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Bassin M.G., Brodsky S.M., Wolkoff H. — Statics and strength of materials |
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Allowable stress 155
Alloy, definition 152
American Institute of Steel Construction, allowable stresses for beams 287
American Institute of Steel Construction, code for rivets, bolts and threaded parts 175 176
American Institute of Steel Construction, code for welds 188
American Institute of Steel Construction, column formulas 380
American Institute of Steel Construction, steel shapes, tables 412—424
American Institute of Steel Construction, stress in laterally unsupported beams 308
American Society for Testing Materials, tension test 146—151
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, code for bolted connections 177
American standard, channels, table 418 419
American standard, lumber and timber sizes, table 426 427
American standard, S shapes, table 416 417
American Welding Society, fillet and butt welds 187
Angle of twist in shafts 322 323
Angles, equal legs, table 420 421
Angles, unequal legs, table 422 423
Area, definition 1
Area, determination by centroid methods 217
Area, percent reduction of 153
Beams types 232 233
Beams, AISC allowable stresses 287
Beams, applied couple 255—259
Beams, assumptions and limitations 232
Beams, bending stress 269—271
Beams, bending theory 233—236
Beams, bending-moment diagram 244—249
Beams, cantilever 232
Beams, concentrated load 232—235
Beams, conditions for static equilibrium 232 407
Beams, deflection 288—306
Beams, deflection, tables, of formulas 304
Beams, design of 306
Beams, diagram relationships 249 250
Beams, horizontal and vertical shear stresses 278—287
Beams, lateral buckling 308 309
Beams, moments from shear diagram area 252—254
Beams, moving loads 259—265
Beams, neutral axis 233 234
Beams, overhanging 232 233
Beams, reactions 235 236
Beams, reactions, by lever rule 237 238
Beams, section modulus table 424 425
Beams, selection for economy 278
Beams, shear-force diagram 239—244
Beams, simply supported 232
Beams, statically determinate 232
Beams, statically indeterminate 232 389
Beams, statically indeterminate, both ends fixed 396—401
Beams, statically indeterminate, one end fixed and one end supported 389—396
Beams, uniformly distributed load 232 235 236
Beams, vertical web shear 287
Bearing stress in bolted joint 173 174
Bending moment diagram 244—249
Bending moment, equivalent, combined bending and torsion 360
Bending moment, shear-diagram area method 252—254
Bending, combined with axial stress 340—345
Bending, combined with torsion 359—363
Bolted joints on thin-walled pressure vessels 194—196
Bolted joints, AISC code 175 176
Bolted joints, ASME code 177
Bolted joints, design for maximum efficiency 182—185
Bolted joints, eccentrically loaded 352—357
Bolted joints, edge distance 175
Bolted joints, efficiency 179—182
Bolted joints, gage 175
Bolted joints, gross area 179
Bolted joints, pitch 174
Bolted joints, repeating section 174
Bolted joints, strength of 178
Bolted joints, stresses in 172—174
Bolted joints, transmission of load 170 171
Bolted joints, trial patterns 183 184
Bolted joints, types 169—170
Bolted joints, types of failure 170
Bolts in flange couplings 328 329
Bolts in torsional shear 321 322
Bolts, AISC codes for rivets, bolts and threaded parts 175 176
Bolts, direct stresses in 170—174
Brittle materials, maximum principal stress 360 361
Brittle materials, stress-strain diagram 150 151 154
Brittle materials, yield strength 154
Brittleness, definition 152
Buckling in columns 370
Center of gravity 205—217
Center of gravity by suspension 206
Center of gravity of simple solids 213—217
Centroid method for determining areas and volumes 217 218
Centroids 206—213
Centroids, of composite areas 208—213
Centroids, table for simple areas 207
Channels, table 418 419
Coefficient of friction 116
Coefficient of friction, table 120
Coefficient of thermal linear expansion 157 158
Coefficient of thermal linear expansion, table 158
Collinear forces, definition 7 404
Column action 370 371
Column formulas, metals, table 380
Column formulas, timber 386
Columns, buckling 370
Columns, categories of 375—377
Columns, end conditions 377—379
Columns, Euler's equation 376
Columns, intermediate 375
Columns, long, slender 375
Columns, parabolic formula 377
Columns, short compression members 375
Columns, straight-line formula 377
Combined stresses 339
Combined stresses, axial and bending 340—345
Combined stresses, axial and bending, distribution of 341 342
Combined stresses, bending and torsion 359—363
Combined stresses, superposition principle 339
Components of a force 26
Components of a force in three directions 96
Components of a force, rectangular 28 29 405
Composite members 161—164
Compression, axial 13
Compression, due to shear 358
Compressive stress, direct 139
Concurrence, principle of 18 405
Concurrent forces, definition 7 403
Coplanar forces, definition 7 403
Couple, applied to beam 255—259
Couple, definition 54 55
Couple, due to eccentric load 346
Curvature, radius of 289—291
Cylinders, pressure vessels, thin-walled 190—193
Deflection of beams 288—306
Deflection of beams, cantilever beam 299—303
Deflection of beams, elastic curve 289
Deflection of beams, method for determining formulas 291
Deflection of beams, moment-area method 291—296
Deflection of beams, radius of curvature 289
Deflection of beams, simply supported beam 296—299
Deflection of beams, table of formulas 304
Density, definition 2
Design equations, metal columns, table 380
Design equations, timber columns 386
Dimensional analysis 6
Direct stress see "Stress simple"
Ductile materials, elastic limit 151
Ductile materials, maximum shear stress 360
Ductile materials, stress-strain diagram 146-151
Ductile materials, yield point 150 151
Ductility, definition 152
Ductility, percent elongation 154
Ductility, percent reduction in area 153
Eccentric loads, bolted joints 352—357
| Eccentric loads, machine members 349—352
Eccentric loads, short compression members 346—348
Effective slenderness ratio 378
Elastic curve 289
Elastic curve, points of inflection 396
Elastic limit 150—154
Elasticity, definition 152
Elasticity, modulus of 152
Elongation, percent 154
Elongation, total 146
End conditions, columns 377—379
Equilibrant 17 407
Equilibrium of concurrent force systems 12 32 41 407
Equilibrium of concurrent-noncoplanar forces 98
Equilibrium of nonconcurrent-coplanar forces 63 407
Equilibrium, conditions for 49 407
Euler's equation for slender columns 376
Expansion, thermal 157 158
Extensometer 146
Factor of safety 155 156
Factor of safety, table 410
Fillet welds, table of allowable loads 189
Flange couplings 327—329
Force systems, concurrent-coplanar 9—42 404—407
Force systems, concurrent-noncoplanar 9
Force systems, nonconcurrent-coplanar 9 46—55 60—73 407
Force systems, nonconcurrent-coplanar, applications 65
Force systems, nonconcurrent-noncoplanar 9
Force systems, parallel forces 48
Force triangle 15—18 404
Force, axial 14 138
Force, components of 26
Force, definition 2
Force, direction angles 96
Force, external 7
Force, internal 7
Force, polygon 32 405
Force, Transmissibility of 7
Formulas, list of 432 433
Free body, definition 21
Free-body diagram 22
Friction, coefficient of 116
Friction, cone of 125
Friction, inclined plane 121 122
Friction, jackscrew 132 134
Friction, journal bearing 131
Friction, kinetic 118
Friction, least force 124 125
Friction, maximum static 116
Friction, table 120
Friction, wedge action 128—131
Hardness, definition 151
Inclined plane 30 31
Inclined plane, with friction 121 122
Inflection points, elastic curve 396
Jackscrew 132—134
Journal friction 131
Keys 329—331
Lateral buckling of beams 308 309
Law of Cosines 19 406
Law of Sines 19 406
Length 1
Length, original 147
Linear expansion, coefficient of 157 158
Linear expansion, table 158
Liquid column pressure 198
List of formulas 432 433
Load, axial, definition 138
Load, concentrated 232 235
Load, definition 2
Load, eccentric, bolted joints 352—357
Load, eccentric, machine members 349—352
Load, eccentric, short compression members 346—349
Load, moving 259—265
Load, transverse, definition 138
Load, uniformly distributed 52—54 232 235 236
Lumber and timber, Lumber and timber, sizes, table 426 427
Lumber and timber, properties of, table 425
Malleability, definition 151
Mass, definition 2
Materials, members of two different, in parallel 161 162
Materials, members of two different, in series 163 164
Members, eccentrically loaded, machine 349—352
Members, eccentrically loaded, of two materials 161 164
Members, eccentrically loaded, short compression 346—348
Members, eccentrically loaded, short compression, columns 375
Members, eccentrically loaded, two-force 13 14
Metals, mechanical properties, table 409
Method of joints 74—81
Method of sections 81—84
Method of shears 84
Metric units 2—4
Metric units, conversions, U.S. customary to SI units, table 430 431
Metric units, list of selected SI metric units, table 429
Metric units, prefixes 4
Modulus of elasticity 152
Modulus of rigidity 153 322
Modulus of rupture in bending 271
Modulus, section 271 320 424
Modulus, table of formulas 428
Moment of area 207
Moment of inertia 218—226
Moment of inertia of composite areas 223—226
Moment of Inertia, Polar 319
Moment of inertia, table 220 428
Moment of inertia, transfer formula 222
Moment, definition 2 46
Moment, diagram 244—249
Moment, signs for 47 245
Moment-area method for deflection formulas 291—296
Moving loads 259—265
Moving loads, position for maximum moment 260
National Forest Products Association, column formula 386
Neck-down 151 152
Neutral axis 233
Numbers, rounding off 6
Numbers, significant figures 5
Offset method for yield strength, brittle materials 154 155
Original length 147
Parabolic column formula 377
Parallelogram method, vector addition 14 404
Permanent set 150
Pitch of bolts 174
Plasticity 152
Poisson's ratio 156 157
Poisson's ratio, table 156
Polar moment of inertia 319
Polar moment of inertia, table 428
Polar section modulus 320
Polar section modulus, table 428
Power transmission, shafts 323—325
Power, definition 2
Pressure vessels, thin-walled 190—193
Pressure, definition 2
Pressure, liquid column 198
Principal stress, maximum 360
Principle of concurrence 18
Principle of superposition 339
Properties of lumber, table 425
Properties of metals, table 409
Proportional limit 150
Pythagorean Theorem 19 406
Radius of curvature 289
Radius of gyration 373
Radius of gyration, table 428
Rectangular components of a force 28 29 405
Reduction in area, percent 153
Resultant by force triangle 14 404
Resultant by parallelogram method 14 404
Resultant by summation of components 38 404
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