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Yaglom A.M., Yaglom I.M. — Probability and Information |
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English speech one phoneme redundancy for 220
Entropy(ies) viii xvii 44ff. 47 53—54 74 88 93f.
Entropy(ies) as measure of uncertainty 44ff. 47 56 94
Entropy(ies) of compound experiment 61
Entropy(ies) of experiment 47
Entropy(ies) of language 177f. see
Entropy(ies) of language, method of determining 198
Entropy(ies) of N-letter block 162
Entropy(ies) of one letter 149
Entropy(ies) of speech 215f.
Entropy(ies) of television images 231
Entropy(ies), - 82 230
Entropy(ies), addition law of 60 63 98
Entropy(ies), combinatorial 215
Entropy(ies), concept of xii 55—56
Entropy(ies), conditional 62—63 181—182 184 188—190 220
Entropy(ies), Hartley's viewpoint of 53—56 59 125
Entropy(ies), limit 185 188—189 207
Entropy(ies), residual 124—125
Entropy(ies), Shannon's approach to 53—57 215
Entropy(ies), specific 162 171 184 198 219
Entropy(ies), thermodynamic concept of 47(fn)
Entropy(ies), true, upper bound on 199
Entropy(ies), unconditional 71
Enzymes 253
Equiprobability 3—4 44—45
Error probability, exponential bound of 281(fn)
Error probability, mean value of 284—286
Error(s), single 309 311
Error(s), systematic 26 32
Euclidean, distance 389
Euclidean, division of algorithm 376(fn)
Euclidean, ring 376(fn)
Euclidean, space 387
European languages, entropy values for 198
European languages, letter frequencies in 197
European languages, redundancy estimates for 185 196
European languages, spoken, phoneme statistics and entropies 219
Event(s), addition of 7f. 36
Event(s), certain (sure) 8
Event(s), compatible 9
Event(s), contrary 8
Event(s), impossible 8 35
Event(s), incompatible 7f.
Event(s), incompatible, pairwise 9 23 45 59
Event(s), independent 7f. 10—11 20 25
Event(s), multiplication of 7f. 36
Event(s), multiplication of associative law of 38 91
Event(s), obeying statistical law 82
Event(s), product of 10 36
Event(s), random 1f. 4 40 44
Event(s), set of elementary 43
Event(s), sum of 8—9 14 36
Experiment(s) 1 121—122 see "Urn"
Experiment(s), auxiliary 1 122
Experiment(s), compound 42 45 55 88—89 123 125 232
Experiment(s), dependent 61
Experiment(s), equally probable outcomes of an 42—43 45
Experiment(s), independent 45 59
Experiment(s), simple 88
Experiment(s), weather 52
Exponential mean 349—350
Eye, resolving power of 231 247
Fadeev, D.K. 96 399
Fano codes see "Codes"
Fano inequality 287—288 303—304
Fano, R.M. 147 150 158 171 175 281 283 287 306 333 338 346 397
Faulkner, W. 213
Feinstein, A. xii 171 275 281 299 397
Feller, W. 4 398
Fey, P. 397
Field 369—371 379
Field, algebraic, two-element 328
Field, basic (or field of scalars) 382
Field, binary 317
Field, finite 317(fn)
Field, Galois' 380(fn)
Field, order of 371
Field, primitive element of 372
Field, properties of 371
Fisher, R.A. 314(fn)
Ford, L.R. 121 399
Formula for the number 14—15
Forney, G.D. 249 338 406
Forte, B. 96 399
Foster, Stephen 224 228
Foy, W.H. 245 401
Fradis, A. 209 220 401 405
French language, digram probabilities in 194
French language, entropy of 195
French language, first-order approximation to 193
French language, letter frequency in 192—193
French language, letter-guessing experiments for 196
French language, phoneme statistics and digrams of 219
French language, redundancy estimates for 195
French language, trigram probabilities in 194
French language, word-length in 192
Frequencies, limiting, of guessing a letter 189
Frequency of occurrence of result 1
Frequency, dictionary 186 207 217
Frick, F.C. 198 212 401
Fritz, E.L. 198 212 401
Frolushkin, V.C. 242—245 401
Function(s), convex 287 304 347ff.
Function(s), convex, graph of 351
Function(s), convex, properties of 347ff.
Function(s), convex, test for 346(fn)
Function(s), exponential 281(fn) 347
Function(s), logarithmic 347
Gabidulin, E.M. 323(fn) 406
Gallager, R.G. 171 281 290 306 322(fn) 324 333 338 346 397 406
Galois, Evariste 380(fn)
Gambling scheme, due Cover and King 201—203
Game of "garbled telephone" 89
Gamow, G. 255—257 402
Garmash, V.A. xiv 194 241 402
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 331(fn)
Gel'fand, I.M. xvii 397
Gene, "initiation" and "termination" marks 256(fn) 257
Genetic information transmission see "Information"
Geometric distance 338
Geometric mean 349
Geometric mean, theorem 304 355
Geometry, discrete 389
Geometry, Euclidean 389
German language, "first-order approximation" to 193
German language, "semantic" information in, study by Kuepfmueller 218
German language, letter frequency in 192—193
German language, letter-guessing experiments for 195—196
German language, redundancy for 195
German speech redundancy of one phoneme 220
Gerstman, L.J. 196 209—210 214 403
Gilbert, E.N. 140 299 306 316 333 338 346 400 406
Gindikin, S.G. xiv
Giraud, R. 195 212 404
Gluss, B. 120 399
Gnedenko, B.V. 2 6 398
Golay perfect binary code 341
Golay, M.J.E. 341
Golomb, S.W. 256 402
Goncharov, I.A. 201 210 213
Gorenstein, D.C. 342 406
Goryachaya, M.M. ix
Greatest common divisor 40 365 375
Grier, G.W. 198 212 401
Griffith, J.S. 256 401
Grignetti, M. 209 402
Group 320 364—365
Group, commutative 364
Group, cyclic 369
| Group, multiplicative 365
Group, non-commutative 364(fn)
Group, null element of 365
Group, order of 369
Group, subgroup of a 320 368
Guanine 253 255
Guessing method viii 148—149 181 188—192 195—198 204 206 211 225
Guessing method, due Shannon 188—192 195—198 201—202 212 236—237
Guessing method, sharpening by Kolmogorov 198—199 212 214
Gunzenhaeuser, R. 213 402
Halle, M. 220 401
Halmos, P.R. 388(fn)
Hamming distance 338 340 342 389(fn)
Hamming inequality 315 328 335—337 339 341
Hamming lower bound 315—316 336—337 339
Hamming metric 388—389
Hamming metric, utility in coding theory 389
Hamming sphere 338 340—342 389
Hamming upper bound 339
Hamming, R.W. 314—317 326 406
Hansson, H. 195 403
Hardy, G.H. 305(fn)
Hartley, R.V.L. 53—56 59 125 147
Haton, J.P. 219 402
Haydn, J. 224
Hebrew language, redundancy for 197
Hebrew language, statistical structure of 197
Hick, W.E. 83 399
Hieroglyphic writing 207—208 231
Hiller, L. 224 402
Hintikka, J. xvii 397
Hockquenghem, A. 305 316 333—334 338 346 406
Hodges, S.L. 398
Hopkins, A.L. 223—224 226 401
Huffman, D.A. 153 155—157 171—172 177 259 400
Hungarian alphabets 203
Hungarian language, entropy of 203
Hungarian prose, information-theoretic characteristics of 214
Hungarian redundancy estimates for 203
Hutchison, C.A. 257 400
Hyman, R. 57 73 399
Ibragimov, T.I. 195 402
Ideal 332 376
Ideal, principal 377 380
Images, colour television 237—238
Images, detail-starved 235
Images, heterochromatic 235
Images, monochromatic 232 235
Images, television 288f.
Inagaki, Y. 407
Indian languages 197—198 214
Indian languages, redundancy estimates for 197—198
Inequality, Chetyshev 26f. 33—34 299 306
Inequality, Fano 287—288 303—304
Inequality, Hamming 315 328 335—337 339 341
Inequality, Jensen 352 356
Inequality, Kraft 175
Inequality, McMillan 175
Inequality, Varshamov — Gilbert 316 327—328 335—337 345
Information of various messages encountered in practice 177ff.
Information of various messages encountered in practice as continuously varying messages (television images) 228f.
Information of various messages encountered in practice as musical notes 222f.
Information of various messages encountered in practice as phototelegrams 238f.
Information of various messages encountered in practice as spoken language 215f.
Information of various messages encountered in practice as written language 177f.
Information theory vii—viii xi—xiii xv—xvii xix
Information theory, applications to information transmission through communication channels viii 137ff.
Information transmission, error-free 282 283(fn)
Information transmission, over noisy channels 258—304
Information transmission, rate 173 216(fn) 304—305
Information transmission, rate, largest 339
Information transmission, sequential 89
Information, amount of xiii 74 215
Information, amount of algorithmic approach to xvii
Information, amount of combinatorial approach to xvii 215
Information, average amount of, in a text-letter 203
Information, average amount of, in a word 207
Information, average amount of, in an experiment 74—75 132
Information, concept of 7 73f. 80 90 137
Information, conditional 91—92
Information, entropy and 44ff. 74
Information, genetic, and its transmission 251—258
Information, limiting 214
Information, mean 74—75
Information, mean, conditional 91
Information, reciprocal, of two events 86
Information, semantic xvii 216 218—219 221(fn) 228—229
Information, specific 205 207
Information, symmetry property of 91 93
Information, total 205—206 221
Information, triple, equation 92—93 299
Information, unsemantic 218—219 229 231 250
Input signals 251 254—255
Insistence stresses 217
Inverse of an element 365
Italian language, entropy of 209—210
Italian language, letter frequency in 193—194
Ivadari, E. 407
Ivanov, V.V. xvii
Jacobs, I.M. 247—249 306 333 338 346 398
Jacobson, H. 250 402
Jacobson, R. 220 401
James, William 211
Jamison, D. 402
Jamison, K. 402
Jensen's inequality 352
Jensen's inequality, general 356
Jensen. J.L.W.V. 352
Johnson, S.M. 121 399
Jones, M.H. 211 401
Joyce, J. 209 213
k-arithmetic 368
Kac, M. 2 4 398
Kaplan, A.J. 237 405
Karush, J.L. 175 400
Kasami, T. 407
Kaufmann, A. 306 333 338 346 407
Kayser, G.A. 191 220 239—241 402
Kazakhian language, letter-guessing experiments for 196
Kazaryan, R.A. 194—195 402
Kellogg, D.J. 120 399
Kellogg, P.J. 120 399
Kelly, D.H. 250 402
Kemeny, J.G. 398
Kharkevich, A.A. xiv 247—248 402
Khinchin, A.Ya. 2 6 398
Khorana, H.G. 257
King, R.C. 191 199 201—203 210 401
Kirillov, N.E. 241 402
Kislitsin, S.S. 120—121 400
Kolesnik, V.D. 333 338 406
Kolmogorov, A.N. ix xiv xvii 2 4 43 89 191 195 198—199 201—202 210 212—215 397 398
Kondratov, A.M. 213 402
Kordemskii, B.A. 101 104 108 111 400
Kotel'nikov, V.A. 247
Kraft's inequality 175
Kraft, L.G. 175
Kreindler, A. 220 405
Kreuzer, H. 213 402
Krinchik, E.P. 85 399
Kuepfmueller, K. 195 218—219 241 250 402
Kuiper, N.H. 388(fn)
Kuprin, A.I. 214
Lagrange's theorem 369
Lamotte, M. 219 402
Language see "Entropy" "Redundancy" see
Language, control tower 212
Language, intonation 218
Language, specialized 210 212
Language, spoken xiii 215f.
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