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Brouwer A.E., Cohen A.M., Neumaier A. — Distance-Regular Graphs |
Предметный указатель |
Seneta, E. 81
Serniregular 434
Serre, J.-P. 22
Sesquilinear forms graph 280
Shad, S.A. 19 20
Shadow of an object 304 327
Shapiro, H.S. 355
Shawe-Taylor, J. 138 139 148 167 191 192 221 405
Shearer, J. 84
Shimamoto, T. vii 43
Shortened code 364 440
Shpectorov, S.V. 36 160 277 285 363
Shrikhande graph 104 114 136
Shrikhande, S.S. 19 23 25 105 258 262 395
Shult, E.E. viii 5 16 30 102 106 107 111 153 155 199 225 277 279 360 366 441
Sidel’nikov inequalities 77
Sidel’nikov, V.M. 77
Sign change 129
Sims conjecture 220
Sims, Ch.C. 392
Singhi, N.M. 51 52 110
Singleton, R.R. 206—209 391 395
Singular lines 28 440
Singular subspace 28 441
Sloane, N.J.A. x 55 56 111 128 136 355 358 359
Slotnick, D.L. 355
Smith, D.H. viii ix 133 140 180 184 221 222 260 346 348 349 357 382 398 405
Smith, J.H. 83 84
Smith, M.S. 370
Smith, S.D. 78 367 397 399
Smits, P.R.J.M. 373
Snover, S.L. 55 357
Solomon, L. 201 297 308
Somma, C. 385
Song, S.-Y. 26
Spectral radius 81
Spectrum 25
Sphere 56
Spherical 2-design 132
Spherical code 77
Spherical representation 87
Spherical t-design 78
Spherical type 294
Split Tits system 332
Sprague, A.P. 257 270 271 282
Square 2-design 212
Square design 16 22 439
Standard parabolic subgroup 325
Standard Q-sequence 135
Standard representation 158
Standard sequence 128
Stanton, D., viii 60 201 275 276 279
Steiner system 207 387 439
Steiner triple system 439
Stellmacher, B. 411 412
Stemple, J.G. 38
Stoer, J. 129
Street, A.P. 10 20
Strict affine representation 89
Strict root graph 113
Strong gamma space 328
Strongly connected 433
Strongly regular 434
Strongly regular graph 3
Sturm sequence 129
Subconstituent 434
Subdividing an edge 84
Subgraph 433
Subnormal subgroup 214
Suborbit 435
Subscheme 51
Subscheme of an association scheme 62
Substructures 151
Support of a code word 440
Suzuki graph 410
Suzuki, M. 214
Swift, J.D. 204
Switching 94
Switching class of a graph or two-graph 15
Switching equivalent graphs 15
Sylvester graph 223 396
Sylvester, J.J. 30 86
Symmetric (m, )-net 18
Symmetric association scheme 43
Symmetric bilinear form associated with a quadratic form 290
Symmetric bilinear forms graph 285 385
Symmetric design 439
Symplectic character 63
Symplecton 339
Syntheme 30
t-design 349 438
t-design in a cometric scheme 60
T-design in an association scheme 60
t-sequence 131
Taffini, G. 270
Tamaschke, O. 65 70
tangents 377
Taylor graph 13 15 16 33 96 212 228
Taylor, D.E. 7 14—16 33 95 96 103 133 167 168 175 228
Tchuda, F.L. 364
Ternary code 27 440
Ternary Golay code 55 355
Terwilliger graph 34
| Terwilliger, P. viii 21 33 73 75 76 113 158 163 164 167 169—171 178 184 190 231 239 241 244 258 264
Tetrahedral graph 255
tetrahedron 1
Thas, XA. 30 200 204 282 357 385—387
Thick generalized polygon 200
Thick lines 38
Thin near polygon 199
Thompson, J.G. 217
Tietivainen, A. 355
Tight interlacing 85
Tilborg, H.C.A. van 348 355 356
Timmesfeld, F.G. 396
Tits system 323
Tits, J. 153 200 204 205 267 276 277 294 297 323 326 329 331 339 344 384 408-410 441
Tonchev, V.D. 367 368
Torgasev, A. 82
Toueg, S. 207
Translation association scheme 65
Translation distance-regular graph 353
Transversal design 439
Transversal of two edges 117
triangle 439
Triangular graph 144 255.440
Triple cover 438
True external distance 346
Truncated (or punctured) code 364
Truncated code 440
Trung, T.van 18
Tsaranov, S.V. 408
Tuma, J. 257
Turin, P. 181
Tutte — Coxeter graph 209
Tutte, W.T. 184 206 209 221 383
Two-graph 14
Type of an object 304 327 441
Uniformly packed code 348
Uniformly regular partition 350
Unimodular lattice 97
Unitary nonisotropics graph 383
Ustimenko graphs 279 287
Ustimenko, VA. 261 279
Valency 43 434
Van Lint — Schrijver partial geometry 373
Vanden Cruyce, P. 5 403
Varga, R.S. 81
Vasil’ev, Ju.X. 355
Vedder, K. 273
Velsfefler, B.Ju. 136
Verma, D.-K. 298
Vertex 433
Vijayan, K.S. 110 226
Vroonhoven, J.C.W. van 373
Wales, D. 408
Walker, R. 204
Wallis, J.S. 10 20
Wallis, W.D. 10 20
Wan, Zh.-x. 274 275
Weak 4-vertex condition 282
Weak representation 88
Wegner, G. 210
Weichsel, P.M. 26 139
Weight 71
Weight distribution 71
Weight enumerator 440
Weight of a code word 27 440
Weights of a code 71
Weiss, AX. 403
Weiss, R. 205 214 217 218 220 221 231
Welch, L.R. 55
Wells, jr., A.J. 266
Wester, M. 394
Weug, C. 55
Weyl group 98 310
Wielandt, H. viii 46 47 63 65—68 217 438
Wilbrink, HA. ix 36 206 277 384 386
Wild, P. 18
Wilf, H.S. 110
Wilkinson, J.H. 47 130
Wilson, J. 246
Wilson, R.A. 313 369 371 395 398 400 408 409 411 412 443
Wilson, R.J. 82
Wilson, R.M. 261 273 356
Witt designs 366
Witt, E. 100
Woldar, A. 293
Wolfmann, J. 356
Wong, P.K. 210
Wong, S.K. 411 412
Wong, W.J. 222
Word length 440
Words 27
Xu, M.-Y. 231
Yang, B.-f. 274 275
Yanushka, A. 111 155 199 205 277 279 360 366
Yanushka’s lemma 155 277
Yap, H.P. 231
Yebra, J.L.A. 207
Yokoyama, K. ix 229
Yoshizawa, M. 180
Zaitsev, G.V. 348 354
Zantema, H. 229
Zanten, A J. van 182 208
Zara, F. 30
Zinovev, V.A. 348 354 355 357
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