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Lindsay R.B. — Mechanical Radiation
Lindsay R.B. — Mechanical Radiation

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Íàçâàíèå: Mechanical Radiation

Àâòîð: Lindsay R.B.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1960

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 415

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.03.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
String, standing waves in      116—118
String, vibrating, equations of motion      113—114
Structural relaxation      339—347
Sum and difference frequencies (combination tones)      18
Sun spots      209
Superconductivity      369
Superposition of diffracted waves      58—60
Superposition of harmonic waves      12—17
Superposition principle      23 69
Surface density in membrane      131
Surface tension in membrane      131
Surface tension, wave in liquid      200—201
Surface waves in liquids      198—206
Surface waves in solids      190—194
Takagi, S.      362
Tamarkin, P.      226 227 229 369
Tamm, K      362
Tangential waves      73 332
Temperature dependence of viscosity      280
Temperature distribution in sea water      318
Temperature variation of attenuation in shock front      289
Temperature variation of attenuation in superconductors      370
Temporal attenuation      29 194
Tensile stress      21 31 145
Tetrahedral symmetry in water      339
Thermal coefficient of volume expansion      267
thermal conductivity      266 306
Thermal relaxation process      336 338
Thermocline      318
Thermodynamical affinity      341
Thermodynamics, first law, application to shock waves      289—290
Thermodynamics, first law, application to sound attenuation in fluid      336
Thermodynamics, first law, application to viscous thermally conducting fluid      306
Tidal waves      204—205
Time fluctuations of intensity      34
Time, average flow of energy in wave      32
Tisza, L.      375 378
Titchmarsh, E.C.      106
Torrance, C.C.      44 150
Torsional waves      185—186
Total curvature      187
Total dilatational strain      146—147 150
Total reflection      224—225
Towle, D.M.      283 285
Transducer, electrodynamic      248
Transducer, electromagnetic      248
Transducer, electrostatic      249
Transformation function in mechanics      46—47
Transition rates in relaxation theory      335
Transmission across absorbing interface      77—78
Transmission across interface at oblique incidence      222—226
Transmission across plane interface      74—77
Transmission band in loaded string filter      126
Transmission band in simple linear filter      85
Transmission coefficient for finite layer      80—81
Transmission coefficient for normal incidence at interface      77
Transmission in loaded string      124—130
Transmission in underwater sound      320—321
Transmission in underwater sound through temperature gradient      318
Transmission past branch in acoustic line      236
Transmission past Helmholtz resonator in acoustic line      238
Transmission past orifice in acoustic line      239
Transmission through horn      396
Transmission through tube with expansion      234—235
Truesdell, C      269
Turner, A.F.      86
Two-state liquid, propagation of sound in      339—347
Ultrasonic radiation      12
Ultrasonic radiation as source of cavitation in liquids      360—362
Ultrasonic radiation associated with acoustic streaming      354—360
Ultrasonic radiation from piston source      256
Ultrasonic radiation from vibrating sphere      91
Ultrasonic radiation in liquid helium      375—378
Ultrasonic radiation in solids at low temperature      366—370
Ultrasonic radiation in underwater transmission      320
Ultrasonic radiation sources      249—251 371
Ultrasonic radiation, absorption and dispersion in fluids on molecular theory      334—351
Ultrasonic radiation, absorption and dispersion in thermally conducting fluid      266—270
Ultrasonic radiation, absorption and dispersion in viscous fluid      261—266
Ultrasonic radiation, hypersound      370—375
Ultrasonic radiation, impedance for spherical waves      219
Ultrasonic radiation, ray treatment in nonhomogeneous moving medium      296—303
Ultrasonic radiation, scattering by obstacles      226—233
Ultraviolet radiation      12
Underwater sound channels      320
Underwater sound, Lloyd mirror effect      316—318
Underwater sound, shadow zone      319
Unimolecular reaction      349
Unit matrix      156 383
Ursell, F.      206
Van der Waals’ equation      214 see
Variational integral for membrane      133
Variational method for wave equation      39—41
Vector diagram in diffraction      59
Vector potential      170
Vector, irrotational      24
Vector, irrotational, in displacement of elastic medium      148
Vector, solenoidal      24
Velocity of advance of wave front      27
Velocity of compressional wave in ideal fluid      150
Velocity of dilatational wave      149 159—160
Velocity of elastic waves in cubic crystal      159
Velocity of elastic waves in hexagonal crystal      159
Velocity of electromagnetic waves      167
Velocity of finite amplitude surface wave in liquid      205
Velocity of flexural wave in plate      189
Velocity of flexural wave in solid rod      182
Velocity of gravity wave in, liquid      199
Velocity of irrotational wave      149
Velocity of longitudinal wave in solid rod      178
Velocity of longitudinal wave in string      115
Velocity of Love waves      325
Velocity of magnetohydrodynamic wave      208
Velocity of seismic radiation      321
Velocity of solenoidal wave      151
Velocity of sound by light diffraction      362—365
Velocity of sound in gas subject to relaxation process      337
Velocity of sound in ideal gas      212
Velocity of sound in liquid helium      377
Velocity of sound in liquids      214—216
Velocity of sound in liquids, subject to relaxation      342
Velocity of sound in real gas      213
Velocity of sound in van der Waals’ gas      214—215
Velocity of sound in very narrow tubes      353
Velocity of sound waves in fluids      211—216
Velocity of sound, molecular radius in terms of      215— 216
Velocity of surface tension wave in liquid      201
Velocity of torsional wave in rod      185
Velocity of transverse wave in string      115
Velocity of water wave      200
Velocity potential associated with irrotational wave      149—150
Velocity potential for propagation through flowing gas      309
Velocity potential in acoustic radiation in fluids      210—211
Velocity potential in irrotational flow of incompressible fluid      196—206
Velocity potential in radiation from piston source      252—253 257
Velocity potential of harmonic wave in fluid      218
Velocity, group, in configurational dispersion in solid rod      179
Velocity, group, in connection with light      111
Velocity, group, in crystal lattice      164—166
Velocity, group, in dispersive medium      109—112
Velocity, phase      8 28
Velocity, phase, variation with wavelength and frequency      111
Vibrating reed      183
Vigoureux, P.      365
Virial coefficients      213—214
Viscoelasticity      351—354
Viscosity of electron gas      367
Viscosity of liquid, acoustical determination      353—354
Viscosity, shear      264
Viscosity, volume      see “Bulk viscosity”
Viscous fluid, Eulerian equation of motion      279—280
Volume current      218
Volume viscosity      see “Bulk viscosity”
Wake      136
Wallace, W.A.      283 285
Water equation of state      340
Water, attenuation of sound in      339—347
Watson, G.N.      96
Wave equation by variational method      39—41
Wave equation for one dimension      20
Wave equation for rod in flexure      181
Wave equation for spherical coordinates      101
Wave equation for three dimensions      22 88
Wave equation in cylindrical coordinates      93
Wave equation, general solution by Liouville method      379—381
Wave equation, linearity      23
Wave function for simple progressive wave      4
Wave mechanics      47
Wave normal      9
Wave parameter (k)      9—12 24—25
Wave parameter, complex      28—29
Wave pulse in nondispersive medium      105—109
Wave pulse, sinusoidal      105
Wave pulse, square      105
Waveform for macrosonic wave      277—279
Wavefront      8—9
Wavefront in eikonal theory      42—45
Wavefront in nonhomogeneous moving medium      297—303
Wavefront, scattering by vortex      302
Wavelength of harmonic wave      10
Waves in anisotropic media      155
Waves in incompressible fluid      196—206
Waves in loaded string      124—130
Waves in membrane      131—140
Waves propagation across boundaries      74—78
Waves propagation in crystal lattice      160—166
Waves propagation in moving viscous thermally conducting fluid      303—310
Waves propagation through finite layer      79—81
Waves pulse in dispersive medium      109—112
Waves pulse, deformation      112
Waves pulse, Fourier analysis      105—109
Waves, acoustical      1
Waves, attenuated      4
Waves, axial      73 332
Waves, capillary, in liquid      201
Waves, compressional, in fluid      210—211
Waves, compressional, oblique, at plane boundary      221—226
Waves, damped harmonic      27—30 263
Waves, dilatational, in elastic medium      149—150
Waves, diverging, in three dimensions      6—9
Waves, elastic, in homogeneous isotropic medium      147—153
Waves, flexural, in flat plate      186—190
Waves, flexural, in rod      179—185
Waves, harmonic      9—12
Waves, harmonic surface, in solid      192—194
Waves, impedance, in fluid      217—220
Waves, impedance, of acoustic      218—221
Waves, intensity in fluid      216—217
Waves, interference of      57—61
Waves, longitudinal      23
Waves, longitudinal, in homogeneous isotropic medium      149
Waves, Love      322—325
Waves, macrosonic, absorption coefficient for      283—284
Waves, macrosonic, breaking      279
Waves, macrosonic, waveform for      277—279
Waves, oblique, in three-dimensional space      73 332
Waves, outgoing      96 103
Waves, plane harmonic      11
Waves, polarization      66—67
Waves, progressive harmonic      9
Waves, progressive, in three dimensions      8
Waves, radial torsional, in membrane      392
Waves, radio, frequency range      12
Waves, seismic      321—325
Waves, shear, in liquid      351—354
Waves, spherical      7
Waves, spherical harmonic      11
Waves, spherical, from vibrating sphere      88—90
Waves, spherical, macrosonic      275
Waves, stationary (or standing), in finite string      116—118
Waves, stationary (or standing), in linear medium      16
Waves, stationary (or standing), in room      331—333
Waves, stationary (or standing), in three-dimensional medium      26—27 71—72
Waves, stationary (or standing), intensity      35—39
Waves, tangential, at surface      73 332
Waves, torsional, in solid rod      185—186
Waves, transverse      23
Waves, ultrasonic      12 See
Wei, Y.T.      315
Werth, G.C.      283 284
Westervelt, P.J.      280 357
White, H.E.      60 226 318 363
Whittaker, E.T.      96 222
Williams, A.O., Jr.      261
Wilson, E.B.      187
Woods, F.S.      19
Work done by generalized force on string      120
X rays      12
X-cut crystal      249
Young’s experiment on interference of light      60
Young’s modulus      21 114 146 172 181
Zemansky, M.W.      267 287
Zener, C      159
1 2 3 4
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