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Lindsay R.B. — Mechanical Radiation
Lindsay R.B. — Mechanical Radiation

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Íàçâàíèå: Mechanical Radiation

Àâòîð: Lindsay R.B.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1960

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 415

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.03.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Nodal lines in circular membrane      136
Nodal lines in rectangular membrane      134
Nodal planes      72
Nodal points for finite string      16 121
Node      16
Nonhomogeneous moving medium, ray theory      296—303
Nonhomogeneous moving medium, wave theory      303—310
Nonlinear acoustic propagation      355—360 see
Normal coordinates for vibrating string      118—122
Normal modes      see “Normal-mode frequencies”
Normal to wave front, direction cosines of      22
Normal-mode frequencies for circular membrane      136—140
Normal-mode frequencies for finite linear medium      15 69—71
Normal-mode frequencies for finite string      116—120
Normal-mode frequencies for finite three-dimensional medium      27 71—74
Normal-mode frequencies for flexural waves in finite solid rod      184—185
Normal-mode frequencies for loaded string      126—129
Normal-mode frequencies for longitudinal waves in solid rods      176—179
Normal-mode frequencies for rectangular membrane      134
Normal-mode frequencies for room      331—332
Normal-mode frequencies for tube      242
Norris, R.F.      329
Nyborg, W.L.      315 357 359
Oblique waves      73 221—226 332
Ohm’s Law      206
Olson, H.F.      248
Optic axis of hexagonal crystal      160
Optic axis of quartz piezoelectric crystal      249
Optical diffraction by sound waves in liquids      362—365
Optical diffraction by sound waves in solids      366
Optical wave filters      86
Orifice as branch line      238—239
Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates      132
Oscillations, forced, of damped linear system      221 243—248
Oscillations, forced, of radiating piston      255
Oscillations, forced, of radiating sphere      90—91
Oscillations, forced, of string      120—123
Oswatitsch, K.L.      315
Outgoing wave      96 103
Page, C.H.      140
Page, Leigh      24 87 148
Passband in iterated linear structure      85
Passband in loaded string filter      130
Pathak, P.D.      375
Peirce, B.O.      96
Penny, A.H.A.      159
Period of harmonic wave      10
Permeability      166 206
Phase      4
Phase angles in forced oscillations of linear system      243—244
Phase angles in forced oscillations of string      123—124
Phase change on reflection      76 225
Phase difference by linear vortex      303
Phase velocity in relaxation process      264
Phase velocity in thermally conducting medium      269 see
Phase velocity of Rayleigh waves      193
Phase velocity, complex      28
Phase, initial (epoch)      10
Phonon      52 378
Piecewise continuous function      70 105
Piezoelectric crystal, equivalent circuit      251
Piezoelectric transducer      249
Piston, radiation from      251—261
Planck radiation law      74
Planck’s quantum constant      346 367
Plane wave      8 see
Plane-wave function in three dimensions      22
Plucked string      117—118
Point lattice      72
Poisson’s ratio      146 175 193
Polar diagrams of wave scattering      99
Polarization of waves      66—67
Position vector      141
Potential energy density in deformed linear elastic medium      33 36
Potential energy density of rod in flexure      187—188
Potential energy density of wave in string      116
Potential energy of surface wave in liquid      202
Potential energy of vibrating membrane      138
Power factor      220
Power for plane and spherical waves in fluids      216—217
Power transmission (average) in string      116
Power transmission (average) in surface wave in liquid      203
Power transmission ratio for tube with expansion      234
Power transmission ratio of finite loaded string filter      130
Power transmission ratio of finite sound filter      241
Power, average flow per unit area      32 77
Poynting flux in electromagnetic radiation      169
Poynting theorem in elastic radiation      154 169
Pressure, excess, in fluid      87
Pressure, excess, of light      293
Pressure, excess, radiation      292—295
Prigogine, I.      341
Primary inertial reference system      5
Principal radii of curvature of rod in flexure      187
Profile of finite amplitude wave      206 282
Progressive wave      8 9
Pseudocavitation      360
PuLSE      see “Waves”
Pulse length and frequency spread in Fourier analysis      107—108
Quality factor (Q)      251
Quantum mechanics, indeterminacy principle in      108
Radiation field due to piston source      257—261
Radiation from vibrating piston      251—261
Radiation impedance of piston source      254—256
Radiation impedance of resonator      238
Radiation inertia of piston source      255
Radiation inertia of vibrating sphere      90
Radiation reaction on piston source      254
Radiation reaction on vibrating sphere      86—91
Radiation, beamlike      258 320
Radiation, damping coefficient of vibrating sphere      90
Radiation, efficiency of piston source      256
Radiation, infrared      12
Radiation, infrasonic      12
Radiation, pressure      292—295
Radiation, resistance of orifice      238
Radiation, resistance of piston      256
Radiation, resistance on ship      395
Radiation, ultrasonic      see “Ultrasonic radiation”
Radiation, ultraviolet      12
Radii of curvature of plate, principal      187
Radio waves, frequency range      12
Radius of curvature of rod in flexure      181
Radius of gyration of rod in flexure      180
Raman scattering      343
Rankine — Hugoniot relations for shock front      287—288
Rankine, W.J.M.      285
Rao, R.B.V.      374
Ray theory of transmission through non- homogeneous medium      55—57
Ray theory of wavefront propagation      41—47
Rayleigh radiation pressure      294
Rayleigh scattering      104—105 227
Rayleigh waves      190—194 322
Rayleigh — Jeans law of black-body radiation      74
Rayleigh — Ritz method for vibrating membrane      138—140
Rayleigh, Lord      103 122 184 189 190 229 254 277 285 351 352 357
Rays, family in stratified medium      56
Rays, in nonhomogeneous moving medium      296—303
Reactance, mechanical, of vibrating system      221
Reaction force of radiation on sphere      90
Reaction-rate theory in structural relaxation      346
Reciprocal of matrix      156
Reciprocal-length lattice space      72
Reduction to steady wave in surface waves in liquid      205
Reflection from interface      48—54 74—78
Reflection from interface by Fermat’s principle      53
Reflection from surface of absorbing medium      77—78
Reflection leading to standing waves      14—15
Reflection of oblique sound waves at interface      221—226
Reflection of underwater sound from water-air interface      316—318
Refraction      6
Refraction at interface      48—54
Refraction at interface by Fermat’s principle      54
Refraction of oblique sound waves from interface      221—226
Refraction, in stratified medium by ray theory      297—299
Relativity      5—6
Relaxation      168 262—263
Relaxation due to electron-lattice interaction in solids      366—370
Relaxation due to viscosity      262—266
Relaxation in thermally conducting fluid      266—269
Relaxation time due to heat conduction      269
Relaxation time for liquid, due to structural relaxation      341
Relaxation time for thermal molecular process      336 338
Relaxation time for water      346
Relaxation time in electrolytes      349
Relaxation time in viscous fluid      263 265
Relaxation time, configurational      354
Relaxation, acoustical, in fluid      335—339
Relaxation, attenuation coefficient due to      338
Relaxation, chemical      349
Relaxation, configurational      354
Relaxation, dissociation      349—350
Relaxation, structural, in liquid      339—347
Relaxation, thermal      336—339 347—348
Relaxational compressibility      340 341 344 345
Resistance, acoustic, of plane wave      77 218
Resistance, acoustic, of spherical wave      219—220
Resistance, mechanical, of vibrating system      221 246
Resistance-reciprocal circuits      246
Resonance frequency of bubble      232
Resonance frequency of resonator      237
Resonance frequency of vibrating system      91
Resonance frequency of X-cut piezoelectric crystal      250
Resonance in scattering by cylinders      228—229
Resonance in vibrating string      124
Resonator as branch in acoustic line      236—238
Resonator, equation of motion for      237
Reverberation time, Eyring      330
Reverberation time, Sabine      326 328
Reverberation, in room      326—331
Rochelle salt      251
Rod, waves in, flexural      179—185
Rod, waves in, longitudinal      172—179
Rod, waves in, torsional      185—186
Rotation in deformable medium      143
Rotational inertia      182
Roton      378
Rudnick, I.      283 290 316
Sabine, W.C.      328
Sawtooth wave      see “Shock front”
Scalar potential in electromagnetic field      170
Scalar wave function      23
Scattering by single bubble      229—233
Scattering of light by sound wave      362—366
Scattering of plane wave by liquid cylinder      226—229
Scattering of plane wave by rigid cylinder      91—101
Scattering of plane wave by rigid sphere      101—105
Scattering, cross-section      232
Schaaffs, W.      215 216
Sears, F.W.      362
Second sound in liquid helium      375—378
Secular determinant for anisotropic medium      158—159
Secular determinant for waves in rod      175
Seismic wave      321—325
Seitz, F.      373
Separation of variables in solution of cylindrical wave equation      93
Separation of variables in solution of eikonal equation      55—56
Separation of variables in solution of spherical wave equation      101
Separation of variables in solution of wave equation      24—27
Separation of variables in solution of wave equation in rod      174
Separation of variables in solution of, circular membrane equation      135
Shadow zone in cylindrical scattering      101
Shadow zone in underwater sound      319
Shear      144
Shear elasticity in liquids      354
shear modulus      146
Shear strain      144
Shear stress      145
Shear wave in homogeneous elastic medium      151
Shear wave in liquid      351—354
Shear wave in solid rod      185
Shock front, pressure change in      289
Shock front, propagation      286—292
Sidebands in frequency modulation      18
Simple harmonic progressive wave      9
Sinusoidal wave pulse      105
Skin effect for surface waves in solids      190
Snell law of refraction at plane interface      50 55
Snell law of refraction for continuously refracting medium      51
Snell law of refraction in moving medium      298
Solenoidal vector      24
Solenoidal wave      151—153 167
Solenoidal wave in solid rod      173
Sommerfeld, A.      109 157
Sonar      320
Sound absorption      see “Absorption”
Sound beam from piston      260
Sound channels in underwater transmission      320
Sound dispersion      261—269
Sound propagation in liquid helium      375—378
Sound transmission in atmosphere      313—315
Sound transmission in sea      315—320
Sound velocity      see “Velocity”
Sound-velocity profile in underwater transmission      320 see
Spatial attenuation      28 194
Specific acoustic impedance      218
Specific acoustic impedance of piston radiation      254
Specific acoustic impedance of plane wave      218
Specific acoustic impedance of spherical wave      219
Specific acoustic impedance of surface      398
Specific acoustic reactance of spherical wave      219
Specific acoustic resistance for plane wave      77 218
Specific compliance      219
Specific heat of internal degree of freedom      337
Specific heat of solid, variation with temperature      373—374
Specific heat ratio in sound velocity      212
Specific heat, external      337
Specific impedance in loaded string      129—130
Specific inertance      219
Spherical wave      7 88—90
Square wave pulse      105
Stationary phase principle      66
Stationary wave      see “Waves”
Steady-state solution for forced vibrating string      123
Steady-state solution for general linear vibrating system      221 243—244
Stewart, G.W.      238 299
Stiffness equivalent, for resonator      237
Stiffness of vibrating system      243
Stiffness, effective, of membrane      138
Stiffness, effective, of vibrating system      90
Stoker, J.J.      66 206
Stokes — Navier equation      355—356
Stokes, G.G.      265 351
Stokes’ relation for viscous fluid      265
Stokes’ Theorem      149
Strain matrix      144
Strain, lateral      146
Strain, linear dilatational, in elastic medium      21 31 143
Strain, shear, in elastic medium      144
Stratton, J.A.      109 168 207 225
Streaming and acoustic attenuation      358
Streaming due to acoustic radiation      354—360
Streaming velocity      358
Strength of linear vortex      299
Stress tensor      145
Stress, compressive, in ideal fluid      150
Stress, shear, in elastic medium      145
Stress, tensile, in elastic medium      21 31 145
String, effect of external driving force on      120
String, loaded, transmission through      124—130
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