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Harmuth H.F. — Sequency theory: foundations and applications |
Предметный указатель |
Abraham 236
Acoustic imaging, principle 190
Action-at-a-distance 419
Ahmed 37
Albers 367
Alexits 25
Alternating process 51
Ambiguity-free interval 341
Amplitude diagrams, computer plots 369 370
Amplitude diagrams, defined 267
Amplitude reversal, experimental 317
Andrews 10 162 178 493
Angular resolution, classical limit 357 360
Aperture, defined 196
Array, curved surface 218
Attenuation, coefficients 125
Attenuation, function of frequency 356
Attenuation, seawater 367
Average period 9
Average wavelength 9
Banach 25
Barker code 337
Barker-like codes 117
Barto 419
Baseband signal design defined 331
Bass 483
Bay less 489
Beam pattern, defined 197
Beam pattern, two-dimensional 200
Becker 236
Bell 2
Berauer 158
Bernoulli polynomials 22
Bessel inequality 24
Besslich 145 146
Best transform 158 178
Block pulses defined 22
Bolyai 16
Bonola 16
Boucher 485
Briotta 492
Brown 62 491 495
Bur man 484
Butz 487
Butzer 405
Cable television 165
Calculus of propositions 97
Campanella 493
Carl 183
Carrick 496
Carrier design 269 331 343
Cells of uncertainty 415
Chambers 167
Channel capacity 287
Chao 493
Chapman 301 306 307
Character group 2 14 95
Chen 493
Cherry 2
Chirp radar 340
Chirp radar, Doppler resolution 343
Chirp radar, receiver 344
circular polarization 273
Clark 167 168
Clarke 496
Clorfeine 244
Closed system 24
Coiffard 484
Columbus 2
Complete system 24
Contour effect 225
Copernicus 2
Courant 421 437
Crittenden 51
Cross-bar, principle 181
Cross-bar, sampler 182
Cuccia 2
Curl, defined 452
D'Alembert 11 389 404
Davis 25
Dawes 421
Decker 400
Deferent 1
Delay feedback loop 315 317 319
Despain 400
Diagonalization, cross correlation 325
Dierks 203
Difference equation, finite spherical functions 428 470
Difference equation, matrix representation 424
Difference equation, stationary solutions 421
Difference operators, defined 422
Diffraction grating, time invariant 400
Diffraction grating, time variable 401
Diffraction pattern, defined 197
Dirac matrices, defined 452
Direct radiation 330
Direction finding diagram 362
dispersion 331 393
Distance measurement 415
Distance measuring effect 247
Djadjunova 489
Doppler effect 271
Doppler receiver 318
Douglas 421 437
Dyadic group 34 97 404
Dyadic shifting, practical examples 87
Dyadic space-time defined 405
Dyadic topology defined 405
Dyadic wave equation 404
Effective aperture 360 397
Effective duration of signals 396
Efficient radiators 299
Eigencoordinates, defined 412 413
Electric quadrupole 250
Electric quadrupole, two-dimensional 255
Electromagnetic waves underwater 292
Elementary unit of length 417
Elliott 485 495
End fire antenna 310
Energy axiom 73
Enomoto 172
Epicycle 1 2 7
Euclidean geometry 16
Eudoxus 1
Evans 496
Exchange proton/neutron 412
Fahrenschon 494
Far-zone, defined 237 242
Farber 485
Feedback delay filter 315
Feedback radiator 302
Focusing 204
Focusing, cartesian coordinates 210 213
Focusing, without approximation 216
Force-free particle 422 425
FOURIER 13 389
Fourier transform, circuits 29
Fourier transform, sampled version 27
Fowle 8
Frank 357 369 370 387
Fredman 492
Frequency multiplex, imaging 221
Friedrichs 486
Gabor 189
Gaubatz 28
Get-lost-line 302
Gibbs 64 93 404
Gibbs differentiation 404
Gibbs phenomenon 6 7
Giem 231
| Global Functions 51
Golden 403
Goulet 490 495
Gouy 13
Grad, defined 452
Graeme 141
Granger 393
Green 73 107 486
Guinn 73 497
Guldberg 429 432 446 496
Gupta 489
Haar functions 51
hadamard 46
Hadamard matrices 46
Hall 484 489
Hamming distance 97 405
Harger 360
Harmuth 189 219 233 249 285 293 319 393 394 403 404 421 486
Harwitt 400 490
Hatori 495
Hayakawa 494
Helix radiators 297 300
Hertz 4
Hertzian dipole arrays 293
Hertzian electric dipole 235
Hertzian magnetic dipole 248
High-power radiators 305
Hildebrand 493
Hoelder theorem 416
Homogeneous space 97
Homogeneous time 97
Hong 317 490
Hsiao 485
Huygens 13 400
Hypergeometric difference equation 429
Ideal absorber 284
Ikola 486
Image, three-dimensional 233
Independence relation, defined 421
Induction field, defined 237
Inokuchi 185 187
Integer number, space-time, defined 405
Integer number, topology, defined 405
Integrator 141
Interference fading 284
Interferometry 276
Intermediate sequency filter 321
Intuition in science 397
Ireland 404
Ishida 491
James 403
Jauch 15 97
Johnson 485
Jones 40 167
Joseph 485
Kamal 489
Kamaya 484
Kane 493
Karhunen — Loeve transform 153 158 159 172
Kelley 421
Kepler 2
Kirisawa 492
Kisslo 349
Kitai 7 146 147 487 495
Knauer 231 232
Koestler 1
Kraus 168—171
Kronecker product, defined 46
Lally 285 317
Landau 417
Largest voltage detector 328
Legendre polynomials 23
Levy 490
Lewy 486
Liedl 8
Line array 0
Line array, radiation 259
Line array, reception 265
Linear independence 18
Linear operator, defined 124
Liquid crystal scanner 185
Liu 485
Lobachevski 16
Local functions 51
Lochs 8
Lohman 173 174
Long-wire radiator 307
Lopez de Zavalia 139
Lopresti 483
Lorentz convention 236
Lorentz geometry 407 415
Lorentz invariance 272 273
Loretan 484
Lyle 173 174
Lynch 168 173 174
Magellan 2
Magnetic loops 296
Magnetic quadrupole 257
Maile 491
Mann 8
Manz 73
Mar burger 421 486
march 417
Marland 2
Matrix representation, difference equation 424
Matsumo 172 494
Maurer 487
Maxwell 33
Mean-square-deviation 23
Melzer 54 490
Metric 406 419
Milne — Thomson 420 429 477
Misner 15 97 417
Miyata 487
MKSA system, units 235
Mobile communications 311
Modulo 2 addition defined 33
Mohamed 213 215
Morita 187 489
Moro 139 491
Morris 231
Multipath transmission 284
Multiplexing, acoustic processing 219
Multiplexing, representative numbers 226
Multiplier 140 209 217
Murty 489
Narasima Raju 146
Narrow relative bandwidth 330 331
Nawrath 158 484
Near-zone, defined 237 242
Near-zone, effects 246
Nichols 486
Nielsen 476
Nightingale 487
Noble 231
Noda 173 174
Nonperiodic waves, resonance 293
Nonsymmetric polarity effects 283
Nopoli 486
Noqchi 484
Norlund 416 429 432 446 476 477
Objections of journal reviewers 392
Octupole 251
Octupole, mode delay 304
Ohira 172 494
Ohta 44
Optical sampling 179
Orthogonal, defined 7 18
Orthogonal, finite number of sampling points 25
Orthogonal, shift invariance 311
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