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Eringen A.C. — Mechanics of continua |
Предметный указатель |
-pole moment 428
-symbol 552
Absolute invariant 531
Absolute invariant, scalar 544
Absolute invariant, tensors 13
Absolute invariant, vector 13
Absolute temperature 129
Acceleration 71
Acoustic approximation 280
Acoustical tensor 488 491
Acoustics 279
Adiabatic changes 139
Adiabatic changes, material constants 471
Adiabatic changes, process 135
Affine transformation 53
Affinities 137
Alven number 514
Alven number, velocity 517
Alven number, waves 516
Ampere’s Law 434 437
Angle change 24
Angular velocity 85
Anisotropic 454
Anisotropic, elastic solids 466
Anisotropic, solid 156 315 462
Antiferromagnetic 455
Antiferromagnetic, crystals 465
Arc length 74 210
Area, measure of 50
Associated tensors 547
Attenuation, coefficient 396
Attenuation, coefficient, factor 415
Axes, principal 31 32 34 35 58 85
Axial vector 29 531
Axiom, material invariance 156 164 455
Axiom, of admissibility 162 168 450
Axiom, of admissibility, of causality 151 449
Axiom, of admissibility, of constitutive theory 151
Axiom, of admissibility, of continuity 7 8
Axiom, of admissibility, of determinism 153 449
Axiom, of admissibility, of entropy 139
Axiom, of equipresence 155
Axiom, of fading memory 161
Axiom, of memory 159
Axiom, of neighborhood 157
Axiom, of objectivity 163 450
Axiom, of smooth memory 167
Axiom, of smooth neighborhood 165
Axiom, of time reversal 451
Balance laws 446 480 511
Balance of moment of momentum 447
Balance of momenta 107 447
Balance of momenta, principle of 90
Balance, equations of 208
Barotropic gas 279
Base vector 9 542
Base vector, reciprocal 543
Bernoulli’s equation 265
Bessel functions 285
Betti and Rayleigh, reciprocal theorem of 245
Bianchi’s identities 558
Biaxial stress (plane stress) 112
Bivector 89
Boltzmann — Volterra theory 359
Bound charge 426
boundary conditions 209 438
Branch points 332
bulk modulus 201
Cauchy deformation tensors 41 56
Cauchy stress 497
Cauchy’s first law 108 110 144
Cauchy’s first law, first theorem 31
Cauchy’s first law, second law 108
Cauchy’s first law, second theorem 33 40
Causality 151
Cavity 318
Cavity, cylindrical 219
Cavity, spherical 221 228 231 320 330
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 251 537
Center of inversion 465
Changes, area and volume 49
Changes, area and volume, length and angle 20
Characteristic, determinant 36
Characteristic, determinant, equation 37 536 537
Characteristic, determinant, matrix 537
Charge bound 426
Charge bound, effective 433
Charge bound, effective surface 438
Charge bound, electric 425
Charge bound, electronic 425
Charge bound, free 426
Charge bound, negative 426
Charge bound, positive 426
Charge bound, volume and surface 434
Chemical, energy 91 121
Chemical, energy, potentials 132
Christoffel symbols 210
Christoffel symbols, first kind 550
Christoffel symbols, second kind 550
Clausius — Duhem inequality 120 133 136 139 451
Compatibility conditions 62
Complex moduli 376
Components, physical 211 547
Compressible fluids 258
Compression, modulus of 201
Conducting cylinder 498
Conducting material 449
Conduction current 428 429 440
Conjugate, diameters 31
Conjugate, diameters, planes 31
Conservation of charge 431
Conservation of charge, of electric charge 434 437
Conservation of energy, global 123 447
Conservation of energy, local 123
Conservation of energy, principle of 90 121
Conservation of magnetic flux 434 437
Conservation of mass, local 89 90 446
Conservation of mass, local, principle of 89
Constitutive equations 148 149 307 449 450 477 481 512
Constitutive equations, anisotropic solids 496
Constitutive equations, compressible solids 208
Constitutive equations, electromagentic fluids 505
Constitutive equations, electromagnetic elastic solids 453
Constitutive equations, functional 355
Constitutive equations, incompressible solids 208
Constitutive equations, isotropic solids, quadratic 459
Constitutive equations, linear 193 250 508 509
Constitutive equations, non-linear, isotropic electromagnetic solids 456
Constitutive theory 151
Constitutive theory, variables 152
Constitutively admissible 136
Contact loads 99
Contact loads, surface 290
Continuity, axiom of 7 8
Contraction 56 546
Contravariant, components 545
Contravariant, vectors 545
Convection current 427
Convective time, derivative 432
Convective time, rate 70
coordinates 6
Coordinates, curvilinear 210 260 540
Coordinates, cylindrical 212 540 554
Coordinates, eulerian 7
Coordinates, langrangian 7
Coordinates, material 7 113
Coordinates, orthogonal curvilinear 211 212 553
Coordinates, rectangular 541
Coordinates, spatial 7
Coordinates, spherical 214 555
| Correspondence, theorem of 388
Cosine directors 28 35
Couette flow 256
Couple stress 103
Couple stress, vector 112
Couple, surface 100
Covariant, components 545
Covariant, partial derivative 550 551
Covariant, vectors 545
Creep, bulk compliance 372
Creep, bulk compliance, shear compliance 372
Creep, bulk compliance, test compliance 372
Crystal classes 344
Curie’s theorem 137
Curl 523 552
Current, conduction 428 429 440
Current, convection 427
Current, density 429
Current, effective 433
Current, effective surface 438
Current, electric 432
Current, total surface 436
Curvature tensor 558
Curvature tensor, Riemann — Christoffel 557
Curve, discontinuity 434
Curvilinear coordinates 210 260 541
Curvilinear coordinates, orthogonal 211 212 553
Curvilinear, parallelepiped 17
Curvilinear, surfaces 541
Cylindrical, coordinates 212 541 554
Cylindrical, coordinates, tube 217 393
Debye cutoff frequency 328
Deformation 7 11 19 27
Deformation gradients 10 46
Deformation rate 75 87
Deformation tensors 10 45
Deformation, isochoric 53
Deformation, potential 52
Deformation, rigid 23 52
Deformation-rate tensor 84 86 93
Derivative, material 68 69
Determinant, characteristic 36
Determinism, axiom of 153
Dielectric constant, effective 493
Dielectric constant, relative 475
Dielectric susceptibility 464
Dielectric tensor 493
Dielectrics 479
Difference histories 356
Diffraction 284
Dilatational viscosities 252
Dilation 52
Dilation, uniform 52 53 54 56
Dirac delta function 393
Direction, principal 35 38 39 40 58 112
Direction, proper 37
Discontinuity, curve 434
Discontinuity, line 81 82
Discontinuity, surface 80 81 82 110 127 290 434 435
dispersion 400 504
Dispersive 326
Displacement, gradients 45
Displacement, rigid-body 34
Displacement, vector 15 29
Dissipation inequality 141
Dissipation, viscous 185
Dissipative energy 180 343
Dissipative energy, power 125
Dissipative energy, stress 344
Divergence 523 552
Doublet 426
Ductile 204
Duhamei’s theorem 316 321
Dynamic tests 376
Effective, charge 433
Effective, current 433
Effective, dielectric constant 493
Effective, Lorentz force 442
Effective, polarization 427
Effective, surface charge 438
Effective, surface current 438
Eigenfunctions 492
Eigenvalues 492
Elastic coefficients, restrictions on 200
Elastic constants, experimental determination of 203
Elastic dielectrics 480
Elastic limit 204
Elastic materials 168 450
Elastic materials, isotropic 174
Elastic moduli 464
Elastic solids, incompressible 175
Elastic sphere 222
Elastic-plastic materials 205
Elasticity, resume of basic equations of 208
Elasto-electric coefficients 472 475
Elastomers 373
Electric, charge 425
Electric, current 432
Electric, displacement 431
Electric, field 430 439 449
Electric, moment 426
Electric, potential 486
Electric, quadrupoles 448
Electrical energy 91
Electrohydrodynamics 448
Electromagnetic energy 443 444 445
Electromagnetic energy, fields 441 478
Electromagnetic energy, fluids 505
Electromagnetic energy, force 439 441 445
Electromagnetic energy, momentum 441 442
Electromagnetic energy, stress tensor 442
Electromagnetic, balance law 433
Electromagnetic, couple 439 441 445
Electromagnetic, elastic solids 476
Electromechanical coupling factor 492
Electromotive intensity 432
Electronic charge 425
Electrostatic, forces 99
Electrostatic, forces, potential 517
Electrostrictive, effect 485
Electrostrictive, stresses 460
Elongation 24 25
Energy 87
Energy flow 129
Energy, chemical 91 121
Energy, conservation of 91
Energy, dissipative 180 343
Energy, electrical 91
Energy, electromagnetic 121
Energy, free 171 186 193
Energy, global conservation of 123
Energy, heat 91 121
Energy, internal 90 91
Energy, kinetic 87
Energy, local conservation of 123
Energy, mechanical 123
Energy, potential 123 124
Energy, strain 123 124
Energy, surface 121
Energy, total strain 125
Enthalpy, specific 291
Entropy density 130
Entropy density, inequality 448 458 505
Entropy density, influx 134
Entropy density, production 134 141
Entropy density, source 134
Entropy, axiom of 139
Entropy, principle of 133
Entropy, total 129
Equation of continuity 263
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