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Spears W.M. — Evolutionary Algorithms. The Role of Mutation and Recombination |
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Aggregation 148 153 169 190 207 211
Aggregation algorithm, aggregation error 181—183
Aggregation algorithm, column equivalence 171 177—179
Aggregation algorithm, column similarity 182
Aggregation algorithm, perfect aggregation 171 176—180
Aggregation algorithm, row equivalence 171 176—177
Aggregation algorithm, row similarity 181
Aggregation algorithm, similarity metric 181—183
Allele, definition 9
Analyses, dynamic 129—190
Analyses, empirical 193—201
Analyses, static 39—126
Antibody/antigen 32
Artificial immune systems 32
Belew, R. 19
Bernoulli trials 140
Bias, distributional 13 122—125
Bias, exploratory power 118—121
Bias, length 12—13 121
Bias, positional 13 121—122
Binomial distribution 13 102 124 140
Binomial expansion 55 69 98
Booker, L. 14 19 44 117 121—126 130
Boolean satisfiability 21—28 35 200—201 209
Box, G. 4
Bui, T. 13
Building block see "Schema"
Cardinality, definition 9
Christiansen, F. 130
Chromosome, definition 9
Column equivalence 171 177—179
Column similarity 182
Compression see "Aggregation"
Conjunctive normal form 21 35 200—201 209
Construction, definition 59
Constructive advantage 107
Crossover see "Recombination"
Dasgupta, D. 4
Davidor, Y. 15 33 201
Davis, L. 4
Davis, T. 159
Dayar, T. 188
De Jong, K. 12 16 26 27 43 44 46 56 156 161 184 185 196 199 209
Deb, K. 149 151
Defining length, definition 10
Defining positions, definition 10
Deterministic selection 7
Disjunctive normal form 35 200—201
Disruption, definition 41
Distribution, binomial 13 102 124 140
Distribution, multinomial 162
Distribution, Poisson 124
Distributional bias 13 122—125
Diversity, framework 47—51
Dynamic analyses 129—190
Dynamic analyses of mutation 137—144
Dynamic analyses of mutation and recombination 144—145
Dynamic analyses of recombination 129—137
Dynamic analyses of selection and mutation 147—153
Dynamic analyses of selection, mutation, and recombination 155—168
Elitism 7—8 160
Empirical analyses 193—201
Epistasis 15 25—28 32—35 198—201
Equations of motion 147 207
Eshelman, L. 4 8 13 15 33 117—126
Evolutionary algorithms 3
Evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategies 7—8
Evolutionary algorithms, evolutionary programming 6—7
Evolutionary algorithms, example 4—6
Evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms 8
Evolutionary algorithms, genetic programming 4 208
Evolutionary computation 3
Executable model 153
Expected number of offspring framework 56—58
Expected waiting time, definition 159
Exploratory power 118—121
Fitness 3
Fitness, scaling 160 195
fitness, sharing 28—32
Fitness-proportional selection 8 39 147 160 195
Fogel, D. 14 15 155 198
Fogel, L. 4 6 11 195
Fraser, A. 4 11
Fukuda, T. 32
Garey, M. 26
Geiringer's theorem 13 129 138 145
Gene, definition 9
Genetic algorithms 8
Genetic programming 4 208
Giordana, A. 28
Goldberg, D. 4 10 29 39 149 151 156 195
Grefenstette, J. 4
Hamiltonian circuit problem 26—28 32—35 208
Hamming distance 15 150 195
Hart, W. 19
Holland, J. 4 8—12 39 56 147 195
Homogeneity, framework 47—51
Howe, E. 188
Hyperplane see "Schema"
Johnson, C. 188
Johnson, D. 26
Jones, T. 15 194
Kemeny, J. 188
Kennedy, J. 201
Koehler, G. 161
Koza, J. 4 6 208
labels 29—32
Length bias 12—13 121
Limiting distribution for mutation 137—144
Limiting distribution for mutation and recombination 144—145
Limiting distribution for recombination 129—137
Locus, definition 9
Lumping see "Aggregation"
Macready, W. 19 34
Mahfoud, S. 28
Markov chain, aggregation 169—190
Markov chain, ergodic 140 161
| Markov chain, expected waiting time 159
Markov chain, mean passage time time 158
Markov chain, probability transition matrix 157 169 187 189
Markov chain, states 156
Markov chain, steady-state behavior 159 162 169 188 189
Markov chain, steady-state distribution 140—142 161 189
Markov chain, transient behavior 157—169 187—189
Mean passage time, definition 158
Michalewicz, Z. 4
Miller, R. 197
Mitchell, D. 199 209
Moon, B. 13
Muehlenbein, H. 130
Muller, H. 149
Multimodal problem generator 194—198 210
Multimodality 15 24—25 32—35 152 163—168 193—201
Multinomial distribution 162
Mutation 14
Mutation, definition 83
Mutation, rate 83
n-point recombination 12
Neri, F. 28
Nimwegen, E. 149
Nix, A. 159 160 169 206
No free lunch 19—20 34 81 82 111 113 206
O'Reilly, U.-M. 208
One-point recombination 11
Order, definition 10
Payoff see "Fitness"
Peaks see "Multimodality"
Perfect aggregation 171 176—180
Performance see "Fitness"
Pleiotropy 14 25 35 198 200
Poisson distribution 124
Polygeny 14 25 35 198 200
Population diversity, framework 47—51
Population homogeneity, framework 47—51
Portuguese 29
Positional bias 13 121—122
Premature convergence 28
Principe, J. 159
Probability transition matrix 187 189
Probability transition matrix, definition 157 169
probes 209
Radioactive decay 142—144
Random -SAT problems 199
Rechenberg, I. 4 7 14 195
Recombination 11—14
Recombination, n-point 12
Recombination, one-point 11
Recombination, Rate 196
Recombination, two-point 12
Recombination, uniform 13
Rees, J. 161
Rendell, L. 210
Restricted mating 28—32
Richardson, J. 29
Robbins' equilibrium 129—137 144—146 207 208
Row equivalence 171 176—177
Row similarity 181
Rudolph, G. 159
Ryan, C. 29
Satisfiability 21—28 35 200—201 209
Scaling 160 195
Schaffer, D. 4 8 15 33
Schema, construction 59
Schema, defining length 10
Schema, defining positions 10
Schema, definition 10
Schema, disruption 41
Schema, order 10
Schema, survival 41
Schwefel, H.-P. 4 7 14 19 195
Score see "Fitness"
Segre, A. 210
Segrest, D. 156
Selection, deterministic 7
Selection, fitness-proportional 8 39 147 160 195
Selection, tournament 7
Sharing 28—32
Similarity metric for aggregation 181—183
Similarity metric for speciation 28—30
Situation, definition 59
Smith, G. 22
Smith, R. 32
Smith, S. 4
Snell, J. 188
Spears, W. 8 27 29 31 114 161 185 201
Speciation 28—32
Stark, H. 41
States, definition 156
Static analyses 39—126
Static analyses of mutation 83—100
Static analyses of mutation and recombination 101—126
Static analyses of recombination 39—82
Static analyses steady-state behavior 159 162 169 188 189
Static analyses steady-state distribution 140—142 161 189
Stewart, W. 169 187 188
Subpopulation see "Speciation"
Success probability 14
Survival, definition 41
Suzuki, J. 159
Syswerda, G. 13 46 49 54 59
Tag bits 30—32
Test-problem generator 17 20 34 194 200 206 210
Tournament selection 7
Transient behavior 157—169 187—189
Two-point recombination 12
Uniform equilibrium 137—146 207
Uniform recombination 13
Utility see "Fitness"
Vose, M. 159 160 169 188 206
Whitley, D. 4 153
Winston, W. 138 158
Wolpert, D. 19
Woods, J. 41
Wu, A. 153
Wu, W. 188
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