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Yaglom A.M., Yaglom I.M. — Probability and Information |
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"Comma", as separating symbol 140
"Saturation" of a block of elements 243—244
"Saturation" of a block of elements, calculation of values of by Frolushkin 243
Abramson, N. 175 179 193 233 397
Absolute value (or norm) of elements 41—42 388
Absolute value (or norm) of numbers 41—42
Aczel, Y. 96 399
Adenine 253 255
Afonin, V.A. 248 405
Ahlswede, R. 323(fn) 406
Air, G.M. 257 400
Aitham 198
Aksakov, S.T. 201 210
Alekseev, P.M. 400
Algebra of events 36ff. 37 40
Algebra of numbers 37
Algebra of sets 37
Algebra, boolean 41—43
Algebra, Boolean, link with probability theory 42
Algebra, Boolean, normed 41—43
Algebraic coding theory 328—329
Algebraic concepts xvi 364—391
Algebraic operations 364
Algebraic, system 37 41 365
Algorithm, Euclidean 376
Algorithmic approach to the concept of amount of information xvii
Alphabet 139 252 see
Alphabet, contraction of 153—157 172
Alphabet, contraction of one-fold 154
Alphabet, contraction of two-fold 154
Alphabet, inclusive of space 203—206
Alphabet, spaceless 203—206
Amino-acid 253 255
Amino-acid, proline 257
Amusing problems see "Recreative problems"
Aphasic persons' speech, entropy of 210 221
Apostel, L. 209 400
Arabic alphabet 194
Arithmetic mean 31—35 290 297 349—350
Arithmetic mean, theorem 355
Arithmetic with two symbols (2-arithmetic) 355 370—371
Arithmetic, q- 365—366 368
Arithmetic, Qx- 378
Ash, R.B. 21 281 290 306 333 338 346 397
Ashby, W.R. xii 397
Atal, B.S. 197—198 214 405
Attneave, C. 223 226
Attneave, F. 85 191 223 226 399
bacteria 253
Baghdady, E.J. 406
Balasubrahmanyam, P. 197 214 405
Balmont, K.D. 178(fn)
Bar-Hillel, Y. xvii 397
Bareli, B.C. 257 400
Barnard, G.A. 193 299 400 405 406
Bartee, T.C. 306 333 338 346 406
Basharin, G.P. 179 197 400
Baudot code 138 140
Beauchamp, J. 224 402
Bektaev, K.B. 191 195—196 211—212 216 404
Belar, H. 224 228 404
Belevitch, V. 400
Bellman, R. 120 399
Berg, A.I. 406
Berlekamp, E.R. 305 314(fn) 333 336 338 346 389 406
Bernstein, S.N. 42
Berry, J. 217 401
Binary channel see "Communication channel"
Binary code see "Code"
Binary field 317
Binary number system 143 145 307
Binary system of logarithms xiii xv(fn)
Binary unit (bit) 45 144
Birkhoff, G. 306 333 338 346 406
Black, J. W. 219 401
Block codes see "Code"
Block, N-letter 162 289
Bluhme, H. 197 401
Blyth, C.R. 179 401
Boltyanskii, V.G. vii(fn)
Boole, G. 41
Boolean algebra 41—43
Boolean algebra, link with probability theory 42
Boolean algebra, normed 41—43
Bose, R.C. 316 334 341(fn) 406
Bourbaki, N. 210
Brawly, J.W. 224
Brightness levels 230—233
Brillouin, L. xii 47 82 177 397
Brooks, F.P. 223—224 226 401
Burton, N.G. 189 191 401
Carnap, R. xvii 397
Carson, D.H. 205 401
Carterette, E.C. 211 401
Centre of gravity 353
Centroid 353
Channel capacity see "Communication channel"
Chebyshev's inequality 26f. 33—36
Chebyshev, A.P. 33—36 299 306
Chentsov, N.N. 111 116 400
Cherry, Collin 177 209 219 397 404 406
Cherry, E.C. 220 401
Chiplunkar, V.N. 197—198 214 405
Chromatic scale 222—223
Chromosome structure 253
Chromosome structure, double helix 253
Code(s) 138 141 338
Code(s), (7, 4)-single error correcting 310—311 314
Code(s), (N, M) 313—314 344
Code(s), advantageous (efficient) 137f. 190
Code(s), Baudot 138 140
Code(s), binary 138 141—142 148—149
Code(s), binary, Golay perfect 341
Code(s), binary, most efficient, construction of 142
Code(s), binary, non-uniform 140
Code(s), binary, uniform, most efficient 144
Code(s), block 145 313(fn)
Code(s), Bose — Chaudhuri — Hocquenghem xx 316 334—337 345(fn) 346
Code(s), Bose — Chaudhuri — Hocquenghem, (N, M) 344
Code(s), Bose — Chaudhuri — Hocquenghem, check matrix of 335
Code(s), Bose — Chaudhuri — Hocquenghem, non-primitive 324(fn) 341(fn) 342
Code(s), Bose — Chaudhuri — Hocquenghem, primitive 324(fn)
Code(s), check matrix of 321 323—324 327—328 345
Code(s), composition 256
Code(s), correction by check signal 310
Code(s), cyclic 331 334 344
Code(s), cyclic, polynomial of 333
Code(s), decimal 174
Code(s), degenerate 257
Code(s), depsely-packed 339—340
Code(s), distance 338
Code(s), double-error correcting 314 326—327 334—335 344
Code(s), error-detecting and error-correcting 304—346
Code(s), error-detecting and error-correcting, definition 308
Code(s), Fano 150
Code(s), Fano, efficiency (economy) of 137—147
Code(s), generated by a polynomial 329—331
Code(s), genetic 255—258
Code(s), genetic without comma 257
Code(s), genetic, Gamow's postulation 255
Code(s), genetic, structure of 257
Code(s), Golay 341
Code(s), group 319—321 339
Code(s), Hamming 314—315 325—326 333 341—342 345
Code(s), Hamming, extended 326
Code(s), Huffman xvi 147f. 153—157 171—172 259 313(fn)
Code(s), Huffman, optimality of 156 172 177
Code(s), Huffman, ternary, construction of 172
Code(s), instantaneously decipherable 141 157 175—177
Code(s), linear 319—321 339
| Code(s), m-ary 147 172—173 175
Code(s), Morse 138 140
Code(s), non-uniform 140—141 143
Code(s), optimal 156—158 336
Code(s), overlapping 255—256
Code(s), parity-check 310 312—313 315—316 318 321 323 333
Code(s), parity-check, (N, M) 317—318
Code(s), parity-check, decoding of 322
Code(s), parity-check, matrix of 319
Code(s), parity-check, non-random 324
Code(s), parity-check, random 323
Code(s), parity-check, systematic 319
Code(s), perfect 339—342
Code(s), polynomial 329 332
Code(s), polynomial, ideal in 332
Code(s), quasi-perfect 342
Code(s), redundancy 308—309
Code(s), Shannon — Fano xvi 147 150—153 171 259 313(fn)
Code(s), single-error-correcting 309—314 327 335 344 345(fn)
Code(s), systematic 319
Code(s), ternary 138
Code(s), triple repetition 308—309 313(fn)
Code(s), triple-error-correcting 335 346
Code(s), triplet 257
Code(s), uniform 138 140—141 143 148 166
Code(s), uniquely decipherable 140 150 175—177
Code(s), with/without separating symbol, comma 140 256
Code-word 140 144 155 159—160 166 175
Code-word, choice of simple method for 306—307
Code-word, length 144
Code-word, length, average 151 156—157
Coding 122 138 249 251—253 255
Coding and statistical laws 148
Coding, advantageous (efficient) 139
Coding, algebraic theory of 317(fn) 318
Coding, block 146 152—153 157 289
Coding, fundamental theorem of xvi 147f. 157—163 172—173 246 274
Coding, fundamental theorem of noisy (due to Shannon) xvi 274—275 289—306
Coding, fundamental theorem of noisy (due to Shannon), converse of xvi 273 283—290
Coding, fundamental theorem of noisy (due to Shannon), strongly converse of 290
Coding, Huffman method of 155—157
Coding, method 293 307
Coding, random 292—297 301(fn) 306 323
Coding, Shannon — Fano method of 152—153 155—156 158
Coding, theory xvi 305—307
Coding, theory, notion of entropy in 161
Codon 255—256 258
Cohen, J.E. 224 401
Communication channel xii xiii
Communication channel and statistical regularities 55
Communication channel, associated with hereditary phenomenon 252
Communication channel, binary, asymmetric 273
Communication channel, binary, symmetric 263 265 275 277 280 299 301(fn) 302 307—308 311 323 342
Communication channel, binary, symmetric, erasure 267 269—270 323
Communication channel, capacity xiii 246—251
Communication channel, capacity in absence of noise 173 262
Communication channel, capacity in presence of noise 262—263 272 297
Communication channel, capacity, zero-error 283
Communication channel, human organism as 249—251
Communication channel, m-ary symmetric 266
Communication channel, new forms of 249
Communication channel, noisy 252 260—262
Communication channel, noisy, code selection for every 274
Communication channel, noisy, mathematical model of 260—261
Communication channel, non-binary 317(fn) 346
Communication channel, transmission of speech over 219
Communication, specific content of 55
Complement of a set 39
Constant, mean value of a 28
Constant, number p 1
Convex k-gon 354
Coset 368
Counterfeit coin problems viii 108—121 136 147
Cover, T.M. xx 191 199 201—203 210 401
Crick, F.H.C. 256—257 401
Culbertson, J.T. 398
Cullman, G. 305 333 338 346 397 406
Current pulse 137 139 246 251
Cytoplasm 252—253
Cytosine 253 255
Czech language, entropy of 214
Daroczy, Z. 96 399
Decimal number system 143
Decimal system of logarithms xiii xv
Decimal unit (dit) xv 46
Decoding 140—141 249 251—253 255
Decoding error probability 293 296
Decoding error probability, mean 339—340 342
Decoding error probability, mean, Hamming lower bound on 340
Decoding method 293 299 306—307
Decoding rule 322
Decoding, instantaneous 141
Decoding, sequential 251 323—324
Decoding, unique 140
Delbriick, M. 256 402
Denes, P. 219 401
Denis-Papin, M. 177 397
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 253—254
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), molecules, four-letter alphabet 253
Deutsqh, S. 238—239 401
Devide, V. 120 399
Dewey, G. 186 401
Diamond, S. 4 398
Die, imperfect 42
Die, throw 1—2
Disjoint equal spheres, closest packing of 389
Dispersion (or spread) 27—34 36 see "Variance
Distance 387
Distance, code 338
Distance, Euclidean 389
Distance, geometrtc 338
Distance, Hamming 338 340 342 389(fn)
Distance, Hamming, utility in coding theory 389
Distance, Lee 389
Distance, Minkowski 388
Distributive law 38
DIT xv 46
Divisor of numbers, greatest common 40 365 375
Dmitriev V.I. 248 405
Dobrushin, R.L. xiv xvii 89 177 181 281 306 323(fn) 324 333 338 399 401 405 406
Dolezel, L. 195 213—214 403
Dravidian languages, entropy of 197 214
Drygas, H. 323(fn) 406
Ear, resolving power of 247
Eidelnant, M.I. xiv
Eldridge, R.C. 401
Element(s), difference of 365
Element(s), identity 364
Element(s), inverse of an 365
Element(s), symmetric 364—365
Element(s), unit 365 371
Elias, P. 281 306 323(fn) 338 346 406
Eminescu, M. 214
Endres, W. xvii 195 219—220 401
English alphabets 139 192 203
English language, average information in stressed words of 217
English language, average word-length in 181 188
English language, coding text-letters in, Shannon — Fano method 180
English language, digram frequency in 182—183 186
English language, entropy of letters/words in 179—181 187 194
English language, estimation by Cover and King 202—203
English language, first-order approximation to 181 186
English language, letter-guessing experiments for 191 196
English language, letter/word frequency in 178—179 182 186
English language, redundancy for 185 188 191 195—196
English language, second-order approximation to 183 186—187
English language, statistical characteristics of letters/words 186—188
English language, third-order approximation to 183
English language, trigram frequency in 183 186
English language, zero-order approximation to 178
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