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Fung Y. — A First Course in Continuum Mechanics: for Physical and Biological Engineers and Scientists |
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identity 47
Acceleration, components in polar coordinates 225
Acceleration, convective 214
Acceleration, material 212
Achilles tendon 32
Acoustics, basic equation of 256
Acoustics, velocity of sound 257
Adkins, J.E. 192 208
Almansi strain tensor 117
Almansi, E. 117
Ashton-Miller, J.A. 37
Austenite 291 292
Avogadro number 181
Avogadro, Amedeo 181
Barotropic fluid 252
Batchelor, G.K. 269
Beams, bending moment 18
Beams, classification, simply-supported, clamped, free 28
Beams, curvature of 28—30
Beams, deflection 28
Beams, moment diagram 18
Beams, neutral surface of 26
Beams, outer fiber stress 27
Beams, simply-supported 17
Beams, statically indeterminate 31 35
Beams, the largest stress in 27
Bending of beams 25—30 278—281
Bergel, D.H. 208
Berne, R.M. 144
Bingham plastic 202—203
Blasius, H. 248—249
Blood pressure 289
Blood vessel 289
Blood viscosity 201
Body force 67
Boltzmann constant 182
Boltzmann equation 196—197
Boltzmann, L. 182 196
Borden, T. 291 292 299 300
Borelli, G.A. 38 143
Boundary conditions, fluid, free surface 234
Boundary conditions, solid-fluid interface 233
Boundary conditions, solids 272
Boundary conditions, subsonic flow 260—262
Boundary conditions, supersonic flow 260—262
Boundary conditions, two fluids 235
Boundary conditions, velocity 260
Boundary layer 244—249
Boundary layer, Prandtl's equation 246
Boundary layer, thickness 246 249
Bridgman, P.W. 102
Briggs, L.J. 207
Buckling 86
bulk modulus 160
Carter, D.R. 299 300
Cartesian tensors, analytical definition 55
Cauchy's formula 69
Cauchy's strain tensors 132
Cauchy, A.L. 5 69 132
Cesaro, E. 150
Chapman, S. 185
Chien, S. 201 202
Chuong, C.J. 295 299 300
Circulation 251—253
Clements, J.A. 237 238
Compatibility condition 145—150
Compatibility condition in three-dimensions 149
Compatibility condition, equation of 148
Compatibility condition, plane strain 148
Compressibility of gas 181
Compressibility of liquid 182
Compressible flow 254—265
Compressible flow, basic equations 255 256 259
Conservation laws in polar coordinates 223
Conservation laws of angular momentum 219
Conservation laws of energy 22
Conservation laws of mass 217
Conservation laws of momentum 218
Constants, Avogadro's number 181
Constants, Boltzmann, L. 182
Constants, Lame, G. 158
Constitutive equations 154—162
Constitutive equations, Bingham material 202
Constitutive equations, Hookean elastic solid 157—161
Constitutive equations, Incompressible fluid 155
Constitutive equations, living tissue 189—191
Constitutive equations, Newtonian fluid 156
Constitutive equations, non-Newtonian fluids 162
Constitutive equations, nonviscous fluids 155
Constitutive equations, plasticity of metals 186—188
Constitutive equations, van der Waals' equation 182
Constitutive equations, viscoelastic material 193—197
Constitutive equations, viscoplastic materials 202—203
Continuity in polar coordinates 227
Continuity, equation of 217
Continuum, abstract copy 5 6
Continuum, axioms 7
Continuum, concept of 1 3—6
Continuum, lung 7
Continuum, material 3
Continuum, mechanics 6 7
Continuum, real material 3 4
Contraction (tensor) 60
Convective acceleration 214
Convention, strain notation 119
Convention, stress notation 64—66
Convention, summation of indices 44
Coordinates, curvilinear 76
Coordinates, cylindrical polar 77—78 125 128
Coordinates, transformation 49 53
Cottrell, A.H. 186 207
Couette, M. 86 235 268
Coulomb, C.A. 235
Couple-stress 5
Cowan, M.J. 299 300
Cowin, S.C. 299 300
Cowling, T.G. 185
Creep functions of solid 194—195
Crystal, R.G. 299 300
Crystalline solid 174
Curl 61
D'Alembert's principle 12
de Laplace, Pierre Simon M. 236
de St-Venant, Barre 117 148
Deformation gradients 131
Deformation, analysis 112—132
Detrusions 121
Dirac-delta function 195
Displacement field, infinitesimal 117 119
Displacement vector 117
Displacement vector in polar coordinates 126
Displacement vector, relation to velocity 145 146
Divergence 61
Duhamel — Neumann thermoelasticity law 161
Dynamic similarity 238
Echigo, S. 301
Elastic stability 86
Elasticity, basic equations 270—272
Elasticity, effect of temperature 161
Elasticity, nonlinear 188—193
Elasticity, of solids 157—161
Elasticity, theory of 270—282
Elliptic equation 259
energy equation 220—223
Energy, conservation of 220—221
Enskog, D. 185
Equilibrium 13
Equilibrium, equations of 72—75 223
Equilibrium, necessary conditions 13 14
Ermgen, A.C. 149 153
| Euclidean metric space 149 165
Euler, L. 5 67
Eulerian equation of motion 219 255
Eulerian strain tensor 117 124
Fage, A. 235
Finger's strain tensor 132
Finger, J. 132
Finite strain components 112 122—123
Fluid line 251 253
Fluids 181
Fluids, critical points 183
Fluids, gases 182
Fluids, isotropic viscous 156 157 172
Fluids, non-Newtonian 201
Fluids, rate-of-deformation-and-velocity-gradient relation 146
Force, body and surface 5 67 68
Fox, D.F. 299 301
Free-body diagram 14
Freundlich, H. 204
Fronek, K 207
Fukada, E. 299 300
Fung, Y.C. 9 11 106 150 177 180 192 198 207 208 269 286 287 295 299 300 301
Galileo, Galilei 31 32
Gauss theorem 209—211
Gauss, K. 209 211
Gel 204
Geometric interpretation 123—124
Goldstein, S. 269
Gradient 61
Gray, D.E. 183
Green's strain tensor 117
Green's theorem 211
Green, A.E. 192 208 211
Green, G. 117 211
Gregersen, M.I. 201 202
Growth 288
Growth-stress law 285 299
Hagen, G.H.L. 235
Hagen-Poiseuille flow 235
Hamel, G. 117
Han, H.C. 287 299 301
Handa, H. 208
Hayashi, K. 192 208 295 299 301
Hayes, W.C. 37
Heat flux vector 254
Helmholtz's theorem 252
High blood pressure 293
Hohenemser, K. 203
Homeostasis 288
Hooke's law 113 115 271
Hooke, R. 113 115 271
Hyperbolic equation 259
Hypoxic hypertension in lung 293
Ideal gas 155
Incompressible fluid 155
Incompressible fluid, equation of continuity 232 238
Index, dummy and free 44
Indicial notation 44
Inertia force 12
Inertial frame of reference 12
Infinitesimal strain components 119 120
Infinitesimal strain components, geometric interpretation 119 120
Infinitesimal strain components, polar coordinates 125—130
Integrability condition 145
Interface condition 78—79
Internal energy 221
International systems of units 20 21
Invariants 95
Invariants, isotropy 173
Invariants, strain 125
Invariants, stress 69 95
Invariants, stress deviations 99
Irrotational flow 253
Isentropic flow 255
Isotropic materials 165 166 172 173
Isotropic tensor 165
Isotropic tensor, rank 1, nonexistence 167
Isotropic tensor, rank 2 167
Isotropic tensor, rank 3 169
Isotropic tensor, rank 4 170
Isotropy 165—177
Jacobian determinant 54
Jaeger, J.C. 133
Jeffereys, H. 168 180
Kamiya, T. 301
Kelvin's model of viscoelasticity 193—195
Kelvin's theorem 251 252
Kelvin's theorem, fluid line 251 253
Kestin, J. 248
Kinematic viscosity 232
Kronecker delta 45
Kubota, T. 263
Lagrange strain tensor 117
Lagrange, J.L. 117 190 211
Lagrangian stress 190
Lamb, H. 269
Lame constants 158 160
Lame constants, ellipsoid 103
Lame, G. 103
Laminar boundary layer 247
Laplace operator 232
Laplacian 61
Li, Yuan-Hui 208
Liepmann, H.W. 269
Lipowsky, R. 299 300
Liu, S.Q. 286 287 295 300 301
Lodge, A.S. 206
Longitudinal waves 273
Lord Kelvin, (William Thomson) 196 197
Lord Rayleigh, (J.W. Strutt) 137
Love, A.E.H. 65 158 164 284
Lundberg, J.L. 201
Lung as continua 7—11 176 198
Mach number 259
Mach waves, lines 262
Mach, E. 259
Macquet, P. 38
Martensite 291 292
Mass, conservation of 213 217 271
Material derivative 215—217
Material description 212
Material isotropy 165
Material with memory 290—292
Matrix 46
Matrix, orthogonal 46
Matsuda, M. 9 208
Matsuda, T. 290 301
Maxwell creep and relaxation function 194
Maxwell solid 193—195
Maxwell, J.C. 184 193—197
Mean curvature 237
Mean free path 31 185
Membrane, thin 89 235
Memory of shape 290—292
Mesentery 190
Meyer, G.H. 299 301
Meyrick, B. 299 301
Millikan, R.A. 104
Minimal surface 237
Modulus, bulk 160
Modulus, elasticity 160
Modulus, relaxed 196
Modulus, rigidity 160
Modulus, shear 114
Mohr's circle 92—94
Mohr's circle, special sign convention 93
Mohr's circle, three-dimensional states 94
Mohr, Otto 94
Momentum, conservation of 218 271
Momentum, linear 66
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