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Harmuth H.F. — Sequency theory: foundations and applications |
Предметный указатель |
Orthonormal 18
Osborne 8
Paley 37 51
Paley functions 50
Parabolic mirror 279
Parseval's theorem 24
Paul 490
Pauli 417
PCM television 163
Pearlman 265
Peierls 417 490
Perpendicular mirrors 279—281
Phillips 490
Pichler 8 44 90 92 121
Pinkert 8
Planar wave detection 194 195
Plato 1
Polar coordinate filter 158
Polarity symmetry defined 283
Posner 73
Power diagram defined 267
Poynting's vector 238 252 256 261
Pratt 73 177
Preservation of information 125
Prokhorov 219
Propagation, frequency dependence 330
Proportionality law 124
Propositional calculus 15
Ptolemy 1 2
Pulse compression 340
Pulse compression, defined 19
Pulse compression, density 343
Quadratically integrable 24
Quadrupole, electric 250 255
Quadrupole, magnetic 257
Quadrupole, mode delay 302
Quarternary space-time 414
Quatember 121 493
Radar, chirp 340
Radar, chirp receiver 344
Radar, chirp-Doppler 343
Radar, Doppler receiver 318
Radar, Doppler resolution 337
Radar, ground clutter 284
Radar, into-the-ground 283 307
Radar, line-of-sight 331
Radar, over-the-horizon 269 330 356 368 376
Radar, random signal 395
Radar, range resolution 333 336
Radar, reflector discrimination 278
Radar, side-looking 332 360
Radar, signature 393
Radar, sine carrier 332
Radar, synthetic aperture 397
Radar, target analysis 283
Radar, Walsh carrier 334
Radar, wide band signals 330
Rademacher functions, defined 32
Radiation resistance 242 253 256
Radio channels, nonperiodic waves 292
Radio channels, nonsinusoidal carriers 292
Radio channels, number of 285
Radio sequency filter 320
Raman 146
Range-doppler domain 335
Rao 483
Rayleigh 13
Real number, space-time defined 405
Real number, topology defined 405
Receiver operating characteristics 376
Reception, curved surface 218
Receptor array, angular resolution 347
Receptor array, sampled 361
Reflected wave 280
Reich 493
Reis 173 174
resonant antennas 298 302
Resonant dipole 305
Retter 153
Richtmyer 421 437
Riemann geometries 16
Rihaczek 333
Roszeitis 185 188
Sakurai 187 491
Sample-and-hold circuit 141
Samples, denumerable 26
Samples, finite number 25
Samples, nondenumerable 26
Sampling axiom 72
Sampling method, integration variety 376
Sampling method, linear transformation 382
Sanders 486
Sandy 8 483
Sanguine 292
Sarry 111
Sauter 236 484
Scattered waves 280
Schiff 452
Schilling 2 495
Schreiber 8 43 483
Schrodinger 406 414
Schuster 13
Searle 79 491
Searle operation 65 66
Sectorial power 239
Selective reception 314
Semeran 493
Senina 489
Sequency converter 32
Sequency filters, band-pass 142
| Sequency filters, band-stop 138
Sequency filters, high-pass 142
Sequency filters, low-pass 138
Sequency, defined 8
Sergeev 486
Series expansions, finite number of samples 25
Series expansions, nondenumerable samples 23
Shah 487
Shannon 287
Shibata 172 177 487
Shifting, dyadic 407
Shifting, integer number 407
Shifting, modulo 4 415
Showalter 483
Shreider 493
Sidelobe suppression function 117
Signal design defined 331
Sinus, Latin meaning 399
Sinusoidal wave, efficient generation 348
Skolnik 333
Skudrzyk 367
Slant functions 174 175
smith 485
SNR 374
Snyder 417
Sobel 244
Sokoloff 484
Sommerfeld 9 436
Sonar, carrier free 349
Soroko 400
Space-time continuum, experimental check 406
Space-time models 404
Special theory of relativity 15
Spetner 249 308
Sphere of focus 207 219
Spherical wavefronts 204
Spread spectrum communications 42 292 330
Stability condition 421
Stafford 487
Static field, defined 237
Stationary solution, defined 421
Steinhaus 490
Sterzer 244 495
Stratton 236
Street 496
Strip-line radiators 304
Stumpers 8
Superheterodyne principle 319
Superposition law 124
Swanson 486
Swartwood 183 485
Swick 485
Sylvester 46
Synchronous reception 321
Taki 489
Talaljan 484
Taub 2
Television data compression 163
Ter-Fourier transform 156 157
Thorne 491
Thurstone 349 496
Time filter, acoustic imaging 224
Time filter, variability, examples 70
Time filter, variable radiator 299
Topologic group 95
Topology of space-time, experimental check 406
Tracking loop for Walsh waves 322
Trakhman 38
Transforms, comparison 158 178
Transient radiation 240
Transmission rate of information 286 287
Trapatt diode 244 332 346
TV compression, three-dimensional 230
Unipole 251
Van Valkenburg 2
Vanasse 400
Vasco da Gama 2
Venturini 492
Vicoder, defined 163
Voelcker 8
Voltage classifier 329
von Ramm 349 490
Wagner 405 485
Walker 167 168
Wallenberg 429 432 446
Wallis 48
Walsh 8
Walsh functions, definitions 6 21 29
Walsh functions, Gray code 36
Walsh functions, notation 35 37
Walsh functions, shift theorem 43
Walsh wave receiver 317 319
Wann 486
Waters 490
Wave impedance Zq 235
Waveform discriminator 321
Waveforms, average power transmitted 348
Weiss 8
Welch 73 493 495
Wheeler 491
Whelchel 73
Wiener — Khintchine theorem 92
Woodward 333
World line 407
Yoshifumi 489
Yuen 146 370 490
Zeek 483
Zinner 1
Zitterbewegung 413
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