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Brouwer A.E., Cohen A.M., Neumaier A. — Distance-Regular Graphs |
Предметный указатель |
-graphs 20
design 438
-graph 433
(0, - 1, 1)-adjacency matrix 95
(p, q, r)-representauon 87
1-Factor 433
2-distance set 89
Absolute bound 50 90 132
Additive code 71
Adelson-Velskii, G.M. 136
Adjacency matrix 82 434
Affine -graph 340 341
Affine (a,b)-representation 89
Affine Grassmann space 280
Affine plane 439
Affine resolvable 2-design 19
Affine space 439
Agaian, S.S. 20
Aigner, M. 258 262
Aldred, R.E.X. 189
Alegre, I. 207
Algebraic multiplicity 81
Almost simple group 230
Alphabet of a code 27 440
Alternating forms graph 282
Amply regular graph 3
Antipodal cover 438
Antipodal graph 135 140 438
Antipode 15
Antomorphism 435
Armanios, C. 266
Artin, E. x 274 276 291
Aschbacher, M. 149 207 214 336 396 441
Askey, R. viii 246
Assmus, E.F., jr. 60
Association scheme 43
Attenuated space 280
Baer.R. 396
Bagchi, B. 395
Bagchi, Bh. 421
Baker, H.F. 30
Baker, R.D. 24 210 356 372
Balaban, A.T. 210
Balanced incomplete block design 439
Bannai, Eiichi viii ix 43 47 58 136 145—147 163 167 184 185 207 208 210 221 225 232 235 240 241 247 260 272 276 355 357
Bannai, Etsuko 58 145 146
Barlotti, A. 379
Base of a representation 88
Bassaiygo, L.A. 348 3S4 355 357
Batten, L.M. x
Bauer, H. 355
Belevitch, V. 10
Benson, C.T. x 204 209 296 391
Bercov, R.D. 65 68
Berlekamp — van Lint — Seidel graph 360
Berlekamp, E.R. 360 405
Berman, A. 81
Berman, G. 19
Bermond, J.-C. 207
Best, M.R. 55 355
Beth, Th. 17 19
BIBD. 439
Bichara, A. 270
Bickel, Th.F. 329
Bier, Th. 354
Biggs — Smith graph 176 181 182 184 221 403 414
Biggs, N.L., viii—x 1 25 37 47 50 82 128 130—133 141 143 148 167 178 184 191 192 210 221 259 266 272 349 358 364 369 382 383 394 401 405
Bilinear forms graph 280
Binary code 27 440
Binary Golay code 355
Biondi, P. 270
Bipartite double 17 24
Bipartite graph 135 140 434
Biplane 439
Biplanes 156
Blackburn, N. 215
Blass, A. 5
Blichfddt, H.F. 103
Block 438
Block graph 438
Blokhuis, A. 5 36—38 89 257 258 315 322 354 399 400
BN-pair 324
Boinck, F.J.H. 386
Bollobas, B. 75 181
Bon, J.T.M.van x 36 143 171 180 212 230 266 282 288 397
Bose — Connor theorem 23
Bose — Mesner algebra 45
Bose, R.C. vii 4 6 23 43 45 207 258 272 274 440
Boshier, A.G. 167 191 192 221 405
Bounds for multiplicities 163
Bourbaki, K. 84 98 294 296 297 308 310 315 318 324
Bouwer, I.Z. 435
Bridges.W.G. 38 40 68 207
Brock, R.H. 23
Brouwer, A.E. 5 6 11 33 36—38 55 84 147 150 153 155 156 176 193 206 212 257 258 264 277 315 318 322 338 342 344 354 356 359 360 367—371 373 385 386 392 393 399 400 405
Brown, W.G. 210
Bruck — Chowla — Ryser theorem 22 23 37 416 425
Bruen, A.A. 389
Bruhat order 298
Buczak, J.M.J. 231
Buekenhout diagram 36 153 367 369 392 394 407
Buekenhout — Tits diagram 442
Buekenhout — Tits geometry 441
Buekenhout, F. 36 228 258 331 339 341 371 375 382 384 441 442
Bulirsch, R. 129
Burnside, W. 66
Burnside’s Lemma 64
Buset, D. 5 36 314 315 322
Bussemaker, F.C. 16 37 82 95 103 104 106 107 110 120—122 164 198 259 265
Butson, A.T. 19
Cage 209
Calderbank, A.R. 345 354 356 358
Cameron, P.J. viii x 11 18 32 33 50 51 64 78 102 106 107 153 199 214 220 229 231 232 276 277 279 350 357 373
Carlitz, L. 284 389
Carter, R.W. x 294 320 323 332—335 342
Central product 280
Centralizer algebra 63
Chakravarti, I.M. 274
Chang graphs 105
Chang, G.J. 53
Chang, L.C. 106 258
Character group 68
Chihara, L. 276 357
Chima, J. 153 156
Chow, W.-L. 268 276 278
Chowla, S. 23
Chuvaeva, I.V. 371
Circuit chasing 191
Class (of a divisible design) 439
Class of p-transpositions 396
Classes of a bipartite graph 434
Classical parameters 194
Claw 434
Clebsch graph 104 114 224 266 318 363
Clerck, F.de 282
Clique extension 6
Co- 435
Co-edge-regular graph 3
Cobeljic, S. 82
Coclique 434
Coclique extension 6
Cocomponent 5 435
Coconnected 5 435
Code 27 440
Code (in a graph) 345
Code graph 114
Codeword 440
Cohen, A.M. 5 36 153 155 204 229 230 267 271 277 315 318 322 324 328 331 338 339 341—344 384 408^*10 412
| Coherent algebra 57
Coherent configuration 44
Coherent subset of a two-graph 14
Coherent triple 14
Cohn, H. 97
Collinearity graph 440
Cometric association scheme 58
Commuting involutions graph 395
Commuting involutions graphs in the wide sense 397
Complement 433
Complement of a two-graph 14
Complete affine representation 89
Complete graph 434
Complete multipartite graph 434
Complete n-arc 387
Complete two-graph 14
Complete union 13 434
Completely regular code 346
Completely regular partition 351
Completely regular two-graph 227
Complex character 63
Component 433
Components of a group 214
Condensed matrix 92
Conference graph 8 180
Conference matrix 10
Congruence partition 351
Congruent quadratic forms 86
Connected 433
Connor, W.S., jr. 22 23 258 263
Convex 433
Convex subset 303
Conway — Smith graph 37
Conway, J.H. x 55 11 313 359 366 369 371 395 398—400 405 406 408 443
Cook, C.R. 262
Cooperstein, B.N. 271 278 300 331 339
Corank of a flag 441
Coset graph 27 345 435
Coster, M.J. 208
Cotype of an object 304 327
Courant, R. 85
Cover of a graph 351
Covering radius of a code 345
Coxeter diagram 294
Coxeter element 309
Coxeter graph 182
Coxeter graph (a) 299
Coxeter graph (the) 159 182 221 382 383
Coxeter group 294
Coxeter group of a Tits system 323
Coxeter incidence graph 309
Coxeter matrix 294
Coxeter number 309
Coxeter system 294
Coxeter system of spherical type 294
Coxeter, H.S.M. 5 103 221 231 296 314 382 403
cube 1
Cubes 152
Cubic graph 434
Curtis, R.T. 313 369 371 395 398 400 408 443
Cuypers, H. 230 263 282
Cvetkovic, D.M. 82 84 103 104 106 107 109 258 262 263
Cydotomic scheme 66 389
d-cube 27
Dai, Z.-d. 274 275
Damerell, R.M. viii 58 207 208 232
Dawson, J.E. 19
Defect of a regular graph 207
Degenerate 29
Degree 434
Degree of a code 71
Degrees of a Coxeter system 308
Degrees of a Weyl group 333
Delorme, C. 20 138 207
Delsarte, Ph. viii 43 48 50 54—56 58 60 61 66 70—73 77 78 90 128 132 136 163 251 281 284 346 349 350 356 359
Dembowski, P. 24
Deng, Sh.-t 280
Denniston, R.H.F. 387
Deodhar, V.V. 298
Derived design 14 439
Desargues graph 189 221 260
Desarguesian plane 439
Design 438
Diameter 433
Dickson, L.R. 103
Dieudonne, J. 274 276 278 291
Digraph 232
Direct product of graphs 26
Direct sum of lattices 97
Directed graph 433
Discriminant 97
Disjoint (0, l)-matrices 57
Disjoint union 434
Distance 433 441
Distance degree regular graph 139
Distance-biregular 138
Distance-polynomial graph 139
Distance-regular around a vertex 138
Distance-regular digraph 232
Distance-regular graph, I 126 434
Distance-transitive 136
Distance-transitive digraph 232
Distribution diagram 62 436
Distribution graph 436
Divisible Design 22 439
Dixmier, S. 30
dodecahedron 1 144 156 164 172 176 182 189 212 221 260 266 314 319 402
Doob graph 27 114 165 170 262 263 267
Doob, M. 26 27 82 84 106 109 130 258 262
Doro graph 37 375
Doro, S. 375 382
Double coset diagram 64
Double coset graph 437
Double cover 438
Doubled Grassmann graph 272
Doubled Odd graph 259
Dowling, T.A. 4 6 207 257 258 262 272
Drake, D.A. 18—20 277
Duad-syntheme geometry 30
Dual degree of a code 346
Dual design 438
Dual eigenvalues of a Q-polynomial association scheme 58
Dual Frame quotient 71
Dual intersection numbers 48
Dual lattice 97
Dual of a point-line geometry 441
Dual of an additive code 71
Dual Pasch axiom 257
Dual polar graph 274
Dual translation association scheme 69
Duality 240
Duval, A.M. 232
Dynkin diagram of a root lattice 100
Dynltin diagram 99
e-error correcting code 345 440
EDGE 433
Edge-regular graph 3
Edge-transitive 435
Egawa, Y. 262 263 290 291
Eigenmatrices of an association scheme 45
Eigenmatrix of for 131
Eigenspace 77 131
Eigenvalue of a graph 435
Eigenvalues of a graph 82
Elliptic line 376
Elliptic semiplane 24 372
Empty graph 433
Enomoto, H. 4 28 133 232 262
Equitable partitions 436
Erdos — Ko — Rado theorem 261 265 273 279 282
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