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Lindsay R.B. — Mechanical Radiation |
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Absorption 2
Absorption coefficient for macrosonic wave 283—284
Absorption coefficient in room acoustics 330—331
Absorption of sound in electrolytes 348 see
Absorption of sound in gas due to thermal relaxation 334—339
Absorption of sound in heat conducting fluid 266—269
Absorption of sound in magnesium sulfate solution 349
Absorption of sound in viscous fluid 261—266
Acoustic branch lines in filters 235—243
Acoustic conductivity 237 242
Acoustic filter 235—243
Acoustic impedance 218—221 237 see
Activated state 345
Activity coefficient of a reaction 350
Adiabatic bulk modulus 212 262 272
Adiabatic compressibility 214
Adiabatic condition 274—275
Adiabatic motion of flowing fluid 307
Adiabatic pressure-density relation 212 271—272 294
Albright, R.D. 85
Alfven, H. 209
Amplitude 6
Amplitude modulation 13—17
Amplitude of harmonic wave component of pulse 107
Amplitude, complex, of wave 15 80
Analogy between elastic and electromagnetic radiation 168—171
Analogy, electromechanical, classical 243—245
Analogy, electromechanical, mobility 246—248
Angle of incidence 50 55
Angle of reflection 50
Angle of refraction 55
Anisotropic medium, elastic waves in 155—160
Anomalous dispersion of light 112
Antinode 16
Architectural acoustics 326—333
Associated Legendre functions 102
Attenuation band in elastic wave filter 85
Attenuation band in loaded string filter 130
Attenuation coefficient of sound due to heat conduction 268—269
Attenuation coefficient of sound due to viscosity 263—264
Attenuation coefficient, spatial 28 194
Attenuation coefficient, temporal 29 194
Attenuation in linear lattice 164
Attenuation of harmonic wave in solid 194
Attenuation of shear waves in liquids 352
Attenuation of sound by light diffraction 365
Attenuation of sound due to heat conduction 266—269
Attenuation of sound due to viscosity 261—266
Attenuation of sound in atmosphere 314
Attenuation of sound in fluid due to thermal relaxation 334—339
Attenuation of sound in liquid 342
Attenuation of sound in liquid helium 377—378
Attenuation of sound in narrow tubes 352
Attenuation of sound in solids due to electron-lattice relaxation 367—369
Attenuation of sound in superconductors 367—370
Attenuation of surface-waves on earth 323
Avogadro’s number 335 372
Backward scattering from cylinder 100
Bakanowski, A.E. 178
Baker, B.B. 65
Balance method of measuring sound intensity 295
Bancroft, D. 179
Bandpass filter 85—86 235
Barnes, T.G. 186
Barthel, R. 349
Batchelor, G.K. 206 286
Beamlike radiation 320
Beamlike radiation from vibrating piston 258
Beats in acoustics 14
Bending moment for rod in flexure 180
Beranek, Leo L. 248 251
Bergmann, L. 214 216 285 365 374
Bernoulli, Daniel 69
Bernoulli’s equation in fluid flow 197
Bernoulli’s equation, modified by surface tension 200
Bessel functions in radiation from vibrating piston 260
Bessel functions in radiation reaction on vibrating piston 254
Bessel functions of first kind 19 94
Bessel functions of second kind 94
Bessel functions of third kind 95
Bessel functions, asymptotic expressions for 95
Bessel’s equation for circular membrane 135—136
Bessel’s equation in scattering by cylinder 93—94
Bessel’s equation in scattering by cylinder by sphere 102
Beyer, R.T. 285 295 339
Bezuszka, S.J. 226—229
Biquard, P. 362—363
Bird, R.B. 213 395
Blokhintzev, D. 304
Body force on conducting fluid in magnetic field 207
Boemmel, H.E. 371
Bohm, H. 369
Bolt, R.H. 330
Boltzmann canonical law of molecular distribution 335
Boltzmann’s gas constant 367
Born, Max 74
Boundary conditions at interface between two media 223
Boundary conditions at surface of bubble 230
Boundary conditions at surface of cylinder 96—97
Boundary conditions at surface of liquid in tank 198—199
Boundary conditions for circular plate under flexure 189
Boundary conditions for clamped membrane 133—134
Boundary conditions for linear finite medium 15
Boundary conditions for loaded string 125
Boundary conditions for rod under flexure 183
Boundary conditions for surface wave in solid 192
Boundary conditions for transmission through finite layer 79
Boundary conditions in solid rods 174
Breaking of wave of finite amplitude in gas 279
Breaking of wave on liquid surface 206
Brewster’s law 226
Brillouin, L. 166
bulk modulus 146
Bulk modulus of liquid 272
Bulk viscosity 265 340—341 356
Bulk viscosity of water 347
Burington, R.S. 44 55 150
Burnham, J. 343
Cady, W.G. 251
Calculus of variations, Euler equations 40
Calculus of variations, use in deriving wave equation 39—41 188
Capacitance 219
Cardioid 100
Carhart, R.R. 315
Carrier, G.F. 115
Carter, A.H. 261
Cartwright, C.H. 86
Cavitation in liquids 360—362
Cavitation, biological effects due to 362
Cavitation, intensity threshold 361
Cavitation, luminescence 361
Cavitation, produced by macrosonic radiation 284—285
Cavitation, ultrasonic 360—362
Characteristic frequencies see “Normal-mode frequencies”
Characteristic temperature in Debye theory 373
Chase, C.E. 375 378
Circulation in vortex 299
Close-packed structure of water 346
Combination tones 18
Complete integral 47 56
Compliance 90 246
Compressibility of fluid 214
Compressibility of liquid, effective 341
Compressibility of liquid, instantaneous 343
Compressibility, relaxational in liquid 340—341
Compressional waves 210—211
Condensation 151 211 270
Condensation in electromagnetic field 171
Conducting medium 167
Conductivity, acoustic, of orifice 237 239 242
| Conservation of energy in elastic medium 154
Conservation of energy in electromagnetic radiation field 169
Conservation of energy in flowing fluid 305
Conservation of energy in plucked string 118
Conservation of energy in shock-front propagation 287
Conservation of mass and momentum in fluid flow 196—197
Conservation of mass in shock-front propagation 287
Conservation of momentum in shock-front propagation 287
Continuity of flow velocity at boundary 223
Continuity of pressure at boundary 223
Continuity of stress at boundary 75
Continuity, equation of, in fluid flow 87
Continuity, equation of, in homogeneous isotropic medium 151
Continuity, equation of, in Lagrangian form 271
Continuity, equation of, in shock-front propagation 287
Convective refraction 299
Copson, E.T. 65
Core of earth, reflection of seismic waves from 322
Cos W function in filtration 84—86
Cos W function in filtration for general iterated line 239
Coulomb’s law of inverse squares 167
Coulson, C.A. 205
Courant, R. 271 273 286 292
Covariant tensor 144
Cowling, T.G. 209
Cross, P.C. 343
Crystal microphone 249
Curl of displacement vector in deformable medium 142
Curl of vector 24
Curl of vector in spherical coordinates 152
Current density 206
Curtiss, C.F. 213 395
Curvature of central axis of rod in flexure 181
Curvature, mean 187
Curvature, total 187
Cylindrical scattering, angular distribution in 99
Cylindrical waves see “Waves”
Daemmig, P. 362
Damping coefficient of vibrating system 90 243
Davey, W.P. 346
Davies, R.M. 206 286
de Broglie, L. 47 108 233
Debye theory of specific heats 371—374
Debye, P. 362 371 372
Decibel 34 217
Defay, R. 341
Deformation of elastic medium 141—171
Deformation of liquid surface 198
Deformation vector 142—143
Degeneracy in normal modes in room 333
Delsasso, L.P. 283 284
Density change across shock front 289
Density change in motion of fluid 196
Density fluctuations in liquid 374
Density, excess, in fluid flow 87
dielectric constant 166
Diffraction of sound by obstacles 226—233
Diffraction rings 60
Diffraction, analytical theory 61—66
Diffraction, elementary theory 57—61
Diffraction, Fresnel — Kirchhoff formula 65
Diffraction, through circular aperture 58—60 389
Diffusivity of sound in room 333
Dilatation, total, in elastic medium 146—147 151
Dilatational strain in deformable medium 143
Dilatational strain in piezoelectric crystal 250
Dirac delta function 121 389
Dirac, P.A.M. 121
Dispersion, configurational in linear lattice 162
Dispersion, configurational in solid rods 172 178—179
Dispersion, configurational of flexural waves in plate 189
Dispersion, configurational of flexural waves in solid rod 182
Dispersion, configurational of longitudinal waves in solid rod 175
Dispersion, configurational of sound due to heat conduction 266—269
Dispersion, configurational of sound due to viscosity 261—266
Dispersive media, wave pulses in 109—112
Displacement current in electricity 167
Displacement vector for deformable medium 142 173
Dissipation function in fluid medium 306
Dissipation, average rate, by radiating source 91
Dissipation, average rate, in vibrating string 123—124
Dissipation, average rate, of elastic waves in solids 194—195
Dissipation, average rate, of Rayleigh waves in solids 193
Divergence theorem 62
Doppler effect in light diffracted by sound 365
Doppler effect, due to scattering in liquid 374
Doppler effect, general 310
Doppler effect, kinematic theory 311—313
Dransfeld, K 371
Dual circuits 246
Dwight, H.B. 94
Earnshaw, S. 277
Earthquake (seismic) waves 321—325
Eckart, C 357
Edser, Edwin 146
Eigenmatrix 383
Eigenvalue of matrix 383
Eigenvector in matrix notation 384
Eikonal equation 41—47
Eikonal equation for stratified medium 55—57
Elastic coefficients for anisotropic media 155
Elastic constants for anisotropic medium 155
Elastic constants for homogeneous isotropic medium 146
Elastic displacement 75 141—145
Elastic medium, homogeneous isotropic, motion of 148—153
Elastic moduli see “Elastic constants”
Electrical series circuit 244
Electroacoustics 248—251
Electromagnetic field equations 166
Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law 166—167
Electromagnetic radiation, comparison with elastic radiation 166—171
Electromechanical analogies 243—248
Electromotive force 244
Electron, mean free path in solid 367
Elliptic integrals in optical diffraction by sound 365
Emde, F. 94
Energy density, average, for stationary wave 37
Energy density, kinetic see “Kinetic-energy density”
Energy flow in linear lattice 165
Energy flow in surface wave on liquid 202
Energy levels in two-state liquid 344
Energy loss, average, due to damping 35
Energy of activation 345
Energy propagation in waves, general considerations 30—39
Energy transmission through loaded string 129—130
Energy transport in vibrating string 115
Energy, acoustic, rate of absorption by wall 328
Energy, acoustic, rate of growth in closed space 326
Energy, average rate of flow in elastic wave in string 115—116
Energy, conservation in flowing fluid 305
Energy, density, for standing wave in linear medium 37
Energy, density, in linear lattice 165
Energy, density, in wave motion 33
Energy, density, of plucked string 117
Energy, in elastic radiation field 153—154
Energy, in electromagnetic field 169
Energy, in shock wave 291
Energy, internal energy states of molecules 334
Energy, internal, of flowing fluid 305
Energy, potential 138 202
Enthalpy change across shock front 287
Entropy, change of, across shock front 289—290
Entropy, change of, in flowing fluid 274 306
Epoch 10
Epstein, P.S. 315
Equation of state of ideal gas 211—212
Equation of state of liquid 214 272—273
Equation of state of real gas 213
Equation of state of thermally conducting fluid 267
Equation of state, dynamic 262—263
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