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van Lint J.H., Wilson R.M. — Course in Combinatorics |
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Eigenvalues of a graph 234 391ff
Electrical network 454
Elementary cycle 454
Elementary flow 52
Elliptic quadratic form 320ff
Elliptic quadric 320ff
Embedding of a graph 408ff
Endpoints of an edge 1
Ends of an edge 1
Equivalent codes 216
Equivalent designs 193
Equivalent difference sets 333
Equivalent Latin squares 158
Erdoes, P. Preface 5 9 26 27 47 188 212 267 268 297 377 389 391 482
Erdoes-Ko-Rado theorem 45 47 297 377 389
Erdoes-number 9
Error-correcting code 181 213—214 228—229
Euler characteristic 439
Euler function 73
Euler, L. 5 9 116 136 146 157 251 257 266 412
Eulerian circuit 6—9 56
Eulerian graph 6 421
Eulerian poset 312
Euler’s conjecture 251ff 257 267
Euler’s formula 311 412 418 428 433 481 501 504
Euler’s identity 137
Evans conjecture 164—171
Evans, T. 164 171
Excess of a Hadamard matrix 180
Exchange axiom 275
Exponential generating function 106 109ff
Extended code 216
Extremal graphs 30—34
Extremal set theory 45 47
Face of a convex polytope 424
Face of a graph or an embedding 408 441
Falikman, D.I. 91
Falling factorial 100
Fan, K. 433 448
Fano configuration or plane 197 208 225 228 316 353 434
Fano, G. 197 211 212
Fast Fourier Transform 184
Feasible flow 49ff
Feasible parameters for strongly regular graphs 235
Fekete, M. 84 90
Fekete’s lemma 84 87 89 111 117 129 394
Ferrers diagram 136ff 149—150 293—294
Ferrers, N.M. 146
fibonacci 129
Fibonacci numbers or sequence 78 129 485
Fibonacci recursion 129 139 487
Finite differences, calculus of 78
Finite graph 4
First order Reed — Muller code 183—186
Fisher, R.A. 194 210
Fisher’s inequality 193 198 315 364 388
Five color theorem 27 427—430
Fixed points of an automorphism 329
Flags of an incidence structure 187
FLATS 269 275 281
Flow 49
Flye Sainte-Marie, C. 60 61
Ford, L.R. 52 54 55 406 426
Forest 16 31
Formal derivative 125 509
Formal power series 71 110—131 506—511
Formally dual schemes 379
Formally dual theorems 383
Four color problem 427ff
Four color theorem 20 27 427 431
Fourier, J.B. 185
Frame, J.S. 145 146 488
Frankl, P. 47 297
Franklin, F. 137 146
Frechet, M. 433 448
Frobenius automorphism 498
Frobenius, G. 75 146 398 498
Fulkerson, D.R. 52 54 55 406 426
Fully indecomposable matrix 92
g-torus 433
Gale, D. 156
Gantmacher, F.R. 398 401
Gardner, M. 460
Garey, M. 9 10
Gauss, C.F. 78 291 297
Gaussian coefficients 291
Gaussian numbers 278 291ff
Gaussian polynomials 292
Gelling, E.N. 476 480
Generalized quadrangle 243—244 247 324
Generating function 106 109ff
Generator matrix of a code 216 493
Genus of a surface 433
Geometric graph 242
Geometric lattice 271ff 305 307 496
Gewirtz graph 237
Gewirtz, A. 237 248
Girth of a graph 9 31—33
Godlewski, P. 212
Goethals, J.-M. 236 246 247 248
Golay codes 211 223 226 228 229 376 493
Golay, M.J.E. 222 228 376
Golomb, S.W. 177 186
Gordon, B. 340
Goulden, I.P. 129 130
Graeco — Latin square 251
Graham, R.L. 28 63 69 297 390
Grand clique in a strongly graph of a polytope 424
Graph 1
Greedy algorithm 16—17
Greene, C. 278 290 484
Grinstead, CM. 28
Group ring 342ff
Gruenbaum, B. 312 424 426
Gustin, W. 446 448
Guthrie, Francis 427
Guthrie, Frederick 427
Hadamard 2-design 190
Hadamard 3-design 190 192 222
Hadamard difference set 334—336 339 383 499
Hadamard matrix 172ff 334 370—371 383
Hadamard product of matrices 238—239 368 374 378
Hadamard, J. 172 185 238
Haemers, W. 393 402
Haken, W. 20 27 28 427 428 447
Half-case of strongly regular graphs 235
Hall multiplier 345
Hall, M. 40 48 171 177 186 248 265 268 285 290 342 353
Hall, P. 35 40 41
Hall’s theorem 35—40 53 164
Halmos, P.R. 40
Hamilton, W.R. 8 10 427
Hamiltonian circuit 8 32—33 432
Hamming bound 215
Hamming code 216—217 376 493
Hamming distance 62 214
Hamming scheme 365 370ff
Hamming, R.W. 228 365 376
Harary, F. 474
Hardy, G.H. 146 147
Hautus, M.L.J. 40
Head of a directed edge 2 405
Heawood conjecture 435 440
Heawood graph 391 434
Heawood, P.J. 391 427 435 447
Henrici, P. 510
Hermitian form 325ff
Hermitian variety 325ff
Hickerson, D. 129
Higher incidence matrices of a t-design 194
| Higman — Sims graph 237 247
Higman, D.G. 237 247 248
Hirschfeld, J.W.P. 320 328 497
Hoffman — Singleton graph 33
Hoffman, A.J. 33 247 249 392 397 401 494
Homogeneous coordinates 283
Homomorphisms of the group ring 344ff
Hooklengths 145—146
Hooks in Young tableaux 145
Horizontally convex polyomino 112
Hsieh, W.N. 297
Hu, T.C. 55
Hubaut, X. 246 249
Hughes, D.R. 287 290
Hyperbolic quadratic form 320ff
Hyperbolic quadric 320ff
Hypercube 62
Hyperoval 199 217 225 227—228 236—237 247 314
Hyperplanes in combinatorial geometries 275ff
Idempotent quasigroup 255ff
Idempotents in the Bose — Mesner algebra 238 369
Idempotents in the group ring 361
Incidence algebra of a poset 298ff
Incidence in a graph 1
Incidence matrix 193
Incidence matrix of a design 193ff 226
Incidence matrix of a directed graph 50 451
Incidence matrix of a graph 414
Incidence matrix of a symmetric design 199ff
Incidence structure 187
Inclusion-exclusion 70—78 79 103 154 296 302 485
Independence number of a graph 394
Independent edges in a graph 16
Independent subset of a combinatorial geometry 274ff
Independent vertices in a graph 30 392—393
Index of a design 188
Index of an orthogonal array 188 382
Induced drawing 412
Induced subgraph 4 62
Information rate 182
Inner (or dot or scalar) product 96—97 355ff 374
Instant Insanity 7
Integral flow 52—54 149 479
Integrality condition for strongly regular graphs 235 494
Interlacing of eigenvalues 396—397 494 501
Interval of a poset 273
Invariant factors 358
Inversive plane 323
Involution 289
Irreducible matrix 398
Isolated vertex 1
Isomorphic designs 193
Isomorphic difference sets 339
Isomorphic graphs 2 411 466
Isomorphic Latin squares 158
Isomorphic orthogonal arrays 158
Isotropic vector 96
Isthmus of a graph 430
Ito, T. 372 389
Jackson, D.M. 129 130 156 248 389
Jacobi triple product identity 140
Jacobi, C.G.J. 140 146
Jeans, J.H. 459 460
Johnson scheme 365 372ff
Johnson, D. 262 268
Johnson, D.S. 9 10
Johnson, S. 28 365
Join (least upper bound) 271ff
Joins (in a graph) 1
Jones, B.W. 65 69
Jordan arcs 408ff
Jordan curve theorem 409
Joyal theory 12Iff
Joyal, A. 121 130
Jungnickel, D. 199 267 362 492
k-class association scheme 365
K-connected graph 406
k-separation 406
K-Subspace 291
k-vertex connected 406
Karp, R.M. 54 55
Katona, G.O.H. 47
Keedwell, A.D. 171
Kempe chain 429
Kempe, A.B. 427 447
Kirchhoff, G.R. 442 455
Kirchhoff’s laws 442 454
Kirkman schoolgirl problem 210
Kirkman, T.P. 210 212
Klarner, D.A. 112 130
Klein 4-group 432
Klein bottle 441
Klein, F. 252 432 441
Kleitman, D.J. 47 484
Knuth, D. 142 146
Ko, Chao 47 297 377 389
Koch, J. 428 447
Koenig, D. 39 40 41
Koenig’s theorem 39—41
Koornwinder, T.H. 247 249
Kramer, E.S. 491
Kreher, D.L. 195 212
Krein condition 237 243 247
Krein parameters of a scheme 379
Krein, M.G. 237 247
Kronecker product 174 181 238 254 309 395
Kronecker, L. 174 238
Kruyswijk, D. 44 48
Kuratowski, K. 414 425
Kuratowski’s Theorem 414
Labeled graph 11 128
Labeled tree or forest 11ff 121 125
Lagrange inversion formula 125 130 510
Lagrange, J.L. 124 130 202 211 510
Lander, E.S. 354 356 362 363
Latin rectangle 161
Latin square 157ff 198 243 319
Latin square graph 244 373 449
Latin squares, number of 161—162 170
Lattice (poset) 271ff 298ff
Lattice graph 232
Lattice of contractions 274 305
Laurent series 507 509
Laurent, P.M.H. 507
Leavitt, D.W. 195 212
Leeb, K. 297
Length of a walk 5
Length of an edge 16
Lenz, H. 267
Leonardo of Pisa 129
Lesniak, L. 406 414 426 433 447
Lewin, M. 28
Lindner, C.C. 164 171
Line graph 393—394 500
Line of a linear space 187
Line of a matrix 39
Line of a projective plane 197
Line of perspectivity 283
Linear code 214ff 357
Linear order 42
Linear programming 54
Linear programming bound 365 377 378
Linear recursion 110—114
Linear space 187 255ff 269
Linesums of (0, 1)-matrices 81—82 150—156
Link-graph 408 411 422 428
Lloyd, E.K. 427 447
Lloyd, S.P. 384 386 389
Lloyd’s Theorem 365 386
London, D. 95 99
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