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Hristev R.M. — The artificial neural network book |
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2/3 rule 85 86 94 98 101
Activation function see "Function activation"
ADALINE see "Percepton"
Adaptive backpropagation see "Algorithm backpropagation adaptive"
Adaptive resonance theory see "ART"
Algorithm, ART1 99
Algorithm, ART2 107
Algorithm, backpropagation 16 162 320
Algorithm, backpropagation, adaptive 21 23 321
Algorithm, backpropagation, batch 163
Algorithm, backpropagation, momentum 20 23 24 321
Algorithm, backpropagation, quick 224
Algorithm, backpropagation, standard 13 19
Algorithm, backpropagation, SuperSAB 23 321
Algorithm, backpropagation, vanilla see "Standard"
Algorithm, BAM 49 53 322
Algorithm, branch and bound 242
Algorithm, CPN 81
Algorithm, EM 181 240 357
Algorithm, expectation-maximization see "EM"
Algorithm, gradient descent 218
Algorithm, Levenberg — Marquardt 234
Algorithm, line search 225
Algorithm, Metropolis 296
Algorithm, model trust region 235
Algorithm, optimal brain damage 266
Algorithm, optimal brain surgeon 267
Algorithm, Robbins — Monro 124 181 219
Algorithm, sequential search 243
Algorithm, simulated annealing 296
Algorithm, SOM 40 321
ANN iii 3
ANN, output 112 190
Asymmetric divergence 125 211
Bam 48
Bayes rule 116 119 354
Bayes theorem 288 342
Bayesian learning 361
Bias 18 123 129 160 188 254
Bias, average 254
Bias-variance tradeoff 255
Bidirectional associative memory see "BAM"
Bit 211
Boltzmann constant 208
Certain event 210
City-block metric see "Error city-block
class 111
Classification 116 197
Codebook 366
Complexity criteria 273
Conditional independence 308
Confusion matrix 120
Conjugate direction 226 228
Conjugate directions 226
Contrast enhancement 86 108
Contrast enhancement function see "Function contrast
Counterpropagation network see "Network CPN"
Course of dimensionality 113 237 255
Cross-validation 273
Curse of dimensionality 241
Dag 307 313
Decision boundary 116 117 119
Decision region 116
Decision tree 301
Decision tree, splitting 301
Delta rule 12 142 143 145 146 162 163 219
Deviance 127
Dimensionality reduction 237 245
Discrete time approximation 219
Distance, Euclidean 325 350
Distance, Hamming 325
Distance, Kullback — Leiber see "Asymetric divergence"
Distance, Mahalanobis 241 348
distribution 191
Distribution, Bernoulli 136
Distribution, conditional 194
Distribution, Gaussian 191 209 261 274 345
Distribution, Gaussian, multidimensional 346
Distribution, Gaussian, unidimensional 345
Distribution, Laplacian 192
EDGE 307
Eigenvalue 36 327 328
Eigenvalue, spectrum 327
Eigenvector 36 327 347
Encoding, one-of-k 68 73 81 108 197 203 205 212 239
entropy 208 210 302
Entropy, cross-entropy 202 203
Entropy, differential 209
Equation, Riccati 33
Equation, simple 32
Equation, trivial 32
Error 163 176 186 212 215 218
Error bar 191
Error function 114 185
Error gradient 12—15 17
Error, absolute 203
Error, city-block metric 192
Error, cross-entropy 213
Error, Minkowski 192 213
Error, quadratic 232
Error, relative 203
Error, RMS 115 187
Error, root-mean-square see "Error RMS"
Error, sum-of-squares 11 12 15 17 19 114 137 143 149 163 167 171 176 177 182 190 203 213 253 268 274 279—281
Error, surface 12 20 24 26 215 217 256
Euler — Lagrange equation 176
evidence 288
Evidence approximation 287
exception 115
Exemplars 47
Expectation 87 90 343
Feature extraction 114 237
Feedback 31
Feedback, auto 54
Feedback, indirect 30 91
Feedback, lateral 41 91
Feedforward network see "Network feedforward"
Fisher criterion 148 152 199
Fisher discriminant 149 265
Flat spot elimination 20
Fletcher — Reeves formula 230
Function, -Dirac 125 176 197 204 353
Function, activation 3—6 40 57 90 92 134 198 217
Function, activation, exponential-distribution 7
Function, activation, hyperbolic-tangent 6
Function, activation, identity 48 175 199
Function, activation, logistic 5 6 10 15 19 135 163 202 206 259
Function, activation, pulse-coded 7
Function, activation, ratio-polynomial 7
Function, activation, sigmoidal 157 285
Function, activation, threshold 5 6 7 135 154
Function, BAM, energy 51
Function, contrast enhancement 102
Function, discriminant 117
Function, energy, BAM 52 56
Function, error see "Error"
Function, Euler 192 292 331 353
Function, even 330
Function, feedback 30 74 75 91
Function, Gaussian 174 175
Function, Green 176
Function, Heaviside 160
Function, Hopfield, energy 55 56 57 59
Function, kernel 178 195 248 352
Function, Lagrange 334
Function, Liapunov 51
Function, likelihood 121 123 185 192 202 205 261 315
Function, multi-quadratic 174
| Function, radial basis 173 174
Function, regression 364
Function, softmax 195 206 263 272 356
Function, stop 43
Generalization 15 112 115
Gini index 302
Graph 307
Graph, ancestral 308
Graph, boundary 308
Graph, chordal see "Graph triangulated"
Graph, complete 307
Graph, connected 307
Graph, directed 307
Graph, directed acycled see "DAG"
Graph, moral 314
Graph, polytree 308
Graph, tree 307
Graph, tree, chain 310
Graph, tree, join 312
Graph, triangulated 312
Graph, undirected 307
Hadamard product iii
Hamming distance see "Distance Hamming"
Hamming space 50 325
Hamming vector see "Vector bipolar"
hessian 127 166 172 256 266 281 288
Hessian, inverse 166 168
Hestenes — Stiefel formula 230
histogram 350
Histogram, K-nearest-neighbors 351 353
Histogram, kernel method 351
Hyperprior 288
Importance sampling 296
information 210
Information, criterion 128
Input normalization 238
Invariance 247
Invariance, translation 250
Jacobian 164 247
Jensen’s Inequality 132 335 357
Karhunen — Loeve transformation 245
Kernel function see "Function kernel"
Kohonen see "SOM"
Kronecker symbol 118 165 196 197 347 356
Kroneker symbol 38 48 61
Lagrange multiplier 334
Layer, competitive 74 75 88 91
Layer, hidden 73
Layer, input 68
Layer, output 76
Learning 5 11 112 217
Learning constant 12 17 22 27 81 107 142 163 181 219
Learning constant, adaptive decreasing factor 22
Learning constant, adaptive increasing factor 22
Learning constant, error backpropagation threshold 17
Learning constant, flat spot elimination 20 27
Learning constant, momentum 20 27 221
Learning set 5 112 see learning"
Learning speed 221
Learning stop 218
Learning Vector Quantization see "LVQ"
Learning, ART1, fast 94 95
Learning, ART2, fast 104
Learning, batch 219
Learning, Bayesian 275 276
Learning, convergence 146
Learning, incomplete 38 40 45
Learning, reinforced 112
Learning, sequential 219
Learning, supervised 5 11 112 182
Learning, unsupervised 5 29 31 39 112 243
Least squares technique 182
Lexicographic convention 65
Linear discriminant analysis 349
Linear separability 129 132 146
Loss matrix see "Matrix loss"
LVQ, LVQ1 366
LVQ, LVQ2.1 367
LVQ, LVQ3 368
LVQ, OLVQ1 366
L’Hospital rule 302
Macrostate 207
Markov, chain 310
Markov, properties 308
Matrix, covariance 198
Matrix, covariance, between-class 148 151
Matrix, covariance, within-class 148 151
Matrix, loss 117 201
Matrix, positive definite 329
Matrix, pseudo-inverse 140
Memory 20 22 24
Memory saturation 52
Memory, associative 47
Memory, associative, interpolative 47
Memory, autoassociative 48 54
Memory, crosstalk 52
Memory, heteroassociative 47 67
Memory, Hopfield, continuous 57 60 322
Memory, Hopfield, discrete 54 60 322
Memory, Hopfield, gain parameter 57
Microstate 207
Misclassification 304
Misclassification penalty 117 118
Missing data 97 239 306
Mixture model 179 194
Mixture of experts 271
moment 248
Moment, central 248
Moment, regular 248
Momentum see "Algorithm backpropagation momentum"
Monte Carlo method 295
Multiplicity 207
Nadaraya — Watson estimator 178
NAT 211
Network layer, hidden 26
Network, ART 85 155
Network, ART1 85
Network, ART2 100
Network, autoassociative 245
Network, backpropagation 9
Network, BAM 48
Network, cascade correlation 264
Network, committee 218 268
Network, CPN 67 155
Network, CPN, architecture 67
Network, feedforward 3 4 9 153 154 170
Network, growing method 264
Network, higher order 5 250
Network, Hopfield, continuous 57
Network, Hopfield, discrete 54
Network, Kohonen see "Network SOM"
Network, output 197
Network, performance 113
Network, pruning method 264
Network, recurrent 3
Network, SOM 4 29
neuron 3
Neuron, excitation 68
Neuron, gain control 85 88
Neuron, hidden 72
Neuron, instar 71 73
Neuron, neighborhood 31 39 41 42
Neuron, neighborhood, function 41
Neuron, output 70
Neuron, outstar 76
Neuron, pruning 268
Neuron, reset 85
Neuron, saliency 268
Neuron, winner 41
Neuronal neighborhood see "Neuron neighborhood"
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