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Yaglom A.M., Yaglom I.M. — Probability and Information |
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Roceric, A. 195 213—214 403
Roland, M. 224 404
Rosenbaum, M.D. 191 210 403
Rourke, R.E.K. 2 167 399
Rumanian language, entropy estimates for 209—210 214
Rumanian language, letter-guessing experiments for 196
Rumanian speech, low-order entropy estimates for 220—221
Russian alphabets 139 194
Russian language, letter-guessing experiments for 196
Russian language, redundancy estimates for 196—201
Russian literary texts, guessing method for 199—201
Russian speech, entropy of phonemes in 220
Russian telegraphic text 212
Russian tetrametric iambic verse 213
Rychkova, N. 199 404
Rytov, S.M. xiv
Sacks, G.E. 326 407
Sala, C. 195 213—214 403
Samoyan language, entropy and redundancy estimates for 196
Sardinas, A.A. 140 400
Savchuk, A.P. 190 404
Schober, H. 250 404
Schoenberg, A. 224
Schreiber, W.F. 231—233 235—236 404
Schreider, Yu.A. xvii 398
Schubert, F. 224
Schumann, R. 224
Semantic information xvii 216 218—219 221(fn) 228—229
Sense organs, information receiving capacity of 250—251
Set(s), comparison of 39
Set(s), complement of a 39—40
Set(s), empty 38
Set(s), intersection of 38 40
Set(s), ordering of 40
Set(s), product of 38
Set(s), sum of 37
Set(s), super- 43
Set(s), union of 37 40 90
Shaker, M.M. 194 403
Shannon's approach see "Entropy"
Shannon's coding theorem see "Coding"
Shannon, Betti 210
Shannon, C.E. vii viii xii xviii 53—56 96 147ff. 150 158 171 180—181 186—192 195 197—198 201—202 204 209—210 212 215 236—237 247—248 250 259 270 274—275 281—283 291 301 305 314(fn) 333 398 404 406
Shaw, Bernard 217
Shestopal, G.A. xiv
Shklarsky, D.O. 111 116 400
Signal (s) 137 251
Signal (s), binary 149 157
Signal (s), check 310 312—313 315 336 345
Signal (s), distortion of 247—248 258—259
Signal (s), elementary 138—139 146—148 151 155 251 254 285(fn)
Signal (s), elementary, average number of 142 147—148 155—156
Signal (s), error-free transmission of 265
Signal (s), information 310 312—313 336 345
Signal (s), maximal level of 248
Signal (s), probabilistic average value of 148
Simon, J. 192 203 403
Siromoney, G.C. 191 197—198 214 224 404 405
Slepian, D. 299 306 323 333 338 346 406 407
Sloane, N.J.A. 305 333 338 346 407
Smirnov, O.L. 212 405
Snell, J.L. 398
Sorting of objects 122
Space, Euclidean 387
Space, metric 387
Space, subspace, linear (or vector) 320—321 384—385
Space, vector 319 381
Space, vector, dimension of 382
Spanish language, "first-order approximation" to 193
Spanish language, letter frequency in 193
Speech melodies see "Melody"
Spencer, R.V. 237 405
Sphere, disjoint, equal, closest packing of 389
Sphere, Hamming 338 340—342 389
Stambler, S.Z. xvii
Statistical regularities, role of in communication lines 55
Steinhaus, H. 120 400
Stevens, S.S. 216 403
Subgroup, cyclic 369
Subgroup, index of 369
Subramanian, R. 197—198 214 404—405
Subspace linear (or vector) 320—321 384—385
Sumby, W.H. 198 212 401
Suppes, P. xvii 397
Swedish language, redundancy estimates for 195
Syllable 208
Systematic errors 26 32
Sziklai, G.C. 250 405
Taha, E.H. 194 403
Tamil alphabets 197—198
| Tarnoczy, T. 213—214 405
Television images xiii see see
Temnikov, F.E. 248 405
Ternary number system 147
Tetrahedron, throw of 25 90 93
Text words, statistical relationship between 207
Thesarus xvii
Thomas, G.B. 2 167 399
Thompson, G.L. 398
Thorndike dictionary 59
Thorndike, e.l. 59 186 405
Thymine 253—255
Tietaevaeinen, A. 342 407
Tokura, N. 407
Tolstoy, L.N. 194
Total probability equation 360
Transformations, elementary see "Matrix"
Transmission band width 247
Trials 1
Trials, mutually independent 31
Triangle inequality 387
Tsannes, N.S. 237 405
Tsukkerman, I.I. 233 235—236 403
Tsybakov, B.S. xvii
Uncertainty, degree of 44—45 56—57
Uncertainty, entropy as a measure of the amount of 44f.
Uncertainty, mean value of 54
Uncertainty, measurement see also "Entropy"
Uncertainty, measurement in binary unit (bit) 45—46
Uncertainty, measurement in decimal unit (dit) xv 46
Uncertainty, measurement, Hartley's viewpoint 53 125
Uncertainty, measurement, Shannon's approach to 53
Unit(s), binary (bit) 45—46
Unit(s), cube 389
Unit(s), decimal (dit) xv 46
Upper bound, Hamming 339
Upper bound, Varshamov — Gilbert 316 336—337
Uracil 254—255 257
Urbach, V.Yu. 187 405
Urn problem(s) xii 2—3 42 51
Uspenski, V.A. xiv 219 405
van Lint, J.H. 305 333 338 346 407
Variables, random see "Random variables"
Variance 27—34 36
Varshamov — Gilbert, inequality 316 327—328 335—337 345
Varshamov — Gilbert, upper bound 316 336—337
Varshamov, R.R. 316 407
Vasiliev, R.R. 242—243 405
Vector space 319 381
Vector space, dimension of 382
Vector(s), coordinates of a 342
Vector(s), linearly dependent 386
Vector(s), linearly independent 386
Vector(s), null 366
Vector-column 366
Vector-row 366
Voinescu, I. 209 220 401 405
Wanas, M.A. 194 403
Waugh, N.C. 196 210—211 214 404
Weather experiments 52
weather forecast 53 77
Webern, A. 224
Welch, L.R. 256 402
Weldon, E.Y. 305 333 336—338 342 346 407
Welford, A.T. 85 399
Weltner, K. 177 191—192 211 405
Wiener, N. 398
Wolfowitz, J. 281 290 398
Woodward, P.O. xii 247—248 398
Words as blocks 208
Words, space between 203
Wozencraft, S.M. 247—249 306 333 338 346 398
Wright, Earnest Vincent 178
Wright, W.V. 223—224 226 401
Yaglom A.M. xvii 15 42 177 397 399 405
Yaglom, I.M. 15 42 111 116 177 399 400 405
Ycas, M. 256—258 402 405
Yekimov, A.V. 212 405
Yockey, H.P. 398 402
Youngblood, J.E. 224 405
Zaidman, R.A. 215
Zaremba, S.K. 290—291 406
Zaripov, R.Kh. 224 228 405
Zayed, A.I. 194 403
Zierler, N. 342 406
Zinder, L.R. xiv 405
Zinoviev, V.A. 306 333 338 342 346 407
Zipf principle 209
Zipf, G.K. 209 405
Zitek, F. 403
Zvonkin, A.K. xvii 398
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