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Yaglom A.M., Yaglom I.M. — Probability and Information |
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Language, statistical structure of 188
Language, written xiii 177f.
Laplace, P.S. 43
Law of contradiction 41
Law of excluded middle 41
Law of Large Numbers xvi 26f. 36 170
Least common multiple 40
Lebedev, D.S. xiv 194 233 235—236 402 403
Leder, Philip 257
Lee distance (metric) 389
Lehmann, E.L. 398
Lenskii, D.N. 195 402
Leohtiev, A.N. 85 407
Leonard, J.A. 85 399
Leonard, Zunin 202
Leontiev, V.K. 342 399
Letter(s), average frequency of 178
Letter-guessing experiment see also "Guessing method"
Letter-guessing experiment by Piortrovskii et al. 211
Letter-guessing experiment by Weltner 211
Letter-guessing experiment, technique, Kolmogorov's postulate on 201—202
Letter-guessing experiment, technique, refinement by Cover and King 201
Levenstein, v.i. xiv
Levin, L.A. xvii 398
Levinson, N. 305(fn) 306 333 338 346 407
Licklider, J.C.R. 189 191 401
Limb, J.O. 233—236 403
Lin, S. 305 333 338 346 407
Linear, code-word collection 320
Linear, subspace 320—321
Logarithm, decimal 46
Logarithm, factor of transition 45
Logic, mathematical 41—42
Logical problems 100—108 see
Logical problems on geometric probability 42
Logical propositions 41—42
Lomov, B.F. 85 251 399
Luce, R.D. 85 399
Luedtke, H. 213
Luminosity scales see "Brightness levels"
m-ary number system 143 147
MacWilliams, F.J. 305 333 338 346 407
Maixner, V. 190 403
Malone, D. 202 210
Mandelbrot, B. xx 209 217 400 403
Manfrino, R. 193—195 203 209—210 403
Marcus, S. 213—214 403
Mathematical logic 41—42
Matrix (matrices) 318 366
Matrix (Matrices), additive group of 366
Matrix (Matrices), check 321
Matrix (Matrices), elementary transformations on 390
Matrix (matrices), equivalent 390
Matrix (matrices), multiplication 389
Matthaei, J.H. 257
McMillan inequality 175
McMillan, B. 171 175 400
Mean 6 26
Mean value of square of deviation 27
Mean value of weighings 133 136
Melody (Melodies) 218
Melody (Melodies), computer-created 226—228
Melody (Melodies), new, by urn experiments 225
Melody (Melodies), redundancy for 223
Melody (Melodies), Stephen Foster's 224 228
Mesh of an element block 243—244
Mesh of an element block, value calculation by Frolushkin 243
Meshalkin, L.D. 399
Message quantization 230
Message quantization, probable sequences of 171
Message transmission, error-free 273 283
Message transmission, mean error frequency in 284(fn)
Message transmission, rate 246—250 273
Message(s) xiii 136 251 see
Message(s), continuously varying, television images 228—238
Message(s), continuously varying, television images, entropy of 236—237
Message(s), continuously varying, television images, redundancy for 236—237
Message(s), discrete, optimal coding/decoding of 252
Message(s), input 253—255
Message(s), musical see "Musical"
Message(s), output 253—254
Message(s), phototelegraphic xiii
Message(s), phototelegraphic, entropy of 238—239 242
Message(s), phototelegraphic, redundancy for 242
Message(s), phototelegraphic, screen elements of 238—239 241
Message(s), phototelegraphic, screen elements of specific entropy of 243
Message(s), statistical laws of xiii 149
Metric space 387
Metric, Hamming 388—389
Metric, Hamming, utility in coding theory 389
Metric, Lee 389
Metric, Minkowski 388
Michel, S.W. 241 245 403
Mihailescu, L. 209 220 401 405
Miller, G.A. 179 209 216 403
Minkowski metric 388
Minkowski, H. 388(fn)
Mirkil, H. 398
Mironchikov, E.T. 333 338 407
Mitosis 253
Moles, A. 398
Moloshnaya, T.N. xiv
Monte-Carlo methods 226
Moore, E.F. 140 400
Morf, A. 209 400
Morpheme 208
Morse code 138 140
Mosteller, F. 2 4 167 399
MUSIC 222f.
Music, basic elements 222—223
Music, chromatic scale 222—223
Musical compositions, cowboy songs, American 223 226
Musical compositions, entropy of maximum possible 222
Musical compositions, German romantic 224
Musical compositions, Haydn's 224
Musical compositions, hymns 223—224 228
Musical compositions, information-theoretic characteristics 224
Musical compositions, note-guessing method due Pinkerton 225
Musical compositions, nursery-rhymes, American 222
Musical compositions, redundancy of 222 224—226
Musical compositions, rock and roll, American 224
Musical compositions, Schoenberg's 224
Musical messages 222
Musical sentences 225
Mutation 253
Nair, K.K. 197—198 214 405
Neidhardt, P. 235 238 248 403
Nemetz, T. xx 179 192 203 403
Nerve cells (neurons) 252
Nerve fibres, aural 250
Nerve fibres, optic 250 252
Neumann, P.G. 223—224 226 401
Nevel'skii, P.B. 191 210 403
Newman, E.B. 196 209—211 214 250 403 404
Neyman, J. 4 399
Ng, C.T. 399
Nicolau, E. 195 213—214 403
Nikolaev, V.I. 85 399
Nirenberg, M.W. 257 401
Non-parity 314
Novikov, P.S. xiv
Number system, binary 143
Number system, centenary 145
Number system, decimal 143
Number system, m-ary 143
Number system, ternary 147
Number(s) 366
Number(s), absolute value (norm) of 27 41—42
Number(s), algebra of 37
Number(s), comparison of basic rules 39
| Number(s), digits 143—144
Number(s), greatest common divisor of 40 365 375
Number(s), idempotent 37
Number(s), law of large xvi 26f. 36 170
Number(s), least common multiple of 40
Ochoa, S. 257
Olson, H. 224 228 404
Order of field 371
Order of group 369
Order of ring 377—378
Orgel, L.E. 256 401
Oriental languages 197
Outcomes 4
Outcomes, equally probable 3—4 130—131
Outcomes, equally probable, complete system of 42—43
Outcomes, impossible 55
Outcomes, low-probability 59
outcomes, mutually exclusive 9
Outcomes, not equally probable 131
Outcomes, proof of feasibility/infeasibility of 128
Output signal 254—255
Ovseevich, I.A. xiv xvii
Ozhegov, S.I. 215
Paisley, W.J. 214 404
Parity 314
Parity check 310 312—313 315 318
Parity check, matrix of a code 318
Parkhomenko, P.P. 122 400
Parks, J.R. 236 404
Patterson, G.W. 140 400
pause 137
Perko, A. 342 407
Peshkovskii, A.M. 220 404
Peterson, W.W. 305 333 336—338 342 346 406 407
Petrova, N.V. xvii 194—195 211 404
Pfaffelhuber, E. 179 404
Phenylalanin 257
Phoneme(s) 208 219 229
Phoneme(s), alphabet 219
Phoneme(s), average length of 221—222
Phoneme(s), spectrogram 220
Phototelegrams 238f.
Phototelegrams, message transmission by 238—251
Phototelegrams, screen elements employed in 238
phrase 208
Picard, K. 122 400
Pierce, J.R. 178 209 224 228 398
Piil, E.I. 233 235—236 403
Pinkerton, R.C. 222—223 225—226 404
Piotrovskaya, A.A. 195—196 211—212 216 404
Piotrovskii, R.G. 177 195—196 211—212 216 404
Pitch of tone 229
Platzman, R.L. 398 402
Poleyatev, I.A. 47 398
Polish language, letter guessing experiments for 196
Polynomial(s) 367
Polynomial(s) as a group 367
Polynomial(s), check 341
Polynomial(s), code generator 329 342—343
Polynomial(s), composite 379
Polynomial(s), cyclotomic 331(fn)
Polynomial(s), irreducible 379
Polynomial(s), minimal 343
Polynomial(s), reducible 381
Polynomial(s), roots of 342
Portuguese language, entropy of 193 210
Portuguese language, letter frequency in 193
Pratt, F. 179 182—183 186—187 194 205 404
Probabilistic choices reduced to binary choices 225
Probability theory viii 2 42—43
Probability theory, an approach first indicated by Bernstein 42
Probability theory, axiomatic construction due Kolmogorov 43
Probability theory, definition, classical, introduced by Laplace 43
Probability theory, link with Boolean algebra 42
Probability theory, main problem of 42
Probability(ies) 1ff.
Probability(ies), addition law of 9 87
Probability(ies), basic 42
Probability(ies), classical concept of viii 42—43
Probability(ies), conditional 20f. 61
Probability(ies), definition If. 42
Probability(ies), mean error 283—284 286—287 288(fn)
Probability(ies), multiplication law of 11 22 25
Probability(ies), properties of 7f.
Probability(ies), table 4
Probability(ies), total, equation of 23
Problems, counterfeit coin 108—121
Problems, logical 100—108
Problems, logical on geometric probability 42
Prokhorov, A.V. xvii
Protein(s) 253—254
Protein(s), synthesis 254
Protein(s), twenty-letter language 255
Pushkin, A.S. 213 215
Q(x)-arithmetic 378
q-arithmetic 365—366 368
Quantization of messages 230
Quastler, H. 59 85 178 250 398 402 404
Question(s) 122
Question(s), cost element of 122
Question(s), mean value of 130 134
Questionnaire 122
Rajagopalan, K.R. 191 197 214 224 405
Ramachandran, V. 197—198 214 405
Ramakrishna, B.S. 197—198 214 404 405
Random event 1f.
Random variable(s) 1f. 170 293
Random variable(s), arithmetic mean of 31—32 34—36
Random variable(s), independent 16—17 29
Random variable(s), mean value of 6 26 54
Random variable(s), mean value of any 296—297
Random variable(s), mean value of product of 19
Random variable(s), mean value of sum of 16 18 29 31
Random variable(s), mutually independent 19 31 36
Random variable(s), pairwise independent 36
Random variable(s), product of 15 18—19
Random variable(s), standard deviation of 27
Random variable(s), sum of 15—16 18 29—31
Random variable(s), variance of 26f.
Random variable(s), variance of square root of 27
Ray-Chaudhuri, D.K. 316 334 406
Razzhivin, K.A. 211 404
Reaction of choice 57
Reaction, complex 57
Reaction, error-free 83
Reaction, psychic 56
Reaction, simple 57
Reaction, time, mean 57—58 72—73 83—85
Reciprocal information of two events 86
Recreative problems viii xii xix 101 106 108 137
Redundancy estimates for a language 185 188 190—191 see
Redundancy estimates for business texts 211
Redundancy estimates for literary texts 210—215
Redundancy estimates for melody 223
Redundancy estimates for speech 216
Redundancy estimates for speech, relationship with that of written language 221
Redundancy estimates for, television images 231—237
Redundancy estimates for, typed text 240—241 244
Redundancy, zero 188 213
Reza, F.M. 179 404
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) 254
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), messenger (mRNA) 254—255
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), molecule, information transmission through 254—255
Ribosomes 253—254
Rich, A. 257 402
Ring 369 374
Ring, commutative 369 374(fn)
Ring, euclidean 376(fn)
Ring, field as a 375
Ring, order of 377—378
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