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van Lint J.H., Wilson R.M. — Course in Combinatorics |
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(0, 1)-matrices 39 81ff 148ff
1-factor in a graph 476
1-factorization of a graph 476
1-skeleton of a polytope 424—425
15 schoolgirls problem 210
2-cell embedding of a graph 409 433ff
2-designs 196ff 277
3-claw 499
3-connected graph 422—424 433
36 officers problem 251
5-designs 195 212 219 222—223 225 492
6-designs 196
Absolute bound for strongly regular graphs 240 243
Acyclic edge 430
Acyclic orientations of a graph 405
Addressing problem 62ff
Adjacency matrix of a digraph 390
Adjacency matrix of a graph 233ff 391—402 449ff
Adjacency matrix of a multigraph 449
Adjacency matrix of a scheme 367
Adjacency matrix of a tournament 390
Adjacent vertices in a graph 4
Affine geometry 270
Affine hyperplane 184
Affine plane 199 243 254
Affine subspace 270
Affine translation plane 286
Algebraic methods 60 233 237
Alltop, W.O. 195 212
Alphabet of a code 214
Andre, D. 119 130
Andre, J. 286 290
Andre’s reflection principle 118
Antichain 42ff 293
Appel, K. 20 27 28 427 428 447
Arborescence 13 125
ARC 313—315 328
Arithmetic progression 26
Assmus — Mattson theorem 219
Assmus, E.F. 219 229
Associates in a scheme 365ff
Association matrices of a scheme 367ff
Association scheme 246 364ff
Atomic lattice 271
Augmenting path 54 see
Automorphism of a code 225 229
Automorphism of a graph 3 381 482 500
Automorphism of a map 441
Automorphism of a symmetric design 316 329ff 338
Automorphism of a tree 12
Axis of perspectivity 283
Baer subplane 225 317 353
Baer, R. 225
Baker, R.D. 267
Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) 189ff
Balinski, M. 425 426
Ballot problem 130
Bannai, E. 372 389
Baranyai, Zs. 475 476 479
Baranyai’s theorem 475ff
Base blocks 208 211
Base of a Ferrers design 137
Bases in a combinatorial geometry 276ff
Batten, L.M. 290 328
Baumert, L.D. 177 186 354 498
Beineke, L.W. 248
Belevitch, V. 173 186 235
Bell numbers 105 107
Bermond, J.-C. 476
Bertrand, J.L.F. 130
Best, M.R. 180 186
Beth, T. 267
Bhattacharya, K.N. 211 212
Biggs, N. 401 427 447
Binary code 214 424
Binary Golay code 212 222—223 226 493
Binary relation on a set 365
Binary tree 119
Binet, A. 450
Bipartite graph 20 35 45 54 289 399
Biplane 237
Birkhoff, G. 40 41 92
Birkhoff’s theorem 40 53 92
Block design 189ff
Block graph of a design 236
Block of cheese 33
Blocking set in a projective plane 317
Blocks of an incidence structure 187
Blocksize of a t-design 188
Bollobas, B. 33
Bond of a graph 416ff
Bond-graph 411 416
Bondy, J.A. 9 481
Boolean algebra 269
Bose — Mesner algebra of a scheme 368ff 378 389
Bose — Mesner algebra of a strongly regular graph 234ff
Bose, R.C. 211 234 241 246 247 248 251 255 267 326 328 368
Bouwkamp, C.J. 460
Brandt, J. 164
Breadth-first search 17—18 66
Bregman, L.M. 82 89
Bridge 431
Bridges of Koenigsberg 6 7 10 47
Brooks, R.L. 20 27 28
Brooks’ theorem 20 27
Brouwer, A.E. 242 246 248 366 389 476 480
Bruck — Ryser — Chowla theorem 202 211 342 356
Bruck, R.H. 211 202 212 247 248 340 342 356
Buermann, H. 510
Burnside, W. 75
Burnside’s Lemma 75 330 463
Cameron, P.J. 228 229 246 247 248 492
Capacity of a cut 49ff
Capacity of an edge 49ff
Catalan numbers 116—121 130 145
Catalan, E. 116 130
Catherine the Great 251
Cauchy inequality 96
Cauchy — Binet theorem 450
Cauchy, A.L. 75 89 450
Cayley graph 445—447
Cayley, A. 11 18 446
Cayley’s Theorem 11ff 125 450
cell 142
Chain 42ff 272
Chakravarti, I.M. 328
Chandrasekharan, K. 146 202 212
Chang graphs 241 247
Chang, L.C. 241 247 248
CHARACTER 175 218 354
Chartrand, G. 406 414 426 433 447
Cheapest spanning tree 16 481
Chinese remainder theorem 260
Chowla, S. 202 211 212 267 268 342 356
Chromatic number 20 327 398 427 500
Chromatic polynomial 306 311 404
Chvatal, V. 55
Circle geometries 327
Circuits of a graph 416ff
Circular sequences 75—76 101
Claw 190 500
Claw bound 242—243
Clebsch graph 233 246 440 447 503
Clebsch, A. 233 246 440
Clique in a graph 241 393
Clique in a scheme 380
Closed path 5
Closed walk 5 410
Closure in a combinatorial geometry 274ff
Coboundary space of a digraph 454
| Coboundary space of a graph 414
Coclique in a graph 392—393 397
Coclique in a scheme 380
Code 213ff 355ff
Code in a scheme 381
Code of a design 226—228 355ff
Code of a graph 414ff
Codewords 214
Coding theory 213—214 228—229 364
Coefficient 506
Cohen, A.M. 366 389
Cohen, G.D. 211 212
Coline 275
Collinear 242
Collineation of a projective plane 315
Colorings of graphs 20 306 427ff
Column of a Latin square 157
Columncomplete 170
Combinatorial design 313
Combinatorial geometry 269ff
Combinatorial proofs of identities 102—103 105 118 126 487
Cometric scheme 381
Complement of a design 192 221
Complement of a difference set 351
Complement of a graph 393 495
Complement of a symmetric design 360
Complement of an incidence structure 187
Complementing permutation 307
Complete bipartite graph 6 31 444
Complete cycle 57—60
Complete graph 3 11 20 22—23 25 27 29ff 63 189—190 390 436 441 444 450 476
Complete mapping of a group 265
Complete matching in a bipartite graph 35ff 45
Complete multipartite graph 30
Complete uniform hypergraph 479
Complexity of a graph 405 459
Component 5
Composition methods 255
Composition of a number 134 489
Conference matrix 173ff 205 235 360
Configuration counting series 467
Confoundable words 394
Conjugate of a partition 136 148
Conjugates of a Latin square 158
Connected combinatorial geometry 279 496
Connected graph 5—6 311
Connected strongly regular graph 231
Connectivity of a graph 406
Connor, W.S. 200 212 247 248
Conservation of flow 50
Contraction of edges 403ff
Convex combination of permutation matrices 40 92
Convex n-gon 26 119 126
Convex polytope 301 311 423
Conway, J.H. 188 493
Cost of an edge 16 49
Cotree 411
Counting in two ways 4 180 185 191 232
Covering in a poset 269 271 300
Covering radius 215 217
Crapo, H. 289 290 425 426 496
Crawley, P. 279 285 270 290
Cruse, A. 480
Cut in a transportation network 50
Cutoff 167
Cutset space of a graph 414
Cutsets of a graph 414ff
Cvetkovic, D.M. 397 401
Cycle index 463
Cycle space of a digraph 454
Cycle space of a graph 414
Cycles of a graph 415ff
Cycles of a permutation 104 107 463ff
Cyclic difference set 332ff 498
Cyclotomic scheme 367
d-code in a metric scheme 351
Da Silva, D.A. 77
de Beauregard Robinson, G. 145 146
De Bruijn graphs 56ff
De Bruijn sequences 56ff
De Bruijn — Erdoes theorem 188 391
de Bruijn, N.G. 44 48 56 60 61 188 212 391 471 474
De La Vallee-Poussin, C.J. 185
de Moivre, A. 89
de Montmort, P.R. 77
De Morgan, A. 427
Decode 182 184
Dedekind -function 146
Dedekind, J.W.R. 146
Degree of a face 413
Degree of a vertex 4
Degrees of a scheme 365
Dehn, M. 460
Deletion of edges 403ff
Delsarte, p. 247 248 364 371 372 378 381 383 389
Delsarte’s inequalities 365 375 377
Dembowski, P. 290 328
Denes, J. 171
Denniston, R.H.F. 195 212 314 328
Depth of an orthogonal array 158
Depth-first search 17 18
Derangements 71 81 109 122
Derivation 126
Derived design 200
Desargues configuration 283
Desargues, G. 284 289
Desarguesian planes 285
Desargues’ theorem 284 287 288
Design of experiments 211
Design theory 187
Designs in a scheme 381
Determinant of the distance matrix 65
Difference methods 206 211 255 261ff 440
Difference set 329 330
Digraph 2
Dilworth, R.P. 42 48 279 285 270 290
Dilworth’s theorem 42 44 48
Dimension of a combinatorial geometry 274
Dirac, G.A. 32
Directed Eulerian circuit 14 56 60
Directed graph 2
Directed path 15
Discrepancy function 67
Distance between vertices 5
Distance in a code 214
Distance matrix of a graph 64—65
Distance regular graph 366
Distribution vector in a scheme 365 375—376
dodecahedron 8 434
Dominant eigenvalue 399
Doob, M. 401
Doubly stochastic matrix 40 86 89 91ff
Dowling, T. 306 307 312
Drawing of a graph 1 408
Dual arc in projective planes 314—315
Dual code 216
Dual graph 410ff
Dual of a symmetric design 199
Dual partial geometry 242
Dual poset 273
Duijvestijn, A.J.W. 456 460
Dulmage, A.L. 262 268
Echelon form 216 293—294
Edge colorings 22
Edges of a graph 1
Edmonds, J. 54 55 444 448
Egecioglu, 6. 14 18
Egoritsjev, G.P. 91
Eigenmatrices of a scheme 372
Eigenspaces 234 239 369
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