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Kitahara M. — Boundary Integral Equation Methods in Eigenvalue Problems of Elastodynamics and Thin Plates |
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Abramowitz, M. 217
Achenbach, J.D. 11 27
Adjoint, equation 50
Adjoint, formal 25
Adjoint, operator 24 36
Adjoint, pair 36
Adjoint, self 18 41
Aguirre — Ramirez, G. 1 4 113 131
Aleksidze, M.A. 37
Altiero, N.J. 29 37 218 230 231
Anderssen, R.S. 4
Angular frequency 12 21 104 146 207
Annulus 89—96
Antiplane problem 14 56 135
Arbrecht, J. 4
Arc element 119 243 246
Baker, t.h. 4
Banaugh, R.P. 1 4 29 37
Banerjee, P.K. 4 5 6 7 37 55 103 111 112 132 194 217 230 271
Bell, W.A. 55
Bending moment 214—215 218—220
Bergman, S. 215 217
Bessel function 19 71—72 97—99 225-226
Bezine, G.P. 218 222 230
BIE method 1—4 29 104 196—197 207 232
Biharmonic equation 213 218
Boundary element 104—105 107—108
Boundary integral equation for determining eigenvalues 46—48 222
Boundary integral equation for plate problems 218—222
Boundary integral equation for the first, second, third problem 30—32
Boundary integral equation of the first and second kind 30—31
Boundary integral equation, analytical treatment of 56
Boundary integral equation, formal relation of 33
Boundary integral equation, homogeneous 46—48 104 114 222
Boundary integral equation, mutual relation of 40 49 56 66—67 88—89
Boundary integral equation, non-homogeneous 104
Boundary integral equation, numerical treatment of 106—108
Boundary integral equation, relation to interior eigenvalues 49 50
Boundary integral equation, supplementary condition of 52
Boundary integral equation, uniqueness of solution 49—53
Boundary value problem for elastodynamics 15—16
Boundary value problem for plates 209—210
Brcbbia, C.A. 1 5 6 37 103 131 195 201 230 231
Brundrit, G.B. 52 54
Bryan, G.H. 270
BucWing, load 232 240 253
BucWing, peoblem 207 209 212 253
Burton, A.J. 5 53 54
Butterfield, R. 4 7 37 55 103 112 230
Caasot, F. 1 5 56 103 113 131
Cartesian coordinate 56 70 107
Chen, L.H. 29 37
Chertock, G. 5 54
Chicurel, R. 220 230
Chopra, A.K. 191 194
Clements, D.L. 5
Clough, R.W. 191 194
Cofactor matrix 18
Collatz, L. 4
Complex, base vector 59 68
Complex, coordinate 69
Concentric mode 243
Conjugate, complex 24 27 59
Conjugate, operator 36
Constitutive equation 11
Contour integration 19
Copely, L.G. 52 54
Corner effect 222
Coulson, C.A. 27
Courant, R. 131
Cox, H.L. 270
Crouch, S.L. 5
Crout method 105
Cruse, T.A. 1 5 17 21 27 29 37 111
Curl 12
De Mey, G 1 5 67 103 113 131
Delves, L.M. 5 54
density 23—24 68 104—105
Determinant 18 71 74 77
Determinant, complex 105—106 114
Diffracted wave 144
Dirac measure 18
Direct method 29
Direct search method 223
Dirichlet problem 53 113
Disc 72 75 77 79
Displacement vector 11
Divergence 11
Dominant, mode 146 196 201
Dominant, value 201
Double layer potential 24—25 30—31 214
Double layer potential, integration of 58—60 75—77
Double layer potential, jump condition of 61 80
Double layer potential, meaning of density 25
Double layer potential, property of 24
Double layer potential, structure of 100
Double layer potential, tractions by 77—79
Doyle, J.M. 16 17 27
Dubois, M. 21
Duncan — Fama, M.E. 217
Dundurs, J. 213 217
Earthquake-resistant design 201
Eigendensity 40 105 127
Eigendensity, accuracy of 124—126 249
Eigenequation 56 63 66—67 79
Eigenequation for a disc 72 75 84—89 101
Eigenequation for an annulus 89—96 101—102
Eigenfrequency 72
Eigenfrequency, accuracy of 232
Eigenfunction 41—46 105
Eigenmode 105
Eigenmode, accuracy of 124—126 249
Eigenmode, fictitious 91—92 185
Eigenmode, interference of interior eigenmode 52
Eigenparameter 39 106 115 146 222
Eigenvalue 64—65 72 75 85 87
Eigenvalue of boundary integral equation 40 46 104—106
Eigenvalue of original boundary value problem 40 46
Eigenvalue problem 16—17 104 146 232
Eigenvalue, accuracy of 113—119
Eigenvalue, equivalence of 40 42 46
Eigenvalue, fictitious (irregular) 67 91—92 94 97 185
Eigenvalue, for a circular disc 147—184
Eiseustein, Z. 6
Elastodynamics 11
Elastodynamics, antiplane 56—57 113
Elastodynamics, plane 67 89
Elastodynamics, steady-state 11—12 15 21 29
Elastodynamics, transient 53
Equations of motion of elastodynamics 11
Equations of motion of thin plates 207—208
Equivalent regularization 39
Equivalent shear, force 214—215 218—220
Equivalent shear, operator 210
Eringen, A.C. 11 16 27
Extremet, G.P. 1 5 56 103 113 131
Feshbach, H. 131
Field point 223
Filippi, P. 7 53 54 56 103 231 232 271
Flexural rigidity 207
Fourier coefficient 63 64—67
Fourier coefficient, matrix 85—89
Fourier coefficient, tensor 82—83
Fourier series 57 59 68 75 82—83
Fourier trnsform 57 59 67—68 72 75 77 82—83 211
Fourier trnsform, inverse 58 60 69 73 76
Fourier trnsform, method 19—20
Fourier trnsform, pair 19 56
Fredholm theorem 39 41 50
free term 25—27 215—216
| Frequency equation 234
Friedman, M.B. 1 5 7 29 37 38
Functional equation 52 218
Fundamental solution 17—22 57 67 224—225
Fundamental solution for antiplane problem 22
Fundamental solution for elastodynamics 21—22
Fundamental solution for elastostatics 21—22
Fundamental solution for Helmholtz equation 21
Fundamental solution for Laplace equation 22
Fundamental solution for plate problems 211—213
Fundamental solution, modified 53
Gamby, D.A. 218 222 230
Gaussian quadrature formula 104 108 114 146 226 229
Gavazza, S.D. 29 37
Goldsmith, W 1 4 29 37
Gradient operator 13
Graf’s addition theorem 63
Green, A.E. 217
Greenspan, D. 53 54
Green’s formula 25—27 30—32 50—52 266
Green’s formula for plates 215—216
Green’s formula in a closed form 62—63 81—84
Green’s formula, displacement formula 25—26 30—32 44—45 51 92 146
Green’s formula, traction formula 26—27 30—32
Green’s function 56 63—67 218
Green’s function in an inhomogeneous protrusion 136—138
Green’s function of the first kind 64
Green’s function of the second kind 65
Green’s identity 25 215
Green’s tensor (matrix) 67 84—89
Green’s tensor (matrix) of the first kind 86
Green’s tensor (matrix) of the second kind 87
Gregoire, J.P. 1 5 131
Gunter, N.M. 27
Gurtin, M.E. 17 28
Hankel function 19 21 71 110—111 211
Hansen, E.B. 217 218 222 230
Hansen’s formula 98
Haronic function 11 22 214 218
Heise, U. 29 37
Helmholtz equation 13—14 52 56 113
Hess, J.L. 1 5 29 37
Hilbert, D. 131
Hill, R. 6 37
Hirose, S. 145
Holder continuity 22—23
Holster, G.S. 6 37
Hormander, L. 17 28
Hormander’s method 17
Hutchinson, J.R. 1 2 5 7 67 103 113 131 218 231
Identity, operator 36
Identity, pair 36
Iguchi, S. 240 242 270
In-plane, force 207—208 212 222 232
In-plane, problem 56
Incident wave 134 197
Indirect method 29
Influence coefficient 223—225
Inhomogeneous protrusion 133—137
Intrinsic coordinate 107
Jacobian 108
Jahanshahi, A. 213 217
Jaswon, M.A. 1 6 22 28 29 37 218 230
Jeffrey, A. 27
Jones, D.S. 53 55 196 201
Kellogg, O.D. 27 214 217
Kelvin’s solution 17
Kim, J.W. 230
Kinematic equation 11
Kinoshita, N. 39 55
Kitahara, M. 6 55 103 111 131 132 145 194 195 201 217 230 270 271
Klein, B 270
Kleinman, R.E. 6 55
Kobayashi, S. 6 55 56 103 111 131 132 194 195 201 217 230 270 271
Kupradze, V.D. 1 6 11 16 17 22 28 29 37 39 40 52 55 103 218 230
Kussmaul, R. 53 55
Lachat, J.C. 27 111
Lamb, H. 55
Lame constant 12
Lamellar vector 13
Laplace equation 22 136
Laplacian 12 207
Lateral displacement 214—215 218—220
Least squares method 53 105 124 249
Legendre polynomial 229
Leissa, A.W. 232 233 243 246 252 270
Liggett, J.A. 6
Liu, P.L — F. 6
Lommel’s formula 80
Love, A.E.H. 6 17 28
Lyapunov surface 22—23
Maiti, M. 230
Massonnet, C.E. 1 6 29 37
Mattioli, F 133 145
Mente, L.J. 197 198 201
Meyer, W.L. 55
Mikhiin, S.G. 39 55
Miklowitz, J. 11 28
Miller, G.F. 53 54
Mixed potential metod 53
Miyagishi, K. 217
Moment operator 210
Morse, P.M. 131
Mow, C.C. 197 198 201
Mukherjee, S. 6
Multiply connected domain 233
Mura, T. 39 55
Nadai, A. 240 241 270
Nakamura, M. 217
Nardini, D. 1 6
Navier — Cauchy equation 12—13
Nedelec, J.C. 5 131
Neumann problem 52 113
Nishimura, N. 55 56 67 103
Niwa, Y. 1 6 103 111 113 131 132 145 146 194 195 201 217 230 232 270 271
Nodal, circle 115 124—125 240 243 249
Nodal, diameter 115 120 124 240 243
Nodal, line 115 127 240
Non-trivial solution 40—46 50 104—105 223
Operator-valued function 40
Ortner, V.N. 22 28
Over-determined system 53
Plancharcl, J 5 131
Plane strain 18 67 146
Plate potential 207 213—215
Plate potential, discontinuous property of 214
Plate potential, physical meaning of density 215
Plate vibration 207—208 212 222 232
Poisson’s ratio 69 75 146—147 210
Polar coordinate 19 56 68 70
Ponter, A.R. 6 29 37
Potential theory 11 22 80 214
Potential, body force 215
Potential, elastic 11 22—24
Potential, Lame 14
Potential, layer 29—31 63 84 213 219 266
Potential, scalar 13
Potential, vector 13—14
Principal value 39
Radiation condition 16 19 21 40 43 45 67 98 135 210—211
Radiation problem 29 52
Rayleigh, J.W.S. 132 271
Reciprocal theorem 25
Reflected wave 134—135
Reflection method 220
Regularity condition 16
Residue theorem 20
Resonance, amplitude 139 144
Resonance, curve 139 201
Resonance, mode 139 196 201
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