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Charles S.Barrett — Structure of Metals
Charles S.Barrett — Structure of Metals

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Íàçâàíèå: Structure of Metals

Àâòîð: Charles S.Barrett

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2007

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 580

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 05.08.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$F^{2}$ series      544—551
A.S.T.M. card index of x-ray data      138
Aborn      267
Absolute reflecting power      83
Absorption coefficients      520
Absorption factor      537
Adamantine compounds      210
Age hardening      340 461—474
Aluminum, rolled, preferred orientations in      395—401 425
Amorphous metal      1
Amorphous metal, electron diffraction studies of      503—505
Amorphous solids      229
Andersen      188 191
Andrade      290—294
Angles, formulas for      511—515
Angles, formulas for, table for cubic crystals      35
Anisotropy, in crystals      453—460
Anisotropy, in crystals, in polycrystalline metals      371 443—453
Annealing, sharpening of lines during      86 375—377
Ansel      290 324
Antimony structure      200
Antimony, explosive      229 440
Archer      461
Arsenic, amorphous      229 440 501
Astbury      146
Asterism      82 350—362
Asterism, in age hardening alloys      470—474
Atomic percentage, formula for      205
Atomic scattering factor      77
Atomic weights      555
Atoms, determining positions of      150
Atoms, determining positions of, radii of      150 216—218
Austenite      203 476
AX and AX      2
AX and AX, compounds      209—218
Axes, choice of      145
Axes, choice of, principal, secondary, tertiary      24
Axes, choice of, systems of      3
Axes, choice of, table of      4
Bain      230 476 478
Bainite      479
Bainite, habit planes      485
Bainite, orientations      484
Bakarian      162 411 414
Baldwin      427—429 446 450
Bardeen      253
Barkhausen effect      263
Bauschinger effect      329
Beck      449
Becker      239 473
Becker — Orowan theory      333
Bend test, effect of orientations on      412—415
Berg      361
Bernal      98 107 109
Beta phases      211 232 265
Bethe      238—240
Binary diagrams, determination of      178—185
Birge      556
Bitter      264 432 433 451
Bjurstrom ruler      129 151
Blake      536 537
Boas      373 429 437 458 459
Boas and Schmid’s theory      387
Body-centered -lattices, absent reflections from      77 127 146
Body-centered -lattices, absent reflections from, rotating crystal patterns of      101
Body-centered cubic structure      197
Bohr theory of atom      49
Boron nitride structure      209
Bozorth      34 125 221 403 432 451 453
Bradley      117 119 133—135 187—195 234 538
Bragg      44 142 350 356 542—549
Bragg spectrometer      83
Bragg — Williams theory      236 241 248
Bragg’s law      70 75—77 134
Bragg’s law, in reciprocal space      105
Brass, line widths from      374—377
Brass, line widths from, phases in      180 211—215
Brass, line widths from, preferred orientations in      395—402 424—429
Brass, line widths from, rolled, directional properties in      443—446
Bravais lattices      2
Brick      293 397 402 416 425 430
Bridgman      1 173 370
Brill      373
Brillouin zones      257
Brindley      367—374 527 533
Buerger      98 114 135 145 221 536 538
Burgers      334 359 422 448 475
Burghoff      445
Calcium fluorite structure      210
Calibration of films, densities      65
Calibration of films, densities for $\theta$      84 121 132—137
Cameras, back-reflection Laue      167—172
Cameras, back-reflection Laue for grain distortion      361 362
Cameras, back-reflection Laue for preferred orientations      87 163
Cameras, back-reflection Laue for stress measurement      270 274 279
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, back-reflection powder      81 85 122 124 135 280
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, Buerger      111 113
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, Da vey — Wilson      165—167
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, de Jong — Bouman      114
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, focusing      84 121
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, high temperature      98 119
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, Laue      80 88 89 172
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, low temperature      98 120
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, pinhole      87 88
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, powder      84 89 97 115—125
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, precision      145
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, rotating crystal      82 89 97
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, Sauter      114
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, universal      89 97 4
Cameras, back-reflection Laue, Weissenberg      111
Can field      344
carbon black      358
Castings, textures in      435—437
Cementite      476
Cesium chloride structure      209 232
Chalmers      311 314 325 345 347
Characteristic x-rays      47
Charts, Davey — Wilson      164 166
Charts, Davey — Wilson, Greninger, back reflection      170
Charts, Davey — Wilson, Hull — Davey      128—130
Charts, Davey — Wilson, stereographic      29
Charts, Davey — Wilson, Wever, pole figure      160 161
Chemical affinity effect      206
Chemical analysis by x-ray diffraction      86 139
Chemical analysis by x-ray emission      44 49
Claasen      537
Clark      56 142 410
Classes, symmetry      13—18
Cleavage      317—324
Cleavage planes, analysis of, stereo-graphic      37
Cochrane      496 500 505
Cohen      135—138
Cohen’s analytical extrapolation      136
Cohesion, in metals      251 254
Cold work, asterism from      350—363
Cold work, asterism from from fatigue stressing      377—380
Cold work, asterism from vs. line intensities      372—375
Cold work, asterism from vs. line widths      363—372
Cold work, asterism from, effect of, on physical properties      460
Cold work, asterism from, residual energy from      339 364
Cold work, asterism from, revealed by x-rays      86
Cold work, asterism from, theory of resistance from      261
Colloidal state      229
Colloids, diffraction lines from      142
Compressibility      253
Compression, deformation textures from      385—387
Compression, deformation textures from, recrystallization textures after      422 424
Compression, deformation textures from, theories of textures      387—395
Compton      52 527 542
Compton effect      58
Conductors, theories of      254—261
Constitution diagrams, determination of      86 178—195
Continuous spectrum      46 93
Conversion factors      556
Coolidge tubes      59 61
Coordinates, of atoms      3
Coordinates, of atoms of equivalent points      18 24
Coordinates, of atoms of lattice points      4
Coordinates, of atoms of reciprocal lattice points      103 106
Copper, line widths from      369 371 377
Covalent binding      196
Cox      540
creep      344—348
Cristobalite structure      209
Cross rolling, recrystalliation textures after      433
Crossed-grating diffraction, in age-hardening alloys      470
Crossed-grating diffraction, in crystals      356 358
Crossed-grating diffraction, in electrons      500
Crossed-grating diffraction, Laue equations, for      73
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds      210
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds of amorphous solids      229
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds of elements      196—201
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds of Hume — Rothery phases      211—216 265
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds of interstitial compounds      216
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds of liquids      224—229
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds of normal valency compounds      208—211
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds of solid solutions      201—208 266
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds, imperfections      219—223 (see also “Imperfection in crystals”)
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds, of intermediate phases      208—219 265
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds, reference books on      196
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds, superlattices      230—240
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds, table      552
Crystal structure, of adamantine compounds, use of term      3
Crystal systems, table of      4
Crystal, definition of      1
Crystal-structure determination, Fourier series methods      144 542—551
Crystal-structure determination, Fourier series methods by Laue method      93
Crystal-structure determination, Fourier series methods by powder method      125
Crystal-structure determination, Fourier series methods, fundamental methods      76—85 114
Crystal-structure determination, Fourier series methods, outline of steps      144—153
Crystal-structure determination, Fourier series methods, x-ray, limitations of      114 144—148
Crystallographic formulas      511—515
Cube texture      425—430 446
Cubic system, angles between planes      34 35 511
Cubic system, angles between planes, diffraction lines from      126 522
Cylindrical coordinates      106
Dahl      425 428 444 451
Darwin      220
Davenport      480 484
Davey      118 127 133 165 221 403 405
Debye      533
Debye equation, for liquids      225
Debye — Scherrer — Hull method      83 115 143
decrement      341
Deep drawing, textures from      417
Deformation bands      305 360 391—395
Deformation bands, asterism from      360
Dehlinger      366 370
Dehlinger, de Jong      114
Densities, of crystals, calculated      138
Densities, of crystals, calculated, in Laue patterns      93
Densities, of crystals, calculated, photographic      65
Derge      482
Diamond cubic structure, absent reflec-tions from      127
Diamond structure      199 210
Diffraction, discovery of      44
Diffraction, discovery of of electrons      493—510
Diffraction, discovery of of x-rays by crystals      69—87
Diffraction, discovery of, from lattices and space groups      146—148
Directional properties      443—460
Disappearing phase method      181 187
Dislocation theory      334—348
Dislocations, diffraction from      366
Dislocations, diffraction from, resistance arising from      261
Dixit      440
Domains, in ferromagnetic metals      263
Domains, in ferromagnetic metals, in superlattices      239
Domes      19
Donnay      146 511
Drude — Lorentz theory      254
Easthope      238 240
Eccentricity errors      134—137
Edmunds      414 436 447 449
Elam      294 304—307
Elastic aftereffect      329
Elastic constants      268 278 453—458
Elastic constants of superlattices      247
Electrodeposits, line broadening from      229 368 501
Electrodeposits, line broadening from, textures in      437—439
Electron compounds      211—216
Electron density, in crystals      542—551
Electron diffraction      493—509
Electron diffraction, apparatus      494
Electron diffraction, extra rings      498
Electron diffraction, identification of phases      497
Electron diffraction, particle-size determination by      501
Electron diffraction, reciprocal lattice relations      106
Electron microscope      142 223
Electron theory, of metals      251—266
Electron waves      254
Electronegative valency effect      206
Electrons, atomic energy states of      49—52
Electrons, atomic energy states of, in x-ray tube      46
Elements, structures of      552—554
Elements, structures of, symmetry      13 19 21
Elmore      264
Enantiomorphic crystals      16
Endurance limit vs. x-ray patterns      377—380
energy levels      49—52 255—266
Epsilon phases      212—214 265
Equi-inclination photograph      113
Equivalent points      18 19 24
Errors in powder cameras      132—137
Etch pits      174 223
Etch pits, orientations by      173—177
Eutectoid reactions      475—492
Evaporated films      439—442
Evaporation, metal deposited by      229 439
Ewald      552
Exposure, measures of      65
Extinction      369 374 540
Extrapolation of errors      135
f, atomic scattering factors      77 372 526
f, atomic scattering factors, table of      529
F, structure factor      79 528—532
Face-centered cubic structure      197
Face-centered lattices, absent reflections from      127 146
Face-centered lattices, absent reflections from, rotating crystal patterns of      101
Faces, growth      144
Fankuchen      540
Farnam      422
Fatigue, A.S.T.M. committee reports      378
Fatigue, A.S.T.M. committee reports, deformation of gratis by      369 377—380
Fatigue, A.S.T.M. committee reports, effect of, on residual stresses      282
Ferrite      203 476
ferromagnetism      241 248
Ferromagnetism, theory      261—264
Fiber textures      154—158 381—395
Films, calibration of      84 132—137
Films, calibration of, calibration of densities      65
Films, calibration of, characteristic curve of      65
Films, calibration of, efficiency of      65—68
Films, calibration of, methods of reading      280
Films, calibration of, shrinkage of      132—135 271
Filters, x-ray      56 125
Finch      496—509
Fink      461—468 478
Fisher protractor      33
Fluorescent x-rays      52 85
Fluorite structure      209
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