Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Adámek J. — Foundations of Coding |
Предметный указатель |
84 205
Active path 286
Adder 167
Addition modulo 2 63
Algebraic extension 203
Asymptoticaly good codes 254
Augumentation 127
Autoregulation 301
Average length 18
Basis 98
BCH code 239
Binary adder 72
Binary operation 79
Binary symmetric channel 40
Binomial coefficients 223
Binomial theorem 223
Bit 29
Block code 43
Boolean function 138
Boolean polynomial 141
Burst-error 180 245
Capacity 54
Channel 40 50
Characteristic 211
Characteristic function 150 152
Check bit 43
Check symbol 39
Code 6
Code alphabet 5
Code frame 280
Code word 6 279
Code, 2-out-of-5 5
Code, ASCII 9
Code, BCH 239
Code, block 7
Code, burst-error-correcting 189 245
Code, convolutional 271
Code, cyclic 161
Code, dual 120
Code, even-parity 43
Code, expurgated 125
Code, extended 125
Code, Fire 189
Code, generalized Reed – Muller 246
Code, Golay 184 185
Code, Goppa 248 303
Code, Hamming 69 134 230
Code, hexadecimal 9
Code, instantaneous 7
Code, irreducible Goppa 252
Code, ISBN 11
Code, linear 66 115
Code, Morse 7
Code, nontrivial 43
Code, octal 8
Code, perfect 74 183
Code, punctured 127
Code, Reed – Muller 24
Code, Reed – Solomon 245
Code, Simplex 121 297
Code, systematic 117
Code, trivial 43
Code, uniquely decodable 7
Coding 5
Coding of source messages 6
Coherence 27
Commutative group 79
Conditional entropy 53
Congruent modulo 84 93
Consecutive positions 181
Constraint length 277
Continuity 27
Convolutional code 271
Correct burst errors 186
Correct errors 49 279
Coset 81
Coset leader 83 123
Coset modulo p 93
Cryptography 29
Cyclic code 161
D 48
Data Encryption Standard 309
decryption 293
Degree 141 162
Derivative 224
Detect burst errors 185
Detect errors 48
Discrepancy 286
Division of polynomial 163
Dual code 121
e 66
Effectivity 37
Elementary row operation 102
Encoding 72
Encryption 293
entropy 29
Equivalent codes 118
Error evaluation 258
Error location 258
Error pattern 66 121
Error probability 40
error trapping 181
Euclidean algorithm 260
Euclidean geometry 148 151
Euler function 217
Euler – Fermat Theorem 218
Even-parity code 43
Expurgation 127
Extension 125
Extension of a source 32
Fermat's theorem 210
Field 91
Finite-dimensional 98
Fire code 198
Flat 150 151
Free distance 279
| G(x) 165
Galois field 206
Generalized Reed – Muller code 245
Generating polynomial 165 275
Generator matrix 116 271 275
Golay code 184
Goppa code 248 303
Greatest common divisor 261
Group 79
H 29 53
H(X) 172
Hamming code 69 134 230
Hamming distance 46
Hamming weight 66
Hexadecimal code 9
Huffman code 18
Hyperplane 151
i 153
Identity matrix 107
Independence theorem 237
information 26
Information source 17
Information, bit 23
Information, frame 280
Information, rate 43
Inner product 105
Instantaneous 7
Interleaving 187
Inverse 79
Inverse matrix 107
Irreducible Goppa code 252
Irreducible polynomial 198
Isomorphic 88 219
Key 296
Knapsack problem 307
Kraft's inequality 12
Linear code 115
linear combination 97
Linear space 65
Linear subspace 96
Linearly independent 98
Logarithm 28
MacWilliams identity 130
Matrix 101
Maximum-likelihood decoding 48
McMillan's theorem 13
Meggitt decoder 176
Memory 279
Metric 46
Minimal polynomial 213
Minimum distance 48
Minimum weight 66
Monic polynomial 162
Morse code 7
Multiple zero 224
Multiplication modulo2 63
Mutual information 53
Neutral element 79
Octal code 8
Opposite element 79
Order 207
Orthogonal 108
Orthogonal, complement 108
Parity 9
Parity check matrix 68 119
Parity check polynomial 172
Perfect code 74 183
Period 189
Polynomial 162
Polynomial Boolean 141
Positivity 27
Power series 225
Primitive BCH code 240
Primitive element 208
Primitive polynomial 226
Pseudo-random key 297
Public key 303
Puncturing 127
PZ 83
Quotient 163
R 43
Rectangular code 64
Reduced source 19
Redundancy 39
Reed – Muller code 144
Reed – Muller code, generalized 246
Reed – Solomon code 245
Regular matrix 107
Remainder 163
Repetition code 41
Ring 92
Row space 102
Row-echelon form 102
Run 300
S 121
S(X) 175
scalar 95 167
Shannon's fundamental theorem 56
Shannon's Noiseless Coding Theorem 34
Shift-register stage 72 167
Simplex code 121 297
Simultaneous detection and correction 128
Source alphabet 5
span 97
Square matrix 106
Standard array 84
State 281
Subgroup 81
Symmetry 27
Syndrome 72 121 257
Syndrome decoding 123
Syndrome polynomial 175
Systematic 117
Trellis diagram 283
Triangle inequality 46
Trivial code 43
Trivial subspace 96
Unique factorization theorem 199
Uniquely decodable 7
Vandermonde matrices 242
Vector 95
Viterbi algorithm 283
Weight enumerator 76
Word 5
Zero 198
Zero word 66
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