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Cameron P.J. — Polynomial aspects of codes, matroids, and permutation groups |
Предметный указатель |
Affine geometry 22
Affine group 42
Affine independence 16 22
Affine matroid 16
Algebraic matroid 16
Almost simple group 41
Alphabet 3
Base 38 60
Base, irredundant 60
Base-transitive 66
Basis 17
Blaha, K. 39
Block of imprimitivity 40
Boston, N. 52
Bridge 18
Calderbank, A.R. 9
Cartesian product 35
CFSG 42 62 66
Chain 12
Chromatic polynomial 20 57
Code 2 3
Code, dual 3
Code, even-weight 5 67
Code, Golay 5 8 24 63
Code, Hamming 2 8
Code, Kerdock 9
Code, linear 3
Code, MDS 7
Code, Nordstrom — Robinson 9
Code, Preparata 9
Code, repetition 5
Codeword 2 3
Cohen, A.M. 45
Coloop 18
Complete vector matroid 16 22
Congruence 40
conjugate 35
Coset space 35
Crapo, H.H. 19
Cycle decomposition 33
Cycle index 47 56 57
Cycle Index Theorem 49
Dabrowski, W. 52
Degree 34
Deza, M. 23
Diagonal group 42
Direct product 35
Direct sum 7
Distance-invariant 9
Dual code 3
Dual matroid 17
Elementary Abelian group 56 70
Even-weight code 5 67
Feit, W. 62
Figure-counting series 48
Flat 17
Flat action 64
Foguel, T. 52
Fon-Der-Flaass, D.G. 59
Free matroid 17 22
Frobenius group 70
Frobenius' Theorem 70
Function-counting series 49
Gaussian coefficients 65
General linear group 63
Generator matrix 3
Gewurz, D. 51
Gies, P. J. 52
Golay code 5 8 24 63
Graphic matroid 16
Gray map 10
Greene's theorem 28
Group, affine 42
Group, almost simple 41
Group, diagonal 42
Group, elementary abelian 56 70
Group, Frobenius 70
Group, general linear 63
Group, Mathieu 5 41 45 63 70
Group, oligomorphic 52
Group, Suzuki 62
Group, symmetric 33 68 70
Group, symplectic 63
Hall triple system 22
Hall, M. Jr 22
Hamming code 2 8
Hamming distance 3
Hammons, A. R. Jr. 9
Hyperplane 17 69
IBIS family 60 69
IBIS permutation group 61
Imprimitive 40
Independent 15
Inflation 55
Intransitive 34
Irredundant 60
Ito, N. 62
Jackson, D.A. 52
Jerrum, M.R. 37
Kantor, W.M. 43
Kerdock code 9
Kumar, P.V. 9
| Leavitt, J. 52
Lee distance 10
Lee weight 10
Lee weight enumerator 10 11
Liebeck, M. W. 43
Linear code 3
Loop 18
MacWilliams, F. J. 5
Markov chain 37
Mathieu group 5 41 45 63 70
Matroid 15
Matroid pair 31
Matroid, affine 16
Matroid, algebraic 16
Matroid, complete vector 16 22
Matroid, dual 17
Matroid, free 17 22
Matroid, graphic 16
Matroid, transversal 16
Matroid, uniform 17
Matroid, vector 16
Maund, T. 66
MDS code 7
Minimum weight 4
Mphako, E.G. 23
Multiply transitive 41
Nordstrom — Robinson code 9
Normaliser 70
O'Nan — Scott theorem 42
Orbit 34
Orbit-counting lemma 53
Orbit-Stabiliser Theorem 34
Ose, D.T. 52
Parity check matrix 3
Parker vector 51
Passman, D. S. 62
Perfect matroid design 21 64 66
Permutation character 48
Permutation group 34
Permutation group, base-transitive 66
Permutation group, basic 42
Permutation group, IBIS 61
Permutation group, imprimitive 40
Permutation group, intransitive 34
Permutation group, multiply transitive 41
Permutation group, primitive 40
Permutation group, regular 35
Permutation group, semiregular 35
Permutation group, transitive 34
PMD 21
Preparata code 9
primitive 40
Primitive component 41
Projective geometry 22
Puncturing 29
Pyber, L. 44
Quotient 31
Rank 17
Rank polynomial 19
Rate 2
Redfield, J.H. 47
Regular 35
Repetition code 5
Representation 16
Rutherford polynomial 31
Semiregular 35
Serre, J.-P. 37
Shalev, A. 43
Shift theorem 51
Shortening 29
Sloane, N.J.A. 9
Sokal, A.D. 57
Sole, P. 9
Stabiliser 34
Steiner system 22 63
Stirling numbers 50 65
Strong generating set 39
Suzuki group 62
Suzuki, M. 62
Symmetric group 33 68 70
Symmetrised weight enumerator 11 57
Symplectic group 63
Syndrome decoding 2
System of imprimitivity 40
Taylor, D.E. 66
Thompson, J.G. 62
TI-subgroup 70
Transitive 34
Transitive constituent 35
Transversal matroid 16
Truncation 17
Tutte cycle index 68
Tutte polynomial 19
Uniform matroid 17
Vector matroid 16
Weight 4
Weight enumerator 4 56
Weight enumerator, Lee 10 11
Weight enumerator, symmetrised 11 57
Wielandt, H. 62
Word 3
Wreath product 41
Zassenhaus, H. 62
Zil'ber, B.I. 66
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