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Gruener G. — Density waves in solids |
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24 59 67 68 132 204 207 240 3 59 67 204 215 240 2 179
25 27 28 29 81 84 135 178 180 181 196 2 80 82 83
24 58 59 60 62 63 67 195 204 207 217 237 240
81 85
2 29
177 178 179 181 215 240
18 19
69 70 195
Amplitude, excitations 107 108 115 116 124 125
Amplitude, fluctuations 88 127 166
Amplitude, mode 106 107 109 118 121 125 129 132
Amplitude, Soliton 147
Amplitudons 11
Amplitudons, Anderson — Higgs mechanism 118
Anisotropy energy 81
Antiferromagnet 72 85 107 126
Antiferromagnetic resonance 133
BCS, relation 12 43
BCS, theory 46 67 85
Broad band noise (see “noise” “broad
Broken symmetry ground states 11
Carlson — Goldman mode 120
Charge density wave 11 18 40 45 70 86 107
Charge density wave, amplitude of 194
Circle map 224
Classical particle model 184 192 224 233
Clean limit 170
Coherence, factors 50 51 53 78
Coherence, length 12 32 64 79 86 90 95 100 112 121 166
Cole — Cole expression 173 178
Collective mode 11 14 164 169 239
Collective mode, equation of motion of 185
Collective mode, impurity interaction 161 183 189
Collective mode, internal deformation of 181
Collective mode, pinning of 174
Collective mode, resonances 175
Commensurability effects 44 137
Commensurability energy 146
Commensurate 136 141
Commensurate, ground state 31
Commensurate, modulation 31 67 70 194
Commensurate, nearly commensurate 136 141
Condensate, condensation energy 43 107 112 137 138 147
Condensate, translational motion of 195 196
Conductivity, anisotropy 19
Conductivity, cordial 187
Conductivity, differential 187
Conductivity, Drude 19
Conductivity, nonlinear 182
Conductivity, optical 104 167 168 169—70 172 176 179
Continuity equation 165
Cooper channel 9
correlation length 13 97 98 101
Correlation length, phase-phase 13 97 98 101 140 182 192 231
Coupling, electron-electron 10 16 74
Coupling, electron-phonon 16 32 43 46 62 67 176
Coupling, exchange 126
Critical, exponent 69
Critical, fluctuations 1 1 1 104
Critical, region 101 104
Crossover, dimensional 97
Crossover, temperature 98
Current correlation 199 237
Current, density 187
Current, Fourier transformed 200
Current, frequency relation 204
Current, oscillation 188 191 206 208 209 235 236 241
Current, time average of 198
Current, voltage characteristics 191 192 196 200 228
Cutoff frequency 50
Damping (of the collective mode) 164 175
Debye, approximation 123
Debye, relaxation 173
density 12 46 47 77 111 116 119
Density fluctuation 9 13
Density of states, phonon 90
Density of states, single particle 2 41 90
Density wave (see “Density wave” “Nearly
Density wave, commensurate 138 141 146
Density wave, deformation 173
Density wave, displacement 173
Density wave, nearly commensurate 147
Density wave, polarization 173
Density wave, sliding 182
Density wave, transport 184
dielectric constant 118 167 171
Differential conductivity (see “Conductivity” “Differential”)
Differential resitivity (see “Resistivity” “Differential”)
Dirty limit 170
Discommensuration 137 146
dispersion relation 140 141
Dispersion relation, amplitude mode 110 125
Dispersion relation, phase mode 110 121
Dispersion relation, phonon 36 37 38 61
Dispersion relation, quasiparticle 40 76 138
Dispersion relation, single particle 44 78 2 2 29 30 81 85 2 29
Drude model 19
Drude, response 177
Easy axis 82
Elastic constants 55
Electric, current density 113
Electric, field gradient 68
Electromagnetic absorption 53 54
electron-hole pairs 6
Enhancement factor 73 126
Equipartition theorem 89
Exchange constant 82 108
Exchange, interchain 87 94 95
Excitation spectrum, collective mode 11
Excitation spectrum, single particle 10 171
Excitation, collective 13 81 107
Excitation, nonlinear 136 137
Fermi, energy 26 39
Fermi, liquid 72
Fermi, surface 5 9 72
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 90 96
Fluctuations 13 87 99
Fluctuations of the order parameter 110
Fluctuations, temporal 199
Fractal dimension 225
Free energy 49 109
Frenkel — Kontorova model 243
Frohlich — Hamiltonian 35 87 91
Fukuyama — Lee — Rice model 208 229
G-ology picture 10
Gap, energy 11 50 63 115 137
Gap, frequency 118 125
Gap, single particle 32 41 45 50 55 64 77 79 107 177 178 181
Gap, superconducting 11
Gauge symmetry 11
Gaussian, approximation 97
Gaussian, noise (see “Noise” “Gaussian”)
Ginzburg critical region 102
Ginzburg — Landau expansion 191
Ginzburg — Landau, free energy 78 110
Ginzburg — Landau, functional 96
Ginzburg — Landau, parameters 115 116
Ginzburg — Landau, theory 49 88 93 97 107 108 137 150
Ground state energy 77
Ground state energy, wave function 43
Harmonic mixing 196 199
Hebel — Slichter peak 55
Heisenberg, antiferromagnet 14
Heisenberg, Hamiltonian 133
Hubbard — Hamiltonian 71 87
Impurity 170 172
Impurity, pinning 154 193
| Impurity, potential 150 172
Incommensurate, density wave 9 15 44 66 69 141 170
Interaction, coulomb 71 79 85 86 93 118 121 126 127 128—29
Interaction, electron-electron 17 20 31 71
Interaction, electron-phonon 34 35 50
Interaction, interchain 92 147
Interchain interactions (see “Interaction” “Interchain”)
Interference, effects 218 232 239
Interference, experiments 200 236
Interference, peaks 223 232
Internal magnetic field 83 84
Joephson, junction 188 212 217 226 232 241
Joephson, tunneling 51
KCP 24 59 61 62 67 132
Kohn anomaly 31 32 61
Lagrange equation 109
Lagrangian density 109 166
Landau, theory 48 88
Landau, theory, free energy 48
Lattice, distortion 17 23 32 37 42 55 65 66 89
Lattice, modulation 66
Lattice, vibrations 33
Lindhard response function 2 7 74
Linear response theory 2
Local deformation (of the collective mode) 174
Long range order 14 65 86 87 92
Longitudinal mode 110
Magnetic, excitations 133
magnetization 73 135
Magnetization, staggered 91
Magnon, disperion relation 126
Magnon, excitation spectrum 134
Mass, band 16
Mass, effective 117 131
Mass, enhancement 128 168 2 2
Mean field, approximation 38 72 86 95
Mean field, solution 72 86
Mean field, theory 32 72
Mean field, transition temperature 98
Metal insulator tranition 72
Mode locking 205 213 221 229 230
moment 75 81
Moment, response 81
Moment, susceptibility 17 26 60 61 133
Muon spin rotation 84 85 135
Nearly commensurate 136
Nesting (of the Fermi surface) 4 5 84 94
Neutron scattering 55 56 91 101
Noise, broad band 211 212 237 240
Noise, Gaussian 210 1 211
Noise, narrow band 201 209
Nuclear, magnetic resonance 68 69 85
Nuclear, spin lattice relaxation rate 55
One-dimensional electron gas 16 18 35
Optical conductivity (see “Conductivity” “Optical”)
Order parameter 11 37 39 46 49 65 66 67 75 78 85 87 88 101 106 108
Organic linear chain compounds 25
Pauli susceptibility 20
Peierls — Frohlich — Kuper ground state 32
Peierls, channel 9
Peierls, channel, transition 32
Periodic, charge density 44
Periodic, lattice distortion 91
Phase, -phase correlation length 90 154 161
Phase, coherence 154
Phase, diagram 11
Phase, excitation 108 116 117 124 125 127 141
Phase, fluctuations of 90 109 166
Phase, locking 227
Phase, mode 106 109 115 118 127 165
Phase, oscillations of 179
Phase, slip 191
Phase, Soliton 147
Phase, synchronization 237
Phase, transition 37 45
Phase, velocity 128
Phason 11
Phason, velocity 115 129
Phonon, dispersion relation (see “Dispersion relation” “Phonons”)
Phonon, frequency 25 36 62 67
pinning 164
Pinning, energy 161 162
Pinning, frequency 172 180
Plasma frequency, collective mode 171
Plasma frequency, single particle 17 18 24 119
Pseudogap 91 103
Quasiparticle 46
Quasiparticle, annihilation of 53
Quasiparticle, creation of 53
Quasiparticle, scattering of 53
Raman scattering 129 131 132 3 3
Rectification 1 197
Reflectivity 26 28
Relaxation time 70
Resistivity, de 56 58 59 79 80
Resistivity, differential 222
Response function 1 5 7
Restoring force 163 164 172
Scaling 154
Scattering intensity 65
Semiconductor model 51
Shapiro steps 212 217 223
Sine — Gordon equation 141
Single particle, excitations 107
Single particle, gap 163
Soliton 142 143
Soliton, energy 149
Soliton, lattice 146 147
Specific heat 47 49 55 58 104 123 124 161 162
Spectral weight 170 176 181
Spin density 74
Spin density wave 11 71 81
Spin density wave, fluctuations 15
Spin density wave, ground state 16 25 29 78 107
Spin density wave, modulation 75 80
Spin density wave, state 81
Spin excitations 107 126 133
Spin flip, processes 54
Spin flip, transitions 82
Spin orbit interaction 127
Spin subbands 72
Spin wave 127
Structure factor 100 101
Sum rule 168
susceptibility 73 90 100
Tetrachalcogenides 21
Thermal, expansion 55 104
Thermal, fluctuations 132
Thomas — Fermi approximation 3
Thomas — Fermi wavevector 119
Threshold field 185 189 218 2 6
Transition metal, bronzes 22
Transition metal, chalcogenides 20
Transition temperatures 64 69 86
Translational symmetry 11
Transverse mode 110
Tunneling 50 63 94
Tunneling, conductance 51
Tunneling, current 51
Tunneling, microscope 55
Tunneling, Zener 197
Two fluid model 197
Ultrasonic attenuation 52 53 54 79
Weak coupling, limit 48 126
Weak coupling, theory 32
X-ray scattering 55 66 91
XY model 105
Zener tunneling (see “Tunneling” “Zener”)
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