Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Niedermeier R. — Invitation to Fixed Parameter Algorithms |
Предметный указатель |
Integer linear program 44 68
Integer linear programming 107 181
Integer Programming FEASIBILITY 181
Integer Weighted Vertex Cover 217
Interleaving technique 98 110 218
Introduce node 153
Iterative branching 93 101
Iterative compression 184
Join node 153
k log n, -Vertex Cover 230
k-coloring 216
k-leaf power 250
k-leaf root 250
k-perfect family of hash functions 180
k-Step Halting 25
Kernelization see “Reduction to a problem kernel”
Kernelization, conditional 111
Layer decomposition 157
Layer view 155
Learning theory 274
Least common ancestor 163
Limited exhaustive search 36
Linear FPT reduction 232
Linear programming 64
Literal 4
load balancing 120
Local rule 57
Local substructure 114
Localization phase 192
Locally invalid 165
Logic 266
Logical depth 25 209
Logically equivalent 209
Longest Arc Preserving Common SUBSEQUENCE (LAPCS) 262
Longest common subsequence 147 229
Longest path 178
Lower bound 35 230 239
M-hierarchy 231
Machine learning 86
Machine model 233
Many-one reduction 208
Match 221
Matching 46 193
Matching theory 254
Matching, maximal 45 273
Matching, maximum 64 253
Matching, maximum, in a bipartite graph 67 69
Matching, multidimensional 273
Matching, perfect 255
Matrix dominating set 274
Matrix Domination 85 274
Maximum 2-satisfiability 7 14
Maximum Cut 29
Maximum Induced Bipartite SUBGRAPH 248
Maximum SATISFIABILITY 7 14 17 43 58 268
MaxSNP 21
MaxSNP-hard 21
Mechanized analysis 201
Memoization 125 145
Memory, boundedness 169
Memory, consumption 160
Memory, usage 175
Merging technique 157
Meta search tree 115 117
Miniaturization route 231
Minimum Fill-In 121
Minimum Quartet Inconsistency 42 259
Minimum Triplet Inconsistency 261
Minimum weight triangulation 272
Minimum-Fill-In 249
Minor test 197
Minor-minimal 196
Model checking 234 266
Molecular biology 43
Monadic second-order logic 169 262
Monomial 112
Monotonic function 165
Motif, search 258
MSO extension 171
MSO-formula 170
Multi-set 58
Multicut in Trees 10 13 20 21 38 41 53
Multidimensional Matching 273
M[1] 230
Natural language processing 150
Neighbor, common 61
Neighbor, non-common 61
Neighborhood, closed 19
Neighborhood, local 74
Neighborhood, open 18
network configuration 198
Non-locality 257
Nonblocking set 37
Nondeterminism 123
Nondeterminism, bounded 216
Nondeterminism, limited 233 275
Normalized problem 182
NP-complete 20
NP-completeness 3
NP-completeness, strong 128
NP-hardness 20
Observation rule 228
Obstruction set 27 196
Occurrence 137
Occurrence, number 139
Odd Cycle Transversal 248
Optimal solution 17
Optimal substructure 125
Optimization problem 7 17
Order of an edge 174
Outerplanarity number 156
Overlapping substructure 125
Packing 273
Parallel machine 36 120
Parameter-dependent 12
Parameterization, above guaranteed value 33 42 260
Parameterization, away from triviality 45
Parameterization, dual 32 42 255
Parameterization, standard 240
Parameterization, structural 6 46 147 175
Parameterized reduction, linear 232
Parameterized, establishment 201
Parameterized, problem 206
Parameterized, reducibility 207
Parameterized, reduction 208 216
Parametric duality 81
Partial k-tree 151
Partial ordering 164
Partial TSP 272
Partial Vertex Cover 219
Pascal's formula 124
Pascal's triangle 124
Path 19
Path decomposition 37
Path, colorful 178
Path, shortest 126 129
Path, simple 178
Path-like WEIGHTED Set Cover 139
Pathwidth 37 172
Pattern matching 264
PCP, inapproximability theory 237
PCP, theorem 81
Perfect dominating set 176
Perfect elimination scheme 154
Perfect path phylogeny 264
Perfect phylogeny principle 264
| Phylogenetic tree 258
Phylogeny 145 250
Planar Separator Theorem 155
Plane embedding 19
Plane graph, layer decomposition of 156
Power DOMINATING Set 228 257
Preprocessing 8 24 53 127 191
Preprocessing, by data reduction 12
Primer design 258
Principle of optimality 125
Prisoner vertex 75
Probabilistic inference 150
Problem kernel 12 55 79
Problem kernel, linear 56 80
Problem kernel, lower bound 80
Problem kernel, size 55
Problem kernel, trivial 58
Problem, computable 20
Problem, counting 34
Problem, decidable 20
Problem, maximization 32
Problem, minimization 32
Problem, parameterized 23
Problem-specific rule 115
Profit 131
Projection 134
Proof complexity 119
Protein sequence 262
Pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm 128
PTAS see “Polynomial-time”
PTAS, approximation scheme see “Polynomial-time approximation scheme”
Pure literal rule 268
Quartet 43 259
Quartet, cleaning algorithm 260
Quartet, method 259
Quartet, puzzling 260
Quartet, topology 43 259
Query, conjunctive 271
Query, first-order 271
r-neighborhood 173
r-outerplanar 155
Railway optimization 7 53
Random access machine 17
Randomized algorithm 3 15 178 190 248
Re-engineering 36
Realizable weight 127
Reconfigurable VLSI 121 253
Recurrence 91
Recurrence equations, system of 92 102
Recurrence, homogeneous 112
Recurrence, linear 91
Recurrence, multivariate 122
Recurrence, non-homogeneous 112
Recurrence, of first order 112
Red-Blue Dominating Set 15
Reduced graph 79
Reduced instance 12 55 67
Reducibility, polynomial-time 20
Reduction to a problem kernel 9 24 54 104
Reduction to a problem kernel, Buss's 54
Reduction, approximation-preserving 234
Reduction, parameterized 24
Reduction, transitive 235
Relation, binary 170
Relation, unary 170
Relative hardness 24
Relaxation to linear programming 68
Renormalization route 230
Resolution rule 268
Resource allocation 127
Reversal 84
Ring Grooming 199
RNA sequence 262
Robber-cop game 152
Routable 131
Route schedule 132
Satisfiability 13 17 20 46 266
Satisfiability checking 266
Satisfying assignment 4 170
Search tree 28 241
Search tree, depth-bounded 31 88
Search tree, size 36
Self-loop 18
Sentence 171
Separation hypothesis 215
Separator 153
Separator, merging 160
SET COVER 136 227
Set Cover with Consecutive Ones Property 139
Set PACKING 193 220
Set Splitting 191
Set variables 170
Short Turing Machine Acceptance 25 218
Signature 254
SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) 264
Sorting 53
Sorting by Reversals 84
Spanning forest 245
Spanning tree 37
Spanning tree, minimum weight 129
Sparse matrix computation 249
Sparsification lemma 231
Split a subset 191
Splitting algorithm 121
Stable set see “independent Set”
star topology 259
Steiner Problem in Graphs 128
Steiner tree 15
Stirling formula 178 187
String 18
String, identification symbol 221
String, problem 103
Struction see “Folding”
Structural complexity theory 203
Structural parameter 5
Structure, comparison 262
Subexponential lower bound 230
Subgraph 19
Subgraph Isomorphism 178
Subgraph, induced 19
Subsequence 147
Subsequence, common 29
Subset tree 137
Substring 147 220
Supply tree 131
Synchronizing symbol 221
System verification 266
Table, look-up 124
Table, updating 164
Telecommunication network design 150
Telephone switching 274
Terminal vertex 128
Text processing 229
Top-down traversal 135
Total dominating set 176
Traceback 139
Trading space for time 145
Transformation rule 268
Transition table 218
Transitivity 209
Traveling salesperson problem 46 126 272
Tree decomposition 33 37 145 151 243
Tree decomposition, nice 152
Tree decomposition, problem-specific 155
Tree of recursive calls 88
Tree, network 10
Tree, rooted 19
Tree-like subset collection 137 151
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