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Поиск книг, содержащих: Elastic constants
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Heinbockel J.H. — Introduction to tensor calculus and continuum mechanics | 243, 248 | Frenkel D., Smit B. — Understanding Molecular Simulation: from algorithms to applications | 519 | Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) | 91 | Murnaghan F.D. — Finite deformation of an elastic solid | 65 | Johnson K.L. — Contact mechanics | 110 | Leach A.R. — Molecular Modelling Principles and Applications | 240, 296—297 | Chow W.W., Koch S.W. — Semiconductor-laser fundamentals | 189 | Elliott R.J., Gibson A.F. — An Introduction to Solid State Physics and Its Applications | 60 | Mayer J.E., Mayer M.G. — Statistical Mechanics | 259—261 | Raabe D. — Computational materials science | 90, 92, 131 ff | Harrison W.A. — Elementary electronic structure | 108ff (see also “Bulk modulus”) | Jones R.M. — Mechanics of composite materials | see also “Compliances”, “Engineering constants”, “Stiffnesses” | Planck M. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics | 181 | Ewald P.P. — The physics of solids and fluids | 44, 45 | Feodosiev V.I. — Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis | 39 | De Gennes P.G., Prost J. — The Physics of Liquid Crystals | 102—105 | Koerber G.G. — Properties of Solids | 161—163, 165, 166, 169—170 | Seitz F. — Modern Theory of Solids | 94ff. | Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure | 104, 604 | Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.2) | II-39-6, II-39-10 f | Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics | 49, 50 | Achenbach J.D. — Wave propagation in elastic solids | 54 | Courant R., Hilbert D. — Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2 | 707 | Gruener G. — Density waves in solids | 55 | Charles S.Barrett — Structure of Metals | 268, 278, 453—458 | Lekhnickii S.G. — Theory of elasticity of an anisotropic body | 27ff, 48, 525, 583, 63f, 70 | Ziman J.M. — Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids | 50 | Boon J.P., Yip S. — Molecular hydrodynamics | see also “Shear and bulk moduli”, 34 | Ding H., Chen W., Zhang L. — Elasticity of Transversely Isotropic Materials | 19, 20, 23, 103, 112, 118, 150, 152, 188, 294, 306, 307, 329, 338 | Sokolnikoff I.S. — Tensor Analysis: Theory and Applications to Geometry and Mechanics of Continua | 317 | Wilson A.J.C. — X-ray optics;: The diffraction of X-rays by finite and imperfect crystals | 120, 122, 129, 132—133 | Martin R.M. — Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and Practical Methods | 21, 22, 390 | Slater J.C., Frank N.H. — Mechanics | 213—223 | Guinier A., Mauguin C., Kathleen F.R. — X-Ray Crystallographic Technology | 217, 243 | Hercules Proceedings (Vol. I) (unknown book) | 199, 18 | Bijvoet J.M., Kolkmeyer N.H., Macgillavry C.H. — X-Ray Analysis of Crystals | 274 | Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids | 127 | Kleinert H. — Gauge fields in condensed matter (part 4) | 752, 757, 761, 921 | Seitz F. — The Physics of Metals | 67ff. | Mayer J.E., Goeppert Mayer M. — Statistical mechanics | 259—261 | McQuarrie D.A. — Statistical Mechanics | 206 | Goldsmid H.J. (ed.) — Problems in solid state physics | 4.7, 5.4 | Richards P.I. — Manual of Mathematical Physics | 17, 18, 37, 43, 191, 215 | Biederman H., Kothe G., Lazar M. — Polymer Physics | 28, 46 | Ferrario M., Ciccotti G., Binder K. — Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter Systems. Volume 2 | 167, 195, 196, 291 | Callen H.B. — Thermodynamics | see "Elastic stiffness coefficients" | Schwarzenbach D. — Crystallography | 182, 198 | Hoover W.G. — Molecular Dynamics | 59 | Hearn E.J. — Mechanics of Materials (vol. 1) An Introduction to the Mechanics of Elastic and Plastic Deformation of Solids and Structural Materials | 361, 367 | Wilson A.H. — The Theory of Metals | 75 | Slater J., Frank N. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics | 181 | Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2 | II-39-6, II-39-10 f | Iwamoto M., Chen-Xu W. — The Physical Properties of Organic Monolayers | 119 |