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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 3, Fluid dynamics) |
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Strain rates 3 4
Strain rates, deviatoric 5
Strain: deviatoric 71 72
Strain: infinitesimal 4
Stream function calculation 289
Stream: stagnation 302
Streamline assembly 28
Streamline balancing diffusion 27—30
Streamline direction 39
Streamline Pctrov — Galerkin 27—30
Streamlines 176
Streamwise velocity 304
Stress coefficient, shear 304
Stress: deviatoric 65 71 92
Stress: hydrostatic 4
Stress: Reynolds shear 162
Stresses in fluids 4
Stresses: bottom drag 222
Stresses: deviatoric 1 5 72
Stresses: internal 8
Stresses: radiation 235
Stresses: Reynolds 143
Stresses: surface shear 221
Stresses: viscous 222
Stretching ratio 108 109 110
Stretching, clement 182
Strouboulis, T. 102 135; 270
Structured finite element grids 274
Structured mesh generators 275
Structured mesh: locally 108
Structured meshes 169 207 276 286
Structured subgrid of elements 208
Structured triangle elements 206
Subdivision: unstructured domain 2
Subdivisions, mesh 301
Subdomain collocation 2
Submarine 3 149
Submarine fluid-structure interaction 262
Submarine model: DARPA 149 152
Submerged hydrofoil 148 149
Subramanian, G. 109 138
Subsonic flow 67 81 84 189
Sugawara, T. 266 267 273
Sujatha, K.S. 159 167
Suli, E. 38 62
Sundararajan, T. 67 77 88; 109 110 120 137 140; 155 159 161 166 167; 290
Superconvergent values 107
Supercritical flow 235 236
Supercritical inflow 235
Superplastic forming 130
Supersonic car 191
Supersonic fighter 189
Supersonic flow 67 82 185
Supersonic inflow boundary 172
Supersonic outflow boundaries 173
SUPG (Streamline Upwind Petrov — Galerkin) 48
Surface condition: Cauchy — Poisson free 265 266
Surface flows: free 3 91 144
Surface mesh 152
Surface normals 276 278
Surface perturbation 3
Surface pressure 202
Surface shear stresses 221
Surface wave 251
Surface: free 96 143—145 219 265 266 274
Surface: wing 304
Sutherland's law 171 284
Swansea 229
Swansea two step 57
switch 175
Switch, pressure 174 286
Swith, I. 274 289
Symmetric channel 236
Synthetic rubbers 132
System matrix, conditioning 250
Szepessy, A. 28 34 61; 215
Szmelter, J. 67 82 90; 113 136; 217
Takeuchi, N. 223 240
Tamaddonjahromi, H.R. 132 142
Tanner, R.I. 120 139
Tarn, A. 102 137
Tarn, Z. 270 273
Taylor expansion 39 40
Taylor — Galerkin 34 39 47 48 56 57 85 170 173 224
Taylor — Galerkin, two-step 55
Taylor, C. 161 167; 240; 270
Taylor, R.L. 67 89; 132 138 142; 289
Temam, R. 4 12
Temperature 3 143 286 289
Temperature, absolute 7 92 154
Temperature-dependent viscosity 11
Tensor, strain rate 118
Tetrahedral elements 206
Tezduyar, T.T.I. 38 62; 215; 241
Thareja, R.R. 102 108 136; 187 188 213
Theorem: Berkhoff's 265 266
Theorem: boundary layer 212
Theorem: Green's 252 298
Theorem: shallow-water 265 266
thermal conductivity 8 65 66 156 159 161
Thermal coupling 11 125
Thermal diffusivity 154
Thermal flows 286
Thermal insulations 157
Thickness: boundary layer 207 304
Thickness: displacement 304
Thomas, H.R. 289 290
Thompson, E.G. 120 139
Thompson, J.F. 109 138
Thompson, L.L. 265 273
Three-dimensional inviscid examples 188
Three-dimensional viscous problems 207
Threshold value (of stress, Bingham) 118
Thrust reverser, hemispheric 96
Thwaites compressible 302 303
Tidal bore 229
Tidal computations, transient 236
Tidal currents 238
Tidal elevations 226 227
Tidal motions, periodic 225
Tide, M2 227
Tien, C.L. 159 166
Time averaged viscosities 143
Time loop 278
Time step: critical 224
Time stepping 275
Time stepping options 280
Time stepping, local 78 280 284
Total depth 220
Total strain invariant 118
Total wave elevation 251
Townsend, P. 132 142
Toyoshima, S. 116 126 138 141
Traction 73
Tractions, boundary 83
Trailing edge 150
Transfer: heat 157
Transfer: mass 274 275
Transient changes of pressure 2
Transient dampers 265
Transient extrusion 128
Transient metal forming 132
Transient phenomena 3
Transient problems 120 124 265
Transient response of dipole 265
Transient scalar equations 34
Transient solution 15
Transient tidal computations 236
Transonic speeds 48
| Transonic viscous flow 203
Transpiration velocity 210 304 305
Transport equation 14 163 171
Transport equation, depth-averaged 237
Transport equation, heat 153
Transport of sediments 218
Transport: energy 11
Transport: mass 289
Transport: sediment 218
Transport: shallow-water 237
Tremayne, D. 191 216
Trial functions, velocity 223
Triangle elements 207 274
Triangle elements, linear 283
Triangle elements, structured 206
Triangulation, Delaunay 109
Trigonometric functions 256 260
Trottenberg, U. 189
Tsubota, K. 224 241
Tsunami wave 231 233
Tsunami, Severn 234
Tube: Riemann shock 177
Tube: shock 224
Tunnel: wind 179 192
Turbomachinery 169
Turbulence 3 10 143 161
Turbulence effects 212
Turbulence modelling 75 171 212
Turbulence structure 304
Turbulent 221 302
Turbulent model 209
Turbulent model 209
Turbulent eddy viscosity 162
Turbulent flow 143 161 164 210 274 275 289
Turbulent kinetic energy 162
Turbulent region 303
Turkel, E. 250 253 271
Turner-Smith, E.A. 169 214
Two-component aerofoil 206
Two-equation models 163
Two-step predictor-corrector methods 55
Two-step schemes 84
Two-step Taylor — Galerkin operation 55
Unbounded domains, waves in 250 253
Unconditionally stability 54
Unconditionally unstability 55
Unconjugated infinite elements for waves 264
Undesired reflections 227
Uniform mesh 112
Universal gas constant 7 65 154 170
Unstable vortex street 149
Unstable, unconditionally 55
Unstructured domain subdivision 2
Unstructured finite elements grids 274
Unstructured grids 303
Unstructured mesh generator 109
Unstructured meshes 286
Updated mesh 36
Updating: mesh 35 147
Upson, C.D. 67 87
Upwind difference approximation 17 18
Upwind parameter: critical stable 20
Upwind parameter: optimal 19 20 25 42
Upwind Petrov — Galerkin, streamline 28
Upwinding characteristic-based procedures 59
Upwinding in one dimension 18
User manual 276
User-prescribed time step value 280
Usmani, A.S. 109 138; 290
Utnes, T. 67 88
Vadyak, J. 174 214
Vafai, K. 159 166
Vahdati, M. 102 105 108 109 135; 182 183 184 213
Vallet, M.G. 102 137
Value: threshold (of stress, Bingham) 118
Values, principal (of curvatures) 107 108
Values, principal (of curvatures), superconvergent 107
van der Lugt, J. 128 141
Variable source term 22
Variable width 236
Variable: auxiliary 69
Variable: characteristic 175
Variable: choice of 110
Variable: conservative 298
Variable: momentum 284
Variable: Reimann 173
Variable: temperature 286
Variational Principle 22
Variational treatment 251
Vazquez, C. 38 62
Vazquez, M. 28 34 41 61 62; 77 81 89 90; 98 99 134 135; 185 186 187 198 199 200 215 216
Vector potentials 243
vector-valued functions 52
Vector: mass flow 74
Vector: RHS 284
Vehicles, high-speed 212
Veldpaus, F.E. 128 141
Velocities, prescribed boundary 120
Velocity components 65
Velocity increment, lagrangian 132
Velocity model, transpiration 210
Velocity potential 243 265 266
Velocity profile shape parameter 304
Velocity trial functions 223
Velocity-pressure interpolations 117
Velocity: acoustic wave 11
Velocity: convection 293
Velocity: group 243
Velocity: streamwise 304
Velocity: transpiration 304 305
Verhoeven, N.A. 169 189 214
Very high reynolds Number 208
Very slow speeds 2
Very slow viscous flow 66
Vessel: pressure 196
Vessels 250
Vilotte, J.P. 108 116 138
Viscoelastic flows 131
Viscoplasticity 118
Viscosities: artificial 174
Viscosities: time averaged 143
viscosity 2 5 92 98 115 174
Viscosity coefficient 221
Viscosity ratio 66
Viscosity terms, artificial 280
Viscosity, anisotropic 174
Viscosity, dynamic 66 156
Viscosity, dynamic shear 5
Viscosity, flow-dependent 3
Viscosity, isotropic 118
Viscosity, kinematic 66 154 162
Viscosity, non-linear 118
Viscosity, Reynolds 10
Viscosity, secant 118
Viscosity, temperature-dependent 11
Viscosity, turbulent eddy 162
Viscosity, volumetric 5
Viscosity-strain rate dependence 118
Viscous boundary layers 110 304
Viscous diffusive terms 76
Viscous dissipation 245
Viscous drag 146
Viscous effects 3
Viscous flow: hypersonic 207
Viscous flow: transonic 203
Viscous flow: very slow 66
Viscous incompressible flow 113
Viscous problems, three-dimensional 207
Viscous stresses 222
Viscous-inviscid coupling 210 211
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