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Achenbach J.D. — Wave propagation in elastic solids |
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Abel integral equation 363 364
Abramowitz, M. 241 277
Acceleration, convected part 13
Acceleration, in material description 13
Acceleration, in spatial description 13
Achenbach, J.D. 29 159 241 380 398 409
Amplitude, coefficients 38
Amplitude, modulation 216
Amplitude, of harmonic wave 30
Amplitude, ratios 175 177 179 184
Anisotropy 409
Antinode 32
Antiplane line-load, in an unbounded medium 107 156
Antiplane line-load, on a half-space 283 359
Antiplane shear motions 58
Apparent wavenumber, phase velocity 170
Arenberg, D.L. 177
Argument, principle of 189
Armenakas, A.E. 240 244 248
Asymptotic approximations 271—283 288
Attenuation, due to thermoelastic coupling 394
Attenuation, due to viscoelastic behavior 403
Axial shear motions 136 148
Baker, B.B. 102
Balance of energy 16
Balance of linear momentum 15 51
Balance of moment of momentum 52
Basic singular solutions 96 105
Bath, M. 294
Bernoulli-Euler beam 251
Biot, M.A. 211
Bishop, R.E.D. 176
Bland, D.R. 412
Bleich, H.H. 318
Bleustein, J.L. 251
Body forces 51 89
Boley, B.A. 392 396
boundary conditions 56 82
Branches of frequency spectrum 206
Brekhovskikh, L.M. 9
Brillouin, L. 35
Bullen, K.E. 9
Cagniard, L. 9 195
Cagniard-de Hoop method 298—301
Carrier, G.F. 42 264 272 273
Center of compression 101
Chadwick, P. 391
Chao, C.C 318
Chaplygin's transformation 154
Characteristics, method of 148—154 413
Chou, P.C 154
Christensen, R.M. 399 402
Circular frequency 31
Clay, C.S. 9 278
Clifton, R.J. 154
Completeness theorem 85
complex modulus 402
Complex notation 32
Continuum mechanics, general discussion 4
Continuum mechanics, nonlinear, in one dimension 11—20
Copson, E.T. 102
Cosine transform 270 347
Courant, R. 148
Crandall, S.H. 127 196 254
Critescu, N. 409
Critical angle of incidence 179
Curtis, C.W. 345
Curvilinear coordinates 68—73
Cylindrical rods, approximate theories for 249—254
Cylindrical rods, flexural waves in 246—249
Cylindrical rods, impact of 344—353
Cylindrical rods, longitudinal waves in 242—246
Cylindrical rods, torsional waves in 241—242
Cylindrical rods, waves in 236—249
D'Alembert solution 91
Davies, R.M. 245 249 344
de Hoop, A.T. 105 109 298 369
Deformation 11 50
Deresiewicz, H. 253 394
Diffraction by a slit, of a longitudinal wave 380—388
Diffraction by a slit, of a transverse wave 372—380
Dilatational wave see “Longitudinal wave”
Dirac delta function 90
dispersion 31
Dispersion, anomalous 218
Dispersion, due to thermoelastic coupling 394
Dispersion, in viscoelastic media 403 404
Dispersion, in waveguides 203 205
Dispersion, normal 218
Displacement 11 50
Displacement, gradient 12
Displacement, potentials 65 85
Displacement, representation 85
Divergence theorem 50
Dix, C.H. 9 195
Eason, G. 301
Eckart, C 278
Elastic constants 54
Elasticity 16 52
Elastodynamic, solution 93
Elastodynamic, state 80
Elastodynamic, theory 79
Energy, balance of 16
Energy, flux of 33 166
Energy, identity 59
Energy, partition of 181
Energy, transport 208
Equations of motion, displacement 16 18 56
Equations of motion, in material description 16
Equations of motion, in spatial description 16
Equations of motion, stress 16 55
Equivoluminal wave see “Transverse waves”
Erdelyi, A. 273 278 297 331
Euler equations 62
Ewing, W.M. 9 186 220 294
Exponential transforms 264—269
Fang, S.J. 241
Felder, R.A. 309
Feshbach, H. 62
Flinn, E.A. 9 195
Fluid, ideal 78
Flux of energy 33 166 209
Folk, R. 345
Forrestal, M.J. 309
Fourier, cosine transform 270 347
Fourier, exponential transform 265 284 291 333
Fourier, integral theorem 40 264
Fourier, integrals 39 273
Fourier, series 37
Fourier, sine transform 270 347
Fox, G. 345
Fracture 379
Frequency, circular 31
Frequency, cut-off 207
Frequency, equation 205 223
Frequency, fundamental 33
Frequency, spectrum 206 226 240
Friedlander, F.G. 139
Fugelso, L.E. 309
Fulton, J. 301
Function, Airy 278
Function, analytic 263
Function, entire 263
Function, regular 263
Fung, Y.C 254 255
Gakenheimer, D.C 318
Gauss' theorem 49
Gazis, D.C 240 244 248
Geometrical optics 139
Goodier, J.N. 145 176
| Governing equations, in cylindrical coordinates 73—75
Governing equations, in rectangular coordinates 66—68
Governing equations, in spherical coordinates 75—77
Governing equations, linearized 17—21 50—59
Governing equations, nonlinear 11—17
Green's function 111 359
Green, W.A. 249
Group velocity 210 211 216—218
Guided waves 202
Half-space, subjected to, antiplane surface disturbances 283 358
Half-space, subjected to, in-plane line load 289 303
Half-space, subjected to, normal point load 310
Half-space, subjected to, uniform surface tractions 21
Hamilton's principle 61
Handelman, G.H. 379
Hankel transform 270 311 343
Harmonic waves 30 115 124 132 136 165 202
Harmonics 33
Head wave 307 388
Heat conduction 392 398
Helmholtz', decomposition 88
Helmholtz', equation 116
Helmholtz', first (interior) formula 117
Helmholtz', second (exterior) formula 117
Hemann, J.H. 29
Herrmann, G. 240 244 248
Hilbert, D. 148
Historical sketch 8
Homogeneous, solid 52
Homogeneous, solutions 154
Hooke's law 53
Hopkinson, B. 27
Huyghens' principle 95
Imaging 112 113
impact 344
Incident wave 165 373 380
Indicial notation 47
Ingard, K.U. 9
Inhomogeneous plane waves 125
Initial conditions 56
Integral representations 103 109
Integral transforms 262—271
Irrotational wave see “Transverse waves”
Isotropy 52
Jahsman, W.E. 145
Jardetzky, W.S. 9 186 220 294
Jeffreys, B.C 279
Jeffreys, H. 47 279
Jones, D.S. 102
Jones, R.P.N. 339
Jordan's lemma 42
Karnopp, D.C 254
Keller, H. 139 144
Kinematical condition of compatibility 142
kinetic energy 17 24 60
Kirchhoff's formula 102
Knowles, J.K. 194
Koenig, H.A. 154
Koiter, W.T. 371
Kolsky, H. 9 417
Kraut, E.A. 411
Kromm, A. 138
Kronecker delta 48
Krook, M. 42 264 272
Kurtz, E.F. 254
Lagrangian density 61
Lamb's problem, for a time-harmonic line load 289—295
Lamb's problem, for a transient line load 303—309
Lamb's problem, for a transient point load 310—321
Lamb, H. 289 294 300 303 310
Laplace transform, one-sided 268 296 303 311 330 333 347 374 381
Laplace transform, two-sided 267 296 303 365 374 381
Layer, forced harmonic motions 327—330
Layer, forced transient motions 330—344
Layer, free harmonic waves in, horizontally polarized 203—211
Layer, free harmonic waves in, plane strain 220—236
Leedham, C.D. 231
Lighthill, M.J. 212
Lindsay, R.B. 9
Line load, in an unbounded medium 107 108 156 295—303
Line load, on a half-space 289 303 359
Line load, on a layer 331—342
Linear momentum 15 51
Linearized theory, in one dimension 17
Linearized theory, of elasticity 46
Liouville's theorem 367
Longitudinal modes, of a circular cylindrical rod 242
Longitudinal modes, of a layer 226
Longitudinal waves, in a half-space 169 172—177 185
Longitudinal waves, in an unbounded medium 123 394 403
Longitudinal waves, velocity of 123
Longitudinal, strain 22 57
Longitudinal, stress 29 57
Longman, I.M. 275
Love waves 218
Love, A.E.H. 9 99 138
Lu, T, H. 388
mass density 14 21
Material derivative 13
Material description 11
McLachlan, N.W. 320
McNiven, H.D. 197 244 250
Mechanical impedance 24 28 187
Medick, M.A. 258
Meeker, T.R. 224 239 249
Meitzler, A.H. 224 236 239 249
Mellin transform 271
Mengi, Y. 197
Miklowitz, J. 9 138 318 326 343 345
Mindlin, R.D. 224 230 244 248 250 253 254 255 256 258
Mixed boundary conditions 82 173
Mixed boundary-value problems 357
MODE 32 206
Mode, antisymmetric 206 223 225 226
Mode, conversion 176
Mode, dilatational 225 226
Mode, equivoluminal 225 226
Mode, flexural 226 246
Mode, fundamental 33 341
Mode, Lame 259
Mode, longitudinal 226 242
Mode, of free vibration 32
Mode, symmetric 206 223 225 226
Mode, torsional 241
Momentum, linear 15 51
Momentum, moment of 52
Morse, P.M. 9 62
Motion 11
Mow, C.C 118 358
Musgrave, M.J.P. 410
Neidhardt, G.L. 309
Newlands, M. 283
Nigul, U. 342
Noble, B. 263
Nodal point 32
Nonlinear continuum mechanics 11
Nonlinear effects 412
Notation, for linearized theory 20
Notation, indicial 47
One-dimensional, nonlinear theory 11—20
One-dimensional, problems 57
Onoe, M. 244
overtones 33
P-wave see “Longitudinal waves”
Pao, Y.H. 118 358
Parkus, H. 397
Particle velocity 12 31
Pearson, C.E. 42 264 272
Pekeris, C.L. 310 316
Period 31
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