Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Niedermeier R. — Invitation to Fixed Parameter Algorithms |
Предметный указатель |
(n — k)-GRAPH Coloring 255
0/1-variable 68
2-CNF-Satisfiability 5
3-CNF-Satisfiability 5 208 216
3-Coloring 216
3-Hitting Set 29 72
3-Satisfiability 14 26
3-Set Packing 193
Acyclicity 136 153 271
Algorithm engineering 36 184 202 249
Algorithmic graph theory 150
Annotation 60
Annotation, refined 116
Annotation, vertex pair 95
Approximation algorithm 3 15 20 33 64 120 237
Approximation algorithm, Vertex Cover 67
Approximation polynomial-time 80
Approximation ratio 20
Approximation scheme, efficient polynomial-time 239
Approximation scheme, fully polynomial-time 21 239
Approximation scheme, polynomial-time 21 239
Approximation theory 67
APX 21
Arc annotation 262
Arc annotation, nested 263
Average-case analysis 3 15
Bag 151
Bell number 183
Betweenness 43
Biclique 121
Bidimensionality 245
Big Oh notation 18
Binary encoding 127
Binary Knapsack 126
Binomial coefficient 124
Boolean constraint 269
Boolean constraint, family 269
Bounded FPT 233
Branch decomposition 173
Branch-and-bound 120
Branching 90
Branching, algorithm 121
Branching, number 92
Branching, object 118
Branching, vector 92
Branchwidth 173 267
Capacitated graph 251
Capacitated tree 131
Capacitated vertex cover 251
Capacity 251
Case distinction 88
Case distinction, art of 94
Case distinction, complete 99
Case distinction, re-engineering of 119
Center String 43 see
Character matrix 103
Characteristic polynomial 92
Choice string 221
Chord 249
Chordal Completion 249
Clause 4
Clause, form 58
Clause, length of a 59
CLIQUE 22 45 207 213 221
Clique, disjoint union of 93
Closed under taking minors 196
Closest k-LEAF Power 250
Closest String 43 103 181
Closest Substring 44 220 241
Cluster EDITING 60 93 250
CNF-Satisfiability 4 54 205
CNF-Satisfiability, parameterizations of 5
Coding theory 103 258
color-coding 178 248 273
Coloring 164
Coloring, extension of a 162
Column isomorphism 182
Column type 182
Combinatorial explosion 2 5 12 28
Combined complexity 270
Communication problem 10
Compact description 35 39
Compatibility 261
Compatibility of UNROOTED Phylogenetic Trees 261
compiler optimization 150
Complement graph 25 207
Complementary unit clause rule 268
Compression step 185
Computational biology 84 103
Computer algebra 93
Computer-assisted analysis 98
Computers and Intractability 3 20
Condensation 134
Conflict triple 93
Conjunctive normal form 58
Connected component 19 62
Consensus problem 265
Consensus String 43 see
Consistency 163
Consistency, property 137 151
Constrained Minimum Vertex Cover 254
Constraint Bipartite Vertex Cover 44 253
Constraint satisfaction 43
Contact map 264
Context-free language, word problem 124
Convex hull 46 126
Convex position 272
Correlation Clustering 122
Crossing number 256
Crown of a graph 69
Crown, reduction 193
Crown, rule 39 256
Crown, structure 69
CYK algorithm 124
d-Hitting Set 72 101
Data clustering 60
Data complexity 270
Data disparity 259
Data reduction 8 24 31 107 188
Data reduction, by folding 84
Data reduction, crown 69
Data reduction, local 60
Data reduction, parameter-dependent 32 56 60 73
Data reduction, parameter-independent 12 32 56 68
Database 145 271
Database query 271
Database, query 270
Database, relational 270
Database, theory 266
Decision problem 6 17
Decomposition property 129
Deficiency 46 267
Deficiency, maximum 46 267
Degree of a vertex 18
Degree-branching 90 98
Demand path 10
Demand value 131
Dependence structure 164
Descriptive complexity 172 271
Dichotomy theorem 270
Dictionary look-up 145
Dijkstra algorithm 130
Dirty column 103
Distance from triviality 46 256 272
Distinguishing SUBSTRING Selection 44 241
Divide a coloring 167
Dominating set 1 26 89 157 197 207 210
| Dominating Set in Planar Graphs 14 74
Dominating Set, in bipartite graphs 7
Domination 102
Domination, number 74
Double counting 35 162
Drosophila 205
Drosophila, melanogaster 4
Drug design 34 251
Dulmage — Mendelsohn decomposition 255
Dynamic programming 33 37 42 124
Edge Bipartization 249
Edge, addition 246
Edge, capacity 131
Edge, contraction 11 19
Edge, deletion 246
Edge, domination 273
Edge, editing 246
Edge, modification 60
Electrical network 228 257
Empirical confirmation 35
Enumeration 35
Error compensation 246
Euler formula 19 89 108
Evolutionary, relationship 259
Evolutionary, tree 42 259
Exact algorithm 3 5 16
Excluded grid theorem 256
Exhaustive search 88 125
Exit vertex 74
Expected running time 179
Experimental work 86
Expert system 150
Exponential time hypothesis 231
Face 155
Facility location 84
Fault coverage 253
FEEDBACK Vertex Set 176 187 247
Fill-in 154
First-order logic 170
Fixed-parameter algorithm, subexponential-time 243
Fixed-parameter intractability 205
Fixed-parameter intractability, bounded 234
Fixed-parameter intractable 22
Fixed-parameter tractability, bounded 233
Fixed-parameter tractable 22 23
Folding 72 90 146
Forbidden set characterization 246
Forbidden subgraph characterization 94 250
Forget node 153
Formal language theory 148
Formula, antimonotone 212
Formula, length of a 59
Formula, propositional 58
Formula, structure 5
Formula, t-normalized 211
Four-color theorem 32 57 81
FPT 27
FPTAS see “Polynomial-time approximation scheme”
FPTAS, fully 21
Free variable 171
Frequency assignment 150
Gadget 77
Gadget, edge 78
Gadget, vertex 75
Gallai — Edmonds structure theorem 255
Gate Matrix Layout 172
Gene 84
Gene, expression 258
General Weighted Vertex Cover 217
Genome rearrangement 84
Genomic variation 264
Genotype 264
Genotype, matrix 264
Graph Bipartization 184 241 248
Graph coloring 45 255
Graph Minor Order Testing 27
Graph Minor Theory 27
Graph minor, closed under 27
Graph minor, theorem 196
Graph minor, theory 195
Graph modification 93 245
Graph property 246
Graph separator 153 155
Graph, -minor-free 245
Graph, -minor-free 245
Graph, bipartite 19 45 65 256
Graph, bounded genus 245
Graph, bull 250
Graph, chordal 121 154 256
Graph, class 33
Graph, cluster 60
Graph, complete 19
Graph, complete bipartite 19
Graph, connected 19
Graph, d-regular 18
Graph, dart 250
Graph, directed 18
Graph, directed incidence 267
Graph, disk 245
Graph, display 262
Graph, edge-weighted 128
Graph, gem 250
Graph, genus 257
Graph, grid 151 172
Graph, grid-like 245
Graph, incidence 267
Graph, intersection 154
Graph, isomorphic 19
Graph, layer 156
Graph, map 245
Graph, minor 19 196
Graph, outerplanar 155
Graph, permutation 154
Graph, planar 2 19 32 243
Graph, plane 19
Graph, plane, face of a 19
Graph, primal 266
Graph, regular 99
Graph, similarity 60
Graph, simple 18
Graph, sparse 86
Graph, split 45 256
Graph, subdivision of a 19
Graph, tree-like 150
Graph, undirected 18
Graph, variable interaction 5
Greedy algorithm 194
Greedy localization 190
Greedy phase 191
Guaranteed value 42
Guard vertex 75
Hamming distance 18
Haplotype 264
Haplotype, matrix 264
Haplotyping 264
Hash table 143
Hashing 178 180
Hereditary property 246
Heuristic, method 3 15
Heuristic, strategy 35
Hitting Set 227
Hyperedge 102
Hypergraph 34 72 267
Incomplete Perfect Path Phylogeny Haplotyping 265
Independence property 125
Independent dominating set 176
Independent set 24 89 206 210 213
Independent Set in Planar Graphs 38 42 57
Individual variables 170
Information retrieval 258
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