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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 3, Fluid dynamics) |
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Coefficient: shear stress 304
Coefficient: skin friction 304
Coefficient: viscosity 221
Colella, P. 179 180 215
Collocation, subdomain 2
Comini, G. 67 87
Complex conjugate weighting 246 260 263
Compressibility 2 3 64
Compressibility, artificial 67 99
Compressibility, elastic 132
Compressible flow 10 48 50 66 73 91 108 170 173 174 218 224 275
Compressible gases 57 169
Compressible high-speed flows 57 280
Compressible viscous flow problems 274
Compressible wave celerity 172
Computer implementation of the CBS algorithm 274
Concentration 289
Concentrations, chemical 75
Condition: boundary 94
Condition: free boundary 233
Condition: free surface 96 265 266
Condition: kinematic 265 266
Condition: Kutta — Joukoski 150
Condition: natural 94
Condition: natural boundary 243 252
Condition: radiation 250 269
Condition: Rankine — Hugoniot 50
Condition: stability 42
Conditional stability 38
Conditioning system matrix 250
Conditions: boundary 81 82 279 284
Conditions: boundary-exit 100
Conditions: Dirichlet boundary 293 294
Conditions: equilibrium 304
Conditions: Euler boundary 305
Conditions: incompressibility 66
Conditions: inlet boundary 45
Conditions: isothermal 177
Conditions: non-reflecting boundary 253
Conditions: radiation 251
Conditions: radiation boundary 44
Conditions: ramp 97
Conditions: slip 83
Conditions: steady-state 79
Conduction coefficient, diffusion 293
Conduction, heat 8 275
Conductive heat flux 8
Conductivity ratio 66 276
Conductivity ratio, thermal 161
Conductivity: isotropic thermal 8
Conductivity: thermal 65 66 156 159 161
Conjugate gradient procedures 77
Conjugate gradient, diagonal preconditioned 286
Conjugate weighting, complex 260 263
Conjugated infinite elements 264
Connectivity 275
Connectivity, restoration of 181
Connor, J.J. 223 239
Conservation equation, energy 3
Conservation form 8 171 246 286
Conservation laws 13
Conservation of energy 66 92 291
Conservation of mass 64 66 91 291
Conservation of momentum 66 92 291
Conservation: complete flux 293
Conservation: energy 7 65 124
Conservation: mass 6 219 242
Conservation: momentum 6 65 219
Conservative variables 298
Consistent mass matrices 43 175 177 284 298
Constant entropy 64
Constant pressure 170
Constant volume specific heats 170
Constant: Chezy 245
Constant: dielectric 243
Constant: Lapidus 180
Constant: universal gas 7 65 154 170
Constitutive relation for fluids 5
Constraints 294
Constraints, incompressible 1 2
Continuity 19 99 159 162 304
Continuity, depth-averaged 221
Continuum problems 2
Contours: density 86 203
Contours: Mach 208
Contours: pressure 208 210
Convected coordinates 124
Convected shape function 37
Convection 4 8
Convection dominated problems 13
Convection equation, pure 146
Convection velocity 293
Convection, buoyancy driven 161
Convection, forced 144 286
Convection, heat 238
Convection, mixed 286
Convection, natural 155 158
Convection, naturally occurring 144
Convection, pure 29 45
Convection, Rayleigh — Bernard 156
Convection-diffusion equation 4 13 25 26 44 47 72 92 293
Convective acceleration 1 65
Convective diffusion 34 36
Convective forces 55
Convective motion 157
Convective term 14 96
Convergence 97 188 287—289 300
Coordinates: cartesian 275
Coordinates: convected 124
Coordinates: ellipsoidal 261 262
Coordinates: nodal 275
Coordinates: oblate spheroidal 261
Coordinates: prolate spheroidal 261
Coordinates: spherical polar 261
Coriolis accelerations 221
Coriolis forces 229
Coriolis parameter 221
Corners, re-entrant 245
Cornfield, G.C. 120 139
Correction: mass matrix 284
Correction: momentum 279
Coupling: energy 279
Coupling: semi-inverse 303
Coupling: thermal 11 125
Coupling: viscous-inviscid 210 211
Courant number 42 97
Courant, R. 17 59
Coyette, J.P. 260 264 265 272 273
Craggs, A. 243 270
Cremers, L. 260 264 265 272 273
Crepon, M. 223 239
Criteria, convergence 289
Critical flows, super 235
Critical stable upwind parameter 20
Critical time step 224
Crochet, M.J. 132 142
Cross-waves 235
Cross-wind diffusion 29
CTCarroll, M.J. 96 134
Cullen, M.J.P. 223 240
Current 243
Currents: density-induced 11
Currents: longshore 235
Currents: rip 235
Currents: tidal 238
Currie I.G. 4 12
Curvature based refinement 102
Curvature of the streamlines 110
Curvatures 107
Curvatures, maximum principle 108
| Curvatures, minimum 109
Cylinder: circular 269
Cylinder: full 185
Dalsecco, S. 223 227 241
Dam break 224 226
Damper-related approaches 254
Damper: cylindrical 253
Dampers: boundary 253
Dampers: cylindrical 253
Dampers: higher-order 254
Dampers: plan 253
Dampers: transient 265
Damping term 252
Damping, optimal 78
Dannenhofer, J.F. 102 135
Darcy Number 160 161 276
DARPA submarine model 149 152
Dassault 189
Data input 275
Data, mesh 275
Daubert, O. 223 240
Davies, A.R. 132 142
Davis, J. 223 240
Dawson, C.W. 146 165; 241
Dawson, P.R. 120 139
de Sampaio, P.A.B. 29 34 61; 136
de Villiers, R. 223 240
Decay function procedures 259
Decomposition, Riemann 233
Decoupled equations 58
Deep drawing 122 129
Deep water 268
Del Guidice, S. 67 87; 166
Delaunay triangulation 109
Delta: Kronecker 5 65
Denham, M.K. 164 168
density 3 7 91 92 154 170 304
Density contours 86 203
Density variation 278
Density, charge 243
Density, fluid 6
Density-induced currents 11
Density-pressure equation 73
Density/pressure fields 284
Depth-averaged continuity 221
Depth-averaged governing equations 220
Depth-averaged transport equations 237
Depth: total 220
Depth: water 242 243
Derakowicz, L. 102 103 136; 181 214 215; 272
Derivatives, second 107
Derviaux, A. 102 135
Desaracibar, C.A. 130 141
Desert, Nevada 193
Design, aircraft 192
Deviatoric strain 5 71 72
Deviatoric stress 1 5 65 71 72 92
Devloo, P. 102 135
Dewitt, D.P. 155 166
DGM 295
Diagonal matrix 58 72
Diagonal preconditioned conjugate gradient 286
Diagonal term: lower 80
Diagonal term: stabilizing 78
Die geometry 130
dielectric constant 243
Diffraction 250 251
Diffraction problem, first-order 268
Diffraction, elastic sphere 262
Diffraction, ellipse 261
Diffraction, wave 248 250
Diffusion 4 238
Diffusion coefficient 14 237
Diffusion coefficient, artificial 175
Diffusion conduction coefficient 293
Diffusion error 239
Diffusion terms 25 38 237
Diffusion, artificial 22
Diffusion, balance 20 22 27
Diffusion, convective 34 36
Diffusion, cross-wind 29
Diffusion, highly anisotropic 28
Diffusion, Lapidus-type artificial 179
Diffusion, negative 22
Diffusion, stabilizing 39
Diffusion, streamline balancing 28
Diffusive flux quantities 14
Diffusive terms 50
Diffusive terms, viscous 76
Diffusivity: artificial 50 224
Diffusivity: thermal 154
Ding, D. 132 142
Dinh, H. 102 135
Dirichlet boundary conditions 293 294
Dirichlet to Neumann (DtN) mapping 253
Discharge of hot fluid 238 239
Discontinuity 50
Discontinuity, sharp 181
Discontinuous Galerkin 26 293
Discretization: mixed 116
Discretization: penalty 116
Discretization: spatial 70
Dispersal, pollutant 218 227
dispersion relation 243 269 271
Displacement thickness 304
Dissipation terms 286
Dissipation: artificial 174
Dissipation: energy 8
Dissipation: frictional 228
Dissipation: internal work 123
Dissipation: viscous 245
Distribution: gaussian 46
Distribution: pressure 211
Domain integrals 252
Domain subdivision, unstructured 2
Domains, general wave 252
Donea, J. 24 47 52 60 63; 87; 141
Dorapierre, J. 102 137
Double ellipsoid 207 208
Douglas, J. (Jnr) 38 62; 240
Downie, M.J. 269 273
Drag stresses, bottom 222
Drag: viscous 146
Drag: wind 221
Drawing: deep 122 129
Drift angle 150
Driven cavity problem 115
Driven convection, buoyancy 161
Driven flows: buoyancy 153 156
Driving force 154
Drying areas 236
DtN algorithm 253 259
Duct, hyperbolic 262
Duncan, J.H. 148 150 165
Dupont, I. 223 240
Dupont, S. 132 142
Durany, J. 38 62
Dutra Do Carmo, E.G. 176 215
DYNA3D 132
Dynamic codes, explicit 132
Dynamic equilibrium 6
Dynamic shear viscosity 5
Dynamic viscosity 66 156
Ebbing 231
Eddies 161 245
Eddy shedding 3
Eddy viscosity, turbulent 162
Edge formulation 212
Edge-based finite element formulation 298
Edge: trailing 150
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