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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 3, Fluid dynamics) |
Предметный указатель |
Eigenvalue analysis 58 244
Eigenvectors 244
Eiseman, P.R. 109 138
Elastic behaviour 2
Elastic bulk modulus 11
Elastic compressibility 132
Elastic recovery 132
Elastic solids, incompressible 66
Elastic sphere diffraction 262
Elastic waves 245
Elasticity, incompressible 113
Electric field intensity vectors 246
Electromagnetic scattering problems 246
Electromagnetic wave problems 57
Electromagnetic waves 4 242 243 245
Electromagnetics 243 250
Element area calculation 276
Element elongation 107 108 109
Element formulation, edge-based finite 298
Element grids, structured finite 274
Element size, smallest 181
Element stretching 182
Element stretching, infinite 262
Element stretching, potential 265 266
Elements grids, unstructured finite 274
Elements: Burnett 262
Elements: conjugated infinite 264
Elements: elongated 197
Elements: finite 2
Elements: infinite 252 259 265
Elements: linear triangular 283
Elements: quadrilateral 206 207
Elements: special finite 249
Elements: static infinite 260
Elements: structured triangle 206
Elements: tetrahedral 206
Elements: triangle 207 274
Elements: unconjugated infinite 264
Elementwise conservative 296
Elevation: second-order wave 269
Elevation: total wave 251
Elevation: wave 242 243
Elevations: tidal 226
Elevations: wave 265 266
Ellipse diffraction 261
Ellipsoid: double 207 208
Ellipsoidal coordinates 261 262
Ellipsoidal type infinite elements 261
Ellwood, K. 82 90
Elongated elements 197
Elongation directions 180
Elongation: element 107—109
Energy 159 170 284
Energy conservation 7 65 124
Energy conservation equation 3
Energy coupling 279
Energy dissipation 8
energy equation 74 91 286 289
Energy functional 255
Energy norm error 113
Energy transport 11
Energy, balance of 8
Energy, conservation of 66 92 291
Energy, internal 170
Energy, kinetic 121
Energy, specific 92 94
Energy, turbulent kinetic 162
Energy/temperature calculation 279
Engine intake 194
Engleraan, M.S. 118 139
Engquist, B. 254 271
Enthalpy 8 94
Entrainment coefficient 304
Entropy, constant 64
Equation of state 7 67
Equation solving 275
Equation: Bernoulli 94 147 265 266
Equation: Burger 50 52
Equation: continuity 99
Equation: convection-diffusion 4 26 47 293
Equation: density-pressure 73
Equation: energy 74 286 289
Equation: energy conservation 3
Equation: Euler 9 176 177
Equation: heat transport 153
Equation: Helmholtz 223 242 243 244 248 255
Equation: Korteweg-de Vries 268
Equation: Laplace 96 265 266
Equation: momentum 154
Equation: Navier — Stokes 9
Equation: Poisson 97
Equation: pure convection 146
Equation: scalar convection-diffusion 92
Equation: self-adjoint 96
Equation: transport 14 163
Equation: wave 242
Equations of motion 153
Equations: averaged flow 162
Equations: convection-diffusion 13 25 72
Equations: decoupled 58
Equations: depth-averaged governing 220 237
Equations: energy 91
Equations: Euler 8 10 93 150 171 172 218 298 302
Equations: Euler — Stokes 275
Equations: Maxwell 243 246
Equations: Navier — Stokes 10 26 146 150 170 180 197 210 212 219 291
Equations: non-conservative 9
Equations: non-self-adjoint 1
Equations: potential flow 146
Equations: shallow-water 223
Equations: Stokes 81
Equations: transient scalar 34
Equations: transport 171
Equations: wave 268
Equilibrium conditions 304
Equilibrium, dynamic 6
Erason, C. 253 260 262 271 272
Ergun's relations 159
Ergun, S. 159 167
Error estimator 102
Error indicator 102
Error indicators, a posteriori 244
Error limit 106
Error: diffusion 239
Error: energy norm 113
Error: interpolation 104 106 108
Error: pollution 244
Error: RMS departure 106
Errors, phase 229
Esche, S.K. 130 142
Estimator, error 102
Estuaries, coastal 218
Estuary: Severn 226—236
Euier flow 83 148
Euler boundary conditions 305
Euler equation 8—10 93 150 171—177 218 298 302
Euler problems 180
Euler solution 192
Euler solution, inviscid 209
Euler solution, pure 209
Euler — Stokes equations 275
Eulerian flow modelling 212
Evans, A. 102 136
Eversman, W. 246 262 271
Evolution of heat 121
Ewing, R.E. 38 62
Exit, flow 293
Expansion: Taylor 39 40
Experiments, physical 169
Explicit algorithm 100
| Explicit characteristic-Galerkin procedure 38 40
Explicit dynamic codes 132
Explicit form 76 275 284
Explicit method, direct 175
Explicit mode, fully 99
Explicit scheme 43
Explicit semi-explicit 76
Explicit time marching algorithm 104
Exponential law 118
Exterior acoustics 261
Exterior boundaries 173
Exterior boundary integrals 255
Exterior flows 169 172
Exterior problems 252 253
Exterior region 256
Exterior series solutions 255
Exterior solutions 253
Exterior solutions, linking to 255
Exterior surface wave problems 250
Exterior wave problems 251
External boundaries 172 227
Extremum, local 176
Extrusion 121 122
Extrusion, transient 128
Feeder 144
FEM, wave envelope 264
Fenner, R.T. 120 139
Feshbach, H. 243 270
Fictitious boundary 81 172
Field, D.A. 109 138
Fighter, supersonic 189
Filling of moulds 143 145 148
Fine finite element mesh 300
Finite differences 2
Finite differences, one-sided 17
Finite element: Galerkin 176
Finite element: hp-version 295
Finite element: hybrid 295
Finite element: special 249
Finite increment calculus (FIC) 25 30
Finite volume formulation 189
First-order closure models 162
First-order diffraction problem 268
Fix, G.J. 223 240
Flanagan, D.P. 128 141
Flat nosed punch 129
Fleming, C.A. 223 235 240
Floating body 265 266
Floating breakwater 265 266 267
flooding 231
Flow codes, incompressible 274
Flow coupling, boundary layer-inviscid 302
Flow equations: averaged 162
Flow equations: isothermal compressible 223
Flow equations: potential 146
Flow exit 293
Flow fluxes, mass 92
Flow formulation 120
Flow modelling, Eulerian 212
Flow of gases 3
Flow past a cylinder 161
Flow past harbour 235
Flow problems: compressible viscous 274
Flow problems: fluid 110
Flow problems: high-speed 280
Flow problems: inviscid 274
Flow separation 171 245
Flow vector, mass 74
Flow-dependent viscosity 3
Flow: compressible 10 48 50 66 108 170 174 224 275
Flow: Euler 83 148
Flow: highspeed 169 171 180
Flow: hypersonic 184 207
Flow: ideal 3
Flow: incompressible 110 275
Flow: incompressible laminar 91
Flow: incompressible Stokes 79
Flow: inviscid 10
Flow: inviscid incompressible 93
Flow: isothermal 178
Flow: Mach 3 187
Flow: mass 6
Flow: potential 3 93
Flow: pure Stokes 98
Flow: shallow water 219 50
Flow: steady-state 120
Flow: Stokes 2 91 118
Flow: subsonic 81 84 189
Flow: supercritical 236
Flow: supersonic 185
Flow: transonic viscous 203
Flow: turbulent 164 275 289
Flow: viscous incompressible 113
Flows: buoyancy driven 153 156
Flows: compressible 73 91 173 218 280
Flows: exterior 169 172
Flows: free surface 3 91 144
Flows: high-speed 10 187 280
Flows: hypersonic 65
Flows: incompressible 91
Flows: interior 169 172
Flows: laminar 210
Flows: nearly incompressible 10
Flows: non-newtonian 118
Flows: porous media 274 276 286
Flows: shallow water 3
Flows: slow 113
Flows: super critical 235
Flows: supersonic 82
Flows: thermal 286
Flows: turbulent 161 210 274
Flows: turbulent incompressible 143
Flows: viscoelastic 131
Fluid density 6
Fluid dynamic 4
Fluid dynamics 1
Fluid flow problems 110
Fluid-structure interaction 265 266
Fluid-structure, submarine 262
Fluid: Bingham 118
Fluid: incompressible 218
Fluid: non-newtonian 91
Fluid: stresses in 4
Fluidized beds, packed and 157
Flux conservation, complete 293
Flux matrices 13
Flux quantities, diffusive 14
Flux: average 294
Flux: conductive heat 8
Flux: mass flow 92
Forced convection 144 286
Forces due to breaking 235
Forces: boundary 91
Forces: buoyancy 91
Forces: convective 55
Forces: Coriolis 229
Forces: driving 154
Forces: gravity 96
Forces: perturbation 144
Forces: prescribed 55
Forces: second-order wave 271
Forces: wave 250
Forchheimer Number 159
Foreman, M.G.G. 223 239 240
Formaggia, L. 57 63; 135 136; 174 182 189 194 213
Forming: metal 2 3 118 120 122
Forming: polymer 118
Forming: sheet 122
Forming: superplastic 130
Forming: transient metal 132
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