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Brouwer A.E., Cohen A.M., Neumaier A. — Distance-Regular Graphs
Brouwer A.E., Cohen A.M., Neumaier A. — Distance-Regular Graphs

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Название: Distance-Regular Graphs

Авторы: Brouwer A.E., Cohen A.M., Neumaier A.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1989

Количество страниц: 494

Добавлена в каталог: 08.05.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Locally locally Petersen      36
Locally Paley      228
Locally pentagon      4
Locally Petersen      35 37 382 399
Locally polar      228
Locally Schlafli      313
Locally triangular      27 154 267
Losey, N.E.      391
Lovasz, L.      389
Lubotzky, A.      210
Machines, C.R.      204
Macpherson, H.D.      128 220 232
MacWilliams inequality      56
MacWilliams transform      54 346
MacWilliams, F.J.      55 56 71 128 136 355 358 359
Marcus, M.      81
Margulis, G.A.      210
Mars, J.G.M.      341
Martinov, N.J.      140
Mathieu designs      366
Mathon, R.A.      16 22—24 37 44 48 95 259 261 386 388—390
Mattson, H.F., jr.      60
Mavron, V.C.      19
McConnel, R.      389
McEliece, R.J.      55
McFeat, R.B.      19
McGee graph      209
McGee, W.F.      209
McKay, B.D.      436
McKay, J.      73 369 408
McKay’s observation      73
McLaughlin graph      373
McLaughlin, J.      373
Melone, N.      270
Mena, R.A.      38 68 232
Meredith, G.H.J.      viii 231
Mesner, D.M.      vii 45 262
Metric association scheme      58
Metrically regular graph      128
Miller, G.A.      103
Miller, Z.      5
Minc, H.      81
Minimum distance of a code      345 440
Minimum weight      27
Mohar, B.      128 138 148
Mollard, M.      355
Moon, A.      257 258 260 265 393
Moore geometries      155
Moore geometry      207
Moore graph      206
Moore, E.F.      206
Moser, W.OJ.      296 314
Moufang property      205
Mulder, H.M.      20 28
Multiplicities      45
Multiplicity-free character      63
Multiplier      353
Munemasa, A.      60
Muzichuk, M.E.      261 279
n-regular graph      231
n-transitive graph      231
Nadler/van Lint codes      55
Nair, K.R.      vii
Near hexagon      199
Near n-gon      198
Near octagon      199
Near pentagon      199
Near polygon      198
Nearly perfect code      357
Negative Latin square type, association scheme of      68
Negative root      332
Neighbour      433
Neighbour equivalent      441
Neumaier, A.      viii 6 7 16 18 19 27 28 50 71 84 89 106 110—112 120 122 136 154 164 168 183 198 227 246 258 259 264 265 267 275 350 392—394 403
Neumann, P.M.      63 64 401
Nexus      18
Nomura, K.      139 154 176 191 192 225
Nondegenerate      441
Nonedge      433
Nonnegative matrices      80
Nontrivial      3
Nordstrom — Robinson code      55
Norm of a two-graph      96
Norm of a vector      79
Norton algebra      78
Norton, S.P.      313 369 371 395 397 398 400 408 443
Nucleus      374 385
Nullity of a code      349
Numata, M.      271
Numerical girth      434
Object of a Coxeter system      304
Object of a geometry      441
Object of a group with Tits system      327
Obreschkoff, N      47
octahedron      1
Odd graph      259
Odlyzko, A.M.      55
Olanda, D.      270
Omladic, M.      128
Orbit      435
Orbital      435
Orbitals      63
Ore, O.      38
Orthogonal array      439
Orthogonal idempotent      57
Orthogonal lattices      97
Ott, U.      205
Outer distribution      54
Outer distribution numbers of a completely regular code      346
Outer distribution of a code      345
Ovoid in a generalized hexagon      357
O’Keefe, M.      210
O’Nan, M.E.      384
P-polynomial association scheme      58
Paley design      227
Paley graph      10
Paley, RE.AC.      10 227
Pappus graph      221
Parabolic subgroup      325
Parallel class      439
Parity check bit      440
Parity check matrix      440
Parker, R.P.      313 369 371 395 398 400 408 443
Part (of a divisible design)      439
Partial $\lambda$-geometry      18
Partial $\lambda$-geometry bound      20 183
Partial geometry      18 373 387 392 393 440
Partial graph      433
Partial linear space      439
Partial quadrangle      199
Partition graph      198
Parts of a bipartite graph      434
Pasch axiom      257
Path      433
Patterson graph      410
Patterson, N.J.      411 412
Paulus, A.J.L.      37
Payne, S.E.      30 200 204 357 386
Pendant path      84
Perfect code      345 440
Perfect group      214
Perfect set      56
Period of an irreducible matrix      80
Perkel graph      401
Perkel, M.      401 408
Perko, A.      355
Permutation group      435
Permutation rank      306
Perron — Frobenius theory      73 80 82 166
Perron, O.      80
Petersen graph      1 35 37 39 40 104 114 155 223 363 375 380
Petersen, J.      1 209
Petric, M.      82
Phelps, K.T.      355
Phillips, R.      210
Piper, F.C.      17
Platonic solids      1 172
Plemmons, R.J.      81
Plesken, W.      111
Pohst, M.      111
Point      433 438
Point graph      438
Point-line geometry      441
Polar space      441
Polygon      1 434
Positive definite      87
Positive root      332
Positive semidefinite      87
Powers, D.L.      163 231
Praeger, C.E.      ix 214 220 223 229—231
Preparata codes      347 356
Primitive (0, l)-matrix      57
Primitive graph      437
Primitive idempotent      57
Primitive matrix      80
Primitive permutation group      437
Primrose, E.J.F.      274
Profile of a circuit      191
Projective plane      439
Projective space      439
Pseudo $D_3(q)$ graph      277
Pseudo partition graph      198
Pseudocyclic association scheme      48
q-analogue of the Hamming graph      280
Q-bipartite      241
q-covering      349
Q-multipartite      241
Q-polynomial association scheme      58 235
Q-polynomial graph      135
Q-polynomial ordering      135
Q-sequence      135 235
quad      366
Quadratic form      290
Quadratic forms graph      290
Quasigroup      388
Quasisimple group      214
Quirin, W.L.      133
Quisquater, J.-J.      207
Quotient graph      350
Quotient scheme      52
r-component      305
r-connected      305
Radical of a graph      441
Radical of a quadratic form      290
Rado, R.      261
Radosavljevid, Z.      106
Raghavarao, D.      22 23
Rajkundlia, D.P.      23 425
Rank (of a transitive permutation group)      306
Rank of a geometry      441
Rank of a permutation representation      437
Rank of a polar space      441
Rank of a quadratic form      290
Rao, S.B.      51 52 110
Ray-Chaudhuri, D.K.      vii 51 52 271 274 282
Real character      63
Rectagraph      27 152
Redd, L.      389
Reduced      34 441
Reduced expression      296
Reduced fundamental system of roots      99
Reduced graph of a graph      34 441
Reduced path      216
Reduced root system      98
Reducible Coxeter system      295
Reducible lattice      97
Reeunital      387
Regular      434
Regular design      22
Regular near polygon      199
Regular partition      350 436
Regular two-graph      14
Reinsch, C.      47 130
Relative T-design      60
Relative t-design in a cometric scheme      60
Repetition code      355 356
Replication number      439
Representation diagram      73
Representation of a graph      87
Representation of a two-graph      96
Residual design      439
Residue      441
Residue of a flag      441
Resolvable design      439
Restricted centralizer algebra      65
Reuvers, H.F.H.      355
Richen, F.A.      325
Rifa, J.      352
Robertson graph      209
Robertson — Wegner graph      210
Robertson, N.      209 391
Rodemich, E.R.      55
Rogers, A.A.      89
Ronan, M.A.      153 204 326 367 412
Rooij, A.C.M. van      110
Roos, C.      163 182 201 203 208 347 357
Roos, J.E.      349
Root graph      113
Root lattice      98
Root representation      113
Root system      98 310
Root system graph      98 311
Roots      98 310
Rosa, A.      392
RoUand, P.T.      258
Rowlinson, P.      375 382 384
Rumsey, H., jr.      55
Ryser, H.J.      23
s-regular code      346
s-uniform code      348
Sabidussi, G.      436
Sachs, H.      82 209 258 262
Sarnak, P.      210
Sastry, N.S.N.      395
Saturated Tits system      332
Sauer, N.      209
Sawade, K.      20
Saxl, J.      ix 214 220 229 230 395
Scapellato, R.      38
ScheUekens, G.L.      336
ScheUenberg, P.J.      24
Schlafli graph      103 224 312 318
Schlafli, L.      30
Schonheim, J.      355
Schrijver, A.      373 389
Schur complement      92
Schur, I.      66
Schurring      65
Schwenk, A.J.      82 436
Scott, L.L., jr.      49 50 137
Seberry, J.      19 20
Segre, B.      274
Seidel, J.J.      viii 10 11 16 30 37 48—51 73 77 78 82 83 89 90 94 95 102—104 106 107 109 111 112 132 258 259 262 277 360 373
Seitz, G.M.      214 220 323
Self-dual association scheme      49
Self-dual design      438
Self-paired orbital      63
Semakov, N.V.      348
Semibiplane      17 28
Semisymmetric      17
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