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Cvetkovic D., Rowlinson P., Simic S. — Eigenspaces of Graphs |
Предметный указатель |
2-design 14
Algorithm, deletion-contraction 108
Algorithm, Edmonds' 205
Algorithm, reconstruction 112
Alphabet 41
angles 21 75 234
Angles, main 76
Angles, partial 95
Aufbau principle 227
Automorphism 43
Block design 14
Block, internal 117
Block, terminal 117
Block, trivial 117
Bond length 227
Bond order 227
Boolean operations 30
Bound, absolute 214
Bound, Chernoff 50
Branch 105
Branch, internal 120
Branch, terminal 120
Carbon skeleton 226
Cauchy's inequalities 37
Centre 120
Characteristic polynomial 1
Characteristic vector 48
Characterizations, spectral 11
Chess board 27 33
Coalescence 4 89
Code, canonical 192
Code, perfect 41
Coefficient, perturbation 137
Colouring 38
Colouring, regular 38
Condition bridge 123
Condition edge 125
Connectivity, algebraic 54
Connectivity, edge 54
Connectivity, vertex 54
Digraph, Koenig 4 198
Direction, main 97
Divisor 38
Dominating set 171
Dominating set, minimal 171
EA-reconstructible invariant 83
EA-reconstructible property 83
Edge, subdivided 57
Eigenspace 2
Eigenvalue, largest 3
Eigenvalue, main 25
Eigenvalue, second largest 223
Eigenvalue, simple 45
Eigenvalue, smallest 16
Eigenvalues 1
Eigenvalues, conjugate 187
Eigenvalues, corresponding 46
Eigenvector 2
Eigenvector, non-negative 23
Eigenvector, partial 184
Eigenvector, principal 3
Electron charge 77 227
Exit-value 184
Factor 48
Forests, cospectral 9
Form, biquadratic 60
Formula, Coates 122
Formula, Heilbronner 135
Formula, Jacobi 122
Formula, Schwenk 122
Function spaces 27
Function, even 35
Function, odd 35
Fuzzy image 126
Graph ordering by spectral moments 109
Graph ordering by spectrum 109
Graph ordering, canonical 192
Graph, bicyclic 4
Graph, bicyclic, central part of 115
Graph, bicyclic, Hamiltonian 59
Graph, bicyclic, tail of 115
Graph, bipartite 15
Graph, Chang 5
Graph, cocktail party 4
Graph, complete, k-partite 4
Graph, cubic 78
Graph, cubic lattice 19
Graph, cubic, path-like 119
Graph, cubic, tree-like 117
Graph, Hamiltonian 72
Graph, Hamiltonian, tricyclic 61
Graph, icosahedral 136 142
Graph, Latin square type 230
Graph, molecular 226
Graph, outerplanar, maximal 50
Graph, partial 95
Graph, perturbed 132
Graph, quasi-bridge 123
Graph, random 50
Graph, recognition 52
Graph, regular 15 23
Graph, Schlaefli 6
Graph, semi-regular bipartite 13
Graph, strongly regular 77 211
Graph, tetrahedral 20
Graph, tricyclic 4
Graph, unicyclic 4 109
Graph, walk-regular 79
Graph, weight-generated 196
Graph, weight-generated, modified 196
Graph, weighted 195
Graph, weighted, canonical ordering 197
Graphs, cospectral 6
Graphs, cospectral, connected 8
Graphs, cospectral, regular 9
Graphs, endospectral 10
Graphs, isospectral 6
Graphs, subspectral 11
Graphs, switching-equivalent 5
Group automorphism 43
Hamming distance 41
Heuristic Kernighan — Lin 211
Hueckel's theory 226
Immanant 10
Interlacing theorem 37
Intermediate eigenvalue problems 143
Invariant, complete 20
Involution 45
J-sum of graphs 30
Join 4
| King 27
Knight 32
Kronecker product 31
Length walk 24
Length word 41
Limb 105 120
Line graph 5
Line graph, generalized 5
Lloyd's Theorem 41
Location-dominating set 172
Matching 4
Matching, perfect 4 198
Matrix, adjacency 1
Matrix, adjacency, stepwise 60
Matrix, admittance 6
Matrix, angle 76
Matrix, bond-order 227
Matrix, density 227
Matrix, eigenvector 156
Matrix, Hadamard 14
Matrix, hermitian 37
Matrix, imprimitive 233
Matrix, incidence 6
Matrix, irreducible 23
Matrix, Laplacian 6
Matrix, perturbed 136
Matrix, primitive 233
Matrix, reducible 232
Matrix, Seidel 5
Matroid theory 204
Measure of irregularity 74
Neighbourhood, closed 158
Neighbourhood, open 158
NEPS 30 91
NEPS, coincidence-free 93
Number of pentagons 82
Number of quadrangles 82
Number of triangles 81 82
Number, chromatic 101
Number, domination 172
Number, isoperimetric 55
Number, location-domination 172
Optimization, combinatorial 193
Orbital, atomic 226
Orbital, molecular 226
p-sum of graphs 30
Partition, admissible 95
Partition, equitable 38
Partition, feasible 151
Partition, natural 225
Partition, polynomial 153 183
Partition, star 21 151
Partition, star, line 189
Partition, walk 38
Path, augmenting 201
Path, internal 57
Pendant edge 87 141
Permanent 10
Perturbations, algebraic theory 142
Perturbations, analytical theory 136
Ping 6
Plane, affine 14
Plane, protective 14
Polynomial, characteristic 1
Polynomial, characteristic, generic 99
Polynomial, Chebyshev 62
Polynomial, graph 15
Problem, graph isomorphism 6
Problem, graph reconstruction 127
Problem, matching 198
Problem, matroid intersection 204
Problem, maximal clique 208
Product of graphs 30
Product, generalized direct 30
Pseudo-net-graph 230
Quasi-bridge 124
Quasi-graph 125
Rayleigh quotient 49 193
Reconstruction Conjecture 126
Reconstruction Lemma 111
Reconstruction theorem 161
Rook 32
Root systems 17
Sequence angle 76
Sequence degree 113
Spectral decomposition 3
Spectral moment 24 80
Spectrum 2
Spectrum Laplacian 54
Spectrum, main part 25
Spectrum, partial 95
Spectrum, Seidel 5 99
Spherical set of vectors 150
Spoke 4
Star basis 21 152
Star basis, canonical 21 192
Star basis, orthodox 193 195
Star basis, quasi-canonical 195
Star cell 151
Star cell, line 189
Star partition 21 151
Star partition, line 189
Star partition, orthodox 193 195
Star, double 212
Star, eutactic 151
Strong product 30
Subgraph, vertex-deleted 83 126
Sum of graphs 30
Switching 5
Tournament, doubly regular 131
Tournament, self-converse 130
Tree, canonical 224
Trees, co-immanantal 10
Trees, isospectral 6
Triangle, internal 50
Vector, main 97
Vertex degrees, generalized 81
Vertex ordering, admissible 195
Vertex ordering, canonical 192 196
Vertex, addition of 90
Vertex, bridging 89
Vertex, substitution, unrestricted 107
Vertices, adjacent 1
Vertices, cospectral 10 105
Vertices, cospectral pairs of 108
Vertices, similar 44
Vertices, unrestricted 10
Walk 24
Walk, closed 24
Wheel 4
Wheel, broken 64
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