runge — Kutta 56
Scheme: Taylor — Galerkin 85
Scheme: two-step 84
Schlichting, H. 4 12
Schmidt, W. 174 215
Schmitt, V. 209 211 216
Schneider, G.E. 67 87
Schnipkc, R.J. 67 88
Schoombic, S.W. 268 273
Schrcfler, B.A. 159 166
Schreurs, P.J.G. 128 141
Schroeder, W.J. 109 138
Scott, V.H. 22 60
Seaward limit 233
Secant viscosity 118
Second derivative based methods 175
Second derivative of pressure 280 283
Second derivative shock capture 186
Second derivatives 107
Second refinement 205
Second-order wave elevation 268—271
Sediments, transport of 218 237
Seetharamu, K.N. 67 77 88; 109 110 137; 155 159 161 166 167; 290
Self-adjoint equation 1 14 96
Self-adjointness 31
Selmin, V. 52 63
Semi-explicit algorithms 227
Semi-explicit forms 275
Semi-implicit form 76 224 284
Semi-inverse coupling 303
Separation 245 303
Separation, boundary layer 211
Separation, flow 171 245
Series solutions 253
Series solutions, exterior 255
Series solutions, linking to 256
Series, infinite harbour 235
Severn barrage 226
Severn bore 232 233
Severn Estuary 226 229 230 231 232 236
Severn tsunami 234
Severn, River 229
Shallow water flow 3 50 219
Shallow-water equations 223
Shallow-water problem 218 222 274
Shallow-water theory 265 266
Shallow-water transport 237
Shape function: convected 37
Shape function: linear 16
Shape parameter: velocity profile 304
Sharp discontinuity 181
shear modulus 5 115
Shear stress coefficient 304
Shear stress: Reynolds 162
Shear stresses, surface 221
Shear viscosity, dynamic 5
Shear, bottom 221
Shedding: eddy 3
Shedding: vortex 114
Sheet forming 122
Shelving beach 224
Shephard, M.S. 109 138
Shimizaki, Y. 120 139
Shimura, M. 67 88
Shin, C.T. 97 98 112 134
Shiomi, T. 159 166
| Ship 3 144
Ship hydrodynamics 145 146
Ship motion 145
Shirron, J.J. 265 272
Shoal: parabolic 257
Shoaling of a wave 225
Shock 9 200 235
Shock capture 52 174 176 180 186 275 276 280 286
Shock development 3
Shock fitting 174
Shock front 196
Shock interaction 201
Shock like behaviour 28
Shock propagation 50
Shock regions 197
Shock tube 224
Shock tube, Riemann 177
Shock wave 236
Shock wave reflection 182
Shock wave, bow 187
Shock, stationary 182
Shocks 48 108 206 218 226 286 292
Shocks, localizing 181
Short-wave problem 245
Shuttle 196 197
Sibson, R. 109 138
Side boundaries 235
Side repeated 235
Simulation, direct numerical 161
Single-step algorithm 80 84
Sinha, S.K. 289 290
Situations, steady-state 15
Size: average particle 159
Size: smallest element 181
Skin friction 202 304
Slip boundary 123 235
Slip conditions 83
Slow flows 113
Slow speeds, very 2
Sluice gate 144
Small waves 147
Smallest element size 181
Smearing 29 50 179
Smolinski, P. 24 60
Smoothing 176
Sod, G. 177 215
Soding, H. 146 165
Solid wall boundary 172 173
Solidification 157 274
Solids, incompressible elastic 66
Solitary wave 224 268
Solution methods, direct 169
Solution of simultaneous equations 286
Solution procedure 70
Solution procedures, iterative 147
Solution: banded 276
Solution: boundary 146
Solution: boundary layer 305
Solution: CBS 200
Solution: coarse mesh 300
Solution: Euler 192
Solution: exterior 253
Solution: exterior series 255
Solution: implicit 54
Solution: inviscid Euler 209
Solution: iterative non-linear 96
Solution: Navier — Stokes 171
Solution: oscillation-free 100
Solution: pure Euler 209
Solution: quasi-implicit 98 103 104
Solution: series 253
Solution: transient 15
Solver, banded 286
Sommerfeld (radiation condition) 250
Soni, B.K. 109 138
Sosnowski, W. 130 141
Sound: speed of 3 64 172—178
Source 73
Source term 237
Source term, heat 8
Source term, variable 22
Spalding, D.B. 17 59; 167
Spatial discretization 70
Special finite elements 249
Specific energy 92 94
Specific heat 64 92 121 156 170
Specific heat, constant volume 170
Speed of sound 3 64 172 175 178
Speed: sailing 150
Speeds: multiple wave 57
Speeds: propagation 172
Speeds: transonic 48
Speeds: very slow 2
Sphere diffraction, elastic 262
spherical polar coordinates 261
Spheroidal coordinates: oblate 261
Spheroidal coordinates: prolate 261
Spiral mode 264
Split A 68 70 78 79 80 84
Split B 68 69 75 78 79 83
Split: CBS (Characteristic Based) 59 83
Split: Chorin 67
Split: operator 36
Sponge layer 254
Spring-back 131
Spurious oscillation 50
Square cavity, closed 156
Squire, H.B. 211 217
Srinivas, M. 67 88; 167
SSC Program Ltd. 191 216
St Michel, Mont 236
Stability 37 38 81 250
Stability condition 42
Stability limit 42 54 76
Stability, conditional 38
Stabilization 39 66 70 78 80 81 113 280 284
Stable, unconditionally 54
Stagg, K.G. 219 239
Stagnation point 204
Stagnation stream 302
Staniforth, A.N. 223 240
State relationship 10
State, equation of 7 67
Statement: weak 294
Statement: weighted residual 264
Static infinite elements 260
Stationary shock 182
Steady state 15 79 120 279
Steel 120
Steep wave 50 224
Steepening, progressive, wave 224
Steger, J.L. 174 215
Step: backward facing 100 105 113 164
Step: critical time 224
Step: minimum 280
Step: Swansea two 57
Stewart, J.R. 169 187 188 213
Stiffness matrix 244 256
Stokes equations 81 132
Stokes flow 2 91 118
Stokes flow, incompressible 79
Stokes flow, pure 98
Stokes waves 268
Storti, M.A. 34 61
Stoufflet, B. 189 216
Strada, M. 155 166
Strain invariant, total 118
Strain rate tensor 118
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