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Поиск книг, содержащих: Hamming distance
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Уэйкерли Дж.Ф. — Проектирование цифровых устройств (том 1) | 84 | Gray R.M. — Probability, Random Processes and Ergodic Properties | 35 | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) | 1802 | Lee J.S., Miller L.E. — CDMA systems engineering handbook | 473 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 63.B 136.E | Hrasnica Halid, Haidine Abdelfatteh, Lehnert Ralf — Broadband Powerline Communications | 101 | Cvetkovic D., Doob M., Sachs H. — Spectra of graphs. Theory and application | 131 | Cameron P.J. — Combinatorics : Topics, Techniques, Algorithms | 274 | Cameron P.J. — Polynomial aspects of codes, matroids, and permutation groups | 3 | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 2) | 1802 | Kaburlasos V.G. — Towards a Unified Modeling and Knowledge-Representation Based on Lattice Theory: Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing Applications | 30, 33 | Clote P., Backofen R. — Computational Molecular Biology | 205 | Harmuth H.F. — Sequency theory: foundations and applications | 97, 405 | Diaconis P. — Group Representations in Probability and Statistics | 117, 123 | Gupta M.M., Jin L., Homma N. — Static and dynamic neural networks | 591 | Zimand M. — Computational Complexity: A Quantitative Perspective | 57, 164, 183 | Laywine C.F., Mullen G.L. — Discrete mathematics using Latin squares | 206, 226, 257 | Hedayat A.S., Sloane N.J.A., Stufken J. — Orthogonal Arrays: Theory and Applications | 62 | Kohonen T. — Self-organizing maps | 4, 21 | Niedermeier R. — Invitation to Fixed Parameter Algorithms | 18 | Brouwer A.E., Cohen A.M., Neumaier A. — Distance-Regular Graphs | 27, 440 | Cvetkovic D., Rowlinson P., Simic S. — Eigenspaces of Graphs | 41 | Ash R.B. — Information theory | see “Distance” | Gonnet G.H., Baeza-Yates R. — Handbook of algorithms and data structures | 267 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 63.B, 136.E | Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A | 42 | Cohen A.M., Cuypers H., Sterk H. — Some tapas of computer algebra | 238 | Vapnik V.N. — The nature of statistical learning theory | 106 | Ionin Y.J., Shrikhande M.S. — Combinatorics of Symmetric Designs | 8 | Kolman B., Busby R.C., Cutler S.C. — Discrete Mathematical Structures | 404 | Back T., Fogel D.B., Michalewicz Z. — Evolutionary computation (Vol. 1. Basic algorithms and operators) | 75, 133, 148 | Kushilevitz E., Nisan N. — Communication Complexity | 64, 73, 75, 76 | Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving | 697—700, 703—706 | Brookshear J.G. — Computer Science: An Overview | 84 | Ruskey F. — Combinatorial generation | 11, 178 | Bollobás B. — Combinatorics: Set Systems, Hypergraphs, Families of Vectors and Combinatorial Probability | 3 | Csiszar I., Körner J. — Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems | 54 | Kozen D.C. — The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms | 157 | Zong Ch. — Sphere packings | 79, 82 | Jain A.K., Dubes R.C. — Algorithms for clustering data | 15, 92 | Steeb W.- H. — Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus | 26 | Kreher D.L., Stinson D.R. — Combinatorial Algorithms: Generation, Enumeration and Search | 35, 152 | Clausen M. — Fast Fourier transforms | 23 | Bóna M. — Introduction to Enumerative Combinatorics | 412 | Marques de Sa J.P. — Pattern recognition: concepts, methods, and applications | 228 | Bow S.-T. — Pattern recognition and image preprocessing | 237 | Auletta G. — Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics | 778 | Cantu-Paz E. — Efficient and accurate parallel genetic algorithms | 98 | Sutton R.S., Barto A.G. — Reinforcement Learning | 210 | Beth T., Jungnickel D., Lenz H. — Design Theory (vol. 2) | 894 | Theodoridis S., Koutroumbas K. — Pattern recognition | 410—411 | Balakrishnan N., Rao C.R. — Handbook of Statistics (Vol. 17): Order Statistics: Applications | 551 | Cox D.A., Little J., O'Shea D. — Using Algebraic Geometry | 417, 464 | Habib M., McDiarmid C., Ramirez-Alfonsin J. (eds.) — Probabilistic Methods for Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics | 209, 210, 228 | Michel A., Liu D. — Qualitative analysis and synthesis of recurrent neural networks | 188, 212, 380, 382, 390, 391 | Kreyszig E. — Introductory functional analysis with applications | 9 | Ilachinski A. — Cellular automata. A discrete universe | 79 | Laywine C.F., Mullen G.L. — Discrete Mathematics Using Latin Squares | 206, 226, 257 | van Lint J.H., Wilson R.M. — Course in Combinatorics | 62, 214 | Hristev R.M. — The artificial neural network book | see "Distance, Hamming" | Leeuwen J.V. — Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science: Algorithms and Complexity | 294 | Stinson D.R. — Cryptography: Theory and practice | 549 | Brookshear J. — Computer Science | 8 | Leeuwen J. (ed.), Meyer A.R., Nivat M. — Algorithms and Complexity, Volume A | 294 | Purser M. — Introduction to error-correcting codes | 7—8 | Spears W.M. — Evolutionary Algorithms. The Role of Mutation and Recombination | 15, 150, 195 | Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1) | 400, 484 | Back T., Fogel D.B., Michalewicz Z. — Evolutionary computation (Vol. 2. Advanced algorithms and operators) | 6, 147 | van Lint J.H. — Coding Theory | 7 | Gossett E. — Discrete Math with Proof | 474 | Bäck T. — Evolutionary Algorithms in Theory and Practice | 39, 110 | Kolman B., Busby R.C., Ross S. — Discrete Mathematical Structures | 424 | Beth T., Jungnickel D., Lenz H. — Design Theory (Vol. 1) | 894 | Yaglom A.M., Yaglom I.M. — Probability and Information | 338, 340, 342, 389(fn) | Bruss D. (ed.), Leuchs G. (ed.) — Lectures on Quantum Information | 10 | Adámek J. — Foundations of Coding | 46 |