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Wilson A.J.C. — X-ray optics;: The diffraction of X-rays by finite and imperfect crystals |

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå 
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Íàçâàíèå: X-ray optics;: The diffraction of X-rays by finite and imperfect crystals
Àâòîð: Wilson A.J.C.
Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1962
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 147
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 06.09.2009
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
112 118
68—69 75 92—95 96 107—110 111
95 109 110
113—115 117
'Spike' of high intensity 32 83
Absences 57
Absorption coefficient 27
Acoustic frequencies 112 134
Age-hardening 125 126
Alexander 25 26
Angle of reflexion correction for aberrations 25—28
Angle of reflexion for cubic crystal 17
Angle of reflexion for hexagonal crystal 83
Angle of reflexion general expression 17
Angles of reciprocal unit cell 14
Angles of unit cell 1
Anisotropy of elastic constants 120 133
Anisotropy of thermal motion 132 139
Anti-phase domains 5 68—69 74—75 93—95 96
Apparent particle size 92 94
Apparent particle size definition of 4 23
Apparent particle size graphite 88—92
Apparent particle size mistakes 72 91—92 107
Apparent particle size small crystals 40—45 89
Apparent particle size table 44 92
Apparent particle size variance 24
Apparent strain 4 122
Asymptotic line profile 48—50 63 92
Averbach 120 121 125 127
Axes of crystal 1
Axes of reciprocal unit cell 14
Bagchi 110
Bent lamella 120 127
Bernal 19 25
Bertaut 54
Bessel functions 117 123
Blachman 125
Blackman 141
Boas 125
Born 130 141
Boumann 54
Boyko 25
Bradley 113 125
Bragg 1 55 69 74 93 95 116 125
Bragg angle 3 16 37
Bragg's law derivation of 2—3 6 12
Bragg's law relation to reciprocal lattice 11 12—14
brass 127
Breadth of reflexion see also “Half-width Half-breadth Line Variance” 35
Brindley 95 120 125
Buerger 17 25
Bunn 19 25 27
Cadmium iodide 57
Calvet 125
Cameras, x-ray 18—21
Carbon 86—92 95 96 133
Centre of gravity see “Centroid”
Centroid 22 23 26 27 72—73 123
Centrosymmetry about reciprocal-lattice points 35 118—119
Centrosymmetry of crystal structure 56
Characteristic temperature 137
Chrysotile 126
Clay minerals 95 96
Close packing 57 142
Cobalt 57—58 75 79—86 95
Coke see “Carbon”
Cold-worked metals 119—128
Complex conjugate 98
Complex quantities 97
Complex quantities use in calculation of scattering 102—132
Constantan 127
Counter diffractometer 21 26 27 120
Crystal cube 41—42 43—44 47 52 53
Crystal definition of 1
Crystal distorted 4 112—128
Crystal needle 32
Crystal octahedron 36 44 52 53
Crystal parallelepiped 31—32 52 105
Crystal plate 32
Crystal small 3—4 29—54 105
Crystal sphere 32—34 41 52 53
Crystal tetrahedron 44 52 53
Crystal-reflected radiation 24 83
Crystallite-size measurement 25 26
Crystallites as explanation of cold-work 119
Cube-shaped crystal 41—42 43—44 47 52 53
Cylindrical lattice 120 125 126 127
Daniel 113 116 117 125
de Wolff 54
Debye 141
Debye theory of heat capacity 133—135 137 141
Debye theory of thermal X-ray scattering 133—137 139 141
Debye — Scherrer lines see “Line profiles” 54
Deformation faults 75 95 96 127
Dehlinger 125
Delf 22
Diffraction by crystal 2 6—12 102—105
Diffraction by crystal with mistakes 5 55—96
Diffraction by dislocations 120 125 127
Diffraction by distorted crystal 4 112—128 138
Diffraction by elastic waves 135—141
Diffraction by line gratings 75
Diffraction by line of scattering centres 7—10 13 29 39 70
Diffraction by plane of scattering centres 10—11 31
Diffraction by random layers 86—92 96
Diffraction by screw dislocation 120 125 127
Diffraction by small crystal 3 29—54 105
Diffraction complex expressions for 102—107
Diffraction optical analogue 116 125
Diffuse scattering 18 95 110 131—141
Dislocations 120 125 127
dispersion 26
Distorted crystals 4 112—128
Divergence, effect on integral breadth 54
DOI 95
domains 5
Domains anti-phase 68—69 74 75 93—95 96
Duralumin 112 117—119
Eastabrook 25 110 120 121 124 125
Edmunds 109 110
Edwards 82 95
Elastic constants 120 122 129 132—133
Elastic distortion 119—124
Elastic waves 112 133—136
Electron microscopy 95
Energy of elastic vibrations 135
Energy of quantum oscillator 134
Ewald 26 32 36
Extinction 22 117 127
Faxen 141
Fluorite structure of 118
Fock 125
Fourier integral, Fourier transform analysis of diffraction 110 125
Fourier integral, Fourier transform correction of line profiles 24 27
Fourier integral, Fourier transform definition of 101
Fourier integral, Fourier transform of strain distribution 121
Fourier integral, Fourier transform of thermal amplitudes 132 138
Fourier integral, Fourier transform programs for 25 27
Frank 125
Franklin 95
Frequency spectrum 134—137
Geometrical aberrations 25—27
Gevers 95
Ghost 42 71 103
Gjonnes 125
graphite see “Carbon”
Growth faults see “Mistakes” 95
Guinier 110 117 125 126
Half-width 22 23 89 91 92
Hargreaves 113 126
| heat capacity 133—135 137 141
Hendricks 74 76 77 95 106
Higgs 25 27
Hinde 109 110
hkl direction defined 12
Hosemann 110
Indices of reflexion defined 12
Integral breadth cobalt 81 83—86
Integral breadth correction of 24—25 84—86
Integral breadth defined 23
Integral breadth distorted crystals 122
Integral breadth divergent X-rays 54
Integral breadth graphite 87 91
Integral breadth in reciprocal space 34
Integral breadth mistakes 70—72
Integral breadth small crystals 41
Integrated intensity 22 34 127 131
Intensity in reciprocal space distorted crystals 115—116 117—119
Intensity in reciprocal space mistakes 60—68 77—90 102—110
Intensity in reciprocal space small crystals 29—36 107
Intensity in reciprocal space thermal motion 135—141
Intensity total 22 34 127 131
Interlayer spacing, variable 58 105—107
Internal strain 4 112 119—128
International Tables for X-ray Crystallography 17 26 55 56 137
Isotropy 120 132 134 136 139
Jacquet 125
Jagodzinski 74—75 126
Jahn 141
James 1 18
Jefferson 95
Jones, F.W. 24 26 38 92 95 96 107
Jones, R.C. 75
Kakinoki 75
Kitajgorodskij 54
Klug 26
Kochendorfer 26 126
Kolpinsky 125
Komura 75
Kunze 126
Ladell 26 27
Lamp black see “Carbon”
Landau 75
Lang 26
Lattice distortion 112—128
Lattice-parameter measurement 25 27
Lattice-parameter variation 4 112—128
Lattice-parameter variation in 113—115
Lattice-parameter variation sinusoidal 113—115 126 135
Laue photograph 18
Laves 95—96
Layer lines 18—20
Layer structures 57—68 76—92 105—107 133
Lifschitz (Lifsic) 75 126
Line breadth estimates of 3—5 90
Line breadth measures of see also “Half-width Integral Variance” 23—25 28
Line gratings, diffraction by 75
Line profile 20—23
Line profile affected by photometry 84—86
Line profile asymmetry 21 91 118
Line profile asymptotic values 48—50 63 92
Line profile complex expression for 107
Line profile correction of 24—25 26 54
Line profile displacement of 25 72 106
Line profile distorted crystal 122 123—124
Line profile layer structure 63 77 81 90—92
Line profile position 21
Line profile relation to reciprocal space 20 37—38 70 90
Line profile screw dislocation 123
Line profile small crystals 37—54 123—124
Line profile strain 122 123—124
Lipson 82 86 95 96 109 110 116 117 120 125 126
Lonsdale 141
Lorentz factor 26 27
MacGillavry 74 109 110
Mauguin 36
Megaw 123 126
Mering 75 95
Miller indices 14
mistakes 5 55—96
Mistakes in 68—69 92—95 107—109
Mistakes in 95 109
Mistakes in cadmium iodide 57
Mistakes in cobalt 57—58 79 86
Mistakes in graphite 57 86—92 95
Mistakes in layer structures 57—68 86—92 95—96 105—107
Mistakes in silicates 57—58
Mistakes in three dimensions 92—95 102—105 107—110
Mistakes optical analogue 116
Montmorillonite 106
Murdock 38 54
Neethling 25 26
Nieuwenkamp 96
Normal coordinates 133
octahedron 36 44 52 53
Ogawa 95 96
Optical analogue 116
Optical frequencies 134
Order in alloys see also “Mistakes” 69 75 110
Order of reflexion 3 14 123
Oscillation photographs 18—20 37
Parallelepiped, diffraction by 31—32 45 52 105
Parallelepiped, unit cell 1
Parity 83 94 108
Parrish 26
Particle-size measurement see “Apparent particle size” 25 26
Pascoe 120 127
Paterson 25 26 75
Patterson 31 36 38 54
Peak, displacement of 25 68 91 106
Peiser 19 25 26
Photometry 21 84
Pike 26 27
Polarization factor 26
Powder patterns by counter diffractometer 21
Powder patterns by powder camera 20—21
Powder patterns of crystals with mistakes 67—68 70—75 77 83—86
Powder patterns of distorted crystals 119—124
Powder patterns of small crystals 37—54
Powder photographs 20—21 107
Preston 117 126
Quantum theory 134 141
Rachinger 128
Raman 141
Reciprocal lattice axes and angles 11 14
Reciprocal lattice construction of 6—12
Reciprocal lattice properties of 12—17
Reciprocal lattice relation to Bragg's law 12—14
Reciprocal space 108—110
Reciprocal space 115 117
Reciprocal space cobalt 81—82
Reciprocal space distorted crystals 115 119
Reciprocal space duralumin 118—119
Reciprocal space graphite 87—92
Reciprocal space layer structures 63—64 67—68 81—92 106—107 133
Reciprocal space mistakes 63—64 67—68 77—78 81—92 102—110
Reciprocal space small crystals 29—36 133
Reciprocal space thermal scattering 131—141
Relaxation method 25
Roberts 136
Rollett 25 27
Rooksby 26
Rotation photographs 18—20 37 77
Rozencvejg 126
Satellite lines, spots 113 115—119 138
Scattering factor, atomic 55
Scherrer 27
Scherrer constant, table of 44 52 53
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