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Achenbach J.D. — Wave propagation in elastic solids |
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Phase 3 30
Phase, Airy 341
Phase, velocity 3 30
Phillips, H.B. 89
Plane strain 59
Plane stress 59
Plane wave 122
Plate theories 254—258
Pochhammer frequency equation 243
Point load, in an unbounded medium 96—100
Point load, on a half-space 310—321
Point load, on a layer 342—344 '
Polar symmetry 128
Potentials, displacement 65 85
Potentials, retarded 93
Potentials, scalar 66 85
Potentials, vector 66 85
Potter, D.S. 231
Power 17 24 34—36 60 209
Press, F. 9 186 220
Pressure wave see “Longitudinal waves”
Pridmore-Brown, D.C 254
Propagating discontinuity 139
Radial motions 135 152—154
Radiation 89 93
Ray 143
Ray-tracing 138
Rayleigh, equation 189 190 305 314
Rayleigh, function 190 371 383
Rayleigh, Lord (J.W.Strutt) 9 187 212
Rayleigh, surface waves 187—194
Rayleigh-Lamb, frequency equation 224 336
Rayleigh-Lamb, frequency spectrum 226—236
Reciprocal identity 82—85
Reddy, D.P. 409
Redwood, M. 242
Reflection 26 165
Reflection, of P-waves 172—177 185
Reflection, of SH-waves 170 171 182
Reflection, of SV-waves 177—181
Refraction 165
Refraction, of P-waves 185—187
Refraction, of SH-waves 182—185
Representation theorems 103 109
Residue theorem 41
Reynolds' transport theorem 14
Riemann convolution 82
Rod see “Cylindrical rod”
Rotary shear motions 135 144—148
Rotational wave see “Transverse waves”
Rubenfeld, L.A. 379
S-wave see “Transverse waves”
Sackman, J. 318
Saddle point method 273
Scabbing 27
Scalar potential 85 89 93 116—119
Schoch, A. 9
Scott, R.A. 411
Second sound 398
SH-waves 124 170 182 see
Shear wave see “Transverse waves”
Shock formation 416
Shook, C.A. 345
Sine transform 270 347
Sinusoidal waves see “Harmonic waves”
Skalak, R. 340 350
Slowness 190
Slowness diagrams 127 196
Slowness vector 126
Smirnov, V.I. 160
Sneddon, I.N. 301
Sokolnikoff 1.S. 46 80
Sommerfeld radiation condition 118
Sommerfeld, A. 216
Spalling 27
Spatial description 11
Spherical waves 91 128 144
Standing wave 32 171 203
Stanley, R.M. 251
Stationary phase approximation 274 337
Steady-state response 115 118 283 291 328
| Steepest descent approximation 278 288
Stegun, I.A. 241 277
Step function 41
Sternberg, E. 80 85 100 103
Stokes, G.G. 96
Stoneley waves 194
Strain, deviator 54
Strain, energy 24 55
Strain, tensor 50
Stress, deviator 54
Stress, equation of motion 55
Stress, intensity factor 379
Stress, tensor 50
Stress-strain relations 52
Sun, C.T. 148
Superposition 41 133 328
Surface of discontinuity 138
Surface waves 187 318
SV-waves 124 177
Synge, J.L. 410
Thau, S.A. 388
Thermoelasticity 391
Thomas, T.Y. 138
Thurston, R.N. 20
Tiersten, H. 254
Time-average 34
Time-rates of change 12
Timoshenko beam 252
Titchmarsh, E.G 265 367
Tollins, I.S. 396
Tolstoy, I. 9 221 278
Total energy 24
Total reflection 185
Transform methods see “Integral transforms”
Transmission 26
Transverse waves, in a half-space 169 170 177—181 182
Transverse waves, in an unbounded medium 123 394 404
Transverse waves, velocity of 123
traveling wave 30
Uniqueness theorem 80
Usdin, E. 221
Valanis, K.C 408
Van der Waerden, B.L. 274
Variational equation of motion 63
Vector, decomposition 88
Vector, operators 48
Vector, potential 85
Velocities of propagation, numerical values 124
Velocity of energy flux 35 209
Viktorov, I.A. 193
Viscoelasticity 399—402
Volterra, V. 110
Ward, G.N. 155
Watson's lemma 272
Wave resistance 24
Wavefront 138
Wavefront, dynamical conditions at 140
Wavefront, expansions behind 144
Wavefront, kinematical conditions at 141
Wavefront, velocity of 143
Wavelength 30
Wavenumber 30
Waves, cylindrical 94 135 144
Waves, diffraction of 372—388
Waves, general discussion 1—3
Waves, in anisotropic materials 409—411
Waves, in fluids 78
Waves, in viscoelastic solids 399—409
Waves, in waveguides 202—261 326—356
Waves, nonlinear 18—20 412—417
Waves, spherical 91 128 144
Waves, thermal effects on 391—399
Waves, with polar symmetry 128
Weber's interior formula 119
Wedge, shear waves in 157
Weiner, J.H. 392
Wheeler, L.T. 80 85 100 103 411
Wiener-Hopf technique 365—372
Wilcox, C.H. 118
Ziegler, F. 29
Ziv, M. 154
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